[爆卦]sighed meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇sighed meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在sighed meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 sighed產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過13萬的網紅thefamily.uk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Dear Harry Potter, You’ve been having adventures since before I was even born, but it seems like I’ve been there every step of your 7 years in Hogwart...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,270的網紅Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Oldie, but a goodie. This video was recorded literally many moons ago when I was still in high school ? It sure brings back a lot of memories from my ...

sighed 在 FiqrieIsMe Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 10:24:16

FOR EVERY SUNSET…IS A SUNRISE 🌥 Hearing the 13k cases yesterday took a toll on me emotionally and psychologically. Reading the DM of some of my fron...

  • sighed 在 thefamily.uk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-23 10:04:01
    有 352 人按讚

    Dear Harry Potter,
    You’ve been having adventures since before I was even born, but it seems like I’ve been there every step of your 7 years in Hogwarts. I shared your awe as you looked up from your little boat at the castle of Hogwarts for the first time. I felt your thrill when you battled with #Voldemort and his army. And I laughed heartily every time #Hermione sighed disapprovingly at whatever you did.

    The world that you introduced me to was like no other - and oh, how I wished to escape with you on the train to Hogwarts! Your games of #Quidditch enthralled me; I spent hours daydreaming about trying to find the #GoldenSnitch. Your classes of spells and charms fascinated me; I was intent on mastering my wand-weilding techniques. Your encounters with all sorts magical creatures delighted me; I dreamt about meeting dragons and three-headed dogs myself.

    Yes, although your world was filled with evil, murderous wizards, giant lurking spiders, and reckless flying Bludgers, your world was a desirable world, an escape from reality, an adventure hidden between leaves of paper and ink. I know that there’s very little chance of ever jumping into those pages, but I’ve always had a little bit of me that has believed with every bit of my heart that someday, somehow, I’ll make that jump and find myself dressed up in #Hogwarts robes, wand in hand, owl on arm, ready to have my own wizarding adventure.

    I thank you for being the person to bring magic into my life - it’s changed it completely, and certainly for the better. You might wonder when I’ll stop believing, but as for how long I’ll be raptured by the world of magic, my answer is "Always."

    A wannabe wizard,
    O. Mukhtar O. Mukhlis

    p/s: This is a letter I wrote to #HarryPotter, the book character - not #DanielRadcliffe, the actor! This was really fun to write - I’d definitely recommend that you all give it a try. Why not write a letter to a book character you love (or hate!) and share it with all of us? Don’t forget to tag me in your post!

  • sighed 在 柯奐如 Huan-Ru Ke Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-25 14:17:42
    有 17 人按讚

    🎬 經典電影分享 Classsic Movie Sharing

    成瀨巳喜男是很值得相遇的導演 ,他很擅長說明女人的內心,訴說女人的故事 。

    我喜歡、記憶最深的電影是「浮雲」,小津安二郎曾嘆息說 ,這是他拍不出來的電影。

    成瀨巳喜男影展10.23-11.5 在台北光點上映。老電影的美,難以忘懷。

    Mikio Naruse is a great director. He is very good at explaining women's hearts and telling women's stories.

    The movie I like and remember the most is "Floating Clouds." Ozu Yasujiro once sighed and said, this is a movie he couldn't make.

    The Naruse Mikio Film Festival will be screened at Taipei Spotlight from 10.23-11.5.

    #repost @光點台北




    #願妻如薔薇 Wife! Be Like a Rose!
    #飯 Repast
    #山之音 Sound of the Mountain
    #晚菊 Late Chrysanthemums
    #浮雲 Floating Clouds
    #驟雨 Sudden Rain
    #流逝 Flowing
    #上樓梯的女人 When a Woman Ascends the Stairs
    #情迷意亂 Yearning
    #亂雲 Scattered Clouds

    10.23-11.5 光點台北SPOT-Taipei(台北之家Taipei Film House)

  • sighed 在 鄭紹康 Francis Cheng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-01 13:10:59
    有 54 人按讚

