

在 tender醫學產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過18萬的網紅Capcom Asia,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles》角色介紹 -走到真相的相反方向的世紀大偵探──Herlock Sholmes (聲演:川田紳司) 世上最有名的大偵探。 其過於尖銳的觀察能力和推理能力有時候會走得太過頭,甚至走到了真相的相反方向,引起大混亂。 -擁有醫學博士學...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 印度咖哩雞肉: 材料: 急凍雞扒(大)3塊 蕃薯(大)2個 處理: 1. 雞扒,清水解凍。 2. 雞扒已解凍,用鹽乸15分鐘去除雪味、腥味及加入鹹味。 3. 過了15分鐘,清水洗淨雞扒,廚紙索乾。 4. 雞扒,去皮,去雞膏,...

  • tender醫學 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-24 11:10:01
    有 77 人按讚

    《The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles》角色介紹

    -走到真相的相反方向的世紀大偵探──Herlock Sholmes (聲演:川田紳司)

    -擁有醫學博士學位的天才文學少女──Iris Wilson (聲演:久野美咲)
    與Herlock Sholmes同居的少女。
    年紀輕輕已擁有醫學博士學位,現正連載於倫敦極受歡迎的小說《Herlock Sholmes的冒險》。

    -大英帝國的死神檢察官──Barok van Zieks (聲演:津田健次郎)

    《The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles》將於7月29日在Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4和Steam上發售,支援日語及英語。


    The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles – Characters

    ‧A Most Singular Great Detective - Herlock Sholmes
    The world's most famous detective.
    Sadly, his overly-sharp observations and deductions sometimes cut beyond the heart of the matter to a maddeningly confused conclusion.

    ‧Precocious Doctor and Literary Young Lady - Iris Wilson
    Herlock Sholmes's young, little flatmate.
    Her tender age belies her great achievements. Not only does she hold a medical degree, she is also the author of the fabulously popular serial, ‘The Adventures of Herlock Sholmes’.

    ‧The Grim Reaper of the Old Bailey - Barok van Zieks
    A legendary prosecutor known throughout the judicial world as the ‘Reaper’.
    It is said that not a single soul who stands accused before him can escape his ‘final judgment’.

    The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Coming to Switch, PS4, and Steam on 29th July. Language support: Japanese and English

  • tender醫學 在 越煮越好 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-24 22:00:44
    有 67 人按讚

    印度肺炎少感染👋黃薑粉功效神奇😱印度咖哩👱屋企做到😋帶你去買黃薑粉 💯點樣做雞肉嫩滑 「竅門 」肉汁入哂味😋
    Less Outbreaks in India? Miracles of Tumeric👍Tips to Make Tender, Juicy Chicken😋



    大家入呢個網址 😁我幾佰多條片🎬全部可以睇曬🙏
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip

  • tender醫學 在 尤稚凱醫師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-18 13:09:15
    有 99 人按讚

    Sharing one case u might already how to deal with. Last week, at prolo-Tpe workshop in Doc-tx-doc session, i encountered an attendee having the problem of R't medial elbow pain. Physical examination showed his shoulder and neck were good, but laxity over R't lateral elbow and DRUJ, and a tender point over R elbow medial epicondyle. I found no CFT tendinopathy or UCL lesion over his R medial elbow, but swollen of the post. branch of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve was noticed by tracing the nerve with the ultrasound from the axilla downwards. So i prolo his lateral elbow and wrist and hydrodissection his post. branch of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve with pure D5W. His R medial elbow pain pain was gone immediately after the treatment, but he will need more prolo for his forearm biotensegrity.


    上個禮拜在疼痛醫學會的workshop治療一位來自印尼的醫師,主訴為手肘內側疼痛,除了增生欲重建他上肢的biotensegrity(生物張力完整性)外,手肘內側的肌腱及韌帶並沒有發現問題,但超音波他的medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve(內側前臂皮神經)發現posterior branch(後側分枝)在肱骨近端有腫脹,於是神經解套他的這條神經,痛當下解除,但因為他的上肢只做過一次治療,應該需要在當地繼續處理。


  • tender醫學 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-24 23:42:35

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️


    1. 雞扒,清水解凍。
    2. 雞扒已解凍,用鹽乸15分鐘去除雪味、腥味及加入鹹味。
    3. 過了15分鐘,清水洗淨雞扒,廚紙索乾。
    4. 雞扒,去皮,去雞膏,切一舊舊。
    5. 雞肉調味:
    a. 胡椒粉少許
    b. 咖哩膏1茶匙
    c. 鮑魚汁1茶匙
    d. 黃薑粉1茶匙
    e. 生粉1茶匙
    6. 蕃薯,去皮,切細舊,三角形狀。

    1. 中火在鑊中燒熱4~5湯匙油。
    2. 放蕃薯煎香1分鐘。
    3. 反轉蕃薯煎透。
    4. 蕃薯已炸至金黃色,擎乾油。
    5. 加入滾水蓋過蕃薯面。
    6. 加入大冰糖2粒。
    7. 冚蓋,炆3分鐘。
    8. 過了3分鐘,加入雞肉,轉中慢火,炆5分鐘。
    9. 過了5分鐘,試一試味。
    10. 轉大火,煮至大滾,熄火,焗2分鐘。
    11. 完成,上碟。

    Curry chicken in Indian style:

    Frozen chicken steak (large) 3 Nos.
    Sweet potatoes (large) 2 Nos.

    1. Chicken steak, defrost with tap water.
    2. Chicken steak, has already been defrosted. Season with cooking salt for 15 minutes to remove unpleasant smells and tastes and add some salty taste.
    3. Rinse chicken steak with tap water 15 minutes later. Dry with kitchen towel.
    4. Chicken steak, get it peeled, remove fat and dice.
    5. Season the chicken:
    a. Pepper little
    b. Curry paste 1 tsp
    c. Abalone sauce 1 tsp
    d. Turmeric powder 1 tsp
    e. Tapioca starch 1 tsp
    Mix well. Season for 10 minutes.
    6. Sweet potatoes, get them peeled, dice in small cubes with triangular shape.

    1. Heat up 4~5 tbsp oil at medium flame in wok.
    2. Fry sweet potatoes for 1 minute.
    3. Flip over and fry them well.
    4. Sweet potatoes have been fried into golden yellow. Hang dry the oil.
    5. Add boiled~up water just covering up the potatoes.
    6. Add rock sugar 2 big cubes.
    7. Cover up the pot. Braise for 3 minutes.
    8. Put chicken after 3 minutes. Turn to medium~low flame, braise for 5 minutes.
    9. Taste it after 5 minutes.
    10. Turn to high flame, totally heat it up. Turn off fire. Leave it for 2 minutes.
    11. Complete. Serve.



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