

在 grabbed意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,461的網紅阮安祖 Andrew Ryan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, (English follows) 今年一月終於有了機會去越南玩,而且是去看我20年沒見,同樣是姓阮的同學!到了當地時,有一句話一直記在心裡:「帶一本看不懂的書回來」。這句話是去年我們 在台灣站起 節目去採訪新北市中和區的一間小小的書店時聽到的。燦爛時光:東南亞主題書店 Brilliant Tim...

grabbed意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 00:24:21

/ September 2, 2019 Bully Killed by Victim 53 Years Later . Summary: When the bullies attending the class reunion not only had forgotten how they almo...

  • grabbed意思 在 阮安祖 Andrew Ryan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-03-16 19:14:15
    有 499 人按讚

    (English follows) 今年一月終於有了機會去越南玩,而且是去看我20年沒見,同樣是姓阮的同學!到了當地時,有一句話一直記在心裡:「帶一本看不懂的書回來」。這句話是去年我們 在台灣站起 節目去採訪新北市中和區的一間小小的書店時聽到的。燦爛時光:東南亞主題書店 Brilliant Time bookstore的老闆 張正 講這句話的意思就是希望大家去東南亞時,可以帶書回來捐給書店,好讓住在台灣的東南亞朋友可以借自己看得懂的書來看。聽到多麼溫馨的一句話,當然要找行動的機會,於是到了胡志明市就留了一點時間去逛書店。不過要怎麼選書也是巨大的挑戰(畢竟看不懂嘛!)到了書店時,第一眼就看到擺滿了暢銷書的桌子就選了三本。回來台灣之後,一直到前幾天才終於有機會交手給張正本人,原本很擔心小小的書店已經堆滿書,他就叫我放心,說台灣到處都有設點可以借書!希望這三本書很快就可以找到短時間的「主人」帶給異鄉遊子一點點來自家鄉的溫度。♥

    --> 現在(3月16日晚上19-20點)馬上就可以鎖定 教育電台聲動全世界- 國立教育廣播電臺 燦爛夜光節目,收聽我與主持人張正的對話哦!https://bit.ly/2F4NpGf

    --> 錯過節目的朋友別擔心!這裡有完整的錄音直播(包括NG,還有鬼靈異事件哦!) Part One: https://bit.ly/2TPiWFO
    Part Two: https://bit.ly/2TEcRg2

    --> 想多多了解燦爛時光,歡迎收看去年介紹書店及張正的「在台灣站起」https://youtu.be/s9ikWXB1tH8

    I finally had the opportunity to visit Vietnam this year, and it was for a very special reason: my dear friend from college Ngan was bringing her son Aidan to see the country where she was born! We had a fantastic time, and the whole time I was there I kept thinking about the many Vietnamese people I've met and interviewed in Taiwan for our TV show "New Faces in Taiwan". I also thought back to a special little bookstore in New Taipei called "Brilliant Time Bookstore", which encourages people who visit Southeast Asia to "bring back a book you don't understand" and donate it to the shop. They make that request so that Taiwan's sizeable (and often marginalized) Southeast Asian population (many of whom are migrant workers), can have books to read in their mother tongue.

    So on my last day in Ho Chi Minh City, I stopped by a bookstore and grabbed three books from the bestseller table (how else am I going to choose a book I can't read? LOL). And just a couple days ago I finally had the chance to hand them over to the bookstore's owner Chang Cheng. Hopefully these books will very soon end up in the hands of someone who CAN read them, and it will bring them a little warmth from home.

    You can watch Chang Cheng's radio interview with me (unedited) here (in Chinese):
    Part One: https://bit.ly/2TPiWFO
    Part Two: https://bit.ly/2TEcRg2

    And you can watch MY interview with Chang Cheng here (also in Chinese): https://youtu.be/s9ikWXB1tH8

    Visit Brilliant Time Bookstore on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2F6ktxD and on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/g988W2dJUbU2

  • grabbed意思 在 修的生活基地(跑團/遊戲/創作) Facebook 的最佳解答

    1970-01-01 08:00:01
    有 0 人按讚

    由冰而生 From Ice

    From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,(*1)
    To ice we all return.

    Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
    To guard this rest you've earned.

    I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,(*2)
    And swim the Shivering Sea.
    Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
    To bring Ethan back to me.

    Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,(*3)
    To claim me as his prize.

    Ethan freed me from Ramsey's clasp,(*3)
    The rival lords locked eyes, the rival lords locked eyes.

    Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
    Old Gods bare steel with you.

    Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.

    So iron grows anew,(*1)
    Still iron grows anew
    1. 森林氏族標語為"Iron from Ice",所以會說從冰而生,鋼鐵崛起之類等象徵。
    2. Ilyn Payne 角色為國王的律法的執行者,引申作劊子手的意思,然後前三句分別代表米菈(在皇宮犯險,離劊子手最近),蓋瑞(流放長城,顫抖海為北方的海域,引申北方長城),亞瑟(前往奴隸灣招集軍隊),故那些句子的意思就是家族的人們願意作任何危險的事情來拯救這一切。
    3. 前面講的Snow跟後面講的Ramsey都指同一個人Ramsey Snow,殺害伊森的兇手。
    一種是喪禮中姊姊唱的,比較短。歌名叫 From Ice
    一種是完整版感謝字幕片尾放的。歌名叫 Ballad of the Forresters

