

在 plating擺盤產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #懶人宅急煮​ #LazyHomeCooking​ #西班牙海鮮燉飯 #LazySeafoodPaella #孫慧雪​ #雪雪​ #SnowSuen​ #ChillGOOD​ #ChillGOODTV​ #用最少嘅力做最正嘅美食​ #懶人恩物​ #附英文翻譯​ #EnglishSubtitle ...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅This Family,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Portuguese Garlic Shrimp by Jimmy’s Table This is definitely one of our favorite dishes to eat in Portugal. We ate this in Lisbon, Algarve and Porto....

plating擺盤 在 Agnes Chee謝嫣薇 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-17 05:50:05

Dining at Tate has always been a pleasant experience, both visually and taste-wise. @chefvickylau , the only 2 Michelin star female chef in Asia by fa...

plating擺盤 在 HKfoodie - Hungry Dino Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-21 11:46:16

【中環⋄ 全新澳洲風咖啡店】 🍽 COSHA 📍中環伊利近街61號地舖 「中環澳式打卡新Cafe 食物賣相擺盤超精緻」 最近又有新Cafe進駐中環 附近嘅上班族有福了🎊 哩間Earth tone圓拱形設計嘅Cafe店主係由澳洲返黎 所以Menu上嘅食物同飲品都帶有澳洲色彩🇦🇺 「COSHA」...

  • plating擺盤 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-03 21:00:14
    有 340 人按讚

    #懶人宅急煮​ #LazyHomeCooking​ #西班牙海鮮燉飯
    #孫慧雪​ #雪雪​ #SnowSuen​ #ChillGOOD​ #ChillGOODTV​
    #用最少嘅力做最正嘅美食​ #懶人恩物​
    #附英文翻譯​ #EnglishSubtitle

    洋蔥 ... 1/2個
    蒜頭 ... 3粒
    黃甜椒 ... 1/2個
    番茄 ... 1個�上湯 ... 500ml
    西班牙短米 ... 250克
    魷魚筒 ... 80克
    中蝦 ... 8隻
    蜆 ... 12隻 ��

    迷迭香 ... 1茶匙
    蕃紅花 ... 5克
    檸檬 ... 1/2個
    鹽 ... 1茶匙

    第一步 將所有海鮮煮至半熟連汁備用
    第二步 起獲爆香甜椒、蕃茄、洋蔥、香蒜
    第三步 加入飯、高湯攪勻,並加入香料及調味料進行調味
    第四步 攪拌均勻後,燉大概12分鐘
    第五步 最後加入蜆、蝦和魷魚,細火燉8分鐘
    第六步 收乾水份後加上香料,並放上檸檬片後 擺盤即成


    An onion... Half
    Minced garlic ... 3 cloves
    A yellow bell pepper ... Half
    One ... tomato�Broth ... 500ml
    Spanish rice ... 250g
    Squid rings ... 80g
    Shrimps ... 8pcs
    Clams ... 12pcs

    Rosemary ... 1tsp
    Saffron ... 5g
    A lemon ... Half
    Salt ... 1tsp

    STEP 1 Cook the seafood until half done,Save the juice and set aside
    STEP 2 Stir-fry bell peppers, tomatoes, onion and garlic
    STEP 3 Add rice and broth,Stir and season with herbs and seasonings
    STEP 4 Mix well,Cook for 12 minutes
    STEP 5 Add clams, shrimps and squid,Cook on low heat for 8 minutes
    STEP 6 Cook until liquid is gone,Sprinkle herbs on top,Add lemon wedges for plating

    Tips :
    -Cut off heads of the shrimps to avoid bitter taste
    -Add the juice from cooked seafood for more flavour

  • plating擺盤 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-03 16:19:06
    有 222 人按讚

    #懶人宅急煮​ #LazyHomeCooking​ #西班牙海鮮燉飯
    #孫慧雪​ #雪雪​ #SnowSuen​ #ChillGOOD​ #ChillGOODTV​
    #用最少嘅力做最正嘅美食​ #懶人恩物​
    #附英文翻譯​ #EnglishSubtitle

