

在 taught發音產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅紀老師程式教學網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [Udemy 限免課程] 來唷!現省 NT$6680!超適合入門者! 本日限時免費:JavaScript、Python [網頁程式設計:JavaScript] (4.9 星)Code Bootcamp : Learn to code by building 20 real projects (程式...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Henry & Donny,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ENGLISH & CHINESE SUBTITLES AVAILABLE Hello everyone, its Donny & Henry❣️ We hoped you guys liked the video, if you could help us by sharing it and...

taught發音 在 AGT Celine Vocal Coach Steve Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 12:37:29

夏日英語音樂兒童班 International Music Summer Class 在Sing and You學唱歌有什麼特別? What’s so special about vocal coaching in Sing and You? https://www.singandyou.com...

taught發音 在 HxxA Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 18:49:41

🚜 來到這裡每一個接待我們的當地人都有一個像是 Simon、David⋯這類好念好記的英文名字,第二天閒聊之餘我問了幾位的真實名字,是一連串的喉音與打舌發音,即便念不好但我試著跟著他們念了幾次,告訴他們—他們的名字很美。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 走進新的文化總會先詢問用他們的語言「謝謝」怎麼說,至少在...

  • taught發音 在 紀老師程式教學網 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-02 11:05:12
    有 32 人按讚

    [Udemy 限免課程] 來唷!現省 NT$6680!超適合入門者!

    (4.9 星)Code Bootcamp : Learn to code by building 20 real projects
    (程式訓練營:用 20 個真實案例來學程式):10 小時、原價 NT$2990
    2021/04/02 20:00 停止免費
    100% 免費折價券代碼(Coupon Code): D61CBA34C56F167D414B

    (4.5 星)The Self-Taught Programmer
    (自學程式設計):6 小時、原價 NT$3690
    2021/04/03 07:00 停止免費
    100% 免費折價券代碼(Coupon Code): 2E01B70E9931A470DFC0





    * 不知道什麼是 Udemy 線上教學平台的朋友:
    「Udemy 線上學習平台簡介」

    * 英文聽力苦手的朋友:
    Udemy 課程大多是英文發音,可以用下面這個小訣竅翻譯字幕:
    1. 打開 Chrome 瀏覽器,進入 Udemy 課程內容頁面,並開啟「字幕聽打」功能。此時所有字幕會全部出現在右側欄(如此圖: https://bit.ly/3lBKiuA )。
    2. 右鍵點擊字幕的任何一處,選擇「翻譯成中文」(如此圖: https://bit.ly/3lBKiuA)。
    3. 此時您會看到字幕已經全數翻譯成中文了(如此圖: https://bit.ly/3c6ptUY )。

    * 如何解決結帳時突然變成要收費的情況:
    1. 請先登入 Udemy,再點擊上方連結,免得自動代入優惠券的機制,在你執行登入之後消失。
    2. 萬一您結帳時出現要錢的狀況,請直接輸入上方各課程的「折價券代碼(Coupon Code)」,應該就會變成免費的了。
    3. 手腳盡量快!曾發生過限時免費時間沒有到,作者手動強制關閉註冊功能的事情。


    PS: 本文歡迎轉發、按讚、留言鼓勵我一下!您的隻字片語,都是讓我繼續提供好物的動力喔!

    ● YOTTA Python 課程購買: https://bit.ly/2k0zwCy
    ● YOTTA 機器學習 課程購買: https://bit.ly/30ydLvb
    ● Facebook 粉絲頁: https://goo.gl/N1z9JB
    ● YouTube 頻道: https://goo.gl/pQsdCt


  • taught發音 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-03 12:15:12
    有 26 人按讚

    capability 能力、才能、水準 (n.)​
    E.g. All of the children will be taught together in one class, regardless of their capabilities.​

    ability / capability / capacity / competence / competency / know-how能力、才能 (n.)​
    E.g. Alice’s competence as an actress is unquestionable.​

    aptitude / gift / genius / talent 天賦、天份、天才(n.)​
    E.g. Andrew has a large amount of talent, but he has not really fulfilled his potential.​

    arduous / difficult / demanding / tough / laborious / onerous ​ 費力的、費勁的 (a.)​
    E.g. Doctor work is physically demanding and stressful.​

    ✨同場加映 ✨​
    be absorbed/engaged/immersed/occupied in sth. 專注投入、全神貫注於某事 (v.)​
    E.g. Anna was totally absorbed in this novel.​

    ✍️ 大考英文作文各大題型說明
    ✍️ 提升大考詞彙量
    ✍️ 近三年學測指考範文賞析

    【 十小時快速搞定學測指考英文作文高分攻略 】

    方案1 👉 單人購買 2490 / 人
    方案2👉 三人團購 1990 / 人




  • taught發音 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-15 20:55:01
    有 255 人按讚

    聰明有很多種聰明,來看看兩個有趣的單字:book-smart / street-smart
    People who are book-smart tend to get better grades at school.
    I lost my parents when I was 12. Ever since then I had to go to work to make a living. But this also taught me lots of street smarts, and now I own a gaming company.

    Are you book-smart or street-smart?
    Which “smart” do you think is more important to be able to survive this world?

    若要聽真人發音可以到我的IG 👉 csenglishcorner
    也可以追蹤 👉 #cat英文字卡

    #smart #英文單字 #cat英文字卡 #englishlearning #csenglishcorner #catherine #背單字 #英文字卡

  • taught發音 在 Henry & Donny Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-04-18 20:30:14


    Hello everyone, its Donny & Henry❣️

    We hoped you guys liked the video, if you could help us by sharing it and give us a like!👍🏻

    You also could comment bellow, we will reply as much as we can ❤️
    Love you all 💙

    Henry IG https://www.instagram.com/henryamouriq/
    Donny IG https://www.instagram.com/donny.lin/
    My FB https://www.facebook.com/HenryAmouric/

    Special thanks to Sacha for these great pictures and the backsatage clip!

