

在 they're發音產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大家晚安,今天分享的影片是【生活英文實用句#15】,美國老師撰寫錄音,道地的生活美語。 1. 這台除濕機保固三年。三年內壞了,免費維修。 The dehumidifier has a three-year warranty. If it breaks within three years, it'...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Brian2Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我這個外國人沒想過住台灣我也可以做一件事。。。 學英文! 雖然教英文超過十年,講英文更久,來到台灣我才學到這五個英文單字 有的是因為不是美國的用詞有的是因為用這些詞的頻率很低,有的可能只有台灣在用。 來看看你平常講英文會不會用到這些讓外國人對你”哈???“ 的英文單字! 有經常在用嗎? 留言跟...

  • they're發音 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-04 20:07:50
    有 23 人按讚


    1. 這台除濕機保固三年。三年內壞了,免費維修。
    The dehumidifier has a three-year warranty. If it breaks within three years, it's free to fix it.

    2. 為什麼你要這麼負面?事情沒有這麼糟糕。
    Why are you so negative? Things aren't that bad!

    3. 不要使用太多的塑膠袋。它們汙染我的星球。你應該使用可重複使用的購物袋。
    Don't use too many plastic bags. They're polluting our planet. You should have reusable shopping bags instead.





  • they're發音 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-23 20:19:43
    有 41 人按讚


    01. 我打不開這個罐子。它太緊了。你可以幫我嗎?
    I can't open this jar! The lid is being stubborn. Can you help me?

    02. 請把你欠我的錢還給我。已經很久了。
    Give me back the money you owe me. It's been too long!

    03. 當你看到救護車時,你需要讓路。他們在做救命的工作。
    If you see an ambulance, you need to get out of its way. They're doing life-saving work.





  • they're發音 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-11 14:15:04
    有 398 人按讚

    【從哥大教授們寄來的 emails 裡,我發現了ㄧ生受用的字彙、文法學習觀念】

    一直到現在,在禮拜一的時候,還是會常收到從哥大的教授們寄過來,有關研討會、論文徵稿、工作等等的資訊。趁昨天下午有一點閒暇時間,把以前到現在的 emails 整理了一下,也做了一點語料分析。

    ✔︎ 下面是一點點的數據,大家有沒有發現什麼呢?

    【2018 年】
    • Apr 8
    ...may find this recently-published article interesting.

    • Oct 29
    Interested individuals should contact XYZ directly.

    【2019 年】
    • Mar 4
    This article should interest you.

    • May 6
    The attached article may be of interest to those of you...

    • Nov 25
    If interested, please contact....

    • Dec 9
    MA students having an interest in TBLT should check this out.

    這 6 句話來自於不封不同時期的 email,由兩位紐約哥倫比亞大學教授所發出。在最自然的狀況、語料之下,你可以看到「各式各樣」和 "interest" 相關的用法、句型、跟語塊。

    然而我們看看傳統的教材、和正規英語教育下,老師教我們怎麼學習 interest 的呢?

    『interested 過去分詞。。。interesting 現在分詞。。。台灣的某個角落,有一間教室中迴盪著對於英文文法死記、背誦的聲音。』


    現已退休的第二語言習得大師 Bill VanPatten 教授曾經說過,學習「字彙」時不可以忽略字彙和文法的相關性。"They go hand in hand. They're inextricably linked! (字彙跟文法是息息相關的)" 他常常振振有詞地在 conference 上說。

    ➠ 的確,學習 accuse (控告),怎麼能不學 accuse sb of sth 呢?
    ➠ 的確,學習 suggest,不學文法規範,注定用出 suggest sb to V. 的錯誤台式英文
    ➠ 的確,學習 succeed (成功),不學文法規範,就會把 succeed in 錯用成 succeed to

