

在 they're中文產品中有60篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅每天為你讀一首詩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人要走過多少路程 Before you call him a man? 才能讓你承認他是個男人? How many seas must a white do...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen. 有中文字幕。請按下畫面上的字幕按鈕選擇。 한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요. ◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新し...

they're中文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 17:09:22

Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人要走過多少路程 Before you call him a man? 才能讓你承認他是個男人? How many seas must a white do...

they're中文 在 Barrel Leaf 桶子葉 by Nora Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-03 18:48:09

If you find that I haven't shared new granola recipes for over a month, the reason is ... I'm addicted to this 🍫Chocolate Granola. 🍫⁠ ⁠ I fell in love...

  • they're中文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-16 21:55:17
    有 138 人按讚

    Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan
    How many roads must a man walk down
    Before you call him a man?
    How many seas must a white dove sail
    Before she sleeps in the sand?
    Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly
    Before they're forever banned?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist
    Before it is washed to the sea?
    And how many years can some people exist
    Before they're allowed to be free?
    Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
    And pretend that he just doesn't see?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Yes, and how many times must a man look up
    Before he can see the sky?
    And how many ears must one man have
    Before he can hear people cry?
    Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
    That too many people have died?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Bob Dylan,本名Robert Allen Zimmerman,1941年生於美國明尼蘇達。創作歌手、作家、2016年諾貝爾文學獎得主。
    狄倫迄今出版逾三十張錄音室專輯,並著有小說《狼蛛》(Tarantula)、自傳《搖滾記》(Chronicles: Vol.1,中文版由大塊文化出版)。他也是業餘畫家,曾出版畫冊多種,並有鑄鐵裝置等藝術創作。
    這首〈Blowing in the wind〉想來大家都不陌生,作為Bob Dylan最被人記得的歌之一,從1963年發行以來,深深地影響了全世界整整一世代的人。臺灣自然也不例外,楊弦的〈江湖上〉便是向此歌致敬的衍生之作之一。Bob Dylan的許多歌曲,除了對音樂的實驗,也在其中納入了許多對於人生、社會的深刻思索,這也使得他在2016年獲得了諾貝爾文學獎,也是第一名獲得該獎的歌手,此舉一出無數人驚訝之餘,卻也紛紛表示能理解此一選擇。然而,即使有著這樣的光環,Bob Dylan卻在半年後,才親自領取此一獎章。在許多人譴責他傲慢無禮的同時,卻也得以讓我們看見他如何視這些榮譽如浮雲,也讓我們在他身上,真真正正地體會到了何謂「吟遊詩人」的姿態。正如Bob Dylan曾在1969年的訪談中說過:「我只把歌詞看成用來唱的東西,真正重要的,是字句依附的音樂。我寫歌,是因為我總得有些什麼可唱。這是紙上的字句和歌曲的差別:歌在空中轉瞬即逝,紙頁卻能長留。一位偉大的詩人,比方華萊士‧史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens, 1879-1955)未必能成就偉大的歌者。一位偉大的歌者,像是比莉‧哈樂黛(Billie Holiday, 1915-1959),卻總是能夠成就偉大的詩人。」*
    回到歌詞,整首歌分成三段,每段的結構近似,由三個問題開始,並以「The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind答案呀,吾友,隨風飄盪/The answer is blowin' in the wind答案就飄盪在風裡」作結,彷彿屈原面對世間種種萬物所賦之《天問》,差別在於Bob Dylan問的問題並不像屈原那樣從天地離分、陰陽變化、日月星辰等自然現象,一直問到神話傳説乃至聖賢兇頑和治亂興衰等問題。Bob Dylan的問題如此簡單,在三段分別開頭的第一個問題,他只問了白鴿、高山和天空,接著便回過頭來,以此自然現象的推移隱喻接力至人的存在:和平與戰爭、自由與囚禁、死亡與生命,這三件事幾乎便是人類有史以來永恆的命題,然而經過幾千年的歷史,我們卻似乎依然陷於這樣的困境,無法脫身。Bob Dylan歌中所建立的世界,便不僅僅只是當代,而是只要人類存在一日,便永遠無法迴避的。也正因如此,他的歌反應的世界觀永遠不會過時,在一個吟遊詩人走在風裡時,他所歌唱的一切,也正隨著風,垂問著一切尚在變動的事物、一切人的行動,而這些問題,也正問著我們:究竟人類能否為人類自身造成的苦難負起責任?

  • they're中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-20 10:31:08
    有 923 人按讚

    🔥🔥【拜登將台灣與北約、日韓並列】 昨天半夜開始,不少標題都報導拜登在ABC News的訪談中,對防衛台灣作出正面清晰表態。當時主持人是問(美方撤軍後)中國嘲諷台灣人「不能靠美國」,拜登提及(美國協防)「對北約、日韓、對台灣都是一樣的」。




    👉(主持人)STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)

    BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.

    We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.

    👉(#主持人)斯蒂芬諾普洛斯:你談到了我們的對手,中國和俄羅斯。你看到中國告訴台灣,『看到了嗎?你不能指望美國人。』 (笑)



    (和撤軍阿富汗相比)現在說這個 #根本沒有可比性。

  • they're中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-19 19:48:01
    有 6,906 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry)






    ✨白瑞梅 Amie Parry 現為中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #16 – Amie Parry

    “I grew up in a small city in inland California called San Bernardino. I went to college and graduate school in San Diego. I got my PhD in literature. We were all expected to learn at least one language, so I did Chinese. I traveled to Taiwan with a friend right after I graduated from college in 1987. We came here to teach English and study Chinese for six months, then I traveled around Asia by myself with a backpack.