    & also Mouggan for these lovely shirts ❤️
    Our shirt https://www.mouggan.com/search?Keyword=%E6%A2%9D%E7%B4%8B%E6%8C%BA%E7%89%88%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E8%A5%AF%E8%A1%AB
    Sacha Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kolotova___/

    Henry IG https://www.instagram.com/henryamouriq/
    Donny IG https://www.instagram.com/donny.lin/




    亨利·IG https://www.instagram.com/henryamouriq/
    Donny IG https://www.instagram.com/donny.lin/
    我的FB https://www.facebook.com/HenryAmouric/

    我們穿的襯衣 https://www.mouggan.com/search?Keyword=%E6%A2%9D%E7%B4%8B%E6%8C%BA%E7%89%88%E8%B3%AA%E6%84%9F%E8%A5%AF%E8%A1%AB

    Music by Eric Reprid - June Blues - https://thmatc.co/?l=8D698AA
    Music by Ashton Edminster - Music Box - https://thmatc.co/?l=AC491037
    Music by G Voz - Sunlight - https://thmatc.co/?l=5293F274
    Music by Cassette Tapes - This Year (Instrumental) - https://thmatc.co/?l=50781ADB

    相機 : Canon EOS M50

  • taught發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-05 08:00:00

    同學期待的政治英文影片第一集總算出爐了! 在此先聲明,我跟Howard老師純粹是分析英文,兩位總統都是神人級的第二語言使用者! 此影片的目的不在於比較兩者的英文能力,而是提供學習者英文口語的實際操作和可以注意的小細節。 以下是影片中提到的一些資訊,請看完再發表評論:


    影片: https://youtu.be/lRACKQkgFqc?t=32
    Former President of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou, in conversation with Jerome A. Cohen, discusses student exchanges between Germany and France.

    ●發音大致上標準 (Prussia 普魯士, herald, tribune, presidency)
    ●good use of stress (enhancements)

    用的評分系統: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/sp...

    ●wide range and skillful use of vocabulary: are aware of, feel uneasy, visionary leaders, engage in a massive student exchange, worked miracles, became cornerstones
    ●mistakes: skip school, quit school, tense--become cornerstone
    ●short, concise sentences suited for clear public speaking
    ●lexically dense sentences



    影片: https://youtu.be/5ygpAnK02uk?t=55
    President Tsai Ing-wen in Harvard giving advice to students on policy challenges, choices, and leadership in the next decade

    ●英式發音* (taught, good), 非常清楚


    用的評分系統: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/sp...

    ●用詞豐富: rebellious, challenge your teachers and contemporaries, make yourself suited for changes, sharing values, expediting
    ●流暢度, 有些停頓, 但是思考內容的停頓絕對是自然的!
    ●文法沒有任何的錯誤 (a rebellious one, meaning...分詞構句, everything that is taught 形容詞子句, what is true today...名詞子句)



    媒體報導: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1G4

    在此提供我的「心智圖詞彙攻略」課程: https://bit.ly/2teELDq

    也獻上Howard老師會走路的翻譯機,《會走路的翻譯機,神級英文學習攻略本》 http://bit.ly/2DfGrhH

    最後要感謝炙瞳夢 RED FILM幾位大導演的友情協助,幫我們拍出一級棒的影片!


    NOTE: Thank you for the comments, everyone, both the positive and negative ones. We'll continue to do our best to produce entertaining yet educational videos.

    There is a lot of information that we could not fit in a 10 min video, and some parts could be more clearly presented. For example, pauses are entirely natural when one searches for content. This point was stated in the video but went unnoticed by many commenters. Some have also expressed concerns about the clips selected. We selected them based on the following criteria: be related to education, have "spontaneous" interaction, and be in the public domain. Not many clips on the net meet these criteria, and the two above were the only ones we had access to. Last, some comments (from both sides) have accused us of bias. We tried to be as impartial as possible, and if you require more information on our thoughts, please refer to our notes in the video description. As previously stated, both candidates are advanced second language users, and it is not our aim to compare or criticize them. Again, thank you all for your feedback. We will strive to do better in the future.

  • taught發音 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-14 19:54:11

    我這個外國人沒想過住台灣我也可以做一件事。。。 學英文!
    來看看你平常講英文會不會用到這些讓外國人對你”哈???“ 的英文單字!

    有經常在用嗎? 留言跟我說~
    可以想到別的嗎? 留言跟我說~
    覺得我講的不太對? 可以走開。。。 開玩笑啦! 留言跟我說~

    很歡迎任何一種反應! 謝謝!!!

    ***English closed captions on video to come***

    I never thought that coming to Taiwan I could do one thing... LEARN ENGLISH!

    Even though I've taught English for over 10 years, and spoken it for even longer, I only learned these 5 English vocabulary words after moving to Taiwan.

    Some of them I didn't know because they're not used in American English. Some of them I didn't know because we use them VERY rarely in the United States. Some of them may just be used in Taiwan.

    Come see if you use these English words that may make a foreigner look at you and go, "Huh???"

    Do you use these words often? Comment and tell me!
    Do you know any other words like these? Comment and tell me!
    Do you think I said something that's not quite correct? Go away... JUST KIDDING! Comment and tell me!

    All feedback and opinions are welcome~ Thanks!!!





    可以用Patreon來捐錢讓我比較好繼續做下去為大家做出這些地方的內容~ 收到的每一毛錢都跟大家說非常感謝~

    You can donate to help me keep creating content on all of these pages. Any donations are greatly appreciated!!!

    👉Subscribe to my YouTube channel 😊

    #布萊恩 #英文 #錯誤

