

在 tenderness中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《思源》專輯第一首開場曲,也是我迄今最赤裸的創作。 如果我上天今天就帶我走,能在這首歌的狀態下結束,也是一件好事。 但不是今天。Not Yet。 (中文歌詞在下面) —————————————————— The first track from my 20th solo album. My ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,680的網紅Flute 長笛亮晶晶,也在其Youtube影片中提到,英文歌詞 Yellow bird, up high in banana tree. Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me. Did your lady friend leave the nest again? That is very sad, makes m...

tenderness中文 在 Chet Lam ☀️ 林一峰 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-05 13:20:25

《思源》專輯第一首:我的所有 我的所有,也是我迄今最赤裸的創作。 如果上天今天就帶我走,能在這首歌的狀態下結束,也是一件好事。 但不是今天。Not Yet。 (中文歌詞在下面) —————————————————— The first track from my 20th solo alb...

tenderness中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-31 04:41:45

📍台北市 | 市政府站 ❤️柏克金啤酒餐廳 👉🏻 @buckskin.restaurants ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 疫情比較好時候可以吃什麼?🤔️ 上次來到柏克金啤酒的半燒烤半串燒餐廳 豬五花非常好吃😋 油脂夠多 但在烤時把多餘的油脂癧掉了 吃起來油脂含量剛剛好...

tenderness中文 在 Jen English Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 16:35:09

P1 圖說:「在一所由台灣贊助的難民學校,我遇到一個叫Maya的12歲小女孩。當我正要用練習很久的阿拉伯文和她打招呼說『مرحبا (Marhaban)!』的時候,她竟然搶先用標準的中文和我說:『嗨,你好!』」  每年大學畢業典禮季都能看到很多發人深省的畢業演說,今年因為疫情 @barackob...

  • tenderness中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-03 09:49:55
    有 904 人按讚



    但不是今天。Not Yet。


    The first track from my 20th solo album. My All, that says it all.

    《My All》
    (Chet Lam)

    I am not asking for much
    I just want to be free from the school uniform
    I wish time will go faster
    I can leave here and keep going
    I will remember a few friends
    I will remember the first time I fell in love
    But I will never go back
    Let me take flight
    Along the way
    I will give it all

    I am not asking for much
    Just don’t want to forget my intention in the game
    I hope the world will change faster
    I will make the best out of everything
    With a grateful heart
    Even though sometimes I have to bear the consequences of pride
    I will never be spineless
    When I have found you
    I will share my all

    I am not asking for too much
    Just want to find some tenderness in the world
    I wish time will go slower
    Let me take one more look of every face
    Sometimes trees want to be quiet
    But wind will never stop
    Sometimes people have to go
    You can never make them stay
    Some kindness can never be repaid enough
    But at least your blood
    is still running proudly in my veins

    I have been learning all my life
    Learning to make things happen
    Learning to climb
    Learning not to compromise too easily
    Learning to accept things I cannot change
    Learning to treasure while I still can
    Learning to let go when saying goodbye
    But I know I cannot go back
    One day when it’s time
    I cannot bring a single thing with me

    I am grateful that I am still not mature enough
    There is some stubbornness
    we should not give up
    But at least I have learnt
    At the end you will not have anything but love
    I am not asking for anything
    but love




    樹欲靜 風不會罷休
    人要走 總不可挽留

    什麼也帶不走 一無所有

    除了愛 其他到最後都不能擁有
    除了愛 別無所求

    link here:https://instabio.cc/BackToOne

  • tenderness中文 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-10-30 19:12:18
    有 70 人按讚



    //昨天與合作夥伴討論了原文翻譯與專業知識 ( 謝謝嘉儀與小安子 ),修正了譯文。覺得身在資訊流通的年代也有很大的好處,量產時代就算我們找盡資源還是力有未逮之處,尤其編輯不是專業人士,更是汗顏,而各路專業人士願意幫我們指出錯誤,讓我很感激,書能有不停修正至更臻完善的機會。//





    //Once genes had been implicated in the development of sexual preference, the gay child was instantly transformed to normal. His 【hateful】 enemies were the abnormal monsters.


