

在 suspend名詞產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 川普臉書帳號被停權? 週五晚上,來和 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 一起讀報 以下為 Sonny 老師第一視角 - 昨晚讀 CNN Newsletters 時 讀到一段用字精準、簡潔有力的報導 來帶大家一起閱讀 標題:Facebook faces a huge decision today...

  • suspend名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-14 19:00:03
    有 99 人按讚

    週五晚上,來和 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 一起讀報

    以下為 Sonny 老師第一視角


    昨晚讀 CNN Newsletters 時

    標題:Facebook faces a huge decision today

    1️⃣ The Facebook Oversight Board will announce its long-anticipated decision on the fate of former President Trump's Facebook account at 9 a.m. ET today.
    (臉書獨立監察團今天將在美國東岸時間 9:00 ,宣布前總統川普臉書帳號的命運,這是個大眾矚目許久的決議。)
    👉 oversight 有「監察、督導」之意,動詞是 oversee
    👉 announce 宣布,常見的搭配還有 make an announcement(發表聲明)
    👉 long-anticipated 等待許久的,英文新聞中常使用「複合形容詞」,閱讀起來更生動傳神

    2️⃣ Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were suspended indefinitely a day after the Capitol riot in January. (YouTube and Twitter made similar moves.)
    (今年一月國會大廈暴動的隔天,川普的臉書和 IG 帳號即被無限期停用。YouTube 和 Twitter 也有類似的動作。)
    👉 suspend 是非常值得學習的動詞,有「停權;暫緩;懸掛」等字義
    👉 indefinitely 可指「無限期的」或「含糊的」
    👉 make similar moves 是簡潔有力的說法,很適合用在寫作上

    3️⃣ The decision on Trump’s Facebook account is so contentious and historic, Facebook itself isn’t doing the deliberating. The oversight board is an independent body described as a kind of Supreme Court for the social network.
    👉 contentious and historic 兩個形容詞互不重複,是很棒的連用
    👉 deliberate 指「審慎考慮」;isn’t doing the deliberating 是很美式的說法
    👉 social network 指「社群網路」;social media 則是「社群媒體」

    4️⃣ Its decision today will set extremely important precedents for content moderation that could ripple through the social media -- and political -- worlds.
    👉 precedent (n.) 先例;判例/ unprecedented (adj.) 史無前例的
    👉 content moderation 內容審查;言論仲裁
    👉 ripple 當名詞時指「漣漪」,當動詞引申為「漾起漣漪;造成影響」

    繼續停權川普帳號,但要求臉書在 6 個月內提出「扣合其社群平台規則的處置方式」。


    加入 Sonny 老師耗時一年開發

  • suspend名詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-25 07:00:18
    有 76 人按讚

    #EZTalk #一分鐘職場單字 #讀者敲碗

    「停班停課」的名詞說法,可以說 school and office closure。
    動詞說法則可以說 cancel work and/or classes,cancel 可以用 close 或 suspend(暫停,中止)替代。

    【 ✍更多例句】Cities and counties across the island cancelled work and classes on Friday in anticipation of the category 5 typhoon. 預計五級颱風在週五會抵達,當天本島各縣市停班停課。

    👉 想加強英語實力,請看:http://bit.ly/EZTalk

  • suspend名詞 在 倒立先生Mr. Candle Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-11-26 21:22:02
    有 4 人按讚

    高雄衛武營雖然常看您去開幕剪綵、落成合照都站照片中間,但您說無力管轄,不知國立傳統藝術中心是否是您可以管轄得到的單位呢?辛苦了。晚輩 黃明正 從事雜技工作25年
    雜技 Chinese traditional acrobatic juggling art
    民俗特技 Chinese folk acrobatics
    頂技 Dingji, balancing various small props on facial parts, one of the Chinese acrobatic performances
    力技 Liji, combination of strength and acrobatic skill
    口技 Kouji, a Chinese vocal mimicry performance art
    車技 Cheji, juggling on a unicycle or a bicycle
    手技 Shouji, juggling small objects
    馬戲 circus
    魔術 magic show
    頂碗 Dingwan, balancing bowls acrobatic skills
    頂竿 Dinggan, balancing long pole on one's forehead
    倒立(拿大頂) handstands
    椅子頂 Yiziding, balancing on a pyramid of chairs
    扯鈴 Cheling, Chinese Yo-yo performance
    丟球 juggling balls
    舞流星 Wuliuxing, a kind of juggling performance
    拋彩圈 Paocaiquan, juggling colorful rings
    蹬板凳 Dengbandeng, juggling stools with feet
    足技 Zuji, feet acrobatic skill
    滾杯 Gunbei, balancing glasses filled with water on forehead
    晃板 Dengbandeng, juggling stools with feet
    耍中幡 Shuazhongfan, juggling high bamboo pole
    爬竿 Pagan, pole-climbing acrobatic performance
    扛竿 Kanggan, an acrobat juggling on another's shoulder with a long bamboo pole
    皮條 Pitiao, suspended leather strips used by performers for swinging on rope
    耍花壇 Shuahuatan, balancing act, catching a heavy pot thrown in the air with the head
    鑽圈 Zuanquan, acrobatic performance through a thin board hoop
    地圈 Diquan, acrobatic performance through hoops
    翻筋斗 a somersault
    走大繩 Zoudashen, slack rope walking
    綢吊 Choudiao, suspended silk strips used by performers to suspend themselves in the air
    空中鞦韆 flying trapeze artist
    走鋼絲 tightrope walking
    排椅 Paiyi, acrobatic juggling with tilted stacked chairs
    南獅 Chinese Southern Lion dance performance
    醒獅 Xingshi, Cantonese lion costume
    佛山獅 Foshanshi, Cantonese lion costume
    鶴山獅 Heshanshi, one of two main styles of Cantonese Lion costume
    獅頭 Shitou, Chinese Southern Lion head costume
    獅被 Shibei, a lion body costume

    資料來源2018/11/16國立傳統藝術中心網站資料https://www.ncfta.gov.tw/information_46_94920.html?fbclid=IwAR2yzo6Wni6S8uzP0ctaEAtbktwPPWYJd-E1kKJtbFkqFXzJ6cpBqqWSNYI ,詳細資料請見附件檔案