

在 shocked中文產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過685的網紅learnwithemily,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《怎麽避免台式英文》 中文和英文這兩個語言,不論是文法,或是句子結構都差超級多。從中文直接翻譯成英文,就一定會產生聽起來很奇怪的台式英文。 舉例來說,妹妹在段考題中就看到一句寫 It made us shocked 雖然文法上是正確的,但聽起來真的很怪,完全不是母語人士會講的,比較好的用法應該是...

 同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過373萬的網紅Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The other day I went into a bunch of typical American Chinese takeout restaurants as an ordinary but kinda clueless white guy and ordered food in flue...

shocked中文 在 江峰 Jiang Feng みね Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-07 19:59:12

: [中文/English] 水下三十米 30 meters underwater《決戰水下伸展台 AquaChallenge》第一集結束了! 我的作品拿到第一名啦!!!!!! 這是我和大名鼎鼎的張克謙,科七的合作作品《創作的幽靈》。我在比賽開始前就開始構思,然後決定要在潛立方旅館(潛水旅館)...

shocked中文 在 Mia Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-09-07 19:36:58

我的帳號被駭了。 I got hacked. On August 15th, this account got hacked. I got three emails from Instagram that day informing me someone logged into my accou...

shocked中文 在 Emily ?? ?? ??⠀ Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 16:33:58

《怎麽避免台式英文》 中文和英文這兩個語言,不論是文法,或是句子結構都差超級多。從中文直接翻譯成英文,就一定會產生聽起來很奇怪的台式英文。 舉例來說,妹妹在段考題中就看到一句寫 It made us shocked 雖然文法上是正確的,但聽起來真的很怪,完全不是母語人士會講的,比較好的用法應該是...

  • shocked中文 在 learnwithemily Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-06 16:51:56
    有 23 人按讚



    舉例來說,妹妹在段考題中就看到一句寫 It made us shocked 雖然文法上是正確的,但聽起來真的很怪,完全不是母語人士會講的,比較好的用法應該是 It shocked us才對。





    ✔️ balloon ➡ 🎈 .
    ❌ balloon ➡ 氣球 ➡ 🎈
    這就是為什麼你應該改用英英字典!用英文解釋英文,可以讓你直接將單字和他的字義綁在一起 ,不間接通過中文這個一道手續。這樣,尤其在翻譯的時候,就比較不會寫出很台、讓人莫名其妙的句子了!


    ▶️Cambridge 劍橋
    有出一款初學者專用的Learner's dictionary,用最簡單的方式解釋單字!
    App内有單字遊戲,很難可是很好玩xD 是我等紅綠燈時的休閒活動。
    ▶️Google Define
    最方便,Google輸入單字+ “define” 就可以了~
    缺點是大多解釋得比較難 .
    🔥🔥🔥這幾款也是阿滴 @rayduenglish 在幾年前的影片中有推薦的喔🔥🔥🔥 .

  • shocked中文 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-21 00:22:09
    有 2 人按讚