    說明:hateful 有兩個相反的意思,要從語境去弄清楚,這句話看了前文,加上末句有「才是」的對照語氣,意思非常清楚,是「懷著恨、充滿惡意的敵人」倒過來變成異常的怪物,而不是「可惡的敵人」。如果作者意指「可惡的敵人」,就不可能有 His hateful enemies were the abnormal monsters. 這句當中的「反而變成」、「才是」的含意。

    hateful + 事物,意思通常很明白,是「可恨的」;hateful + 人,就要小心思考理解了,兩種意思都可能出現,光查字典幫不了你。

    //It was boredom, more than activism, that prompted the search for the gay gene. Dean Hamer, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, was not looking for controversy. He was 【not even looking for himself】. Although openly gay, Hamer had never been particularly intrigued by 【the genetics of any form of identity, sexual or otherwise.】

    美國國家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的研究員狄恩・哈默(Dean Hamer)並無意找碴,他甚至【也並不在乎自己的身分】,雖然他已出櫃,但對【任何形式的身分認同、性或其他遺傳學】並無特別興趣。//


    1. not even looking for himself 的 looking 呼應同一段第一句 search for the gay gene(探尋是否有同性戀基因)的 search,兩個字都是「尋找」之意,所以這句意為「他甚至也不是爲了自己去探尋」,因爲下一句便說明原因:原來,他對很多東西根本不太感興趣,會發現同性戀基因,只不過因爲無聊、無意間發現。不懂這英文怎會理解成「不在乎自己的性向/身分」?根本瞎掰!

    2. 下一句也很糟糕:Hamer 對「任何形式的身分認同、性或其他遺傳學」三件事不感興趣,中譯意思顯然是三種東西平行並列,但原文怎麼寫?the genetics of any form of identity, sexual or otherwise 這串字所指的,只有一件事,這是一個樹狀結構:of any form of identity 修飾 genetics,而 sexual or otherwise 又修飾 identity,整個合起來理解,就是「性(sexual)或其他方面的任何一種身分認同的遺傳成因」,也就是說,Hamer 對同性戀是否有遺傳成因並不太感興趣。

    //He had tried, unsuccessfully, to study medicine at Edinburgh—but, horrified by the “screams of a strapped-down child 【amid the blood and sawdust】 of the . . . 【operating theater】,” had fled medicine to study theology at Christ’s College in Cambridge.



    1.「手術劇場」真是個荒謬的譯法,operating theater 是醫院的手術示範室、手術觀摩室,像樣的字典會另立條目指出這個意思,不會跟「劇場」的意思混淆。在這樣一個空間,一邊進行手術、一邊讓見習醫師或訪問者居高觀摩,處理的是人命關天的真人真事,怎麼變成虛構故事的「劇場」了?在戰爭語境下,theater 是「戰場」,theater 同時也是「電影院」,也是「戲劇表演」,也可指「看表演的觀衆」(比較古老的用法)。最近有本出版熱烈宣傳的書,書名竟然就叫《手術劇場》,這是一種譁衆取寵的取名手段,不是原書名的直譯,但畢竟那是出版社爲了賣書、吸睛所擁有的權利和自由。在普通的文章裡,不同意義的 theater 就該有合適的譯法,否則要叫讀者如何理解?中國的中文譯法經常大而化之,電腦程式的 macro,和 macroeconomics 的 macro,一律是「宏」字;餐廳的 menu 和應用軟體的 menu 一律稱「菜單」,台灣請不要新創如「手術劇場」、「(二次大戰)歐洲劇場」這種沒水準的糟糕詞彙,中文沒有貧瘠到需要一詞用到底。

    // 他們還接受靜脈輸液的利益,在手術過程中,包括絕育成本。手術是在無菌的方式和手術劇場。//
    // They also receive the benefit of intravenous fluids during the surgery inclusive in the neutering cost. The surgery is carried out in a sterile manner and operative theater.//
    這段英文拿去餵給 Google Translate 或 Bing 的機器翻譯,出來的結果都還勝過人工,機器都懂得把「operative theater」正確譯為「手術室」。難道現在一些譯者連查一查字典確認字義,或拜現代科技之賜、參考一下機譯結果這兩件事都懶得做了?

    2. 同一句中譯裡,「在血汙和鋸屑中的尖叫」太過直譯 amid 這字,尖叫如何能在「鋸屑中」?這 blood and sawdust 指的是從手術臺流到地上的一灘血水,以及傾倒在地上用來吸收血水的木屑,可不是「人體鋸屑」,而木屑並沒有在空氣中亂飄,譯者寫出「在鋸屑中的尖叫」時,腦子不知浮現什麼奇異的「劇場」景象?我好像看到了譯者心中想像著,是不是那小孩的腿被鋸斷時,有「鋸屑」噴飛出來?


