

在 pray名詞產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 看到紐約時報這標題,精神都來了 #作息破壞者 浩爾 解析大仁哥專文 Taiwan’s Weapon Against Coronavirus: An Epidemiologist as Vice President 台灣對抗武漢肺炎的武器:流行病學家副總統 這句話,帥:  “Evidence...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2019/05/03生命及工作記錄 Meditation Song for people/land who/what/where ever hurt you When we are protected, we need to pray for people who ever hurt us. So...

pray名詞 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 10:30:17

. 要常常喜樂,常常禱告 在任何環境中都要感謝。這是神為你們這些屬於基督耶穌的人所定的旨意。 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18 . “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’...

  • pray名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-10 03:30:24
    有 2,407 人按讚

    #作息破壞者 浩爾 解析大仁哥專文

    Taiwan’s Weapon Against Coronavirus: An Epidemiologist as Vice President


     “Evidence is more important than playing politics,” he said in a recent interview in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei.



    Mr. Chen, 68, with his frizzy gray hair and a toothy smile, is known affectionately in Taiwan as “elder brother,” and many people credit him with helping the island avoid the large-scale infections and deaths from the coronavirus that have overwhelmed many countries.


    frizzy gray hair 捲捲灰髮
    toothy smile 露多齒的微笑
    credit him with 歸功他

    He has embraced his rare dual role, using his political authority to criticize China for initially trying to conceal the virus even as the scientist in him hunkers down to analyze trends in transmission.

    dual 雙重的
    conceal 隱藏
    hunker down 蹲下,在此我引伸翻譯為投身



    Now Mr. Chen hopes Taiwan can play a leading role in helping the world recover from the virus and restart economic growth. He is overseeing efforts to develop a vaccine and produce tools like rapid coronavirus testing kits.

    recover from 康復
    develop a vaccine 研發疫苗
    rapid testing 快篩



    “He wears the clothing of professionalism but deviates from the rigorous precision of science and blatantly speaks nonsense and fabricates rumors,” said a recent commentary by Xinhua, China’s official news agency. “The nature of it is particularly vicious.”

    Mr. Chen laughs at the criticism.

    “China has to be focused more on Covid-19 control rather than politics,” he said.




    On May 20, Mr. Chen will step down as vice president. He plans to return to academia and says the coronavirus will be a focus of his research.

    academia 學術界
    📝 補充:中研院的英文 Academia Sinica 是拉丁文,字面意思是中華學術院。拉丁文是後位修飾(形容詞放在名詞後面的意思,法文就有沿襲這項特色)


    “I pray to have the courage to change what we can change,” he said, noting the effort to produce better tests, drugs and vaccines. “We have to accept what we cannot change.”


    留言 +1 就送你優惠訊息和試聽



  • pray名詞 在 馮智政 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-12 20:39:13
    有 262 人按讚

    #榮光歸上帝定香港 #MorganFreeman扮上帝又係僭越喇 宗教研究的學者朋友及宗教領袖,如陳雲提出:《願榮光歸香港》是僭越了上帝。他們認為榮光是只歸於上帝的。 我既不是神學專家,亦沒有自立宗派,我試圖由簡單的翻譯問題去切入,有錯請指正。

    因為聖經原文以希伯來語、亞蘭文及希臘文寫出,譯本只能夠盡可能地翻譯出聖經的原意。由於我不認識原語文的關係,我嘗試用King James的英文譯本與繁體中文和合本去比較。(香港其中一位認識這幾種語文的權威,相信是中大天主教研究中心主任的夏其龍神父。

    Too long dun read,因為文章太長,我將個結論寫在前面。無論「榮光」與「榮耀」在King James的英文譯本都只是用同一個字「Glory」。在和合本的中文聖經,「榮耀」是用於對上主的讚美,因此榮耀應該是歸於上帝的。但和合本在使用「榮光」時,可帶有物質性的意義,又或者是上帝的代名詞。因此榮光降臨人間,就有一種「願祢的國來臨」、「願祢的旨意奉行在人間。」的意味。加上,在《約伯記》中文翻譯了約伯曾經有「榮光」。不過,在「願榮光歸香港」這裏用「歸」字,就好像有少少主次不分。因此,個問題不是「榮光」誰屬,而是在於個「歸」字可改為「降臨」。



    在聖經英文版本裡Glory 這個字經常出現,但係在不同的意義上中文會翻譯成「榮耀」及「榮光」,在讚頌上帝是我們會傾向選擇用「榮耀」,如以下的經文:

    (約書亞記 7:19 Joshua 7:19)
    And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the LORD God of Israel, and make confession unto him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me.

