

在 loud中文意思產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅Claudia Mo/毛孟靜,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 用英文講 #我大聲不等於我冇禮貌 “I may be loud but it doesn't mean that I'm being uncivil” ————————- 《我大聲不等於我沒禮貌》 //近年香港人有一句口頭禪:我大聲不等於我沒禮貌,似曾相識?這句話其實出自周潤發《監獄風雲》的經典對白...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過267萬的網紅阿滴英文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,有時在網路上看到一些英文字完全看不懂,因為它們是縮寫,有自己的意思!讓滴妹來幫你解釋解釋常用的英文abbreviation! 訂閱阿滴英文 ▶ http://bit.ly/rde-subscribe 支持阿滴英文 ▶ http://pressplay.cc/rayduenglish 英文縮寫 1....

  • loud中文意思 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-25 21:45:21
    有 633 人按讚

    用英文講 #我大聲不等於我冇禮貌
    “I may be loud but it doesn't mean that I'm being uncivil”

    //用英文表達,要稍加推敲。若純粹直譯:我大聲,是I'm being loud;不等於 does not equate;而我沒禮貌,就是 I'm being impolite 。
    //把句子串起來:I am being loud does not equate I'm being impolite?聽上去不大對,是吧。即使對方也會明白,但這句子會給視為 Chinglish 中式英文,或 me no like 一類的洋涇濱英語 pidgin English,即流於字對字直譯、令洋人發笑的英語。

    //我大聲不等於我冇禮貌,最好的英文對等句子,應該是:I may be loud but it doesn't mean that I'm being uncivil.
    一開口說 I may be,要表達的是當事人自覺不算聲浪大,但對方既然認為如此,也就順着對方意思來自辯。

    //中間加了but,隨後不用 doesn't equate,因為 equate 這個字用在此處並不自然,改為 it doesn't mean 較佳;最後的沒禮貌,固然可以保留 impolite,也可以考慮用 rude 粗暴無禮,但為了要提升禮數的層次,改用聽上去比較高深的 uncivil 。
    //- I may be loud but it doesn't mean I'm being uncivil,譯回中文,是「我也許算是大聲但不等於我禮數不周」。

    //而批評人說話大聲,一般可用 strident 聒噪、piercing 刺耳一類的形容詞。要更繪影繪聲,可考慮以下例句:

    //- He was screaming his head off. 他大聲地叫,像頭都要掉下來了。
    - His loud voice punctured the air like a knife. 他的聲音大得像一把刀刮過空氣。
    當然,說話細聲也不一定是好事,可以給形容為 mutter 咕噥、mumble 蚊滋也似的嘰哩咕嚕。

    //有一種細語,更屬於令人討厭的類別,就是 stage whisper。

    //Whisper 耳語,但加了 stage 舞台,都猜到了吧:a loud whisper by an actor that is audible to the spectators for dramatic effect but is not supposed to be heard by the other actors,台上演員大聲「耳語」,好讓台下觀衆聽到,但這是戲劇效果,按劇本其他演員是聽不到的。
    換言之,舞台耳語即大聲耳語 audible whisper,故意給人聽見的自言自語。

    //- “The food is awful here," he stage whispered. 「這裏的食物難吃極了,」他壓着嗓子卻響亮地耳語道。//

  • loud中文意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-10 07:00:15
    有 49 人按讚

    #EZTalk #片語一起TALK
    For crying out loud!

    遇到不順遂的事,讓你超不爽時😠,該如何表達?你可以說 For crying out loud! (真是夠了!)這可不是大聲叫的意思,這是用在感到不滿的時候,有如中文裡的「煩死了」、「厚!」等等表達心中不快的發語詞。


  • loud中文意思 在 厭世工程師 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-06 14:19:20
    有 661 人按讚

    捷克參議院議長柯佳洛去世前收到的威脅信 中英文翻譯

    Prague, 10th January 2020


    ►The Taiwan issue is highly sensitive. The One-China Policy serves as the political basis for China in order to preserve and develop friendly relations and cooperate with all countries in the world, including the Czech Republic.


    ►The Chinese government resolutely opposes any official contact between any country that maintains diplomatic relations with China and Taiwan (including any mutual visits between parliamentary representatives and deputies).


    ►Top representatives of Western countries, including the USA, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, abide by the One-China Policy, and none of them has visited Taiwan (Jacques Brotchi, the then Chairman of the Belgian Senate, who visited Taiwan in May 2019, has already resigned from his office and received a lifetime ban from entering China).

    西方國家(包括美國,英國,法國和德國)的最高代表都遵從一中政策,且沒有一個人訪問過台灣(當時的比利時聯邦參議院議長 Jacques Brotchi 曾於 2019年5月訪問台灣,其現已辭職,並令終身禁止進入中國)。

    ►The joint declaration on the establishment of the strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Czech Republic states that “the Czech Republic has again confirmed its observance of the One-China Policy, as well as its respect towards the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China”.


    ►Whatever its form and purpose, a visit to Taiwan by Jaroslav Kubera, the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and as such the second highest representative of the Czech Republic, bears the marks of an official visit. That would constitute a grave violation of the recognition of the One-China principle.

