This is How I see the most important day in our history, of our lives on the 6th of January 2021.
I have been thinking about what is going on...
This is How I see the most important day in our history, of our lives on the 6th of January 2021.
I have been thinking about what is going on in our world, the election, what is going to happen 6th, have you thought about it in this way? Maybe it is our world asking us for a change? Maybe it is our System,Government ask us for a change? Evoke us to change the system?
1st of all, let’s talk about braveness, what is braveness? Where are these courage, braveness coming from? Where are those believes coming from?
I was posting photos of me shaved my head all the way, my character Tuptim in #annaandtheking willing to give up her life for pure love, even rejected the king’s love, but where are those braveness coming from? My answer is: from a believe, from our conscious knowing.
Maybe I am naïve, but I always see things in a positive way, you might be surprised, on Wednesday the 6th, maybe people’s conscious will be suddenly awaken, maybe our humanity will be suddenly awaken, the right way to do things will then suddenly present itself to us?
I see that day will be a Victory, I see millions of millions of people are shouting celebrating with so much joy and happiness, let’s believe in this vision,
let’s use our conscious to set the right force and foundation first before we do anything.
Maybe it’s our history ask us to be brave to use our consciousness, to use our wisdom and our braveness to change us first?
I am moved by all those people driving to #washingtondc in this cold difficult winter, to support their rights and believes.
Watch the video let me know your thoughts, let’s be positive, let’s sending the powerful positive force, energy to awaken our humanity.
Please be safe if you are on your way to #Washington #whitehouse , bring lots of water, food, be really careful on your way.
Cookie:Have faith —- remember things always working out for us in a marvelous way no matter what, because that’s the only way. Dare to dream, dare to believe.
With love❤️❤️🙏
#bailing #election2021 #electiondsy #newpresident #newworld #positivevibes
#白灵 #白灵电影 #bailingmovie #DonaldTrump #joebiden @realdonaldtrump
evoke中文 在 Crystal Lee 李晶晶 Facebook 的精選貼文
謝謝 @diorparfums ❤️ 好棒的 experience at the popup. (我也帶了個”C” 的 mitzah scarf 回家)
很多想要跟大分享的但是不會用中文所以還是用英文😍😍 The Maison Christian Dior 工作人員真的really know their fragrances. They focus on ones feelings and memories. It is known that perfumes can evoke emotions easily. According to François Demachy, “The perfumes 都是限量的...That’s why, for the perfumes at Maison Christian Dior, inspiration is everything.” #christmaslove #maisonchristiandior
evoke中文 在 青鳥 Bleu&Book Facebook 的精選貼文
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[ 似顏繪是日本用語,翻譯成中文被譯為"似顏繪"。是通過繪畫的方式,將真人的相貌和心情結合起來,在紙上畫出接近真人的頭像。似顏繪最初起源於歐洲,傳到日本後,結合日本的浮世繪演變而來,似顏繪在日本非常流行,更廣泛的被用於指具有諷刺意味的肖像漫畫。以漫畫形式表現的似顏繪,正作為一種新興的潮流事物發展起來。 ]
今年九月的時候felimia曾經參與 #2018台北插畫藝術節
第一屆策展主題:「青春浮世繪 New age Ukiyoe」
書店店員の似顏繪 - [ 聖誕週末限定 ]
時間:2018/12/22(六) 17:00 - 21:00
2018/12/23(日)12:00 - 21:00
方式:凡於店內消費,可以單張 100元讓店員幫你似顏繪。
(每張時間約 15分鐘)
Felimia, Currently I create personal illustrations while working in a bookshop. I’m a rookie illustrator and obsessed with the color blue. The expectation of my work that can healing and evoke people innermost thought. For my artwork, I am proficient at simply color and geometric shape that can express my opinion or thought. Using abstract illustration with words influence the audience to think outside the box and think deep inside or your heart. If you observe my works with floating lines and the shape of color. For that, I will say it was my interpretation of people, the world and my point of view.