    (歷代志上 16:28 I Chronicles 16:28-29)
    民中的 萬 族 啊 , 你 們 要 將 榮 耀 能 力 歸 給 耶 和 華 , 都 歸 給 耶 和 華
    "give to the Lord glory and strength...give to the Lord the glory of His name."

    (詩篇 62:7 Psalms 62:7)
    我 的 拯 救 、 我 的 榮 耀 都 在 乎 神 ; 我 力 量 的 磐 石 、 我 的 避 難 所 都 在 乎 神 。
    "In God is my salvation and my glory."

    (耶利米書 13:16 Jeremiah 13:16)
    耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的   神 未 使 黑 暗 來 到 , 你 們 的 腳 未 在 昏 暗 山 上 絆 跌 之 先 , 當 將 榮 耀 歸 給 他 ; 免 得 你 們 盼 望 光 明 , 他 使 光 明 變 為 死 蔭 , 成 為 幽 暗 。
    "Give glory to the Lord your God."


    (出埃及記 24:16  Exodus 24:16)
    耶 和 華 的 榮 耀 停 於 西 乃 山 ; 雲 彩 遮 蓋 山 六 天 , 第 七 天 他 從 雲 中 召 摩 西 。
    And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.

    (出埃及記 40:35 Exodus 40:35)
    摩西不能進會幕;因為雲彩停在其上,並且耶和華的榮光充滿了帳幕 。
    And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

    (哥林多前書 15:41 1 Corinthians 15:41)
    日 有 日 的 榮 光 , 月 有 月 的 榮 光 , 星 有 星 的 榮 光 。 這 星 和 那 星 的 榮 光 也 有 分 別 。
    There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.


    (出埃及記 16:10  Exodus 16:10)
    亞 倫 正 對 以 色 列 全 會 眾 說 話 的 時 候 , 他 們 向 曠 野 觀 看 , 不 料 , 耶 和 華 的 榮 光 在 雲 中 顯 現 。
    And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud.

    (約翰福音 1:14 John 1:14)
    And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    (以西結書 43:4 Ezekiel 43:4)
    And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.

    (民數記 16:19  Numbers 16:19)
    And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all the congregation.

    (利未記 9:6  Leviticus 9:6)
    摩 西 說 : 這 是 耶 和 華 吩 咐 你 們 所 當 行 的 ; 耶 和 華 的 榮 光 就 要 向 你 們 顯 現 。
    And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commanded that ye should do: and the glory of the LORD shall appear unto you.


    (哥林多後書 3:9 2 Corinthians 3:9)
    若是定罪的職事有榮光, 那稱義的職事榮光就越發大了
    For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

    之於榮光可以在屬於人間的呢?約伯記記錄了約伯與他的朋友辯論,「你們果然要向我誇大,以我的羞辱為證指責我,該知道是神傾覆我,用網羅圍繞我。 因委曲呼叫,卻不蒙應允;我呼求,卻不得公斷。神用籬笆攔住我的道路,使我不得經過;又使我的路徑黑暗。

    (約伯記 19:9 Job 19:9 )
    他剝去我的榮光,摘去我頭上的冠冕 。
    He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head.

  • pray名詞 在 Chris Lau Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-09-16 23:18:41
    有 17 人按讚

    Pray for Hong Kong, Macao and Southern China :(

    【颱風早已成為「放假」的代名詞,直至 #山竹 來襲…】完整圖集:http://bit.ly/2pdBgHE



    ▍用你選擇的媒體,決定你看見的世界 ▍
    加入會員 ➤ http://bit.ly/2lG8JeA

  • pray名詞 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-04 03:13:14

    Meditation Song for people/land who/what/where ever hurt you
    When we are protected, we need to pray for people who ever hurt us.