    [音樂歷史: 英倫街頭的階級纏鬥: 狗仔隊與小報媒體應用 XOXO GOSSIP GIRL,WHAT A SHIT SHOW.] Morrison 馬仕釗 赤兔馬,威震東瀛,THAT IS YOU。THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING。 J.Sheon (街巷) 2016年,【#請問我的背上有甚麼嗎? 為什麼要來佔領呢? 】--2016 阿夜 Marz23貼於自己的IG,他當時的姿勢為俯臥在床畔,背的正中間遭逢貓的 #愛之踏踏。#貓系男子,還不知道我說什麼的請去看影片區吧。記得CRAIG DAVID #SLICKER THAN YOUR____ 其中一張專輯頁面翻過來,是什麼嗎? 是貓背式,阿夜當時的姿勢。各位粉絲,說你們粉絲太小看你們了,應該稱呼你們為 #樂迷 ,您真的覺得中文音樂圈甚至藝術圈的 #黑貓只有一隻嗎? 西天取經但去西天 #吸睛 ^U^ 記得,龐克與嘻哈之所以在英國被貼這麼多負面標籤,節奏藍調如ANOTHER LEVEL幫忙撕力爭上游,是因為階級的對立與不公平,是因為龐克與HIP HOP一直強調不受教和獨立思考,上流人士當然緊張啊,他們心想: 萬一我們被推翻了不能爽爽的怎麼辦? #我們貴族耶,上流社會的人士都聽古典和芭蕾呀,#怎麼可以被街頭藝術取代呢? 那就說他們是噪音就好,用媒體電死他們最好,WESTLIFE跟FIVE當然讓狗仔去拍FIVE就好,ANOTHER LEVEL和辣妹合唱團嗎? #讓狗仔隊咬死他們就好,這樣我們皇室與公猴脖子男(以上為爵位)就沒事囉,以前 #教育 這種基本權益,是不存在的,#免費的教育? 當然要立法禁止呀,抄家斬門,#教會要賣贖罪券,要賺錢耶,怎麼可以無償呢? 怎麼可以讓傑克倫敦來我們倫敦採訪呢? 窮人就當奴隸就好啦,這是 #當時 的思維。 RICH KIDS GO HOMELESS? HOW CAN IT BE? 他們就是吃王子騎士這一套,不信你去看為何 #梅根閃退。攻略都給你們了唷,我們一起加油。#PRIVATE是軍事用語,不要太多人知道。當整個世界在BOYZONE與西城男孩,茱力聽日本嘻哈來自大阪的西成,京都與關西R&B歌手YU-G都拒絕去東京,沒有甚麼原因,#骨氣使然,但有時候要假裝自己願意去。EDWARD,熊仔,記得 #乞丐王子 嗎? 有些人就是希望我們永遠在中產階級和底層,就像YOUTUBE和FACEBOOK改演算法一樣,#劍橋分析。 天啟四騎士,別忘記 剃刀蔣 MJ116/E.so 高爾宣 OSN 婁峻碩 SHOU ØZI BE CAREFUL,LISTEN TO SAFEHOUSE,SB WANTS YOUR HEAD AS HEADLINE。我什麼都沒說唷,狐群狗黨~狐~~~WHO IS GOING DOWN? LET THEM GET SHELL-SHOCKED. HATERS, Judas,TAKE CARE ONE ANOTHER, 對應的術語如下【不看】、【不聽】、【不回】、【不知道】、【#我沒有聽過耶,#還是你要告訴我? 】、【這個我要研究一下,我不是專業】 、【你今天出門有遇到警察嗎我覺得他們是人民保母^U^】、【今天天氣不錯呀,好期待夏天】、【。。。。。。】(對,你可以沉默,或者笑得讓記者心裡發毛,對方問不下去,根本經紀公司都不用擋,#等他乾)、【你剛剛說的那是什摩? 可以解釋一下嗎? 我等你大概三分鐘。】、【不認識耶。我也聽不懂。】、【我喜歡瑞奇馬汀,EMI MARIA的雨也不錯】、或者【OH,我沒有這樣說唷,那是你說的喔^U^ 你把我話語權都拿走,那我要說什麼?】 或者轉移話題【你知道台北現在缺血嗎】、【你有聽過日本一部很讚的動畫文豪STRAY DOGS嗎我最喜歡 #國木田獨步】 大概就這幾句話,對方問不出什麼的。BE WATER,MY SOUL MATES。如果連你們都像黛安娜王妃或MJ那樣,粉絲會崩潰的,記得唷,#查理7事最後娶了安茹的瑪莉^U^ 有學貸房貸車貸租金壓力的,特別小心,他們會賣你們,彼得三次不認主,無論對方怎麼說,我們都有腳本打,對方根本拿你們沒辦法。

  • shocked中文 在 Elecher 一粒车 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-18 09:44:46
    有 117 人按讚

    #deminegara #pleastayhome #lockdown #covid_19 #请呆在家


    [ Will you please stay at home? ]

    10pm Superior: we need an extra MO to Permai Hospital urgently.
    7am Received call from superior
    7.30am Packing luggage
    8.30am Leave to Permai
    10.30am Report at Permai

    It's my first day reporting myself to Permai Hospital, hospital for Covid patient. And guess what, I was welcomed with the news of first death in Johor literally 5 mins after I was briefed by my team. Yes, if anyone of you are curious about the situation now. It's havoc, it's bad, it's real now.

    People are being upset the lockdown of Malaysia. I know you're healthy and think is unnecessary. But on the other side of world that you don't see, we're screening hundreds of people everyday now and having hundreds of confirmed cases daily. And there's people dying, not just the old one, but the young one, leaving young children behind. As young and fit like us.
    And one of the most difficult part is to do contact tracing because of the mobility of people. And right now I'm sure there's many infected people who's not diagnosed yet and keep spreading the virus to people surrounding them. Please Malaysian, we need a favour from you. The current lockdown is only 2 weeks, which is the incubation period of the virus and enough for us to identified those who's infected previously if they stop contacting other people from now. And the contact tracing (which is just the family members) will be a lot easier. Please just stay at home, yumcha at home, no more outdoor jogging, opening your shop unnecessary or religious praying together-gether. Can we just please do this for 14 days? If we can adhere to this and identified and isolate all the cases, then the chances of un-lockdown will be higher and sooner.

