

在 robust英文產品中有28篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✨蔡英文總統今日頒授「大綬景星勳章」予美國在台協會酈英傑處長,表彰酈處長在推動美台關係與增進美台人民情誼所做出的重大貢獻。 💞「美台關係與眾不同且世上少見。即便如此,過去一年半來美台共同努力對抗全球疫情,致使我們雙邊關係大幅升溫,依然讓我個人感到異常驚喜。這段期間内,美台同心協力一起締造的成績,真...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 蝦醬蘆筍炒滑蛋 材料: 蘆筍3札 雞蛋6隻 蝦膏1磚 辣椒仔1隻 處理: 1. 蘆筍,從尾部切去2吋,莖部輕手刨去表皮,斜刀切2吋一段,清水沖洗乾淨。 2. 雞蛋,打在碗內。 3. 辣椒仔,洗淨,切粒。 烹調: 1. 大火在鑊中燒熱...

robust英文 在 Cindy Sung Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-19 11:16:56

今天我們來看robust這個單字,它的意思是「強壯的」或「堅固的」,最近有一則新聞提到製藥廠商在經過分析後表示疫苗針對COVID-19非常有效,並使用了”robustly effective “的說法, robustly 是副詞,意思是「堅定地、穩健地」,effective是「有效的」,而 “rob...

  • robust英文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-25 16:09:59
    有 10,000 人按讚



    我很高興也很榮幸能在這個時間點擔任美國在台協會處長。我相信,這項殊榮不僅象徵著當前美台堅實強健的夥伴關係,也代表美台關係持續成長茁壯的無限潛力。我期待即使離任之後,我也能持續為增進美台關係貢獻一己之力,讓這段重要的夥伴關係更上一層樓。」-- 美國在台協會處長酈英傑



    ✨President Tsai Ing-wen today awarded the Order of the Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon to AIT Director Christensen, commending him for his extraordinary contribution to strengthening Taiwan-U.S. relations and people-to-people ties.

    💞“The U.S.-Taiwan relationship is a rare and special one. Yet I have been personally – and pleasantly – surprised by the dramatic growth in our ties as we weathered the global pandemic over the past year and a half. The achievements we have reached together during that time are a true testament of the determination and creativity that we share in our efforts to advance the relationship. And the recent outbreak in Taiwan has brought the United States and Taiwan even closer.

    Being the AIT Director at this point in time has been a pleasure and a privilege. I believe this award signifies both the current robust strength of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship and also the potential for it to continue to grow and develop. Even after my departure, I look forward to continuing to contribute to our joint efforts to further strengthen this vital relationship.” – AIT Director Christensen.

    ✅See the Director’s remarks: https://bit.ly/3wXnGJN


  • robust英文 在 財報狗 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-11 20:11:27
    有 510 人按讚

    昨天看到一份不錯的投資書單。這份書單是 Corey Hoffstein 分享的,他是量化投資機構 Newfound Research 的投資長,所以裡面分享蠻多跟量化有關的書。大部分都只有英文,我把有中文翻譯的整理出來了,疫情在家來慢慢消化。



    - 決斷的演算
    - Python 自動化的樂趣|搞定重複瑣碎 & 單調無聊的工作
    - 高效能 Python 程式設計

    - Risk and Asset Allocation by Attilio Meucci
    - Tail Risk Hedging: Creating Robust Portfolios for Volatile Markets
    - The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (有簡體翻譯:如何應對第二輪下跌)
    - Plight of the Fortune Tellers: Why We Need to Manage Financial Risk Differently
    - 股價、棉花與尼羅河密碼:藏在金融圖表裡的風險
    - 隨機騙局
    - Red-Blooded Risk
    - 風險之書

    - The Laws of Trading
    - Principles of Financial Engineering by Salih N. Neftci (有簡體翻譯:金融工程原理)
    - Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners
    - Trend Following with Managed Futures
    - Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, and Build Your Intuition Quickly and Easily
    - Expected Returns (有簡體翻譯:預期收益)
    - The Volatility Smile
    - Trading Volatility: Trading Volatility, Correlation, Term Structure and Skew

    - 金融投機史:揭開貪婪時代九大金融泡沫
    - When Genius Failed (有簡體翻譯:賭金者:長期資本管理公司的升騰與隕落)
    - Efficiently Inefficient

  • robust英文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-08 21:00:21
    有 155 人按讚