    I originally wanted to study classical Chinese poetry. I got a Fulbright grant and I came back here. I started going to the poetry nights that were happening at that time. I met some of the modernist poets, and I switched my focus to the modernist poetry of the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Taiwan. I wrote my dissertation on modernism as a way of understanding the parts of modernity that are hard to know in the existing political language that we inherit. I think that experience in historical formation is always more complicated than the language.

    These poems are not explicitly political; they're very experimental and strange. At the time, the modernist poets I met were mostly 外省, men who had been drafted and come over with the KMT, so they had experienced war and displacement, and a very intense and traumatic historical moment. People experienced it differently, and at that time, it was a hard thing to talk about. Later, I wrote a book about poetry, but I just focused on one or two poets I find really, really fascinating. And I was asking some of the same kinds of questions: how can these poems help you think about certain topics that are hard to think about?

    At that time, Modernist poetry was a kind of an institution already. There was a journal called 現代詩, “Modern Poetry,” a really important journal that most of these poets were published in. Some of them combined poetry and theater. There's just so much going on in Taiwan in terms of poetry and performance and literature. It's just amazing. And I'm very interested in it at all, but I haven't kept up. After I finished my dissertation, I got a job offer at 交大. I thought, wow, there's something really amazing happening intellectually here. When my first book came out, it actually got an award in the U.S., and I was so surprised. I didn't even know it had been nominated. I asked them, ‘Why did you choose my book?’ And they said, because one of the chapters has a transnational of framework for the whole argument, so it wasn't like you used Western theories and Eastern texts, it's like the whole knowledge part is coming out of both places.

    I currently teach in the English department at National Central University. I'm the chair and I teach writing classes, literature classes, and literary and cultural theory classes. Since my first visit to Taiwan in 1987, I think people are a little more comfortable talking to people from different places. In my personal interactions, I feel a difference, like a greater openness. Back then, there were so many interesting things happening here, all at one time, and that's the time that I happened to be here. And I made good friends in my personal life and in my intellectual life. And I think those are the things that made me come back: like if you feel that there's something interesting happening and there's some way that you can support it. I guess that's a way of feeling at home.” — Amie Parry

    ✨Amie Parry is professor of the Department of English at the National Central University

  • they're中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-21 16:00:16

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world



    ● Green pepper: 4 pieces
    ● Potato starch: 2 tablespoons (rice flour, wheat flour, cornstarch can also be used)
    ● Sausage: 1 bag
    ● Melted cheese of your choice: as much as you like
    ● Nam Pla: 1 teaspoon (you can also use soy sauce)
    ● Noodle soup: 1/2 teaspoon (3 to 4 times concentrated)
    ● Grated garlic: 1/2 teaspoon
    ● Grated ginger: 1/2 teaspoon
    ● Dou ban jiang: 1/2 teaspoon (gochujang is also fine)
    ● Rice oil (regular oil or sesame oil can be used)
    ● Black pepper
    ※ If you don't like spicy food, you can use regular miso instead of Dou ban jiang.
    ※ If you don't like Nam Pla, you can use soy sauce.

    [Natto sauce]
    ● Natto: 2 pieces
    ● Sesame oil: 1 to 2 teaspoons
    ● 2 teaspoons of your favorite ponzu (if you like ponzu, you can add more)
    ● 5 shiso leaves
    ● Scallion: as desired
    ● Raayu, chili pepper, soy sauce, myoga, egg, to taste
    Today's recipe is the best way to eat green pepper and natto! Today I made “Addictive Green Pepper Korean Pancake” and “Yummy Natto Sauce”.
    Some people said to me “My son, who doesn't like green peppers, eats this one up!” or “I've never had such an addictive natto dish…”
    And I'm so proud of this recipe that everyone who has tried it has asked me for the recipe ♪
    Both of these recipes taste great when eaten individually, but when eaten together, they're just too good.
    It's the most addictive dish I've ever had, and you can eat endless amounts of green peppers and natto ♪
    It's also high in protein and nutrients, yet low carb!
    It is also a good choice for those who are on a carbohydrate-restricted diet and for those who are doing muscle training.
    All you have to do is mix and bake ♪
    It is very easy to make, so please try making it.
    Let's take in lots of nutrition and get through the hot summer together ♪


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #混ぜて焼くだけ #やみつきピーマン焼き #やみつき納豆だれ #BellPepper #Natto #GreenPepper #Okonomiyaki #피망 #나또 #青椒 #纳豆 #大阪烧 #夏野菜 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

  • they're中文 在 Wes Davies 衛斯理 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-05-20 12:00:24


    報名網址: https://bit.ly/WesDaviesSprint
    折價券代碼: CLASS64


    In this video, I ask four of my friends and fellow YouTubers, if they have any tips for me about how to improve my Chinese language skills! It's never easy, but they gave me some great advice, which I will definitely use to try to improve. Also, check out Lingoda (listed above), they're also a great language learning tool.

    @Lukas Engström
    @馮韋元Francois Devatine
    @Bonjour Louis! 我是路易

  • they're中文 在 YOMAN布萊克夫婦 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-27 19:48:36

    歡迎追蹤儷的 IG: https://www.instagram.com/mrslillianblake
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    👍按讚Facebook: YOMAN布萊克夫婦
    LIL: https://www.instagram.com/mrslillianblake
    AJ: https://www.instagram.com/sdre05
    👧🏽👦🏽寵孫魔人爺爺奶奶來台灣囉🧑🏾‍🦲👩🏽‍🦱Vlog #5:https://youtu.be/l_p1jUoKf_w
    💉 多囊儷儷求子日記全紀錄:https://youtu.be/wbc_KyKQSf8

