

在 loudly產品中有364篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, It can be hard for us women to say out loud that we are successful, partly due to imposter syndrome, partly due to how we have been conditioned not ...

 同時也有58部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,270的網紅The Singapore Mermaid,也在其Youtube影片中提到,JOLLY SAILOR BOLD (SYRENA'S VERSION) It's been a long time coming. Original segments written by: Syrena, Singapore's First Mermaid Produced by: Jea...

loudly 在 Carrie Sim ?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 12:19:09

What I love about my life today, in this moment is this. ✨ I eat well and I kick diet culture in the ass and outta my life ✨ No one likes being told ...

  • loudly 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-16 20:27:50
    有 94 人按讚

    It can be hard for us women to say out loud that we are successful,
    partly due to imposter syndrome,
    partly due to how we have been conditioned not to toot our own horn too loudly
    and partly due to the fact than when many professional women feel overwhelmed and burnt out from stress of our jobs, the last thing we want to do is celebrate. 🥵

    But celebrating your achievements thus far, however big or small is such an important step for your overall well-being and confidence moving forward.

    And it’s so so important for women leaders as a whole to be celebrating themselves and to support each other. 🎉🥳🍾

    When we are recognized and when we are appreciated, we can become so much more. ❤️

    How are you celebrating your success today? How are you supporting and cheering for other successful women in your life?

    If it’s one thing you do today, it is to pause and reflect on how hard you’ve worked and give yourself credit for how far you’ve come. 🥰

    #bossbabe #womenleaders #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #celebrateyoursuccess #yourock #bosslady #womenleadership #womeninbusiness

  • loudly 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 06:29:07
    有 999 人按讚

    All Failures & Lacks Are The Best Things to Happen to Us

































    3 months ago, when I received this email from my Taiwan client, there was this feeling of bittersweetness.

    I was happy because this was the client I did a Zoom consultation last June. He sent me this email on the one-year anniversary date of our Zoom call, to express his gratitude. How sweet!

    On the other hand, I could relate to the emotional turmoil he felt at that point in his life.

    His experience was my past. It also took me a very long time to walk out from my gloominess.

    Once, I analysed the Bazi of a very young lady. She was meticulously jotting down notes as I spoke.

    Her detailed note-taking skills easily took the top place among my clients.

    Halfway through, I noticed her right hand was trembling slightly. I thought it was due to the cold draft from the air conditioning, so I asked if she needed a shawl.

    She replied that it was her anxiety disorder acting up.

    “I was not fierce or strict with you. What caused your sudden anxiety?”

    “I…ever since the pandemic disrupted my plans, I have been in this state of anxiety. I kept feeling useless. All my classmates are progressing expect me. I have nothing to show for and my life is in a mess. I am very anxious. What if I continue to be like this? What am I going to do?”

    As she spoke, her eyes turned red and tears started rolling down like a broken strand of pearl necklace scattering onto the ground.

    Oh dear! I am beginning to wonder if I have a tear-jerker face or a heart-tormenting voice. Why do my clients, regardless of gender and age, North South or East West, seem to cry easily when they see me?

    I grabbed a piece of tissue and handed it to her.

    “Ain’t I here already? You came to me for a roadmap and you are very lucky to see me so soon. Look at how precise and neat your notes are! Many of my clients aren’t even on par with you. My job today is to give you answers. If I didn’t have the confidence, I would not have taken up your request. Now that I did, that means there is still hope. If you follow my instructions, you will see things looking up very soon.”

    On another occasion, a mother in her forties came to me for her son’s Bazi consultation.

    As I was analysing, the mother nodded her head in agreement. The next thing I know, she started weeping loudly.

    I turned to look at her husband, who had been silent all along. Did I say something wrong? And hello, your wife was crying. Why weren’t you gentleman enough to give her a tissue paper?

    “I am a useless mother. I am incompetent. I do not know how to teach my son well. I love my son very much. But many times, I do not know what to do and thus I flare up at him and speak harshly. I always regret afterwards. I tried enduring but it still ends badly!”

    I did not interrupt her and waited for her cries to soften, before speaking gently, “I’m here! I’m already sitting in front of you. You are looking at me now and that means help is here. You know that you are incompetent, so you went looking for solutions. That means you are willing to learn how to be a better mother!”

    I handed a piece of tissue and said, “Don’t cry anymore, otherwise, other patrons will think that it’s because I refuse to lend you money.”

    Since young, we have been using external possessions to define whether our lives are worth liking.

    The family we are born into, our looks, health, body shape, intellect, talents, and then we move on to compare our academics, friendships, career, wealth, marriage and children.

    If we are lacking in the area we covet most, we grade our lives as a failure.

    I think this is the biggest problem in societal education. Our parents and teachers categorized us that way. Whether we as children are worthy of their love and bragging, depends on the few points above too.

    Thus over time, we can only use the term “success” to determine whether we are of value, for some people, whether they should live on to take their next breath.

    I very much prefer the definition in Buddhism. We are all Buddhas. Each and every sentient being in the six realms has a Buddha nature in them. But they got lost momentarily and fell into the endless wheel of reincarnation.

