

在 latter中文產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【關於解釋國際攬炒:與外媒記者交流的工作日常】 早排同位識睇中文既日本記者食飯做訪問,佢做做下訪問期間,竟然拎左我個幾月前寫 #國際攬炒,差唔多成兩、三千字既長文出嚟,仲要自己用原字筆間曬部份佢覺得緊要既重點,見到嗰下真係覺得不得了。 呢一年以嚟,採訪同跟進香港情況既外國記者好多,當然各人認知...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅謙預 QianyuSG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,孩子取名,不跟著家譜就是大不孝 !? 在新加坡,幾乎每個父母都會為孩子取個洋名。有的家長覺得這樣比較容易叫孩子的名,有的認為這樣才跟得上時代。 但我們必經是華人,刻在墓碑上的,終究是華文名。華文的源起在歷史中已隱藏著玄秘的力量,因此一個好的中文名有著巨大的力量來加持一個孩子八字的不足,不是英文...

latter中文 在 語言學|學語言 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 10:21:48

- 📚語言學|學語言📚 Four main types of questions can be found in Mandarin. They are question-word questions, disjunctive questions, yes/no questions, and A-n...

latter中文 在 學台語 O̍h Tâi-gí Instagram 的最讚貼文

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一對時 [Tsi̍t-tuì-sî] 🔊 Swipe to listen . 🇹🇼 一個晝夜輪迴、24 小時 🇬🇧 (n.) a full day, 24 hours 🇪🇦 un día completo, 24 horas 🇯🇵 昼と夜、まる一日 . 例·離別猶未一對時,相思隨發穎。 → Lī-p...

latter中文 在 Barrel Leaf 桶子葉 by Nora Instagram 的最佳貼文

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Do you love stinky tofu, the famous Taiwanese food? ⁠ 你愛吃臭豆腐嗎? 炸的或是蒸的? 我愛蒸的 ❤️⁠ ⁠ If you do, then, are you a fried-tofu person or a steamed one? I am ...

  • latter中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-19 15:05:13
    有 666 人按讚


    早排同位識睇中文既日本記者食飯做訪問,佢做做下訪問期間,竟然拎左我個幾月前寫 #國際攬炒,差唔多成兩、三千字既長文出嚟,仲要自己用原字筆間曬部份佢覺得緊要既重點,見到嗰下真係覺得不得了。


    點都好,國際攬炒同埋反制「臨立會 2.0」,唔好講話國際社會,就算本地都未必好明白當中較複雜既來龍去脈,感謝呢位記者之餘,我都未來都會同眾志團隊繼續努力,同各國政界官員傳媒交流時,準確分析香港抗爭形勢。


    【破局:立會過半 = 香港光已復?】

    【議會過半想像:以「#國際攬炒」反制「臨立會2.0」】 https://www.facebook.com/200976479994868/posts/2887651214660701/


    A possible scenario will be like: Beijing will dissolve the existing LegCo and disqualify all 70 lawmakers once pro-democracy camps win the majority. One of the reference points is the recent statement by China’s office on Hong Kong Affairs, HKMAO.

    The office unprecedentedly accused pro-democracy lawmakers of violating LegCo oaths when they use procedural tactics to block the controversial national anthem and national security legislation. In the eyes of Beijing, LegCo can only serve as a rubber stamp; otherwise, councillors fail to "show their allegiance to the central governments” and "serve dutifully” as the oath states. In other words, HKMAO is paving the way for a large-scaled disqualification before and after the election.

    After the dissolution, Beijing will probably set up a pseudo-legislature and directly appoint all the members. That is not a crazy imagination since Beijing has done once in 1997. At that time, after pro-democracy forces won a majority during 1995-1997, Beijing set up a Provisional LegCo, directly appointed members and held meetings in Shenzhen. Therefore, history may repeat.

    However, Hongkongers will still strive for a parliamentary majority since Beijing has already put its most controversial agenda, the national security legislation, on the table. The parliamentary majority is the only way for us to block this evil law.

    If, at the end, Beijing really dissolves the LegCo and disqualifies all elected lawmakers, it means Beijing is shutting down all peaceful mechanism to resolve political problems and grievance. More importantly, this move will put the so-called promised autonomy under the One Country Two Systems formula to the test.

    When even the legislature is a rubber stamp, it Is doubtful whether Hong Kong can still maintain its special status as an independent tariff zone. The latter will carry significant implications for international investors. On the street level, it is foreseeable that more protests will erupt, especially when Beijing starts to disqualify all pro-democracy candidates before the election.


  • latter中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-12 19:15:08
    有 151 人按讚

    (English version below)







    Good fortune and Disaster are like siblings. They are dependent on each other and rarely abandon each other. Hence when you are in good luck or receive an unexpected windfall, never think about how to celebrate. During this time of prosperous luck, you should hurriedly and diligently contribute and give.

