

在 spleen器官產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【乞~嗤~】寶寶流鼻水是傷風還是鼻敏感? ⭐自小遠離生冷食物調理體質 ⭐一歲起可每天飲用米水健脾胃 #星期二提升正能量 判斷嬰兒鼻敏感 鼻敏感是很常見的過敏症狀,在香港每4名兒童便有1人患有鼻敏感,成因分為先天與後天,如父母其中一方為過敏體質,就有1/3機會遺傳給下一代;如父母雙方都屬過敏體質,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,910的網紅Una Yogi X 一個瑜伽人,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中醫認為人體以五臟為中心(陰) 透過經絡聯繫六腑(陽)和其他組織器官 當經絡通順 氣血也會通順 身體就會健康 心情也比較平靜 當經絡堵塞 氣血也就不順 那我們的身體就會生病 相對的情緒上也會產生負面的變化 這一次我們要專注在土的元素 而跟土有關連的是脾臟和胃 所以當土的元素得到平衡我們的情緒就會...

spleen器官 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【乞~嗤~】寶寶流鼻水是傷風還是鼻敏感? ⭐自小遠離生冷食物調理體質 ⭐一歲起可每天飲用米水健脾胃 #星期二提升正能量 判斷嬰兒鼻敏感 鼻敏感是很常見的過敏症狀,在香港每4名兒童便有1人患有鼻敏感,成因分為先天與後天,如父母其中一方為過敏體質,就有1/3機會遺傳給下一代;如父母雙方都屬過敏體質,...

spleen器官 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-21 12:04:24

【鼻敏感之苦】經常掛着兩行鼻涕的小朋友 ⭐小朋友都不喜歡中藥材味道 ⭐推拿刺激穴位增強小朋友體質 #星期三CheckCheckMail 小兒推拿紓緩鼻敏感 李太:「兒子自小就有鼻敏感,他很怕吃藥或喝中藥,有甚麼可以做呢?」 CheckCheckCin:中醫理論認為小朋友「臟腑嬌嫩,形氣未充...

spleen器官 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-12-03 16:13:13

【中醫看耳】你是不是借了聾耳陳隻耳? ⭐聽歌時聲量愈調愈大 ⭐有發現長壽的人耳朵都比較厚長嗎? #星期五湯水 突然耳塞也因為痰濕 耳朵是人體的感覺器官之一, 耳塞或聽力突然下降, 可怕程度可想而知,以為是耳朵出現問題,西醫檢查後卻沒有發現,而從中醫角度來看,這可能與脾胃虛弱及痰濕內阻有關,...

  • spleen器官 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-07 18:57:14
    有 82 人按讚




    - 連續性噴嚏
    - 多流清鼻涕
    - 眼紅,多流眼水
    - 鼻塞,經常張口呼吸、發出鼻鼾,甚至影響睡眠質素,以致日間容易疲倦
    - 眼鼻痕癢,不時用手捽眼與鼻
    - 黑眼圈,因為鼻三角血液循環不好而形成


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    Identify infant nasal allergy
    Nasal allergy is common, as one in every four children in Hong Kong suffer from this problem. Some are congenital, while some would acquire this problem as they become older. If either of the parents has allergy problems, the children would have 1/3 of the chance of inheriting it. If both parents also have the same issue, chances for their children to inherit this health condition would be more than 75%.

    The most common symptom of nasal allergy is runny nose, but since the nasal mucosa of a toddler has yet to fully develop, it is weak and sensitive. Hence, a sudden temperature change and dusty environment can cause the toddler to have a runny nose. How do we know if the baby has a nasal allergy? Parents would have to observe the child’s symptoms closely. If the condition persists, do seek proper medical treatment.

    Symptoms of a nasal allergy:
    - incessant sneezing
    - clear-fluid runny nose
    - red and teary eyes
    - nasal congestion; the baby has to breathe through his or her mouth, keeps snorting, feels tired easily during the day, and unable to sleep well
    - itchy eyes and nose; constantly scratch them to relieve the itch
    - dark circles due to poor blood circulation around the nose

    From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, children’s internal organs are tender and are yet to form completely. Hence, their lungs, spleen, and kidneys are still very weak, making them an easy victim of the nasal allergy. With proper care and diet (consume less raw and cold foods and drinks), parents should be able to help the children reduce the negative effects nasal allergy has on their lives.

