

在 person單複數產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 喬近日在公司常看到下屬寫的英文書信不規則複數名詞完全搞不清楚,於是決定整理一篇不規則複數名詞分享: 【不規則名詞複數】 ☛ analysis -> analyses 分析 ☛ focus -> foci 焦點 ☛ basis -> bases 基礎 ☛ tooth -> teeth 牙齒 ☛ le...

  • person單複數 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-07-21 11:36:41
    有 314 人按讚


    ☛ analysis -> analyses 分析
    ☛ focus -> foci 焦點
    ☛ basis -> bases 基礎
    ☛ tooth -> teeth 牙齒
    ☛ leaf -> leaves 葉子
    ☛ crisis -> crises 危機
    ☛ index -> indices/indexes 指標
    ☛ foot -> feet 腳
    ☛ quiz -> quizzes 測驗
    ☛ person -> people 人
    ☛ child -> children 小孩
    ☛ mouse -> mice 老鼠
    ☛ louse -> lice 蝨子
    ☛ goose -> geese 鵝
    ☛ curriculum -> curricula 課程
    ☛ datum -> data 數據; 資料
    ☛ vita -> vitae 小傳記
    ☛ apex -> apices/apexes 頂點
    ☛ ox - oxen 牛
    ☛ diagnosis -> diagnoses 診斷
    ☛ emphasis -> emphases 強調
    ☛ oasis -> oases 綠洲
    ☛ parenthesis -> parentheses 插入語
    ☛ synopsis -> synopses 概要
    ☛ neurosis -> neuroses 神經官能症
    ☛ axis -> axes 軸
    ☛ automaton -> automata 自動機
    ☛ man -> men 男人
    ☛ thesis -> theses 論文
    ☛ alumnus -> alumni 校友
    ☛ stimulus -> stimuli 刺激
    ☛ octopus -> octopi/octopuses 章魚
    ☛ radius -> radii 半徑
    ☛ fungus -> fungi 真菌
    ☛ medium -> media 媒體
    ☛ bacterium -> bacteria 細菌
    ☛ memorandum -> memoranda 記錄
    ☛ criterion -> criteria 標準
    ☛ phenomenon -> phenomena 現象
    ☛ dice/die -> dice 骰子
    ☛ corpus -> corpora
    ☛ genus -> genera

    【不規則名詞複數 - 單複數同型】
    ☛ fish -> fish 魚
    ☛ sheep -> sheep 綿羊
    ☛ swine -> swine 豬
    ☛ moose -> moose 麋
    ☛ deer -> deer 鹿
    ☛ cattle -> cattle 牛
    ☛ bison -> bison 北美野牛
    ☛ species -> species 物種
    ☛ corps -> corps 軍團
    ☛ cod -> cod 鱈魚
    ☛ offspring -> offspring 子孫
    ☛ trout -> trout 鱒魚
    ☛ barracks -> barracks 軍營
    ☛ crossroads -> crossroads 十字路口
    ☛ gallows -> gallows 絞架
    ☛ headquarters -> headquarters 總部
    ☛ means -> means 方法/手段
    ☛ series -> series 系列
    ☛ tuna -> tuna 金槍魚
    ☛ aircraft -> aircraft 飛機


    ✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
    博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H

    ☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/

    ☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86

    ☛ https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E8145

  • person單複數 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-20 08:00:00
    有 308 人按讚