    洋蔥 ... 1/2個
    蒜頭 ... 3粒
    黃甜椒 ... 1/2個
    番茄 ... 1個
上湯 ... 500ml
    西班牙短米 ... 250克
    魷魚筒 ... 80克
    中蝦 ... 8隻
    蜆 ... 12隻 

    迷迭香 ... 1茶匙
    蕃紅花 ... 5克
    檸檬 ... 1/2個
    鹽 ... 1茶匙

    第一步 將所有海鮮煮至半熟連汁備用
    第二步 起獲爆香甜椒、蕃茄、洋蔥、香蒜
    第三步 加入飯、高湯攪勻,並加入香料及調味料進行調味
    第四步 攪拌均勻後,燉大概12分鐘
    第五步 最後加入蜆、蝦和魷魚,細火燉8分鐘
    第六步 收乾水份後加上香料,並放上檸檬片後 擺盤即成


    An onion... Half
    Minced garlic ... 3 cloves
    A yellow bell pepper ... Half
    One ... tomato
Broth ... 500ml
    Spanish rice ... 250g
    Squid rings ... 80g
    Shrimps ... 8pcs
    Clams ... 12pcs

    Rosemary ... 1tsp
    Saffron ... 5g
    A lemon ... Half
    Salt ... 1tsp

    STEP 1 Cook the seafood until half done,Save the juice and set aside
    STEP 2 Stir-fry bell peppers, tomatoes, onion and garlic
    STEP 3 Add rice and broth,Stir and season with herbs and seasonings
    STEP 4 Mix well,Cook for 12 minutes
    STEP 5 Add clams, shrimps and squid,Cook on low heat for 8 minutes
    STEP 6 Cook until liquid is gone,Sprinkle herbs on top,Add lemon wedges for plating

    Tips :
    -Cut off heads of the shrimps to avoid bitter taste
    -Add the juice from cooked seafood for more flavour

  • plating擺盤 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-19 21:00:00
    有 438 人按讚

    又到星期一啦!今晚有懶人版蒜泥白肉 😍
    大家想我煮咩菜式都可以留言話我知 😊

    #懶人宅急煮 #LazyHomeCooking #蒜泥白肉 #PorkBellywithGarlicSauce
    #孫慧雪 #雪雪 #SnowSuen #ChillGOOD #ChillGOODTV
    #用最少嘅力做最正嘅美食 #懶人恩物
    #附英文翻譯 #EnglishSubtitle

    五花腩 ... 300克
    青瓜 ... 半條
    蔥 ... 適量
    香葉 ... 兩片
    鹽 ... 兩茶匙

    水 ... 60 克
    蒜頭 ... 80克
    生抽 ... 2茶匙
    香醋 ... 3茶匙
    花雕酒 ... 1茶匙
    麻油 ... 1/2茶匙
    砂糖 ... 3湯匙

    第一步 煮一鍋滾水,將豬肉汆水
    第二步 換一鍋水,加入鹽、蔥、香葉、豬肉,以中火加熱至水滾,水滾起計煮25分鐘
    第三步 將青瓜切絲,並置於冰水中備用
    第四步 將調味料以及蒜頭以攪拌機攪勻,製成醬汁
    第五步 將煮好的豬肉置於冰水中約5-10分鐘,並將青瓜絲從冰水取出,取一碟,將青瓜絲置於碟上
    第六步 將豬肉切片擺盤,淋上醬汁並加上蔥花即成


    Pork Belly 300g
    Half A Cucumber
    Bay Leaves 2pcs
    Salt 2tsp
    Water 60g
    Garlic 80g
    Light Soy Sauce 2tsp
    Black Vinegar 3tsp
    Huadiao Wine 1tsp
    Chili Paste Of Your Choice 2tsp
    Sesame Oil 0.5tsp
    Granulated Sugar 3tbsp

    STEP 1 Boil a pot of water,Blanch the meat
    STEP 2 Get a new pot of water. Add salt, scallion, bay leaves and pork,Cook on medium to get a boil,Cook for 25 minutes
    STEP 3 Shred the cucumber,Put in ice water and set aside
    STEP 4 Grind the seasonings and garlic with a food processor to form the sauce
    STEP 5 Put the cooked meat in ice water for 5-10 minutes,Drain the shredded cucumber,Put them on the plate for garnishing
STEP 6 Slice the meat and start plating,Garnish with the sauce and scallion