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    #男 #女 #嬰兒 #小童 #黑眼圈

  • spleen器官 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-09 08:19:14
    有 149 人按讚










    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Chinese massage to relieve children’s nasal allergies

    “My son has suffered from nasal allergies ever since you was young, and he’s afraid of eating Chinese medicines. What can I do?”

    CheckCheckCin: According to Chinese Medicine theories, children’s internal organs are still tender and not completely developed. Those who have weak lungs, spleen, and kidneys may be prone to nasal allergies.

    The moment the weather changes, these children would develop an allergic reaction, so remember to stay away from allergens and avoid eating raw and cold food.

    On the other hand, you can massage the ‘Yin Xiang’ acupoint to relieve sneezing and a runny nose. Parents can also massage their children’s acupoints once a day for five days in a row, and it is especially helpful for children aged between 0 and 6. Consider giving your children a massage before sleep to strengthen family bonds.

    The ‘bu pi jing’ spot 100 times
    Location: tip of finger print of the thumb
    Method: massage the spot in a clockwise circular motion with your thumb

    The ‘tui fei jing’ spot 100 times
    Location: tip of the finger print of the ring finger
    Method: massage the spot in a clockwise circular motion with your thumb

    The ‘tui shen jing’ spot 100 times
    Location: the fingerprint of the little finger
    Method: massage the spot in a clockwise circular motion with your thumb

    First aid for allergy outbreak: Ying Xiang Point
    Effects: expels wind, clears stuffed nose and stops runny nose. Relieves symptoms associated with nasal allergies such as itchy nose, stuffed and runny nose, sneezing.
    Location: at the level of the midpoint of the lateral part of the nasal wing
    Method: gently press on it and also rotate around in small circles for 1-2 minutes each time.

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    #男 #女 #我狀態OK

  • spleen器官 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-27 17:17:55
    有 86 人按讚



    耳朵是人體的感覺器官之一, 耳塞或聽力突然下降, 可怕程度可想而知,以為是耳朵出現問題,西醫檢查後卻沒有發現,而從中醫角度來看,這可能與脾胃虛弱及痰濕內阻有關,更會出現頭痛、目眩頭暈、胸悶噁心等症狀。日常要多注意健脾袪濕,平日飲食也要避免進食高脂油膩,治療上宜先諮詢註冊中醫師。


    1. 所有材料洗淨,黑木耳泡水至軟身,紅蘿蔔、蘋果去皮切大塊。
    2. 直接於鍋中加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

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    Sudden ear clog due to dampness?
    The ear is one of the sensory organs of the body. It would be a nightmare if we suddenly experience hearing loss due to a clog. While Western healthcare practitioners might not discover the cause behind this occurrence, from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, this possibly has to do with the weakness of the spleen and stomach, as well as the stagnation of the phlegm caused by dampness.

    Other accompanying symptoms are headache, dizziness, tightness in the chest and feeling nauseous. Do note the importance of strengthening the spleen and eliminate dampness from the body; avoid consuming fat and greasy food. Do consult registered and licensed Chinese medicine practitioner for a more systematic treatment.

    Tips for soup to strengthen spleen and dispel dampness:
    Appropriately add in ingredients such as coix seed, hyacinth bean coat, rice bean etc.

    Gastrodia soup with carrot and black fungus
    Effects: dispels wind and relieves pain, relieves headache, clogged ear and hearing loss due to dampness.
    Ingredient: 1 apple, 2 carrots, 1 black fungus, 12g gastrodia, 6g sweet flag grass, 2 slices of ginger, 30g black bean, 30g cooked coix seed

    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak black fungus until soft. Peel carrots and apple and cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hour. Add salt to taste.

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    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #我畏冷 #頭暈

  • spleen器官 在 Una Yogi X 一個瑜伽人 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-06-26 16:07:23

    中醫認為人體以五臟為中心(陰) 透過經絡聯繫六腑(陽)和其他組織器官
    當經絡通順 氣血也會通順 身體就會健康 心情也比較平靜
    當經絡堵塞 氣血也就不順 那我們的身體就會生病 相對的情緒上也會產生負面的變化


    如果失衡 我們的情緒就會產生焦慮或是想太多
    臉上會容易長痘痘 粉刺 身體容易出現水腫
    食慾不佳 手腳冰冷 腹脹 月經不順 痛經方面等等的問題

    如果覺得太短 你可以暫停影片 繼續停留在那個體式


    IG 日常 https://www.instagram.com/una.yogi/

