

在 heather名字意思產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅妙雅 Miaoya,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 😮 不像中文裡簡單的一到十二月,在許多語言中,各個月份都有屬於自己的名字。 大部分歐洲語言的月份名字來自羅馬神話中的神明,而波蘭的月份名字,則是從農民曆來的! 就讓我們一個個來看它們的起源吧: Styczeń(一月):「stykać」意思是會面的意思,代表舊的一年與新的一年在一月彷彿見到...

  • heather名字意思 在 妙雅 Miaoya Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-01-19 12:36:00
    有 4 人按讚


    Lipiec(七月):七月的名字來自「lipa」這個表示「椴樹」的波蘭字。椴樹在這個時期開花,在波蘭尤其普遍。波蘭詩人揚·科哈諾夫斯基(Jan Kochanowski)就曾作一首詩:〈關於椴樹(Na lipe)〉,其中一段「gosciu siadz pod ma lipa a odpoczyn sobie」即表示「貴客,請到我的椴樹下歇息」。
    Listopad(十一月):這個字來自「padajace liscie」,即落葉之意。
    Did you know that Poland did not adopt Latin names for months and has its own unique names? Unlike many other European countries that derive the names of the months from the Roman names of gods, caesars' or numbers, Polish names of the months take their origins in farmers' calendar. Check out their unique names in the list below.
    1. Styczeń - stykać means "to meet" - "to join" since the old year "meets the new year in January
    2. Luty - luty in old Polish means "fierce", "bitter frost", "freezing cold"
    3. Marzec - from marznac meaning " to freeze". Some people believe that this name comes also from Roman God "Martius" - in Polish Mars.
    4. Kwiecień - from kwiecie - flowers - a blooming month.
    5. Maj - this is the only name which was adopted from Roman calendar devoted to goddess Maia. Maia was the Roman female deity of growth or fertility.This name gained its own meaning in the Polish language, for instance as majowka- the outdoor trip.
    6. Czerwiec - from czerw meaning "grab" - the larva of a bee or moth. In this month people were picking up the larves, dry them in the sun, and then made from it a red or purple die (pigment); therefore the name "czerw" comes from "redden" and some sources also derive the name of Polish June from a Polish word "czerwienic" - to redden or rippen
    7. Lipiec - from lipa - "linden tree" - which flowers in that time; this tree is very popular in Poland. There is a famous poem by Kochanowski "Na lipe" (about Linden tree) - "gosciu siadz pod ma lipa a odpoczyn sobie" - "dear visitor -please sit under my linden tree and relax".
    8. Sierpień - sierp is "a sickle" used for harvesting (tool to cut the hay, grass or wheat)
    9. Wrzesień - from wrzosy - "heather" that beautifully purple in that time of the year
    10. Październik - from paździerz - wooden dry part remained from flax or hemp. In the past flax and hemp was used for making cloths. In that time of the year the wind was carrying out "paździerze" - the wooden waste remained after flax and hemp - all over the fields.
    11. Listopad - padajace liscie - falling leaves.
    12. Grudzień - gruda - hardened ground which is caused by cold weather.
    To see more about months in Polish, you can watch this video (in Polish):
    (Adapted from culture.polishsite.us)