    //Jagu—the fourth-born of my father’s siblings—came to live with us in Delhi in 1975, when I was five years old. His mind was also crumbling. Tall and rail thin, with a slightly feral look in his eyes and a shock of matted, overgrown hair, he resembled a Bengali Jim Morrison. Unlike Rajesh, whose illness had surfaced in his twenties, Jagu had been troubled from childhood. Socially awkward, withdrawn to everyone except my grandmother, he was unable to hold a job or live by himself. By 1975, deeper cognitive problems had emerged: he had visions, phantasms, and voices in his head that told him what to do. 【He made up conspiracy theories by the dozens: a banana vendor who sold fruit outside our house was secretly recording Jagu’s behavior. He often spoke to himself, with a particular obsession of reciting made-up train schedules】 (“Shimla to Howrah by Kalka mail, then transfer at Howrah to Shri Jagannath Express to Puri”). He was still capable of extraordinary bursts of tenderness—when I mistakenly smashed a beloved Venetian vase at home, he hid me in his bedclothes and informed my mother that he had “mounds of cash” stashed away that would buy “a thousand” vases in replacement. But 【this episode was symptomatic:】 【even his love for me involved extending the fabric of his psychosis and confabulation.】
    一九七五年,當時我五歲,父親的四哥賈古搬來德里與我們同住。他也有精神崩潰的現象。賈古生得又高又瘦,帶著略顯凶悍的眼神和一頭糾結的亂髮,長得就像孟加拉版的美國歌手吉姆.莫理森(Jim Morrison)。和二十歲才發病的拉結什不同的是,他自幼就有精神問題。賈古生性內向畏縮,除了祖母之外,他對任何人都退避三舍,無法工作,生活也不能自理。到了一九七五年,他出現更嚴重的認知問題:幻象、幻覺,聽到腦裡有人指揮他要怎麼做。【他捏造了數十個陰謀:我家門外賣香蕉的小販偷偷記錄了賈古的言行舉止,說他自言自語,特別迷戀自訂的火車行程】 (「由西姆拉搭卡爾卡特郵車到豪拉,然後在豪拉轉札格納斯快車到浦里」)。他依舊會有溫情流露的時刻──有一次我不小心打破了家裡珍藏的威尼斯花瓶,他把我藏在他的被子裡,還告訴我媽他有「成堆的現金」可以買「上千個」花瓶賠償。不過,【這件事其實也說明了】【連他對我的愛都含有思覺失調和虛談症(confabulation)】//


    1. He made up conspiracy theories by the dozens 後接一個冒號,這告訴我們,接下來的那句應該是要舉例陰謀,的確也是。不過,譯者卻誤解了英文,把再下一句的「自言自語」誤認為作者還在講述那陰謀,意思變成小販在無端指控賈古(「說他會自言自語、特別迷戀自訂的火車行程」),因此不是事實,但其實作者僅用一個短句舉例陰謀(a banana vendor who sold fruit outside our house was secretly recording Jagu’s behavior),接著便把主題拉回賈古身上,不再提陰謀,所以賈古的自言自語和覆誦火車行程,都是事實。


    2. this episode was symptomatic 的翻譯頗敷衍,連醫學基本字彙都掌握不好,很令人不放心。symptomatic 是基本義「表現為某疾病的symptom」,不是引申義「某某事物即將發生的徵兆、跡象、預示」(sign, omen, portent),原譯「說明」,似乎把 symptomatic 理解爲後者而脫離了「病徵、症狀」之意。

    symptomatic 後接冒號,表示下一句的內容在解釋、釐清前一句。什麼病的symptom?psychosis 和 confabulation。psychosis 還不能譯為思覺失調,因爲作者到了下一段才交代賈古被醫生正式診斷有思覺失調,這一段,作者對賈古的病症只是稱之為較籠統的 psychosis,譯者不要隨便「劇透」,辜負作者細心的鋪陳。


    * * *


    臺灣大學生命科學系教授 于宏燦 審訂/導讀

    朱雪萍、吳青錫、呂俊毅、李文雄、李家維、阮雪芬、洪蘭、孫以瀚、徐建國、陳沛隆、陳嘉祥、超級歪、董桂書、劉炯朗、鍾明怡、顏擇雅、蘇文慧 各界學者/名人好評推薦

    * * *


  • tenderness中文 在 我的ivf试管婴儿の日记 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-07-13 21:55:35
    有 37 人按讚


    当一对夫妻要做 #IVF试管疗程时,做丈夫的应该用什么态度来面对?常常有网友告诉我说,我的老公精子不好,可是他还是不能戒烟戒酒,好不配合。要知道,不孕症不只是女人的责任,男人也是有责任。这篇文章,是以男人的角度出发,里面分享身为丈夫应该如何帮助太太一起度过疗程,文章是英文内容,是奥莉爸爸写的,奥莉爸不会中文。分享给大家😊

    IVF Journey, A Husband’s Perspective

    Hi all, before reading further I would like to say this is NOT an instruction or tips for IVF and hopefully readers will understand my poorly written English. This is my journey as a father of the IVF baby girl. Why am I sharing all this? It is because my wife had a Facebook page of her IVF journey at https://facebook.com/ivfjourney2015/ and she told me that majorities (not all but most) feedback indicate husband not supportive enough to commit into a journey of IVF. I’m not a true supportive husband either, least I made up my mind to make it happen.