    捷克共和國國會參議院議長 Jaroslav Kubera 作為捷克共和國第二層級的最高政治代表,若訪問台灣,無論其形式及目的為何,此舉都將被視為是官方正式的外交出訪,具有不可逆的政治意義。此舉將嚴重違反對於 “一中原則” 的承認。 **(bears the marks of 留下印記這裡我試試看有別於字面上的翻法!不知道有沒有更好地翻法?)**

    ►The Chinese-Czech strategic partnership has been continuously developing over the last few years, thus bringing tangible benefits to Czech enterprises. China has already become the largest foreign market for many Czech companies, such as Škoda Auto, Home Credit Group, Klavíry Petrof and others.

    近年來,中捷戰略夥伴關係不斷發展,為捷克企業帶來了實質的利益。對於許多捷克公司(例如 汽車製造商 Škoda Auto,捷信集團 Home Credit Group,佩卓夫鋼琴 Klavíry Petrof 等),中國已經成為最大的國外市場。

    ►A potential visit to Taiwan by Chairman Kubera would seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, damage the friendly atmosphere of cooperation between China and the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic’s reputation among the Chinese public and the interests of the Czech Republic.

    Kubera 議長可能對台灣進行的訪問將嚴重損害中國人民的感情,損害中國與捷克共和國之間的友好合作氣氛、捷克共和國在中國公眾中的聲譽以及捷克共和國的利益。

    ►Czech enterprises whose representatives visit Taiwan with Chairman Kubera will not be welcome in China or by the Chinese people. Czech enterprises with economic interests in China will have to pay for Chairman Kubera’s visit to Taiwan.

    與 Kubera 議長一起訪問台灣的捷克企業代表,將不被中國與中國人民歡迎。在中國具有經濟利益的捷克企業將為 Kubera 議長對台灣的訪問付出代價。

    ►Chairman Kubera’s visit to Taiwan will not benefit anyone. We hope that the Czech side will observe the One-China policy and cancel this visit, thus avoiding damaging Chinese-Czech relations.

    Kubera 議長對台灣的訪問將不會使任何人受益。我們希望捷克方面遵守一中政策並取消此次訪問,以免破壞中捷關係。

    ►Attn.: Office of the President of the Czech Republic




    ►[Seal of the Office of the President in Czech Republic confirming receipt on 13th January 2020]


    ►[Seal of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Czech Republic]



    https://sinopsis.cz/en/embassy-threats/… (★ 接下來有這個星號的都是這個連結裡的內容)


    ★ 連結中寫道:“The threatening letter eschews diplomatic protocol; it is written as a series of “bullet points”, lacking even a salutation. It appears to have been translated by a non-native speaker, from a Chinese original into nearly flawless Czech.”

    此封威脅信不以外交禮儀寫成;而是使用條列式列出了一系列要點,信中甚至沒有收信人的稱呼(一般書信在開頭會有 Dear xx)。它似乎是由非母語人士翻譯而成的,從原本的中文翻譯成了近乎完美的捷克語。

    ★ “In 2019, the chairman of the Czech Senate, Jaroslav Kubera, announced a trip to Taiwan as head of a business delegation. Various voices in local politics criticised these plans out loud, most notably the country’s CCP-friendly president Miloš Zeman, who said Kubera’s Taiwan visit would mean the end of their friendship. The PRC’s direct attempt to prevent the visit was not, however, made through public channels.”

    2019年,捷克參議院主席 Jaroslav Kubera 宣布作為商務代表團團長前往台灣。地方政治上出現了各種聲音大聲批評了此計劃,最值得注意的是捷克的親中總統 Miloš Zeman,他表示,柯佳洛議長對台灣的訪問將意味著中捷兩國友誼的終結。然而,中國嘗試阻止訪問的直接方法並不是透過公開透明的管道。

    ★ 據捷克媒體 Aktuálně 於2/19的報導(source: https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/…/r~3602b9ba51a711eaa5e40cc47ab…/)
    重點節錄:這封信經過了捷克總統府,並隨信附有捷克總統府對外辦公室主任 *Rudolf Jindrák* 的評論,最後轉交給了柯佳洛。信件發出後的第七天,柯佳洛去世了,這封信在他的辦公室裡被發現。

    *(💥 查資料的過程中不小心翻到這位 Rudolf Jindrák 似乎有過共產黨背景...... https://taiwantrc.org/捷克駐德大使被指曾是共黨軍情系統同路人/ 這篇是2010年的...不確定現在的情形,但我google到的時候真的有覺得不太對勁...)



  • loud中文意思 在 阿滴英文 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-10-06 21:00:01

    訂閱阿滴英文 ▶ http://bit.ly/rde-subscribe
    支持阿滴英文 ▶ http://pressplay.cc/rayduenglish

    1. FYI: For Your Information 供你參考
    2. BAE: Before Anyone Else 北鼻寶貝
    3. LOL: Laugh Out Loud 大笑
    4. YOLO: You Only Live Once 人生只有一次
    5. BTW: By The Way 喔對了
    6. ASAP: As Soon As Possible 越快越好
    7. TBH: To Be Honest 說實話
    8. TBT: Throwback Thursday 舊照重PO
    9. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions 常見問題
    10 . FML: Fuck My Life 這個,大家應該都懂吧
    11. TGIF: Thank God It’s Friday 感謝老天是星期五了
    12. RSVP (Répondez S'il Vous Plaît) 希望你能回覆
    13. TTYL: Talk To You Later 晚點聊

    上一部影片 留學生注意!5件出國留學必做的事 http://youtu.be/YJQatyZVSMU
    下一部影片 解惑!超難翻譯成英文的中文! http://youtu.be/6mklxNlzNhI
