

在 shown英文名產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅立法委員林奕華,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我國因莫德納疫苗無法穩定到貨,除原本優先接種疫苗名單第一至第三類人員和孕婦,仍維持間隔28天施打第二劑外,其他都宣佈推遲為間隔10至12週。雖然已是同島不同命,但現在等第二劑的民眾更是焦慮,因為到底能不能在12週內順利完成接種得到足夠的保護力,竟然也得不到政府的保證?在此提醒中央疫情指揮中心,到...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,想要說一口好英文嗎?你需要訂閱賓狗的嘖嘖計畫!https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual · 你聽得懂的全英文 news podcast · 為你把複雜的文法,變得簡單好入口 · 讓你的英文發音更漂亮 你想要高品質中英對照新聞嗎?訂閱《風傳媒》,...

shown英文名 在 Pinky Freediving 自由潛水 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-30 20:04:55

@blackc0cboy 小黑一開始來上課的時候說他時常去爬山,IG牆面都是綠油油一片,這次來上課希望來解鎖藍色濾鏡。沒有經常玩水的他,下到海裡總能感受他的緊張,因為很習慣負重走山,突然進到無重力的空間身體顯得無所適從(如小圖),平常用到的肌群似乎也派不上用場,花了很多時間為了找到身體的協調感,就好...

shown英文名 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-03 17:47:36

/ Paper 2 增加說服力5個方法 . 1️⃣ 引用數據 如果你有實質數據,可以引用數據。如果沒有實質數據,不宜亂作,但是仍然可以按照你的觀察再描述數字的大或小、升或跌。 According to official statistics, a majority of people ... Res...

shown英文名 在 Eng1minute Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-10-08 06:47:36

iZombie 我是殭屍 ⠀ ⠀ 翻譯:「人生苦短,終將有一死,然後呢...你就得做出一些抉擇,你可以逃避一切,為失去的事物感到悲痛,讓自己麻木封閉,或接受真正的自我。」「聽說這裡有腦子吃哦。」「哇哇我也想當殭屍了。」「那你要很投入才行,你的眼神要死氣沉沉但又要有點瘋癲,還要吃腦子和跳殭屍舞之類的。...

  • shown英文名 在 立法委員林奕華 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-03 03:56:01
    有 434 人按讚




    Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
    Get your second shot 4 weeks (or 28 days) after your first.
    You should get your second shot as close to the recommended 4-week interval as possible. However, your second dose may be given up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose, if necessary. You should not get the second dose early. ​There is currently limited information on the effectiveness of receiving your second shot earlier than recommended or later than 6 weeks after the first shot.



    SAGE recommends the use of the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine at a schedule of two doses (100 µg, 0.5 ml each) 28 days apart. If necessary, the interval between the doses may be extended to 42 days.
    Studies have shown a high public health impact where the interval has been longer than that recommended by the EUL. Accordingly, countries facing a high incidence of COVID-19 combined with severe vaccine supply constraints could consider delaying the second dose up to 12 weeks in order to achieve a higher first dose coverage in high priority populations.
    Compliance with the full schedule is recommended and the same product should be used for both doses.



  • shown英文名 在 台灣空姐姍姍的旅遊和廣東話閒聊 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-17 13:27:38
    有 2 人按讚

    看「重播」:英式體系英文 playback,北美體系英文 replay,當名詞,重音都在第一節(replay 在英式體系英文有 重複播放運動賽事部分重要片段的意思, the playing again of an important part of a sports event being shown on television, usually at a slower speed so that it can be examined it more clearly)


  • shown英文名 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-31 18:00:31
    有 13 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #redskin #football

    🏈 The Washington Redskins

    1. NFL「美式足球聯盟」:National Football League,是世界最大的職業美式足球聯盟,Super Bowl「超級盃」則是NFL的年度冠軍賽,一般在每年1月最後一個或2月第一個禮拜天舉行,當天也稱為Super Bowl Sunday,觀看超級盃足球賽可以說是全美運動。
    2. criticism「批評」:當名詞,動詞為criticize
    3. activist「社運人士」
    4. settler「殖民者,開拓者」
    5. negative「負面的」
    6. stereotype「刻板印象」
    7. offensive「冒犯的,歧視的」
    8. poll「民意調查」
    9. call on「呼籲,訴求」
    10. merchandise「商品」


    If you’re a fan of American football, you’re sure to be familiar with the Washington Redskins. Since joining the NFL in the early 1930s, the Redskins have won two NFL Championships and three Super Bowls. Only five teams have appeared in more Super Bowls than the Redskins—the New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers, Denver Broncos and San Francisco 49ers.

    In recent years, however, the Redskins have come under increasing criticism. Although the Redskins’ last Super Bowl appearance was in 1992, this criticism isn’t about their performance on the field, but rather their name.