    Let’s start with “Why IVF?”
    We went for a fertilization test and results with;
    Husband: Teratospermia (Human language, sperm is weak for fertilization process)
    Wife: Unexplained infertility (I think this is easy to understand, there is for the confirming reason for this result and we don’t go for further test after it because it will consumes too much time and money)

    We married and planned to have children late 2011, both our ages were 37 in 2015 because of late marriage. My wife introduced IVF because she does not want to give up and feels regretful in future and so do I. Maybe because I did too many regretful things in the past, now I do not want this happened to my wife. At least I do it better then ignoring it.

    Preparation for IVF
    Financially, I know it will involve amount of 20k – 30k “Ringgit Malaysia” in the whole process depending on the situation and this is only one chance for me. I don’t have the money for a second attempt because I need to allocate funds for delivery if success.

    Mentally, I do some studies/research on IVF. The whole journey took 50 days and in one of the process my wife needs to do a self-injection daily. I quickly asked my wife “Daily injection?! Do I need to fetch you to clinic daily to do this?” She answered “No, we need to do this ourselves”. A final question from me going to be “How?!” After we sat down and discuss, we comes into conclusion and I will do the injection for her. This was the most painful and nervous moment I ever experience by poking a needle to my wife’s belly EVERYDAY!

    Lifestyle, 6 months earlier. My wife told me the NO’s, NO alcohol NO smoking NO midnight wandering NO stress. I said, I will fly up to the skies like butterfly if I able to do all the NO’s. It’s like a mission impossible. How can a man like me not go out to social with friends without alcohol and smoke? The joke was sleeping early! You want me to social with my friends in breakfast or lunch time? At this time, she softly said “I really wants to have a cute baby in future, it looks more like a family. Furthermore, I don’t want to have regretful moments in future”. All these words came out of my love (wife), her words melted in my heart deeply. I told her “Ok, we will go for it BUT you will need to promise me ONE IMPORTANT thing. No matter the process success or not we only have one attempt we need to accept the truth and live happily without regret in future.” she agreed.

    Commitment, this is not some empty promise. I made a huge commitment to change my lifestyle into zero alcohol, tobacco and lesser stress. If comparing the pain and suffers my wife will take in this journey e.g., injection, medication effects, hormone changes and all the effects from pregnancies to delivery, mine looks more alike small potatoes (looks much more simple). Trust me guys, don't compare it, if you do and more likely you're going loose badly. For the sake of making a better future, I had fulfilled this commitment.

    IVF Journey Phase 1 “Unskilled Husband Injection”
    Day 1, doctor consults us for Buserelin injection. I need to inject this medication into my wife's belly each day sharp at 8AM. The nurse had guided me side by side to do the first injection.
    Day 2, I started my first injection to my wife's belly without anyone guiding beside. Feels a bit nervous because this time I'm doing it all by myself. I try to hum some music to distract my wife's from looking at the needle while injecting but still she is looking at it.
    Day 3 - Day 15, sometime the injection hurting and causes bleeding/bruise to her. I need to find a new spot to inject every time and sees her bruise makes my pain in the heart too. My injection skills improved dramatically. She even told me that she doesn't feel pain like the beginning stages.
    Day 16, follow up 2nd checkup. Doctor said, everything goes smoothly and added another medication to inject called Gonal-F to take home and start injecting on day 23. This message never surprises me because I've been told earlier, but just that the price to pay for this medication is quite costly.
    Day 17 - Day 22, nothing much on these days and we just stick on the plan as usual.

