

在 suspected中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案 學生有時會問我,為何該探討諸如種族主義等社會議題。答案很簡單。這些議題指出了我們社會的潛在問題,唯有開誠布公的討論與行動,才能解決這些問題。如果我們想建立一個更加包容、公平且進步的社會,那麼我們必須盡可能地將這些棘手的問題攤在陽光底下,面對它...

  • suspected中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-12 17:12:05
    有 136 人按讚

    [時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案

    Students sometimes ask me why social issues such as racism should be discussed. The answer is straightforward. These lessons point out underlying problems within our society that only open discussion and action can address. If we want a more inclusive, equitable, and progressive society, then we must all to our part to bring these difficult issues to light and face them together.
    Ahmaud Arbery loved to run. A former high school football standout, he had been jogging near his home on the outskirts of Brunswick, Ga., when he was shot and killed after being pursued by two white men with guns, according to the authorities. The authorities said he was shot after an encounter with Gregory and Travis McMichael, who had grabbed two guns and followed Mr. Arbery in a truck after he jogged past them.
    1. a standout 優秀而顯著的人物
    2. on the outskirts of 在⋯⋯的郊區
    3. be pursued by 被⋯⋯追趕
    4. the authorities 當局;官方;當權者
    5. an encounter with 與⋯⋯的遭遇
    Gregory McMichael told the police that he thought Mr. Arbery looked like a man suspected in several break-ins in the area. The Brunswick News, citing documents obtained through a public records request, reported that there had been just one burglary in the neighborhood since January: the theft of a handgun from an unlocked truck parked outside Travis McMichael’s house.
    6. be suspected of 有⋯⋯的嫌疑;被懷疑
    7. break-in (n.) 非法入侵;(尤指)入室盜竊
    8. public records 公開紀錄;公開檔案
    9. burglary 偷盜罪
    10. the theft of ⋯⋯的偷竊
    For two months, the shooting received little attention outside Brunswick. As the coronavirus pandemic dominated headlines and shut down communities around the country, The Times spoke with Mr. Arbery’s friends and family, who were by then concerned the case might quietly disappear in their Deep South community, because social distancing restrictions had made it difficult for them to gather and protest.
    11. receive little attention 很少受到關注
    12. dominate headlines 佔據了頭條
    13. the Deep South 美國深南部
    14. social distancing restrictions 社交距離限制令
    On May 5, a graphic video of the fatal encounter had begun to circulate online. It galvanized an already growing chorus of voices calling for charges to be brought in the case. Recorded from inside a vehicle, it shows Mr. Arbery running along a shaded two-lane residential road when he comes upon a white pickup truck, with a man standing beside its open driver-side door. Another man is in the truck bed. Mr. Arbery runs around the vehicle and disappears briefly from view. Muffled shouting can be heard before Mr. Arbery emerges, tussling with the man outside the truck as three shotgun blasts echo.
    15. a graphic video of ⋯⋯的血腥影片
    16. a fatal encounter 致命的遭遇
    17. circulate online 流傳於網路上
    18. galvanize 激起;引起
    19. run along 沿著
    20. come upon 碰上;偶然發現
    21. disappear from view 從視野中消失
    22. muffled (聲音)變輕微(或低沉)
    23. tussle with 與⋯⋯打鬥;盡力對付
    Travis McMichael, 34, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 64, were charged on May 7 with murder and aggravated assault — two days after a graphic video of the shooting of Mr. Arbery, a 25-year-old black man, became public, and more than two months after the killing itself. The case has generated a wave of outrage and raised concerns about persistent racial inequities in the justice system.
    24. be charged with 被以⋯⋯控告
    25. murder and aggravated assault 謀殺與加重的企圖傷害罪
    26. the shooting of ⋯⋯的槍擊
    27. become public 公開
    28. generate a wave of outrage 引發憤慨
    29. raise concerns 引起擔憂
    30. racial inequities 種族不平等
    31. the justice system 司法系統
    May justice be served.
    [時事英文]US Protests: Week of Outrage: https://bit.ly/3crULTN

  • suspected中文 在 美國小兒科醫師 Peddy Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-22 08:33:10
    有 1,902 人按讚


    昨天朋友圈瘋轉「武漢肺炎》全球首例官方認證 俄衛生部指武漢肺炎是人工病毒」這篇文章。內容指出俄國衛生部「於2月11日正式在俄國衛生部官網上公告<武漢肺炎病毒是重組的病毒,非天然形成>」。信傳媒、新頭殼,MSN.com、Yahoo奇摩新聞首頁皆有刊登。


    我用幾個英文關鍵字google,英文世界居然對這個俄國政府的「重要公告」隻字不提,也太小看俄國了!! (普丁表示生氣🤬) 英文沒有,俄文媒體總有了吧。今天上班請俄羅斯來的住院醫師用俄文google。奇怪了,怎麼俄文世界也靜悄悄…


    Коронавирус 2019-nCoV предположительно является рекомбинантным вирусом между коронавирусом летучих мышей и неизвестным по происхождению коронавирусом. Генетическая последовательность 2019- nCoV сходна с последовательностью SARS-CoV по меньшей мере на 70%. Патогенез новой коронавирусной инфекции изучен недостаточно. Данные о длительности и напряженности иммунитета в отношении 2019- nCoV в настоящее время отсутствуют. Иммунитет при инфекциях, вызванных другими представителями семейства коронавирусов, не стойкий и возможно повторное заражение.

