

在 experienced用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 喬今天又要分享八種常用寫作句型囉!各位同學可以試著自己用這些句型造句,日積月累的練習才能造就寫作的能力唷!一起來熟記這些用法吧! accuse sb of Ving 控告;指責某人於某事 e.g. At present, plenty of parents accuse school t...


  • experienced用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-06-03 11:45:00
    有 49 人按讚

    <八種常用寫作句型分享-3 >

    accuse sb of Ving 控告;指責某人於某事
    e.g. At present, plenty of parents accuse school teachers of their indifference to their children’s psychological development.

    be adjacent to 與…比鄰; 連接; 靠近; 貼近
    e.g. The fancy hotel is within a walking distance to Time Square and is adjacent to the two major shopping malls in the city.

    have an affinity for 對…有吸引力; 喜歡
    e.g. The truth is that if you have an affinity for a person, you overlook most of his or her imperfections. That is why love is blind.

    be aggrieved at 因..感到焦慮; 對…感到悲傷
    e.g. Caroline’s mother is rather aggrieved at her having been taking drugs since her high school.

    be allergic to 對…有過敏反應; 厭惡…
    e.g. Suggestions and criticisms are usually unpleasant to people but do good to them in fact. Sadly to say, some are even allergic to them and thus make no progress.

    come into antagonism with 與..鬧翻; 對抗
    e.g. The two entrepreneurs came into antagonism with each other since their companies’ new products seem to be coincidentally identical in terms of function, leading to big loss in profits.

    be apt to 有…傾向; 很容易..; 有可能
    e.g. The old are apt to make such mistakes as thinking the young should always be at their mercy because they are definitely more experienced in everything.
    老年人很容易犯諸如此類的錯- 認為年輕人必須一直聽從他們,因為老年人在每件事都是非常有經驗的

    aspire after/towards/for + N. ; aspire to V. 渴望; 嚮往; 追求; 有志於
    e.g. Caroline aspires to become a successful businesswoman since she is obsessed with feminism.

  • experienced用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-05-07 23:01:06
    有 55 人按讚


    experience and experiences 在用法上有什麼區別?

    experience 不可數名詞

    經驗, 體驗[U][(+of/in)] Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有過教英語的經驗嗎?

    When using experience as an uncountable noun, you are referring to the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing something for a period of time.

    E.g. I have 11 years of experience in teaching. My wife has 20 years of experience in shopping.


    experience(s) 可數名詞

    經歷, 閱歷[C] Please tell us about your experiences in Africa. 請跟我們談談你在非洲的經歷。

    I had a rather odd experience the other day. 前些天我有過一次相當奇怪的經歷。

    When using experience as a countable noun, you are referring to an event or activity that affects you in some way.

    E.g. I had a very unusual experience today. I took my wife to SOGO, but she didn't buy anything.


    experience 也可以當做動詞用

    Taiwan has experienced a sharp deceleration in economic growth since the late 1980s。
    Eric will experience (v.) a fate worse than death if you tell his wife about his FB page.

    He experienced intense sadness when his pet died.


    There are two ways to indicate your experience on your resume:
    (1) X years of experience in...
    (2) X years' experience in...





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