

在 no後面動詞產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 最近幫高一孩子做月考複習AED, 幫高二孩子錄影回測解析, 發現不約而同都考了「倒裝句」。 俐媽就幾兩個最重要的倒裝句解說一下, 也附上我在閱讀英文小說時看到的句子。 文法, 不是只有在課文中, 也不是只是為了應付考試, 是真真實實交織在你的閱讀理解裡。 ————————————————————...

no後面動詞 在 懶豹西文? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 21:23:42

【懶豹西文63】 最近都不用出門,省下好多通勤時間!速懶和嗨豹決定找一些線上課程和工作坊來精進一下自己的西文,看看能不能在疫情期間突飛猛進一波💪 不過不過,好多課程都太熱門了,要搶到名額真的是要衝衝衝,對速懶我來說實在是太困難,只好請嗨豹督促一下了 (。 ́︿ ̀。) 如果要用西文表達「快一點、...

no後面動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-31 12:36:51

最近幫高一孩子做月考複習AED, 幫高二孩子錄影回測解析, 發現不約而同都考了「倒裝句」。 俐媽就幾兩個最重要的倒裝句解說一下, 也附上我在閱讀英文小說時看到的句子。 文法, 不是只有在課文中, 也不是只是為了應付考試, 是真真實實交織在你的閱讀理解裡。 ————————————————————...

no後面動詞 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-03 04:39:52

Raise vs Rise [#ConfusingWords🌋] 兩個字都有升起、舉高嘅意思,究竟幾時要用邊個? Raise係一個及物動詞 transitive verb, 即係後面要有個受詞啊。 > I do raise my hand (舉手) in class, but the teache...

  • no後面動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-18 23:27:33
    有 42 人按讚



    🪜 俐媽英文教室—倒裝句篇:

    1️⃣ 否定副詞放句首的倒裝句:

    ❗️否定副詞 + be/aux + S ...❗️

    當看到「否定副詞」如Never, On no account, Under no circumstances, Not until, Only, Nowhere, Seldom, Scarcely, Little...等置於句首時,後面要接倒裝句。
    如圖2中,Never ... had I been...,否定字Never於句首,而後面是「助動詞+主詞」(had I)形式。

    2️⃣ 地方副詞放句首的倒裝句:

    ❗️ 地方副詞 + V + S (名詞) ❗️
    ❗️ 地方副詞 + S (代名詞) + V ❗️

    當地方副詞如Here, There, Under the table, Across from the hotel等字出現在句首時,後面的倒裝「不是」形成問句形式,而是直接把主詞和動詞直接對倒,形成如Here comes the bus.的倒裝句。
    另外,如果主詞是「代名詞」(I, you, he, she, they, we, it),則「不倒裝」,形成如Here you are.的句子。
    ⚠️ 「介副詞」如away, off, up, down...放句首時,也可以形成倒裝句,如:Away fly the birds.
    而圖3的Off you go. 也是一個例子。Off是介副詞,you是代名詞,因此置於句中不倒裝。

  • no後面動詞 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-08 18:00:01
    有 12 人按讚


    By no means ​ ____ ​ I give up making my films.​
    A.) will ​ B.) that​


    by no means 絕不,否定副詞。​
    否定副詞放在句首時,需使用倒裝句,因此by no means後面需接助動詞或be 動詞。​
    By no means was he able to handle it.​

  • no後面動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-27 18:00:09
    有 35 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Chicken 雞🐣

    Chicken is an even better source of protein than eggs, and of course there’s a substantial number of chicken-related idioms. 吃膩蛋了嗎?來點下蛋的動物如何?🐥雞肉比起蛋,是更優質的蛋白質來源,也有許多生活用語。

    1⃣chicken out
    2⃣play chicken
    3⃣chicken feed
    4⃣chicken scratch
    5⃣spring chicken
    6⃣ run around like a chicken with its head cut off
    Everyone knows that chickens are easily frightened, 1⃣ so “chicken” can also mean “coward” or “cowardly.” Ex: Don’t be such a chicken! And for a verb phrase, just add an “out.” Ex: He wanted to ask her out, but chickened out at the last minute. 2⃣ What happens when people “play chicken”? It means they play a dangerous game to see who gives in first. Ex: You should never play chicken with another car.
    大家都知道,雞很容易受到驚嚇,所以chicken一字也可以指「懦夫」,或是當形容詞,指「膽小懦弱的」。如:Don’t be such a chicken!(別這麼膽小!)如果要用來表示動詞,後面加上out即可,如:He wanted to ask her out, but chickened out at the last minute.(他本來想約她出去,在最後卻退縮了。)當人們play chicken時會發生什麼事呢?這是在說「比試膽量」,就是玩危險的比賽,來看哪個人先讓步。如:You should never play chicken with another car.(你不該跟其他駕駛搶路爭道。)

    If you’ve ever seen chickens pecking around for small bits of food, you can understand why3⃣ “chicken feed” means a small amount of money (wages or profits). Ex: I’m tired of working long hours for chicken feed. And if you’ve seen chickens scratching the ground, you can understand why 4⃣ “chicken scratch” means illegible handwriting. Ex: Ben left me a note, but I can’t understand his chicken scratch.
    如果你看過雞在四周啄食米粒的樣子,你大概就會明白chicken feed為什麼有「微薄的一筆錢(薪水或利潤)」。如:I’m tired of working long hours for chicken feed.(我已經厭倦這份工時長收入又微薄的工作了。)又如果你也看過雞用爪子抓地面的樣子,也大概能理解,為何chicken scratch可以形容「字跡潦草」,如:Ben left me a note, but I can’t understand his chicken scratch.(班留紙條給我,但是我看不懂他的鬼畫符。)

    Chickens are usually born in the spring, 5⃣ so a “spring chicken” refers to someone who’s still young. Ex: Your boyfriend is a little old, but you’re no spring chicken either. But even old chickens don’t go out without a fight. Even when they get their heads cut off, they often keep running around for a few seconds. For this reason, 6⃣ “run around like a chicken with its head cut off” is used to describe someone who is behaving in a frantic manner, usually because they have too much to do. Ex: Why is Patricia running around like a chicken with its head cut off?
    雞通常出生於春天,所以spring chicken常用來指「年輕人,毛頭小子或姑娘」,如:Your boyfriend is a little old, but you’re no spring chicken either.(你男友是有點年紀,但你也不是毛頭小孩啊。)不過即使是老雞,也鬥志堅強。當雞隻頭被切下來,他們的身體還是能跑個幾秒鐘。因為這樣,所以run around like a chicken with its head cut off可以用來形容「如無頭蒼蠅忙碌」。如:Why is Patricia running around like a chicken with its head cut off?(為什麼派翠西亞要像個無頭蒼蠅一樣跑來跑去?)

    1. give in「讓步」
    2. illegible「字跡難以辨認的」
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選