    Google翻譯 (內容經同事觀看表示大致正確)

    Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is suspected to be a recombinant virus between bat coronavirus and an unknown origin coronavirus. The 2019-nCoV genetic sequence is similar to the SARS-CoV sequence by at least 70%. The pathogenesis of a new coronavirus infection is not well understood. Data on the duration and intensity of immunity against 2019-nCoV are currently not available. Immunity for infections caused by other members of the coronavirus family is not persistent and re-infection is possible.

    來源不明(unknown origin) 的coronavirus跟人工重組的coronavirus是兩個完全不同的概念,病毒在大自然中重組是很常見的,人類辨識不出來不是甚麼稀奇的事。SARS的確切來源到現在也都無法完全確定,怎麼會被解讀成人工病毒…

    後來發現關鍵評論網稍早就發了fact check的文章,根本就是誤傳啊....



    有趣的是,跟埃及來的同事討論這則新聞時,她說阿拉伯語的世界也有「病毒是人工合成」的說法,不過那裏大部分人相信這是”美國”合成的 🤣我聽了後莞爾一笑,不同政治立場對同一個資訊(無論真假)會有不同的解讀,非常有趣。

    關於武漢肺炎的消息太多太快,內容真真假假。最近寫武漢肺炎是被轉文分享最快的方法,各大粉絲團無不使出混身解數努力產文。過去三周我也被各種轉文疲勞轟炸到心累、臉書刷一排下來都是重複的消息(啊咧,Peddy你不也是罪魁禍首之一😛)。的確,武漢肺炎絕對不是「普通感冒病毒」。有些醫師、甚至日本政府都定調成普通感冒病毒,我是不贊同的。這個病毒光致死率來看就絕非「普通感冒病毒」,感染後長期的變化也沒有人知道。美國這次這麼嚴厲的防止絕對有其道理(斷航、拒發簽證等)。但這是長期作戰,在防疫的同時生活也是要過,不要讓自己被訊息搞得太焦慮了(自我催眠中)。轉載文章前也盡量先查證,避免看標題就轉文喔 (自己焦慮也要讓別人焦慮一下嗎?你很壞ㄟ🥺)

    為了不再增加各位朋友們的負擔,在此公告這個粉專武漢肺炎發文的quota於今天用罄🎊 若非自身經驗分享,近期內我都不會再撰寫相關文章了。請大家以台灣中央疾管局跟美國CDC的公告為準。



  • suspected中文 在 葉漢浩 Alex Ip Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-12-11 21:02:46
    有 9 人按讚

    URGENT! Sign the petition to German Parliament NOW!


    If we collect more than 50000 signatures within 28 days (deadline being Christmas Day), Petition Committee of German Parliament will have to hold a public hearing on solid actions to support human rights in Hong Kong.
    HOWEVER, we're not even reaching one-tenth of goal, and we only have 18 days left! The procedure is not as straightforward, but please follow this video and ask everyone to sign.


    Subject of petition: Stop the humanitarian crisis in Hong Kong with immediate concrete measures by the Federal Government


    👉 聯署網址 Petition website: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/…/…/_23/Petition_99604.html

    English teaching video for signing the petition: https://youtu.be/c3rSaJzd_8o

    聯署信的英譯請轆到最低參閱!The English translation of petition content is attached below, please scroll down to read.

    Germany Stand with Hong Kong


    [English Translation of Petition]
    Safeguard Hong Kong, No More Suppression on Human Rights!

    We are a group of Hongkongers living in Germany. Due to the out-of-hand violence of the Hong Kong Police Force (hereinafter referred to as the "HKPF"), the social movement in Hong Kong has turned into a humanitarian disaster. We call on the Federal Republic of Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Federal Government”) to provide emergency assistance and we urge the Federal Government to take immediate and practicable action.

    Abusive use of weapons and dereliction of duty by HKPF:
    1. Protesters and passengers were assaulted by suspected triad groups in metro stations, and police only arrived 40 minutes after reports were made (Yuen Long MTR station on 21 July; similar attacks happened in Tsuen Wan and North Point on 5 August and 11 August respectively)
    2. Mishandling a teenage female protester by male police officers, exposing her body parts during the arrest (Tin Shui Wai on 4 Aug)
    3. Manipulation and deliberate planting of evidence (eg. putting sharp bamboo stick into protester’s backpacks, unsealing evidence bags that should remain sealed until presented at court)
    4. 3 Members of Legislative Council, and more student activists were arrested by the police and 2 organizers of demonstrations were attacked by thugs on 30 August which is the eve of a massive demonstration
    5. Police stormed the metro station, beat protesters and passengers in the station and on the train, closed all the exits and then expel all reporters and first-aiders from the metro station (Prince Edward MTR station on 31 Aug)

    In order to protect German expatriates and the interests of German enterprises in Hong Kong, as well as to protect the human rights of EU citizens in Hong Kong, we urge the Federal Government to consider taking the following actions:
    1. Halt all export of crowd control equipment and “less-lethal” weaponry to Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
    2. Express concerns regarding the escalating tension in Hong Kong and safety of German expatriates in Hong Kong
    3. Deploy official Human Rights Observer to Hong Kong and to make an independent observation at the frontline
    4. Acknowledge that protesters in Hong Kong may be persecuted on political grounds and adjust its asylum policy to Hong Kong asylum seekers
    5. Halt any cooperation and exchange programme with the HKPF
    6. Forbid entry into the EU / Revoke the right of abode or EU citizenship (if any) / Freeze the assets in EU of senior officers of Hong Kong Government and pro-China legislators and their immediate family members (if any)

    made up of lovable Hongkongers,
    who yearn for freedom, democracy and human rights,
    was, is now and ever will be
    a FREE PORT which belongs to the world of civilization.