    -Put shredded cucumber in ice water for crunchiness
    -Adjust the sauce to your taste
    -Put the cooked meat in ice water for firmer texture

    逢星期一晚上九時在ChillGOOD Facebook & YouTube Channel播出!
    Follow ChillGOOD :
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/chillgoodhk​​​
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/Chillgoodhk​​
    MeWe: https://mewe.com/p/chillgood

  • plating擺盤 在 This Family Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-10-22 20:56:50

    Portuguese Garlic Shrimp by Jimmy’s Table

    This is definitely one of our favorite dishes to eat in Portugal. We ate this in Lisbon, Algarve and Porto. Every restaurant that had this dish, we ordered it. My version is a more elevated version where I infused the olive oil with shrimp shells to give a powerful shrimp flavor blast! It also makes for a fantastic dip for crunchy French bread. What's best is that this dish is so easy to make! Hope you enjoy it!

    Ingredients 食材:
    0.5-1 kg of large red shrimps or langoustines with heads (大蝦)
    1/2 cup (15 pieces) of Garlic - sliced (大蒜)
    1 cup of Cilantro - leaves only (香菜)
    2 lemons - halved and squeezed for juice, seeds removed (檸檬)
    1-2 tablespoons of paprika (紅甜椒粉)
    1 glass of white wine (白酒)
    5-6 tablespoons of garlic infused olive oil (大蒜橄欖油)
    Salt - for taste (鹽)

    Finishing Ingredients 撒料調味:
    1/2 lemon (檸檬)
    1/4 cup cilantro (香菜)
    Fresh loaf of crunchy french bread (法國麵包)

    STEP 1
    Cut garlic into slices.
    步驟 1

    STEP 2
    To prepare the shrimp, we need to remove the shell without removing the head and tail. We do so by using a pair of scissors to cut down the spine of the shrimp from where the head meets the body upto one segment before the tail.
    步驟 2

    STEP 3
    Then start to peel away the shrimp shell and legs in the middle section. Be careful not to peel off the tail or head. Save the shells to be used to flavor the oil. Remove the dark, digestive tract along the spine, as this is dirty and you don’t want to eat it. Rinse with cold water to clean and drain.
    步驟 3

    STEP 4
    On the stove, add in 5-6 tablespoons of garlic olive oil until entire surface is covered with a layer of oil and heat up your pan. The shrimp and garlic infused olive oil will be used later to dip your bread in, so be generous!
    步驟 4

    STEP 5
    When the oil is very watery in the pan, it is hot enough. On low to medium heat, add in shrimp shells to fry. The goal is the get all of the great shrimp flavors into the olive oil.
    步驟 5

    STEP 6
    When the shrimp is fried, about 5-8 minutes, then remove and strain the rest of the oils from the shrimp shells.
    步驟 6

    STEP 7
    Add in garlic slices to simmer and fry into the shrimp olive oil for about 30 seconds to a minute without browning the garlic too much.
    步驟 7

    STEP 8
    Add in shrimp one at a time and ensure entire pans surface is utilized. Add 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt for taste. Evenly add in 1-2 tablespoons of paprika.
    步驟 8

    STEP 9
    After cooking for about 1-2 minutes, flip the shrimp to cook the other side until golden orange.

    Add in 1/2 cup of white wine. Squeeze in a lemon. Cook for about 5-10 minutes until shrimp are fully cooked. This will depend on the size and thickness of the shrimp.

    STEP 11
    Be sure to taste the garlic shrimp olive oil sauce to see if you need to add in more salt, wine, or lemon juice. Towards the end, pour in another 1/2 cup of wine so that it will give it a more fragrant wine taste.

    STEP 12
    Lastly, add in the cilantro and stir in. We don’t want to over cook the cilantro.

    STEP 13
    For plating, you can either serve it in a pot or directly using a cast iron pan. Prepare some sliced french bread for dipping. Add in half a lemon. I used a torch to burn the lemon for a good lemon smell, but it can also be squeezed into the shrimp. Top it with some cilantro.
    Directed&Edited by Apple

  • plating擺盤 在 This Family Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-04 23:17:23

    Spanish Chorizo Clams by Jimmy’s Table

    As the first dish for my new travel series recipes, I chose the Spanish Chorizo Clams, one of our favorites and must order tapas when in Barcelona. Please check out the link in my profile for the newest recipe!