    Yet, because of our Buddha nature, we have an unlimited source of potential. Every one of us has a very powerful strength inside us. It is just waiting for us to meet an accomplished teacher, so that we have the tools to explore and understand it:

    And this strength that we are born with is the capital for us to transform and establish our own destiny.

    If life is smooth-sailing, we would never want to leave and would mistake this mortal realm for Pureland. Thus, we all need sufferings, to realise that we should break out of this hell of a place. There has to be a better world somewhere. So how we get there?

    We should, in fact, be grateful for all the setbacks and failures we have. Because it is from these sufferings, our wisdom arise:

    No single Bazi is perfect. Every failure and lack we experience is the best arrangement for us, so that the heart of renunciation will arise in us and we will return to where we came from.

  • loudly 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-06 22:27:47
    有 270 人按讚

    🔊 sound on to hear what a proud mom i am! Lol!

    Today out of nowhere Layla said CowCow while holding on to her cow toy! I was in the kitchen cooking her dinner, i dropped everything (literally, i threw the spoon down instantly) and ran into the room to witness her say it.

    From the video you'll be able to hear that my excitement only came later because i was soooo pleasantly surprised! Needed a moment to take it all in! Then, when i finally reacted, i think i shocked Layla. Hahahaha! She looked stunned when i OMG so loudly!

    Im super proud of her. I'm so grateful to be able to witness all her little milestones, no matter how small they are, they mean the world to me.

    I was never told much about how i was as a child, and when they do, it's usually the negative things.

    When i knew i was gonna be a mom, i told myself that i will be there to witness her growth, happiness, sadness and everything in between. I want to be able to answer all the questions she ever have about her childhood, i want to tell her stories about her even if she didnt ask. I want her to know that she matters, that i remember and that i was always around.

    #11months3weeks #sheilalovesherlife #motherhood #firsttimemom #lettertobabywoolala

  • loudly 在 The Singapore Mermaid Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-24 13:00:17


    It's been a long time coming.

    Original segments written by: Syrena, Singapore's First Mermaid
    Produced by: Jean-Marc Boulier
    Videography: Joshfather Photography
    Tails: with thanks to Finfolk Productions. The Syrena's Song tail of the month is available on finfolk.com until the end of May!



    Take me down to the sea
    Find a you, lose a me
    In the deep, in the blue
    So alluring.

    And your arms swallowed me whole
    So I battle for my soul
    But your eyes - locked on mine
    So assuring

    But my heart sings so loudly
    Traitorous with love
    Yes, my heart sings so loudly
    Traitorous with love

    For my heart is pierced by Cupid,
    I disdain all glittering gold
    There is nothing can console me
    But my Jolly Sailor Bold

    From Tower Hill to Blackwall
    I'll wander, weep, and moan
    All for my Jolly Sailor
    Till he comes sailing home

    Come all ye pretty fair maids
    Wherever ye may be
    Who loves a Jolly Sailor
    Who sails the open sea

    Take me down
    Take me down
    Take me down

    Take me down
    Take me down
    Take me down

    My heart is pierced by Cupid
    I disdain all glittering gold
    There is nothing can console me
    But my Jolly Sailor Bold.

  • loudly 在 Roller Katherine Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-25 10:17:45

    I do not own the copy right of this view. This was an interview back in 2019. And I'm so sorry for my broken voice, I taught kids too loudly and I damaged it.
    I'm so glad that this interview allows me to express my feeling towards this sports and let me tell why am I still here, working hard. It's not all about me, it's also about the next skating generation.

  • loudly 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-16 12:00:02

    OPEN FOR MORE INFO! / 更多資訊在↓↓
    很開心能夠跟其他20位名人一起接力響應 癌症希望基金會 這麼有意義的活動👏🏼記得在兒童癌症病房實習的時候,我在孩子們與照顧他們的家屬身上看見了我從沒有看過的『堅毅』與『勇敢』,於是我就這樣把我當時所感受的一切,寫成了《陽光》這首歌💛


    二月四日世界癌症日,我是Dena張粹方!Follow me! 一起接受抗癌挑戰!


    曲Music: Dena 張粹方
    詞Lyrics: Dena 張粹方, Jennifer (沒錯! 就是我們Jennifer! 大學的時候很謝謝她願意跟我完成這首對我來說意義很深的歌的歌詞)

    第一天 我踏進 眼前這片白茫茫
    每一扇門訴說着你 穿越了多少次戰役


    你是那道陽光 帶我找到力量
    勇敢鼓起胸膛 拋下那些傷
    於是我的眼光 駐足你給的信仰
    揮別憂傷 只望前方 才會更堅強


    and I saw those sparkly eyes beaming through the night
    and you whispered loudly, words shot through the sky
    telling me that it’s not the time for us to be giving up
    telling me that faith will bring us the strength to fight

    你是那道陽光 帶我找到力量
    勇敢鼓起胸膛 拋下那些傷
    於是我的眼光 駐足你給的信仰
    揮別憂傷 只望前方 才會更堅強
    因為有你 我更加勇敢 未來更明亮

    (你們會想要聽完整版嗎🙈留言跟我說! 夠多的話我maybe會考慮做完整製作版and maybe 發行!)

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