

在 struck三態產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台 「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人,家族根源也不在台灣。一直到我念大學時 (美國麻薩諸塞州的威廉斯學院,非常棒的學校),我才透過普林斯...

struck三態 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 15:20:12

📝Day 189 0320​ #17來提升作文力​ ​ ​ quiet 安靜的、寧靜的、沉默的 (a.)​ E.g. The sea was quiet before the storm struck.​ 暴風雨來襲前海面非常寧靜。​ ​ calm / serene / peaceful / tra...

struck三態 在 莫莉 Molly Chiang Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-23 10:29:25

💪🏾 當 SK-II 給了我三種態度宣言選擇時 我毫不猶豫選擇了這句 「Be the person you DECIDE to be. / 決定你想成為的人」 - 那天讀到了侯文詠的一句話: 「一個人生命中能達到最了不起的成就,無非就是發現自己,並且勇敢的成為自己。」 - 我相信每個人都有茫然的時候...

  • struck三態 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-05 11:00:04
    有 6,274 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台

    「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人,家族根源也不在台灣。一直到我念大學時 (美國麻薩諸塞州的威廉斯學院,非常棒的學校),我才透過普林斯頓北京中文培訓班的機會,真正到東亞來闖蕩。

    大學畢業之後,我埋首於數字和表格之間,精釀啤酒陪我撐過了這段辛苦的歲月。我的職涯始於紐約,但後來輾轉來到亞洲 (名義上是去新加坡,但主要是在印尼、緬甸和馬來西亞)。


    成立臺虎精釀的契機出現之後,我立刻想到台灣。之所以選擇這裡,不是因為台灣文化很吸引人 (雖然確實是),不是因為台灣有著厚實的文化傳統 (雖然確實有),更不是因為台灣的好山好水。


    臺虎精釀的商標 (由台灣傑出設計師Jess Lee設計) 由老虎、啤酒花和葫蘆三個元素組成,葫蘆是古代盛酒的容器。

    葫蘆就不需要多加解釋了,但啤酒花是當代精釀啤酒的基石,代表著創新創意的精神。事實上,我們使用的絕大多數啤酒花都來自美國,畢竟美國是精釀啤酒的中心 (過去20年一直都是)。美國的啤酒花產業 (還有麥芽產業) 可以說是世界之最,也難怪經典IPA啤酒中最受歡迎的啤酒花都來自美國。

    商標中的老虎是為了向早期台灣作為「亞洲四虎」(亞洲四小龍) 的年代致敬。當年台灣經濟快速起飛,產業朝氣蓬勃,民眾無不對未來充滿樂觀和期待。


    我們的目標是吸引並培育人才,最終目標希望能夠在台灣發展出欣欣向榮的創業生態圈。Sway是我們成立初期的成員,她一開始是在吧台工作,非常優秀。在小公司工作的好處就是,你可以盡你所能所想去做,Sway後來開始慢慢接觸進口通關業務,現在是我們全球物流的主管 (很不簡單)。

    也許有一天,她會開創自己的事業,進而將這份育才的信念在台灣新創圈繼續傳承下去。」— 臺虎董事長黃一葦 Peter Huang

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #15 – Taihu Brewing Founder Peter Huang leads Taihu to become a platform for Taiwan young talents to carry out their dreams and express themselves

    “Despite appearances, I’m neither Taiwanese nor have roots here. It took college (Williams College in Massachusetts – phenomenal place), to really bring me out to East Asia via Princeton’s immersion program in Beijing.

    Post-graduation, I paid my dues shuffling numbers around in a spreadsheet. Craft beer made it bearable-ish. Working life began in New York, but ultimately landed me in Asia (nominally Singapore, primarily Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia).

    Shuffling numbers was not the dream. So, as a responsibly stereotypical millennial, I had an urge to venture out on my own. Ideally, to try something at the intersection of opportunity and interest. Craft beer! The craft movement itself struck a chord - a yearning for what could be, rather than blind acceptance of what is. It is about building communities around delightful products and, critically, wonderful people.

    When the opportunity to start Taihu appeared, my mind immediately went to Taiwan. Not necessarily because the culture is fantastic (though it is), nor because it has a strong cultural heritage (though it does), and not even because the island itself is a magical composition of mountains meeting oceans.