    1. This keeps the good luck in constant circulation.
    2. This further fertilises the wealth seedlings.
    3. This brings in a never-ending flow of wealth.

    I, Master Dai Hu, have long understood this principle. When faced with the praises and criticisms, I can remain big-hearted and take things calmly.

    Not long ago, a lady revealed her true sentiments to me, saying that the first impression I gave her was that of 公子哥兒 (a rich playboy). Upon hearing it, I naturally laughed and told her that this was a novel perspective. I also informed her that in the future, I would write about this novel viewpoint in a short write-up, but the write-up would definitely contain virtuous knowledge and right values.

    This lady who wanted to invite me to create good fortune for her and her family probably mean no harm. Moreover, her Mandarin was not as fluent as her English. The terms 公子哥兒 and 花花公子 are similar in meaning. The latter may not be wealthy and the former may not be totally unfaithful! Frankly speaking, if these two characters are willing to come out and deliver sentient beings, that would be so valuable.

    Because it is valuable that he has this bodhi of resolve. It goes without saying that he should snip off that flirtatious heart, the person he aims to deliver salvation shall then be convinced to board his Dharma ship towards the shores of Salvation and eternal bliss.

  • latter中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-07-05 04:21:49
    有 3 人按讚

    【孝與不孝之間】ABOUT FILIAL PIETY (English writing below)

    孩子取名,不跟著家譜就是大不孝 !?




    📺 到我的YouTube頻道觀看影片 :
    👉 https://youtu.be/RGNqpKp0WCQ


    It Is Unfilial Not to Name Your Child After the Family Tree Book?

    In Singapore, almost every parent will give the child a Christian name. Some parents say that it is easier to call the child with an English name, while some regard this as keeping up with the times.

    But we are Chinese after all. What is engraved on our tombs will still be our Chinese names. Due to its historic mystical origins, the Chinese language is much more powerful in empowering the child with auspicious energies for the inadequacies in his/her Bazi. A name from its English counterpart just doesn't measure up.

    Some parents name their child based on their emotions at that time. And there are parents who are obliged to follow the Family Tree Book. While the former is sentimental/emotional, is the latter necessarily a wiser move?

    👉 https://youtu.be/RGNqpKp0WCQ

  • latter中文 在 謙預 QianyuSG Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-04 02:23:10

    孩子取名,不跟著家譜就是大不孝 !?





    It Is Unfilial Not to Name Your Child After the Family Tree Book?

    In Singapore, almost every parent will give the child a Christian name. Some parents say that it is easier to call the child with an English name, while some regard this as keeping up with the times.

    But we are Chinese after all. What is engraved on our tombs will still be our Chinese names. Due to its historic mystical origins, the Chinese language is much more powerful in empowering the child with auspicious energies for the inadequacies in his/her Bazi. A name from its English counterpart just doesn't measure up.

    Some parents name their child based on their emotions at that time. And there are parents who are obliged to follow the Family Tree Book. While the former is sentimental/emotional, is the latter necessarily a wiser move?






    Hi, I am Lee Ji Qian, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner from Singapore. This journey in propagating Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics has been full of hard knocks and exciting discoveries.

    Through my videos and online writing, I hope to share my journey with you. So that you too can break free from the limits of your destiny and truly live a life you can call exciting. My destiny is in my own hands, not Heaven. So is yours.

    It does not matter whether we can live a long or short life.
    What matters most is living a life of value and contribution.

    ??‍? 服務諮詢 FOR MY SERVICES:


    *** 我使用的器材 OTHER TECH EQUIPMENT I USE ***

    這支影片 FOR THIS VIDEO:
    Iphone 6
    Wide Angle Selfie Ring Light
    3-in-1 Monopod: https://amzn.to/2rJ1M03
    Royal Voice Lavalier Mic (out of production)
    but this comes close : https://amzn.to/2pmj7Ly

    相機 CAMERAS
    Sony A6400: https://amzn.to/33NLssT
    Sony 128GB SD card: https://amzn.to/2NKv6vw
    Rode Videomicro : https://amzn.to/350TZsW

    Sony Mark III: https://amzn.to/2qOne3g
    128GB SD card: https://amzn.to/2Qfnl2n

    Neumann T102: https://amzn.to/34XuFE3
    Universal Audio: https://amzn.to/2CIOgM4
    Portabooth Plus: https://amzn.to/33MyBHE

    Zhiyun Crane M Gimbal: https://amzn.to/2Xfd7QZ
    Nitecore charger for A6400: https://amzn.to/2Qfo8QT
    Extra Sony A6400 battery: https://amzn.to/2Kh3oo8