    ✔︎ 字彙的多樣性、字詞搭配、文法搭配,在學習字彙的時候,缺一不可。

    2/14 (五) 我在新竹創勝文教分部有一場「改變一生英文文法、搭配詞公開課」。


    ✔︎ 英文口說想講好?英文寫作想寫好?你可能都要從文法、搭配詞開始打底。

    公開課一秒報名: https://www.accupass.com/event/2001301122236271790850

    Venue: 新竹市光復路2段295號20樓之2 (帝國經貿大樓,馬偕醫院對面)

    Time: 2/14 (五) 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (7:00 pm 開放入場)

    ✔︎ 新竹以外欲觀賞公開課的同學,請直接在下方留言,清楚說明要線上試聽改變一生文法、搭配詞公開課,謝謝!(我的文法搭配詞公開課,適合多益500分以上的同學。多益500分以下的同學,請索取Elsie yang 老師的聽力發音公開課或Elsie Ma 老師的聽說讀寫先修公開課, thank you!

  • they're發音 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-05-14 19:54:11

    我這個外國人沒想過住台灣我也可以做一件事。。。 學英文!
    來看看你平常講英文會不會用到這些讓外國人對你”哈???“ 的英文單字!

    有經常在用嗎? 留言跟我說~
    可以想到別的嗎? 留言跟我說~
    覺得我講的不太對? 可以走開。。。 開玩笑啦! 留言跟我說~

    很歡迎任何一種反應! 謝謝!!!

    ***English closed captions on video to come***

    I never thought that coming to Taiwan I could do one thing... LEARN ENGLISH!

    Even though I've taught English for over 10 years, and spoken it for even longer, I only learned these 5 English vocabulary words after moving to Taiwan.

    Some of them I didn't know because they're not used in American English. Some of them I didn't know because we use them VERY rarely in the United States. Some of them may just be used in Taiwan.

    Come see if you use these English words that may make a foreigner look at you and go, "Huh???"

    Do you use these words often? Comment and tell me!
    Do you know any other words like these? Comment and tell me!
    Do you think I said something that's not quite correct? Go away... JUST KIDDING! Comment and tell me!

    All feedback and opinions are welcome~ Thanks!!!





    可以用Patreon來捐錢讓我比較好繼續做下去為大家做出這些地方的內容~ 收到的每一毛錢都跟大家說非常感謝~

    You can donate to help me keep creating content on all of these pages. Any donations are greatly appreciated!!!

    👉Subscribe to my YouTube channel 😊

    #布萊恩 #英文 #錯誤

  • they're發音 在 MingSir English Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-03 10:13:47

    Of course we should punish vice. No doubt about it. But mere punishment does not help tackle the real problem. And the real problem is some students struggle to keep pace with others. They're falling behind. They NEED extra help. But what's supposed to be their saviour—their teachers—don't bother to help! They turn a blind eye.

    We can't pretend this problem doesn't exist. It does exist. There is so much more teachers could do to help those who struggle with learning. I know some teachers from other schools upload videos on YouTube regularly for their students so that they can learn at their own pace. They realise that effective teaching transcends time and place. Perhaps our teachers could do something similar?

    vice (n) 不道德行為 e.g. We should reward virtue and punish vice.

    transcend (v) 超越 e.g. The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.


    Ming Sir WhatsApp: 5118 4620


    另外,新增Paper 2/Paper 3專業改卷服務?

  • they're發音 在 MingSir English Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-05-02 13:14:45

    As far back in time as we can imagine, people throughout the world have sought help from fortune-tellers. Crystal ball reading, fortune sticks predictions, astrology, palm reading, tarot cards, Bazi and many more have had strong appeal. Why do people like going to fortune-tellers? That's the first question we'd like to address. I believe no one would need fortune telling when choosing between meal A and meal B in a restaurant. That'd be really silly, wouldn't it? But when it comes to choosing a husband, finding a job, buying a stock, some people go to fortune-tellers. Because they're afraid of making wrong choices which can cause serious trouble: a failed marriage(a divorce), a fruitless job search, a bad investment. I believe fear and uncertainty about the future is the main reason why people seek supernatural help.


    Ming Sir WhatsApp: 5118 4620


    另外,新增Paper 2/Paper 3專業改卷服務?