    People have been complaining why are we not screening them when they've symptoms. If we could, we will want to screen everyone. But our manpower and resources are getting limited now that's why there's only people who fulfil the criteria will get screened (but you can always pay to screen at private). So please stay home, will you? I know you're not scare of dying, so do I. That's why here am I working as a frontliner. But my sister cried when she knew I'm going. I was shocked and I told her I'll keep myself safe. Is your love one ready for you to die as well? If not, stay home while you can. (because I can't)

    I've received lots of blessings and wishes from friends who know I'm called to be a frontliner. And know what, the biggest blessings to us is to stay healthy, stay safe and stay home. We're not blaming anyone so please let's not blame anyone but be a part of this. I can't save the world, but I am doing my little part to help the situation , and if you're with me, please do your part too and show the Malaysian spirit.

    It's a difficult situation, that's why we need more gratitude than grumbles.

    Be grateful if you've saved enough to go through this tough time, some people don't and perhaps you can lend a hand
    Be grateful if you need to rest from work, some people don't even have job
    Be grateful if you're asked to self quarantine, some people are quarantine in the hospital with no one
    Be grateful if you're quarantined but still fit, someone just didn't make it today
    Be grateful if your family is far but still healthy and fit, some people lost their father today
    Be grateful you can stay home with family and have family bonding, some people, us are out there working day in day out in the hospital.

    And we're grateful Malaysian can play a part as Malaysian now.
    Malaysia need you.
    We need you.

    16/3 10pm 上司:我们紧急需要一名医生去Permai医院。
    17/3 7am 接到上司的电话
    7. 30am 收拾行李
    8.30am 前往permai
    10. 30am 报到


    而因为人民自由的活动,让我们追踪肯定病例接触过的人 (contact tracing) 遇到了很大的阻力。而照着现在的状态,很有可能很多被感染的人还未被检验。真的,我们医护人员需要你们,请呆在家好吗?在家yumcha,不要出外运动,不要开店不需要离开家祈祷。只是两个星期,让我们能在这两星期把所有感染的病患医治,避免继续互相传染,那么封国就会尽早被取消。


    大家知道我去了前线,给了我很多祝福。真的很感恩很被爱。但是若每一个人都能照顾自己的健康,呆在家,对我们就是最大的祝福。我不能拯救世界,但只是履行我的责任,所以若可以,也希望每个人可以履行人民的责任,我依然相信Malaysia Boleh因为人民的力量。



  • shocked中文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-03 04:00:04

    The other day I went into a bunch of typical American Chinese takeout restaurants as an ordinary but kinda clueless white guy and ordered food in fluent Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Fuzhounese). Most American Chinese takeout restaurants like this are run by people from China’s Fujian province, so it was fun for them to hear me speak their native but fairly rare language of Fuzhounese!

    It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in these NYC Chinatown restaurants were totally shocked! Thanks everyone for supporting me on my language learning journey!!!

    Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
    Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc

    Check out my Chinese course:

    Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

  • shocked中文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-28 04:00:04

    Today I went to NYC’s Flushing Chinatown to rap Ninja by Jay Chou (忍者 by 周杰倫), and totally shocked people with my Chinese rapping skills! I’m definitely not perfect but I can sing this difficult rap song at least passably and people were impressed!

    Inspired by rap videos by BigDawsTv and Ollie B, this was an interesting prank / social experiment for sure! Remember to subscribe for more videos about learning Mandarin and just language learning in general!

    If you want to check out the original music video for the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55yJh4SHUBY

    Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

  • shocked中文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-18 01:00:13

    Today me and my friend Jillian (@JJsays - 雪莲说) went out to get dim sum in Chinatown and she totally shocked the entire restaurant (literally all the waitstaff) with her perfect Mandarin! We got all the classic Guangdong / Hong Kong style dim sum style treats, like shrimp dumplings (har gow), rice noodles, pork buns (cha siu bao), and Jillian's favorite -- chicken feet!!! This is part 2 of our Chinatown series where went around Chinatown and talked with different people in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Fuzhounese. Very funny prank and social experiment! For more language learning vids remember to subscribe!

    Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
    Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc

    Check out my Chinese course:

    Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

