I’ve never been an outspoken feminist, but I am a person for body positivity, self love, and gender equality. (中文在留言)
I am baffled and intrigued by a ...
I’ve never been an outspoken feminist, but I am a person for body positivity, self love, and gender equality. (中文在留言)
I am baffled and intrigued by a comment made by a person I actually know personally, “Are you promoting protein or boobs?”, because I feel like I am being objectified.
Just because I am bustier than the average women, does not mean showing some cleavage is me sexualizing my body part.
It is a natural part of my body, and I am proud of being under my skin.
I am proud to share with social media the progress I have made with my body through exercising and maintaining a clean diet. -
Nobody knows how much hard work and effort you have invested in yourself to reach your goals except yourself.
Social media is manifested with haters, misogynists, trolls, bigots, you name it.
But, no matter what these people do to you, don’t let them crack you down.
They might throw out a line or two of harsh, impolite words irresponsibly, and no matter how angry or upset you get, they won’t feel a thing.
So why should we waste our time and energy sulking about a few letters?
Just throw on your sportswear, and continue lifting!
Keep working on making yourself the better you, and NO ONE can stop you from doing so.
No one is to tear you down from what you deserve.
Be confident and love every inch of yourself, because you worked damn hard for that body. Own it!
And, to the haters out there, I hope you make self love and acceptance your resolution for this year.
We are living in 2019, we should be moving forward and become more tolerant of different races, genders, body types, anything you can think of. Don’t stay inside your shell and project your narrow mindset on others; it only shows how little you are.
Focus on yourself and what you can do to make yourself a better person.
It would be more worthwhile to devote the time to yourself, because no matter what you say to others, it isn’t going to destroy them; in fact, it would make those that you wish to see fail become even stronger.
Thus, instead of wishing ill upon others, why not strive for your own success???
#fitness #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #positivevibes #girlpower #healthy #active #selflove
impolite中文 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文
用英文講 #我大聲不等於我冇禮貌
“I may be loud but it doesn't mean that I'm being uncivil”
//用英文表達,要稍加推敲。若純粹直譯:我大聲,是I'm being loud;不等於 does not equate;而我沒禮貌,就是 I'm being impolite 。
//把句子串起來:I am being loud does not equate I'm being impolite?聽上去不大對,是吧。即使對方也會明白,但這句子會給視為 Chinglish 中式英文,或 me no like 一類的洋涇濱英語 pidgin English,即流於字對字直譯、令洋人發笑的英語。
//我大聲不等於我冇禮貌,最好的英文對等句子,應該是:I may be loud but it doesn't mean that I'm being uncivil.
一開口說 I may be,要表達的是當事人自覺不算聲浪大,但對方既然認為如此,也就順着對方意思來自辯。
//中間加了but,隨後不用 doesn't equate,因為 equate 這個字用在此處並不自然,改為 it doesn't mean 較佳;最後的沒禮貌,固然可以保留 impolite,也可以考慮用 rude 粗暴無禮,但為了要提升禮數的層次,改用聽上去比較高深的 uncivil 。
//- I may be loud but it doesn't mean I'm being uncivil,譯回中文,是「我也許算是大聲但不等於我禮數不周」。
//而批評人說話大聲,一般可用 strident 聒噪、piercing 刺耳一類的形容詞。要更繪影繪聲,可考慮以下例句:
//- He was screaming his head off. 他大聲地叫,像頭都要掉下來了。
- His loud voice punctured the air like a knife. 他的聲音大得像一把刀刮過空氣。
當然,說話細聲也不一定是好事,可以給形容為 mutter 咕噥、mumble 蚊滋也似的嘰哩咕嚕。
//有一種細語,更屬於令人討厭的類別,就是 stage whisper。
//Whisper 耳語,但加了 stage 舞台,都猜到了吧:a loud whisper by an actor that is audible to the spectators for dramatic effect but is not supposed to be heard by the other actors,台上演員大聲「耳語」,好讓台下觀衆聽到,但這是戲劇效果,按劇本其他演員是聽不到的。
換言之,舞台耳語即大聲耳語 audible whisper,故意給人聽見的自言自語。
//- “The food is awful here," he stage whispered. 「這裏的食物難吃極了,」他壓着嗓子卻響亮地耳語道。//
impolite中文 在 汗語字典 Facebook 的最佳貼文
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#HanyuDict #chinese #dictionary
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impolite中文 在 A.Tong Facebook 的最讚貼文
之前接下的委託, 是位外國的許太太不過約我畫美男戰國😂 這裏有沒有美男戰國玩家? 話說英文的日文很難懂也很難記:
ikemen sengoku --- 美男戰國
mitsuhide akechi --- 明智光秀
tsundere --- 傲嬌
溝通時看到類似的這些遊戲/動漫用字好迷惘, 我們尚可知道漢字意思在閱讀時可以少一點障礙, 但對外國人而言就只是一堆拼音/字符 (除非懂日語), 感覺好難記住...又或者只是我倚賴用中文的讀法而已😂
This is the first time I draw for overseas' commissioner. I had refused overseas' commission several times since I'm quite afraid that my poor english will cause any misunderstanding (or accidentally speaking in a weird/impolite way🙈 fortunately this first try goes quite smooth and finally done~
p.s. 委託因為私事還在擠塞中, 暫不接新稿
#美男戰國 #明智光秀 #ikemensengoku #mitsuhide