    Ultimately, I chose Taiwan because of the people I met here. There’s a tired trope that you get two families in life, the one you’re born into and the one you choose. For me, that chosen family, well, it seemed like it could be in Taiwan.

    Taihu Brewing’s logo (designed by brilliant local artist, Jess Lee) is comprised of a tiger and hops within a hulu (traditional Chinese alcohol vessel).

    The hulu needs no explanation, but hops are the cornerstone of modern craft beer. They represent the innovation inherent in the space. In fact, the vast majority of the hops that we use are from the United States. Since the US is the epicenter of craft brewing (and has been over the last twenty years), the American hop industry (malt too, actually) is arguably the best in the world. It is for good reason that the most popular hops in category-defining IPAs are American.

    The tiger is a nod to an earlier era when Taiwan was one of the “Four Asian Tigers.” Taiwan’s meteoric economic rise was accompanied by deterministic optimism, vibrancy, and general excitement about the future.

    The tiger represents that energy. That sense of opportunity, positivity, and hope. Taihu’s 167 employees are almost entirely Taiwanese. Internally, we think of Taihu as more of a platform for young Taiwanese talent than as a brewery, a medium for that energy to express itself.

    Our goal to attract and develop talent with the ultimate goal of developing the burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem here in Taiwan. One of our earliest team members, Sway, came on board as a bartender -- a fantastic bartender. At a small company, you do what you can, where you can, and Sway ended up taking up some of the slack in our logistics. Now she runs all of Taihu’s international supply chain (no small feat).

    With luck, one day she’ll be running her own successful Taiwanese business, and, in doing so, perpetuate the cycle.” — Peter Huang, founder of Taihu Brewing

  • struck三態 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-28 20:30:30
    有 211 人按讚