    ☛ analysis -> analyses 分析
    ☛ focus -> foci 焦點
    ☛ basis -> bases 基礎
    ☛ tooth -> teeth 牙齒
    ☛ leaf -> leaves 葉子
    ☛ crisis -> crises 危機
    ☛ index -> indices/indexes 指標
    ☛ foot -> feet 腳
    ☛ quiz -> quizzes 測驗
    ☛ person -> people 人
    ☛ child -> children 小孩
    ☛ mouse -> mice 老鼠
    ☛ louse -> lice 蝨子
    ☛ goose -> geese 鵝
    ☛ curriculum -> curricula 課程
    ☛ datum -> data 數據; 資料
    ☛ vita -> vitae 小傳記
    ☛ apex -> apices/apexes 頂點
    ☛ ox - oxen 牛
    ☛ diagnosis -> diagnoses 診斷
    ☛ emphasis -> emphases 強調
    ☛ oasis -> oases 綠洲
    ☛ parenthesis -> parentheses 插入語
    ☛ synopsis -> synopses 概要
    ☛ neurosis -> neuroses 神經官能症
    ☛ axis -> axes 軸
    ☛ automaton -> automata 自動機
    ☛ man -> men 男人
    ☛ thesis -> theses 論文
    ☛ alumnus -> alumni 校友
    ☛ stimulus -> stimuli 刺激
    ☛ octopus -> octopi/octopuses 章魚
    ☛ radius -> radii 半徑
    ☛ fungus -> fungi 真菌
    ☛ medium -> media 媒體
    ☛ bacterium -> bacteria 細菌
    ☛ memorandum -> memoranda 記錄
    ☛ criterion -> criteria 標準
    ☛ phenomenon -> phenomena 現象
    ☛ dice/die -> dice 骰子
    ☛ corpus -> corpora
    ☛ genus -> genera

    【不規則名詞複數 - 單複數同型】
    ☛ fish -> fish 魚
    ☛ sheep -> sheep 綿羊
    ☛ swine -> swine 豬
    ☛ moose -> moose 麋
    ☛ deer -> deer 鹿
    ☛ cattle -> cattle 牛
    ☛ bison -> bison 北美野牛
    ☛ species -> species 物種
    ☛ corps -> corps 軍團
    ☛ cod -> cod 鱈魚
    ☛ offspring -> offspring 子孫
    ☛ trout -> trout 鱒魚
    ☛ barracks -> barracks 軍營
    ☛ crossroads -> crossroads 十字路口
    ☛ gallows -> gallows 絞架
    ☛ headquarters -> headquarters 總部
    ☛ means -> means 方法/手段
    ☛ series -> series 系列
    ☛ tuna -> tuna 金槍魚
    ☛ aircraft -> aircraft 飛機


    ✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
    博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H

    ☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/

    ☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86

  • person單複數 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-07-16 11:01:41
    有 139 人按讚

    ★ ★ Collocations (搭配詞) Every Day (1) ★ ★ 去除中式英文的捷徑



    1. to settle a dispute (解決糾紛、爭端), to reach a deal (達成交易), to reach a consensus (達成共識)

    Tuesday’s deal was reached after intense last-minute negotiations to settle a dispute between India and China over the headquarters of the new bank.


    2. to violate human rights (違反人權)/ to repress democracy and freedom (壓制自由與民主) / to impose law 施行法規/ to impose fine 施以罰則

    (1) Although Chiang made contributions to the Republic of China, he imposed martial law and the ‘White Terror,’ severely violated human rights and repressed democracy and freedom

    (2) The Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Administrative Appeal Committee has canceled an NT$1.85 billion fine imposed on cooking-oil producer. .

    ----The Taipei Times

    3. to sustain injuries (直接翻"受傷"是最自然的; 字面: 遭受身體傷害) / to sustain a wound (刀槍傷)

    (1) Elsewhere, another person died from injuries sustained in an earlier strike, Qudra said, giving an overall death toll of 166.

    (文法分析: 原句為 died from injuries that were sustained in an...)

    ----The Taipei Times

    (2) He sustained a serious wound in the stomach.

    4. to expand the scope of (擴大規模) / to spark protests (激起抗議) / to draw criticism 招致批評 / sharp criticism 尖銳的批評

    Tokyo yesterday was slapped a lawsuit over its decision to expand the scope of the Japanese military, a divisive shift for the pacifist nation that sparked protests at home and drew sharp criticism from China.

    ----The Taipei Time

    5. to vent frustrations / anger 發洩挫折感、洩怒

    Brazil fans vent frustrations (newspaper headline)

    ----The Taipei Time

    Note: 受詞的單複數必須視context 而斟酌,這邊請學習者特別注意。例如,是 to spark a protest 還是 spark protests 需視語意而定。切勿照單全收!