    公關手冊 之 #工作篇 月餅的意義

    近日有一位殿堂級女星收到一盒價錢比較大眾化的月餅,事情在網上引起熱烈討論,看着整件事的發生和處理手法令我有所感慨,送禮永遠是個學問。一年容易又中秋,2020年好像整個世界也逆轉而行翻天覆地,今年我們的夏天正是零售業的寒冬,公關公司生意當然不見得好,大家都對今年送月餅這筆錢也採取慳得就慳的策略,所以今年每個月餅也得來不易,無論是送出去的還是朋友客戶送來的也特別有意義。七月份時我打電話給其他公關公司了解一下行情,有一間告訴我她們已經很多年沒有送月餅的習慣了,只會送聖誕 hamper, 我再問另一間則告訴我只會送給客戶而不會送給傳媒,於是我打電話給傳媒界KOL的A 小姐,我問她今年若果我們不送月餅可以嗎?她說可以,現今處境大家會明白的。我再問A小姐她會介意嗎,她說當然會介意啦!之後我跟另外一個傳媒大姐大S小姐吃午飯,她告訴我其實是我念舊,很多公司已經沒有送月餅這個傳統了,這份人情和心意她們懂的。某品牌今年以火車造型的月餅用來送禮,有些客戶收到兩卡車廂,有些人則收到四卡車廂,我心想怎麼可能會讓這種尷尬事情再次發生,記得幾年前某間公關公司為某餐廳開幕時已經犯過這個錯誤,就是分兩個等級來送禮,有大盒禮物和細盒禮物之分,其實賓客之間大家會談論的,收到細份的自然不是味兒,見到其他二線明星post大份的禮物時自己心裏立即覺得「有冇搞錯佢都冇我咁紅但係佢份禮仲大過我嗰份!」,結果兩邊不討好造成公關災難,今次收到兩卡車廂的客人也自然會問為什麼自己只得一半,心裏未必好受,更加不會幫手出post再尷尬一次,然而今年情況比較特別,無論出了什麼亂子大家也會從輕發落的。退一步有海闊天空,今年需要睇開一點,斤斤計較自己會不開心,今年每個月餅也來得難能可貴,收月餅並非理所當然的事,這個時候吃一口月餅感覺百般滋味在心頭,大家也應該珍惜這份情誼,好好和家人相處共度中秋節,抬頭望望明月,一起祝願來年會更好,祝大家中秋節快樂!

    Time flies and it’s Mid Autumn Festival! Due to COVID 19 the economy and business is very very bad and all the PR firms are calculating the budget carefully including buying mooncakes, I called one agency and they said they stopped sending mooncakes to clients for many years already, so I called another agency and they said they will send to clients and not to media this year. So I called a big Media sister and asked if it’s ok I won’t send her mooncakes this year, she said ok and she will understand. Then i asked if she would mind me doing that, she sighed and said, “Yes I do mind,”! One brand is sending out the train packaging mooncakes this year in two tiers: two carts and four carts, it is indeed quite embarrassing and it’s another PR crisis that some other PR firm made this same mistake a few years ago. Guests that only receive the two carts may think how come other less important or less popular guests can get the four carts? Anyway this year the situation is different and everyone should sit back and relax and chill out a bit, every mooncake is not for granted, we should simply enjoy and treasure this friendship and relationship, and hope it will be a better year coming up, have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 😘🌕⭐️🥮

    #PRlife #Numberonepr @numberoneprhk #myPRbook #公關手册 #2020 #中秋節 #中秋節快樂 #mooncake #midautumnfestival #happymidautumnfestival #happymoonfestival

  • sighed 在 Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-08-07 19:27:45

    Oldie, but a goodie. This video was recorded literally many moons ago when I was still in high school ? It sure brings back a lot of memories from my musical theatre days. Lately, as I've been missing the stage, I came across this old gem. This was my first big solo and I am very grateful the teacher, Mr. Corrigan, trusted me to open the school show with this song ?? It wasn't perfect and the video's quality isn't the best, but maybe you can get a feel of how it was back then and perhaps in the near future, you can head to a live performance in a location near you ?

    喺好耐好耐好耐以前,我曾經有機會唱一齣音樂劇嘅opening solo。呢次嘅experience,俾我感受到live performance同埋舞台嘅威力,真係非常之難忘。希望喺不久嘅將來,我可以再喺台上面唱歌跳舞 ???????

    #OnceUponAMattress #Musical #Theatre #ILoveMusicals


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    Many moons ago in a far-off place
    Lived a handsome prince with a gloomy face
    For he did not have a bride.
    Oh, he sighed "Alas" And he pined, Alas,
    But, alas, the prince couldn't find a lass
    Who would suit his mother's pride.

    For a princess is a delicate thing,
    delicate and dainty as a dragonfly's wing.
    You can recognize a lady by her elegant air
    but a genuine princess is exceedingly rare.

    On stormy night to the castle door
    came the lass the prince had been waiting for:
    "I'm a princess lost, " quoth she.
    But the queen was cool and remained aloof and she said,
    "Perhaps, but we'll need proof;
    I'll prepare a test and see."

    "I will test her thus, "
    the old queen said,
    "I'll put twenty downy mattresses upon her bed,
    And beneath those twenty mattresses I'll place one tiny pea.
    If that pea disturbs her slumber
    Then a true princess is she!"

    Now, the bed was soft, and extremely tall
    But the dainty lass didn't sleep at all,
    and she told them so next day.
    Said the queen, "My dear, if you felt that pea
    then we've proof enough of your royalty.
    Let the wedding music play!"
    and the people shouted quietly

    For a princess is a delicate thing,
    delicate and dainty as a dragonfly's wing.
    You can recognize a lady by her elegant air,
    but a genuine princess is exceedingly rare!

  • sighed 在 MAKO0MAKO0 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2013-07-31 19:32:41

    【blog http://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-11583744104.html】

