1. 小南瓜去皮去籽切大塊;粟米連鬚去衣切段,其餘材料洗淨備用。
2. 鍋中加入約2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調至文火煮約1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
Walnut and chestnut soup to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the brain
As parents, you may be especially keen to help replenish, activate or strengthen the brain to help your children become smart and quick. Some people may even use pig’s brain to make soup, but it is actually quite high in cholesterol. According to Chinese medicine theories, the brain and kidneys are closely related so to improve your memory and have quick thinking, try to nourish the kidneys. There are a lot of suitable soup ingredients to replenish the kidneys and strengthen the mind.
Tips for soups to replenish the kidneys and strengthen the mind:
Add in these ingredients appropriately: black soya beans, black sesame, black fungus, black rice, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, wolfberries, dried longan meat, seaweed.
Chestnut and walnut soup with pumpkin and corn
Effects: replenish the kidneys and strengthen the mind, strengthen the spleen and nourish qi
Ingredients: 1 small pumpkin, 2 ears of corn with silk, 80g chestnuts, 30g walnuts, 40g pearl barley, 3 figs
1. Peel and seed pumpkin and cut into large pieces. Keep silk on corn and cut into pieces. Rinse all other ingredients thoroughly.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
Note: not suitable for those with heat related symptoms.
#男 #女 #小童 #我狀態OK #平和
replenish字根 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
<字首字根: nounce & plen>
"nounce"( = "nounc") -> 宣布
"ad"(向前) + "nounc"
announce (V.) 宣布; 宣告
announcement (n.) 宣布; 宣告
announcer (n.) 廣播員; 告知員
"ex"(外圍/外面) + nounc
enunciate (V.) 明確地敘述/表明; 發音
"inter"(在...之間) + nounc
internuncial (adj.) 連結性的
"plen"( = "plent") -> full, fill
complete (V.) 完成
completion (n.) 完成
"de" -> 離、下、不
deplete (V.) 耗盡
"re" -> back, again
replete (V.) 充滿的
* repletion (n.) 充滿
replenish (V.) 填滿、恢復、補充
"in"(在內、進入) + plen
implement (n.) 工具 (V.) 實現; 執行; 使生效
impletion (n.) 充滿
"sub"(在下面) + plen
supplement (n.) 補充
supply (V.) 供給、補充
supplies (n.) 供給
supplementary (adj.) 供給的
(以上字首字根來自於: english4formosa.com)
replenish字根 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
<3 俐媽英文教室:紫斑蝶簡介
<3 yield to N (ph.) 讓步
原:yield (v.) 讓步;讓座;結(果實);產生(結果)
<3 characteristic (n.) 特色;(a.) 特色的
cf. character (n.) 個性;角色
<3 forewing (n.) 前翼
字首:fore-: before (e.g. forecast, foretell, foresee, forefather, foremost, foreshadow, foresight, forward...)
<3 flap (v.) 拍動
<3 scale (n.) 鱗片;天秤;規模;音階;刻度
衍:large-scale (a.) 大規模的
<3 depend on (ph.) 取決於;依賴
衍:dependence (n.) 依賴/ dependable (a.) 可信賴的/ dependent (a.) 依賴的/ independent (a.) 獨立的
字根:-pend: hang (e.g. appendage, appendix, expend, impending, perpendicular, suspend, pension...)
<3 major (a.) 主要的;(v.) 主修(+ in + 科目);(n.) 主修
衍:majority (n.) 大多數
字根:-maj-: big (e.g. majestic, maxim, maximum..)
<3 gathering (n.) 聚集;聚會
<3 valley (n.) 山谷
<3 transit (n.) 運輸;通行
MRT = Mass Rapid Transit
字首:trans-: across (e.g. transport, transfer, translate, transaction, transcend, transgress, transfusion, transmit, transcribe...)
字根:-it: go (e.g. ambition, circuit, initiate, itinerary, perish, transitory...)
<3 damage (n.)(v.) 損害
片:do damage to N 對...造成損害
<3 conduct (v.) 進行;指揮;(n.) 行為
衍:conductor (n.) 列車長;指揮家/ misconduct (n.) 不良行為
字首:con-: together (e.g. conclude, concord, condemn, condense, condescend, confiscate, confront, consent, contaminate, contemplate...)
字根:-duct-: lead (e.g. abduct, deduct, induct, product...)
<3 construction (n.) 建設;建築物
原:construct (v.) 建造/ constructive (a.) 有建設性的
片:be under construction 建造中/ construction site 工地
字根:-struct-: build (e.g. destruction, instruct, obstruct, structure, infrastructure...)
<3 sustainable (a.) 永續的
原:sustain (v.) 支撐/ sustainability (n.) 永續性
字根:-tain-: keep (e.g. attain, abstain, contain, detain, entertain, maintain, retain, obtain, pertain..)
<3 beware of (ph.) 留意
<3 ecological (a.) 生態的
原:ecology (n.) 生態/ ecosystem (n.) 生態系統/ eco-friendly (a.) 環保的
<3 interchange (n.) 交流道
字首:inter-: between, among (e.g. intersection, intercourse, intercept, interfere, intermingle, interpose, interrupt, interval, intellectual...)
<3 lane (n.) 車道;小巷弄
<3 peak (n.) 高峰;頂峰(= summit)
<3 annual (a.) 年度的
字根:-ann-: year (e.g. anniversary, centennial, perennial...)
<3 ramp (n.) 斜坡;坡道
<3 loop (n.) 環;圈
<3 trim (v.) 修剪
<3 multifunctional (a.) 多功能的
原:function (n.) 功能
字首:multi-: many (e.g. multilingual, multicultural, multimedia, multiply, multitude...)
<3 corridor (n.) 走廊;前廊
<3 complete (v.) 完成;(a.) 完整的
衍:completion (n.) 完成;完整
字根:-plet-: fill (e.g. deplete, implement, replenish, replete, supple, supplement...)
<3 extend (n.) 延伸;延長
衍:extension (n.) 延伸;分機/ extensive (a.) 廣泛的
字根:-tend-: stretch (e.g. attend, contend, distend, intend, intensify, pretend, superintendent, tend...)
<3 instead of (ph.) 而不是