    坎城影展平行單元「坎城影展國際影評人週」在稍早公布了本屆的完整名單。競賽單元分為長片與短片從千部影片精選出13部,非洲元素是今年看點之一,包括來自埃及的《Feathers》與吉布地取景拍攝的《The Gravedigger’s Wife》。此外,曾獲坎城影展短片金棕櫚的哥倫比亞導演西門.梅薩.索托(Simón Mesa Soto)也獻上了首部長片《Amparo》。


    今年影展的海報視覺向美國獨立導演大衛.勞勃.米契爾(David Robert Mitchell)在2014年轟動坎城的《靈病 It Follows》(2014)致敬。評審團則將由羅馬尼亞新浪潮健將克里斯汀.穆基擔任主席。
    (主席)克里斯汀.穆基 Cristian Mungiu(導演)羅馬尼亞🇷🇴
    狄達爾.多梅莉 Didar Domehri(製片)法國🇫🇷
    卡麥莉亞.裘丹娜 Camélia Jordana(演員、歌手)法國🇫🇷
    米歇爾.麥凱特 Michel Merkt(製片)瑞士🇨🇭
    卡雷爾.歐克 Karel Och(卡羅維瓦利影展藝術總監)捷克🇨🇿

    Constance Meyer

    Simón Mesa Soto

    Omar El Zohairy

    Clara Roquet

    《The Gravedigger’s Wife》芬蘭🇫🇮法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪
    Khadar Ayderus Ahmed

    Elie Grappe

    《Small Body》義大利🇮🇹
    Laura Samani

    《Zero Fucks Given》法國🇫🇷比利時🇧🇪
    Julie Lecoustre, Emmanuel Marre

    《Brutalia, Days Of Labour》希臘🇬🇷比利時🇧🇪
    Manolis Mavris

    《朵麗 Lili Alone》中國🇨🇳香港🇭🇰新加坡🇸🇬

    《訪客 An Invitation》中國🇨🇳

    Nicolai G.H. Johansen

    《Intercom 15》羅馬尼亞🇷🇴
    Andrei Epure

    《If It Ain’t Broke》以色列🇮🇱
    Elinor Nechemya

    Marie Larrivé

    Ian Barling

    《Soldat Noir》法國🇫🇷
    Jimmy Laporal-Trésor

    《On Solid Ground》瑞士🇨🇭
    Jela Hasler

    《Anaïs In Love》法國🇫🇷

    《Bruno Reidal, Confessions Of A Murder》法國🇫🇷
    Vincent Le Port

    《A Radiant Girl》法國🇫🇷
    Sandrine Kiberlain

    Samuel Theis

    《A Tale Of Love And Desire》法國🇫🇷
    Leyla Bouzid

  • robust英文 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-21 07:00:07

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 蘆筍,從尾部切去2吋,莖部輕手刨去表皮,斜刀切2吋一段,清水沖洗乾淨。
    2. 雞蛋,打在碗內。
    3. 辣椒仔,洗淨,切粒。

    1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油2湯匙。
    2. 打勻雞蛋,倒入鑊內,向四面推成滑蛋,放上碟。
    3. 蘆筍,倒入鑊內,加入蝦膏及清水5毫升,炒勻。
    4. 加入糖半湯匙,炒勻。
    5. 加入雞漿,炒勻。
    6. 完成,上碟,加入辣椒粒,可享用。

    Scrambled eggs with asparagus and shrimp sauce

    Asparagus 3 bunches
    Eggs 6 Nos.
    Shrimp paste 1 cube
    Chili 1 No.

    1. Asparagus, cut 2" from the bottom. Peel its stem lightly. Cut 2" in lengths. Rinse thoroughly.
    2. Eggs, beat in a bowl.
    3. Chili, get it rinsed and diced.

    1. Heat up oil 2 tbsp at high flame in wok.
    2. Beat eggs well. Pour into wok. Push egg syrup to the centre of wok. Put on plate.
    3. Asparagus, put in wok. Add in shrimp paste and water 5ml, fry well.
    4. Add in sugar 0.5 tbsp. Fry well.
    5. Add in egg syrup, fry well.
    6. Complete. Put on plate. Add in chili cubes. Serve.

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    Eggs & Asparagus Stir-Fry with Shrimp Paste?2 Nutrient-Rich Superfoods?Robust & Aromatic Flavor!


    Eggs & Asparagus Stir-Fry