    [時事英文] 言論自由與冠狀病毒
    In a free society, all citizens must be able to pursue their own paths, set their own goals, and think for themselves. The freedom of speech safeguards these rights as it enables us to challenge and change government regulations and laws we find oppressive and unjust.
    History has shown that without the corrective mechanism of free speech, governments would consolidate their powers without regard for the rights and freedom of those whom they ought to serve. To deny people of free speech is a double wrong, because doing so would also deprive people of the right to listen, even though some speech would undoubtedly make us feel uncomfortable. Banning certain speech would not result in the elimination of ideas. It is through engagement and negotiation that we can reach consensus and progress as a society.
    All people ought to have the right to criticize their government without fear of persecution, because it is how we have won the rights we have today. The freedom of speech is a fundamental human right and it’s worth fighting to protect.
    Trevor Noah, the host of “The Daily Show,” has won praise on the Chinese internet for his searing criticism of the Trump administration’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. So has Jerry Kowal, an American who makes Chinese-language videos chronicling the dire situation in New York.
    1. win praise 贏得讚賞
    2. searing criticism 猛烈抨擊
    3. mishandle (v.) 對⋯⋯處理不當
    4. chronicle 記錄
    5. a dire situation 可怕的情況
    China’s response to the virus has its own sharp-eyed critics at home, and they have found a vastly different reception. One resident of the virus-struck city of Wuhan who writes under the name Fang Fang documented despair, misery and everyday life in an online diary, and has endured withering attacks on social media. Three citizen journalists who posted videos from Wuhan in the first weeks of the outbreak disappeared and are widely believed to be in government custody.
    6. response to 回應
    7. sharp-eyed 眼尖的;目光敏銳的
    8. a vastly different reception 截然不同的對待
    9. virus-struck 病毒侵襲
    10. document (v.) 記錄
    11. endure attacks 忍受攻擊
    12. withering 令人難堪的;嚴厲的
    13. be in government custody 被政府監禁(或拘留)
    The pandemic unfolded dramatically differently in China from the way it has in the rest of the world — at least, if one believes state-run Chinese media. Chinese news outlets used words like “purgatory” and “apocalypse” to describe the tragic hospital scenes in Italy and Spain. They have run photos of British and American medical workers wearing garbage bags as protective gear. A lot of the same miseries happened in China, but those reports were called “rumors” and censored.
    14. pandemic 全球性流行病
    15. unfold 展開;顯露
    16. state-run 國營;國有
    17. news outlet 新聞出處
    18. purgatory 煉獄
    19. apocalypse 末日(天啟)
    The death of Li Wenliang, the whistle-blowing doctor in Wuhan, on Feb. 6 galvanized many Chinese people into demanding freedom of speech. Online sentiment became much more skeptical, and many young people openly challenged the party’s message.
    20. a whistleblower 吹哨者
    21. galvanize somebody into… 激起;使震驚
    22. freedom of speech 言論自由
    23. online sentiment 網路輿情
    24. skeptical 存疑的;持懷疑態度的
    25. openly challenge 公開挑戰(或質疑)
    Then the United States and other countries bungled their own responses, and China’s propaganda machine saw an opportunity. Using the West’s transparency and free flow of information, state media outlets chronicled how badly others have managed the crisis. Their message: Those countries should copy China’s model. For good measure, the propaganda machine revved up its attacks on anybody who dared to question the government’s handling of the pandemic. For many people in China, the push is working. Wielding a mix of lies and partial truths, some young people are waging online attacks against individuals and countries that contradict their belief in China’s superior response.
    26. bungle 弄糟;(笨手笨腳地)把……搞砸
    27. propaganda machine 宣傳機器
    28. see an opportunity 看見機會
    29. manage a crisis
    30. transparency 透明度
    31. free flow of information 資訊的自由流動
    32. chronicle (v.) 記錄
    33. rev up sb/sth(使)活躍;(使)積極
    34. dare to question 敢於質疑
    Many of the same people praising Mr. Noah have been slinging arrows and rocks at Fang Fang, whose real name is Wang Fang, for telling the truth about China. Her diary was moderate and personal, and a place where many of us turned for comfort during the darkest hours of China’s epidemic. But after Harper Collins announced plans to publish it in English, tens of thousands of online users descended on her Weibo account, saying she was a traitor for supporting the enemy’s narrative.
    35. sling arrows and rocks 口誅筆伐
    36. tell the truth about 說了關於⋯⋯的實話
    37. moderate 溫和的
    38. turn to comfort 尋求慰藉
    39. the darkest hours 最黑暗的時刻
    40. descend on 突襲;向⋯⋯湧來
    41. a traitor 叛徒;賣國賊
    The online backlash has been so severe, Fang Fang wrote on Weibo, that it reminds her of the Cultural Revolution, the decade of political violence and chaos that she saw as a child. The only comfort, she wrote, is that “this type of Cultural Revolution is only conducted in cyberspace.”
    42. online backlash 網路上的強烈反對
    43. the Cultural Revolution 文化大革命
    44. remind sb of sth 使⋯⋯想起⋯⋯
    45. political violence and chaos 政治暴力與混亂
    May everyone in the world have the freedom to criticize their governments without fear. May we, no matter what our opinions are, speak out to safeguard human rights.

  • struck三態 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-14 20:39:00
    有 459 人按讚

    因為家庭一直以來都是我的first priority,
    所以當Michelle Obama的自傳推出後,
    1. (What she heard from others before they met)Exceptional, the most gifted law student one had ever encountered. On top of his apparent brilliance, he was also cute.
    2. (from a peak of his profile picture in the staff directory)a less-than-flattering, poorly lit head shot of a guy with a big smile and a whiff of geekiness.
    3. (the first time they talked over the phone)A rich, even sexy, baritone that didn’t seem to match his photo one bit.
    4. (After they met)What struck me was how assured he seemed of his own direction in life. He was oddly free from doubt.
    5. He was breezy in his manner but powerful in his mind. It was a strange stirring combination. He was refreshing unconventional, and weirdly elegant.
    6. There was no arguing with the fact that even with his challenged sense of style, Barack was a catch. He was good-looking, poised, and successful. He was athletic, interesting, and kind.
    7. He could be lighthearted and jokey, but he never strayed far from a larger sense of obligation.
    8. Barack had a smile that seemed to stretch the whole width of his face. He was a deadly combination of smooth and reasonable.
    9. I was struck for the first time by the spectacle of him – this strange mix-of-everything man.
    10. As soon as I allowed myself to feel anything for Barack, the feelings came rushing – a toppling blast of lust, gratitude, fulfillment, wonder.

