
為什麼這篇repertoire語言學鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在repertoire語言學這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者norikko (水妖)看板NTU-Exam標題[試題] 99上 胥嘉陵 社會語言學概論一 期中...


I. Define or explain the following terms briefly but to the point with
illustrations where appropriate. Answer any three of them. (30%).
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1. clue-bearing markers
2. competence vs. performance
3. idiolect
4. dialect continuum
5. verbal repertoire
6. language variety
7. speech community
8. hypercorrection
9. speech styles
10. the functions of speech
a. expressive
b. directive
c. referential
11. register (origin, functions and linguistic levels)
12. three ways to coin slang
13. four types of relationship between language and society
(with an illustration for each type of relationship)

II. Essay Questions (Answer should be brief, to the point and well
illustrated.) Choose any three of them.
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1. How does society influence language in terms of the following three
relationships: language and physical environment, language and social
structure, and language and social values? Illustrate with examples.

2. Define standard and non-standard dialects. What are overt prestige and
covert prestige? How are they related to standard and non-standard dialects?
Is it linguistically founded that standard dialects are superior to and more
correct than non-standard dialects? Why or why not? Provide at least three
examples for illustration.

3. In defining language and dialect, a rule of thumb is 'mutual
intelligibility.' According to this definition, what is language and what is
dialect? Is 'mutual intelligibility' a good criterion in distinguishing these
two terms? Is there a clear-cut way to define these two terms linguistically?
Why or why not? Provide explanations with at least three examples. According
to Janet Holmes, what might be a better definition to distinguish language
from dialect?

4. What is the relation between context and language? What are some of the
contextual factors that determine the speech styles? How do linguistic
varieties vary according to contexts? Provide five examples for illustration.

5. Define social stratification and social class. What is the relationship
between social class and language? How are social class differences reflected
by linguistic variation? Provide two examples from two different linguistic
levels (grammar and pronunciation) respectively for illustration.

6. Define speech accommodation. When and how do speakers converge or diverge
their speech? What motives them to do so? Name two reasons for covergence
and divergence respectively. What might be some of the problems for overdoing
convergence or divergence? Name one consequence for each act.



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