為什麼這篇prime意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在prime意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者A6 (短ID真好)看板Military標題Re: [新聞] 為糧食禁令撕破臉 波蘭將停止提供烏...
prime意思 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-09-17 16:14:15
新舊外交大臣嘅笑容 今日英國首相出席下議院例行答問大會(PMQ)之後,忽然宣布重組內閣,當中比較注目嘅係外交大臣Dominic Raab調任(降職)為司法大臣,兼任Lord Chancellor(中譯大法官,但個人覺得實際職能同中文意思唔多配合)與及代任首相(Deputy Prime Minist...
: → A6 : 三樓 你要想一下 當初波蘭軍援的是那些武器 是蘇式 09/21 11:53
: → A6 : 簡單說就是一個清庫存的概念 09/21 11:53
: → A6 : 波蘭又不是傻子 清完庫存還幫烏克蘭買西方武器 09/21 11:54
: → A6 : 波蘭自己也不是多有錢 09/21 11:55
FOX News 今天寫的 就和我昨天說的意思快完全一樣了
Poland announces stop to supplying arms to Ukraine, says modernizing its own
Emotions are running high since Slovakia, Hungary and Poland announced a ban
on Ukrainian grain imports
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said late Wednesday his country will
no longer send weapons to Ukraine as the far right continues to place
pressure on his populist party over its support of the country, and a dispute
over grain ban continues to escalate between neighboring countries.
Rather than transfer weapons to Ukraine, the prime minister said Poland was
now arming itself with the most modern weapons due to fears of Russian
aggression in the region. Morawiecki did not elaborate on how the two actions
were connected.
On Thursday, Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller clarified with the
Associated Press, saying Poland was only going to provide ammunition and
armaments that were previously agreed upon. He added that there has been "a
series of absolutely unacceptable statements and diplomatic gestures" from
Ukraine on the matter.
Poland supplied Ukraine with Leopard 2 tanks and Soviet-era MiG fighter jets,
along with a wide range of weaponry.
Yet, while the Polish citizens are largely in favor of supporting Ukraine out
of fears their country would be vulnerable if Russia succeeded in Ukraine,
there are growing concerns about the large numbers of refugees.
With an election coming up Oct. 15, the right-leaning Confederation party has
reiterated the lack of gratitude given to Poland by Ukraine for arming the
neighboring country and taking in its refugees.
~後無關 略
大概就是 波蘭現在在現代化武裝自己的軍隊
將不再提供烏克蘭武器 (不包含已簽約的)
結論就是波蘭清完現代化淘汰的庫存後 將不再提供 烏克蘭武器
昨天波蘭總統 出來說來的結果 只是在這結果上面 換種說法而已
大概就是 "波蘭就是這麼做的 但請不要往這方面想 就算是 也請不要說"
都可以是愛你或不愛你的理由 ▕A6▏
我想你要的是愛 不是理由  ̄ ̄
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1695348154.A.683.html
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 10:04:37
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 10:25:55
然後這個幾天都在試圖淡化這樣講法的影響 包含昨天的說法
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 10:39:33
注意喔 目前不是送到庫存見底喔 波蘭沒有說送到庫存見底
而是完成目前已確定的援助計畫而已 並沒有說援助到庫存見底
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 10:43:40
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 10:57:17
波蘭清完現代化淘汰的庫存後 將不再提供 烏克蘭武器
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 11:57:51
"I myself will be the first to oppose the transfer of these new weapons that
we are now receiving from South Korea or the United States, for example, new
Abrams, Patriot systems, or HIMARS," he admitted.
至於我齁 我好像也沒說總理的說法有問題齁
我好像只是說和我昨天說的一樣 波蘭在清庫存齁
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 12:06:32
烏克蘭把波蘭告上WTO 波蘭是真的很不爽
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 12:21:15
看你怎麼說啦 兩件事情也是兩件
但一件事情也是一件 波蘭不爽 從軍援敲打敲打烏克蘭
就和印度取消加拿大簽證 和錫克教看起來也是兩件事情
但兩個也是有點關係 但對外宣稱還是業務調整 非要說是兩件事情也是兩件事情
"外交問題" 不管軍援和農業問題 兩者都是波烏的外交問題
就不適合拆開看 拆開看每個馬都可以說是獨立的
對阿 請去看一下原推文下面再質疑清庫存的