    IVF Journey Phase 2 “Stressful Night”
    Day 23, Gonal F injections start today. This needle doesn't look same as those earlier, it comes with medication in it and look like a pen.
    Day 24 - Day 26, side effects of the Gonal F medications started. My wife is feeling irritation at the injection site, fullness, bloating and tenderness in the lower abdomen due to the increasing size of the ovaries. Her mood changes dramatically as I can tell, but she endures it and tell me she can handle it.
    Day 27, follow up 3rd checkup. Doctor said wife has eggs total of 12 and is ready for Transvaginal oocyte retrieval "Human language, Egg retrieval" at day 31.
    Day 28 - Day 29, final injection of Gonal F. At day 29 night, I inject Ovidrel to wife belly to that causes the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation) for day 31.
    Day 30, resting whole day. Finally, we had a day without injection and worrying about holding any needles. Today we wondering about the egg growth, not knowing will the eggs grow more or still the same amount of 12.
    Day 31, egg retrieval. 8 egg success retrieves and I give out my sperm for oocytes selection on the same day. Wife given cyclogest for oval protection after the egg retrieval.

    IVF Journey Phase 3 “Hopeful Embryo Culture & Embryo Transfer”
    Day 32 - Day 35, rest at home. We had pillow talk every night concerning about the growth of an embryo. We also look at sample growth stages of an embryo from the web to see what the current growth stage is.
    Day 36, another hopeful and nervous morning. Doctor tells us the result of embryo culture as below;
    Total Embryo Retrieve: 8
    Embryo Qualified for ICSI: 6
    Embryo Success until Cleavage Stage (Day 2 – Day 4): 3
    Embryo Success until Blastocyst Stage (Day 5): 2
    Embryo Qualified / Recommended for Transfer: 1
    Both our eyes looked at each other, knowing only 1 Blastocyst Embryo available to transfer and doctor tell the same after it. I really do not know how to express both our feelings into words here, as we expected to have at least 2 Blastocyst out of 8 embryos and only left 1. We both agreed to proceed this only 1 Blastocyst transfer as this is the only choice we had. It's more likely walking on a 100ft tall string with no supports mission, a single error will fail the mission.
    After the transfer process, wife given a room to rest for few hours. A nurse came and give us adjunctive medications, injections and advice while resting at room.

    IVF Journey Phase 4 “The Final Moment of IVF”
    Day 37 - Day 49, after the transfer. This period is known as 2WW (2 Weeks Wait) with adjunctive medications, injections and be very careful. I just let her sleep/rest more on the bed, I served her every meal in the room. We're also nervous and curious about pregnancy results on day 44, we tested with cheap pregnancy tester and get got a double line on it and we do have a little hope and joy with this result. On day 47, again we test, but this time with expensive pregnancy tester and the results double line again! We're so hopeful and happy at this moment. We really hope this result is true until the next checkup.
    Day 50, final checkup. My wife goes for the hCG test by giving a sample of blood, we waited 2 hours for the results. While waiting, nurse guide us to a room to rest. Wife slept and I sat beside concerned on the hCG test results. 2 hours later, the doctor invited us to look for him. Before doctor speaks, while we are sitting down, my wife's eyes were starring in the hCG results number and she spotted the hCG number is 452. She smiles happily while doctor tells her "You are pregnant and congratulations! Come back after 2 weeks to scan for baby heartbeats. And please go out to the counter and ring the bell!”

    Just Sharing My Thoughts
    By all means, I’m not bragging about my success. I would like to say if anyone is planning on IVF, teamwork is very important and husband play a very important role to increase the success rate. Sometimes, I do feel like a spectator than a participant myself because I never experience any of the medical exams but this is not true. Every injection I put on her belly, I feel the pain in my heart as bad as she has on the belly. Ok, nothing much to share in this IVF journey and next time I might be sharing another journey as a Father! Here is my little baby girl Facebook page奥莉 Olivia Baby - 梁童心心 https://fb.me/oliviababylove if you wish to see her growth updates.


    #ivf #ivfmalaysia #ivfjourney #baby #alphafertility

  • tenderness中文 在 Flute 長笛亮晶晶 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2014-06-24 18:14:24

    Yellow bird, up high in banana tree.
    Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me.
    Did your lady friend leave the nest again?
    That is very sad, makes me feel so bad.
    You can fly away, in the sky away.
    You're more lucky than me.
    I also had a pretty girl, she's not with me today.
    They're all the same those pretty girls.
    Take tenderness, then they fly away.
    Yellow bird, yellow bird.
    Did your lady friend leave the nest again?
    That is very sad, makes me feel so bad.
    You can fly away, in the sky away.
    You're more lucky than me.
    Wish that i were a yellow bird, i'd fly away with you.
    But i am not a yellow bird, so here i sit.
    Nothing i can do.
    Yellow bird, yellow bird.
    帶走了柔情/帶來了痛苦 然後她們飛走
    黃鳥啊 黃鳥

    Follow 亮晶晶音樂教室