    Where does the term “redskin” come from? In the 18th century, French settlers in the Mississippi River Valley translated a word used by local Indians to refer to themselves into peau rouge. This was later translated into English as redskin, a term that was used for many years with no negative meaning, even by Indians themselves. But during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, American Indian activists began to feel that words like redskin promoted negative stereotypes about Native Americans.
    「紅皮膚redskin」這個詞是怎麼來的?十八世紀移居到密西西比河流域的法國人,將當地印地安人用來自稱的字翻成peau rouge,這個法文詞後來翻成英文redskin「紅皮膚」,當時這個字並沒有任何負面含意,也這樣相安無事用了許多年,連印地安人自己也在用。不過,到一九六〇年代人權運動時期,美國印第安社運人士開始覺得,這個字會引起大家對美國原住民的負面刻板印象。

    Today, most dictionaries define redskin as an offensive term, but it’s not that simple. A number of polls have shown that the majority of football fans, the general public, and even American Indians, don’t find the word redskin offensive. And Redskins owner Dan Snyder has said the name was chosen back in 1933 to honor Native Americans, including the head coach—who was part Sioux—and four of the team’s players.

    But following the police killing of George Floyd, a group of investors wrote letters to Redskins sponsors like FedEx, Nike and PepsiCo urging them to put pressure on the team to change its name. On July 2, FedEx publically called on the team to change its name, and Nike removed all Redskins merchandise from its website. The next day, the team announced that it would be reviewing its name, and on July 13 made an official statement that they would retire the Redskins name and logo.
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • shown英文名 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-29 12:00:10

    · 你聽得懂的全英文 news podcast
    · 為你把複雜的文法,變得簡單好入口
    · 讓你的英文發音更漂亮


    1【avert 避免】— 動詞(通常是避免壞事發生)
    Trump signed the COVID-19 aid bill to help avert government shutdown.

    2 【matter 某事很重要】— 動詞
    In international affairs, power matters.

    3【cohesion 團結一致】- 名詞
    Without the U.K., the bloc has shown more cohesion.

    4【sth is here to stay 某事物會長久留下】— 套句
    Consumer brands bet working from home is here to stay.

    5【nostalgia 懷舊情結】— 名詞
    Nostalgia is natural and sometimes even useful.

    1)avert 避免
    2)matter 某事很重要
    3)cohesion 團結一致
    4)sth is here to stay 某事物會長久留下
    5)nostalgia 懷舊情結

  • shown英文名 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-17 20:58:14

    #AntoniGaudíarchitect #SagradaFamília #安東尼高第 #西班牙建築師 #西班牙菜 #spanishcuisinedishes #聖家堂 #米拉之家
    #casamila #巴塞隆拿自由行攻略 #Barcelona #巴塞隆納

    眼睛去旅行, 睇咗當去咗!

    巴塞隆拿具有悠久歷史,且沿海擁有迷人的地中海海岸線(La Isla Bonita),在近代亦曾出現了高第(Gaudi)、多明尼克等多位建築天才,是一個「很有個性」的城市。造訪巴塞隆拿第一樣你要知道的並不是匯率、也不是那裹可以大血拼,而是被譽為「上帝的建築師」——高第。提到巴塞隆拿景點,高第設計的建築作品必定要列入巴塞隆拿行程中,當中共有七項被列為世界遺產,例如:在他去逝後到現在超過90年都還未建成的聖家堂(Sagrada Família),是每個遊客必定會驚嘆不已的作品。

    高第的建築作品必定要參觀欣賞,像米拉之家(Casa Milà)和巴特婁之家 (Casa Batlló)也是巴塞隆拿必去景點之一。

    一次過嘗盡十幾個西班牙名菜, 將會不日放映, 講解一下西班牙的飲食文化。


    La Boqueria Market 是巴塞隆拿必去市場, 咁豐富嘅內容, 一定不容錯過!

    Barcelona has a long history and has a charming Mediterranean coastline (La Isla Bonita). In modern times, there have been many architectural geniuses such as Gaudi and Dominic. It is a “very individual” city. . The first thing you need to know when visiting Barcelona is not the exchange rate, nor the shopping spots, but the "architect of God" - Gaudí. Referring to the attractions of Barcelona, ​​Gaudí’s architectural works must be included in the Barcelona tour, and seven of them are listed as World Heritage sites, for example, they have not been built since the death of him for more than 90 years. Sagrada Família is a work that every visitor will surely marvel at.

    The architectural works of Gaudí must be visited, like Casa Milà and Casa Batlló, one of the must-see attractions in Barcelona.

    After a taste of more than a dozen Spanish dishes, it will be shown in my coming videos to explain the Spanish food culture.

    La Boqueria Market is a must-see for the market in Barcelona, ​​so you don't want to miss it! Don't u!!!