    Song for the trauma in your life
    Music/Lyric: Rasta Wang
    There might be people coming here for love
    There might be people coming here for joy
    There might have people coming here they Don’t know
    what they are doing
    But we got faith that we are god’s children,
    But we have faith that here is our home
    Sometimes I’m sick
    Sometimes I am angry
    Sometimes I am weak
    But I know god is here
    I know we are loved
    (That is an apple)
    We are loved by god
    (So we are saved)
    Music/lyrics: Rasta Wang

    Again, everything is about time, if the person post something (especially Asian people) after, not a synchronicity, beaware its might be a copy, their hidden intention(steal for fame) is not my responsibility.
    Dream walker studio: RastaWang.com (for preserve my energy and time only for people who really need and my close clients and families, only two ways to contact me, please read carefully)

    Dream Walker Studio: RastaWang.com(保存體力給予真正需在的人,不再閱讀任何私訊即陌生訊息,“僅”提供兩種協助,務必至網站仔細閱讀)

  • pray名詞 在 HongKongEsportsLtd Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-10-19 14:48:50

    【HKE世界賽呈獻-ROX Pray訪問】
    「SKT在決賽前狀態比較不穩,我認為我們有機會在Semi-Final擊敗SKT!」對ROX Tigers來說,贏下EDG的比賽理應是值得慶祝的事情,但他們四強面對的,卻是把ROX與冠軍隔開的一道高牆 ─ SK Telecom T1,特別對Pray來說,SKT代表的不單單是一支頂尖戰隊,這是一個噩夢的代名詞。Pray四年的職業生涯中,拿過的冠軍並不少,但關鍵的國際賽冠軍總是被SKT多番阻攔,S3的八強賽成為SKT唯一一支感到威脅的隊伍,S5的總決賽讓Tigers本來不被看好的五人全部變成世界頂尖的選手,但他們根本不在意這些虛無飄渺的名銜,職業選手從來都只有一個目標 ─ 那個刻有自己名字的獎盃。

    更多世界賽資訊盡在HKEsports App,立刻到Google Play與及App Store下載,收看第一手世界賽的資訊!

  • pray名詞 在 哥倫布 Columbus Youtube 的精選貼文

    2010-10-18 08:32:19

    我的英文發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool
    然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD


    訂閱連結 ▶ http://bit.ly/2pFqXeA
    FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus
    IG ▶ https://www.instagram.com/littlecolumbus
    合作邀約 ▶ columbus@english.cool
    其他訊息 ▶ 密我 FB 粉絲專頁


    A song I wrote :P

    The lucid sky.
    is an open fire to me.
    We watch it burn.
    and it's haunting - you'd agree.

    Black and white blurred between the lines.
    Angels try for the truth that can't be said.
    Yellow slander and purple lies.
    He's a rainbow that bleeds the color red.
    He's the same as you and me.


    I pray that everything will be alright.
    Won't you take up your arms and fight.
    For the city.
    Away to the battlefields with questions that we can't deny.
    We are begging for a reason why.
    No reply.

    You're not a perfect child.
    but you always tried to be.
    They preach and they teach.
    but they're helpless when you leave.

    But being best will not make you stronger.
    Never thought of what happened till it came to be.
    A million cries in a million letters.
    Nameless souls in an endless, endless sea.
    They're all so dear to me.


    Don't you remember.
    The other side.
    We can complain but we cannot cry.
    So open your eyes.
    Do you see me!
    Do you see me!


    The lucid sky is an open fire to me!


    ✬ 原創歌曲 ORIGINAL SONGS ▶ https://goo.gl/2qi5k7
    ✬ 鋼琴與其他音樂 PIANO VIOLIN FINGERSTYLE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/QwmZqk
    ✬ 跳舞 DANCE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/uCpdmR
    ✬ 合作影片 ▶ https://goo.gl/TzQsBf
    ✬ 歌曲下載 ▶ http://bit.do/littlecolumbus



    我很喜歡寫歌,每當我聽見別人在哼我寫的旋律時,我就會有非常大的滿足感。除了寫歌之外,我也喜歡拍一些有趣的音樂相關影片在 Youtube 和 Facebook 上面喔!



    Hi! I am Columbus. I am songwriter in Taipei, Taiwan. My dream is to someday be able to do songwriting as a career. Thank you for listening and subscribing and listening to my music!