    This is a such a great and simple seafood dish to make at home. What’s best is it’s perfect with a nice crunchy baguette to soak up the garlic butter wine clam soup! Whenever Rachel and I travel, we plan our days around food. Where are we going to eat? How do we get there? What can we eat as a snack along the way? When I first ate this, I thought, “Should be easy, I am going to recreate this at home!” And it was! I hope you like this recipe!

    Ingredients 食材:
    0.5-1 kg of Clams - soaked in salt water for 30 minutes) (蛤蠣)
    200 grams of Chorizo also known as Spicy Spanish sausages (西班牙香腸)
    1/2 cup (15 pieces) of Garlic - sliced (大蒜)
    1 cup of Cilantro - leaves only (香菜)
    2 lemons or limes - halved and squeezed for juice, seeds removed (檸檬)
    1/2 stick of unsalted butter (無鹽奶油)
    1-2 tablespoons of paprika (紅甜椒粉)
    1 glass of white wine (白酒)
    3-4 tablespoons of olive oil (橄欖油)
    Salt and Pepper - for taste (黑胡椒)

    Finishing Ingredients 撒料調味
    1/2 lemon (檸檬)
    1/4 cup cilantro (香菜)
    Fresh loaf of crunchy french bread (法國麵包)

    STEP 1
    Start by soaking the clams in salt water to clean the clams. While clams are soaking, start by cutting 1/2 cup (approximately 15 pieces) of garlic slices.
    步驟 1
    首先將蛤蠣浸泡在鹽水中,讓蛤蠣吐沙清潔。同時準備1/2杯 (大約15顆)蒜頭,切片。

    STEP 2
    Prepare and cut chorizo slices. First remove the outer sausage skin covering by gently cutting along the sausage.
    步驟 2

    STEP 3
    Prepare cilantro by removing the stem and using only the leaves. Also cut lemon in half to use for cooking.
    步驟 3

    STEP 4
    On the stove, add in 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil and heat up your pan. I am using a cast iron pan because it cooks at a more even temperature.
    步驟 4

    STEP 5
    When the oil is very watery in the pan and you see a little white smoke, it is hot enough. Add in garlic slices and stir to cook until slightly brown.
    步驟 5

    STEP 6
    Add in sliced chorizo so the olive oil absorbs the garlic and spicy sausage flavors. Cook and stir for about 2-3 minutes. Garlic should not be too dark and chorizo should be cooked so that the fat from the sausage melts into the oil. Adjust the heat as needed.
    步驟 6

    STEP 7
    Drain and rinse the clams in water. Add in clams to the garlic and sausage.
    步驟 7

    STEP 8
    Stir for 2 minutes and add in 1/2 glass of white wine.
    步驟 8

    STEP 9
    Add in 1/2 stick of unsalted butter.

    Squeeze in half a lemon. Save the other half if you want it more citrusy.

    STEP 11
    Add in 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of black pepper and salt for taste.

    STEP 12
    Add in 1-2 tablespoon of Paprika and stir. Taste and adjust flavor as needed.

    STEP 13
    When 70% of the clams are open, add in cilantro leaves and stir

    STEP 14
    Add a bit of wine and 1/2 lemon to give it a flavorful wine taste and more lively citrus touch at the end. When 90% of the clams are open, you can turn off the heat.

    STEP 15
    For plating, you can either serve it in a pot or directly using a cast iron pan. Prepare some sliced french bread for dipping. Add in half a lemon. I used a torch to burn the lemon for a good lemon smell, but it can also be squeezed into the clams.

    STEP 16
    Put in the lemon and top it with more cilantro leaves. Serve and eat hot !
    Directed&Edited by Apple

  • plating擺盤 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-12 21:00:27

    八爪魚腳,唔一定要高級餐廳先見到。係屋企remake 其實都可以好輕鬆,仲非常見得人!


    #燒烤 #八爪魚 #慢煮

