

在 especially用法產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅大人學,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「 loop 」這個字,台灣和美國認知大不同! 在台灣,不知是約定俗成還是什麼原因,很多人以為 loop 在 email 的用法是指「把某個人加到信件的副本欄位」,尤其是開會中常聽到「以後這件事,也要把大衛、瑪麗加到 loop」或是「這件事記得 loop 我」;又或者是某人覺得自己的工作可能會受影...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,480的網紅GreenBeautyKoKo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For those like organic, pure and safe skincare products fairies, BeautyKoKo shopping web site: http://beautykoko.gostorego.com/ BeautyKoKo Facebook ...

especially用法 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:19

其實你知道很多人看我IG學英文,但我的外國朋友則是看我IG學中文嗎?今天來教一下「撿到槍」的英文跟中文。 昨天看到 @a2zenglishtutor 的 Danny 老師在他IG教了一個片語 jump the gun,我忍不住在IG動態上發文說,我這個人不只常常 jump the gun,還外加 ...

especially用法 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-06 05:58:15

Wow! 今年三升一的孩子好認真! 一拿到小單字本就開背! 而且認真想記好詞性+衍生字+搭配詞, 很有鬥志喔👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 俐媽收到不少學生傳訊, 詢問小單字本中英文詞性代號各代表什麽意思 ? 俐媽今天送上「英文詞性代號大全篇」~ ————————————————————— 👁‍🗨 Part of ...

  • especially用法 在 大人學 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-25 20:30:33
    有 77 人按讚

    「 loop 」這個字,台灣和美國認知大不同!

    在台灣,不知是約定俗成還是什麼原因,很多人以為 loop 在 email 的用法是指「把某個人加到信件的副本欄位」,尤其是開會中常聽到「以後這件事,也要把大衛、瑪麗加到 loop」或是「這件事記得 loop 我」;又或者是某人覺得自己的工作可能會受影響,於是要求寄件者日後要「keep me in the loop」,希望收到這「主旨(subject)」下所有往返的信件。

    但事實上,美國人對這句 Keep me in the loop 的用法並不是指在 email 把某人加入副本,如果有人對你說 Please keep me in the loop. ,指的不止所有往返的信件,甚至包括對客戶做簡報、部門召開的產品會議、媒體記者安排、或老闆召見等等都要知道,總之,就是要掌握「所有」最新狀況。

    參考線上 the free dictionary 字典對片語 Keep (someone) in the loop 的解釋:

    To keep someone informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group.

    那麼回過頭來,如果就只是希望別人把自己 #加在信件裡,不要漏掉單純就「這個主旨」底下的任何信件,就可以用 copy 這個字,等於 c.c (carbon copy)當動詞用,舉幾個例子:

    1 Can you copy me on that?
    2 Please copy me that email as well.
    3 Just copy David in on your email to Mr. Smith.
    4 I’ll copy you in on the updates next time.

    很多來上 #商務Email的結構化寫作法 的同學常會提到有「#用字不精準」的困擾,我的建議:#寄件者自己要先搞清楚究竟要表達什麼,在還沒打下任何英文字之前,問自己對方真正需要知道的是什麼、該做到的又是什麼,如果只是相關但非關鍵決策者,那麼 copy 對方就夠了,但如果事關重大,對方需要有 #全面 的了解,那麼就該用 Keep someone in the loop 這個片語,意思有傳到位,才能叫「準」。



  • especially用法 在 國發會 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-14 16:30:18
    有 154 人按讚

    【🎉 國發會就業金卡方案延攬國際高端人才來臺🎉 】



    我們會繼續努力!讓臺灣成為國際人才的第二個家 🏠

    #國發會 #NDC #就業金卡 #EmploymentGoldCard #外國專業人才延攬及僱用法

    【🎉 The National Development Council Employment Gold Card program attracts international talents to Taiwan🎉 】

    The Employment Gold Card is a card targeting at international talents. With the card, foreign special professionals can work, start a business and reside in Taiwan with more flexibility. To honor the employment gold card holders, the National Development Council (NDC) held an exchange event. About 160 cardholders participated in the event.

    Minister Kung especially showed appreciation to the cardholders of their support for the Employment Gold Card policy. He emphasized that cardholders are the elites among the foreign professionals in Taiwan. Cardholders are Taiwan and NDC’s family. He encouraged cardholders to have more connection with Taiwan society.

    Minister Kung also mentioned that in addition to keep promoting the bilingual nation policy, NDC has been revising the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals. Hopefully, the revision can attract more international talents to work or start businesses in Taiwan.

    In the evening reception, the cardholders interacted with each other and exchanged working, living and start-up experiences delightfully, which stimulated innovative ideas and collaboration opportunities on the spot.

    After the evening reception, many cardholders messaged us, saying that the Employment Gold Card program is a good policy to drive internationalization of Taiwan. They will help NDC to promote the Employment Gold Card program among their international friends and attract them to Taiwan. We were deeply moved!

    We will continue to work hard to make Taiwan a second home of international talents.

  • especially用法 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-07 23:10:53
    有 20 人按讚


    文章標題:Graduates of Elite Universities Get Paid More. Do They Perform Better?​





    當作動詞:to describe somebody/something as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.,常用用法:be hailed (as) something​

    例句:Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning.—Oxford​

    本文例句:And so the HR manager does what many employers do: defaults to selecting hires based on the prestige and rank of the university from which graduates hail.​



  • especially用法 在 GreenBeautyKoKo Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2012-11-07 03:19:25

    For those like organic, pure and safe skincare products fairies,

    BeautyKoKo shopping web site: http://beautykoko.gostorego.com/
    BeautyKoKo Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmallsimpleBeauty
    BeautyKoKo email: smallsimplebeautie@gmail.com

    Congratulations to me!!I finished all my written and practical esthetic examinations last week. I am a licensed Aesthetician in USA.

    As your request, you want to have more organic and safe skincare products.I found a all in one serum - Hylunia Beyond Complex C.

    Let me talk about Hylunia's background. It was formed in 1988. The founder is Dr Link. He could not find any organic and safe skin care products for his daughter who broke out in hives and rashes. Thus he formed his company with dermatologists, physicians and scientists to provide top quality, organic, safe and pure skincare line. Their products are free of Parabens, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (these three ingredients are always related to cancers), Phthalates, Propylene Glycol and Fragrance (these three ingredients are strong skin irritants that are linked to sensitivities and allergic reactions.

    Hylunia Complex C can help you to hydrate, whitening, brightening your skin, minimize the fine lines and wrinkles, retard free radical damage. I have used this Beyond Complex C for three months. I found that my wrinkles in forehead and few freckles were gone. Also, my skin tone was more even. You can apply it around your eyes for removing the fine lines around your eyes.

    Since Hylunia Beyond Complex C is a safe products, it is highly recommend for you to use every night especially those who are received Laser, IPL and micro needle treatment. And it is safe for those who have sensitive skin and even for pregnant women. Use only one pump for each time.

    Since their products are free of those chemical bad ingredients, those products can also improve your body's immune system.

    If you are interested this products, please go to my facebook page to see more details:
    https://www.facebook.com/SmallsimpleBeauty or send us email smallsimplebeautie@gmail.com

    ♥Hylunia Beyond Complex C♥維他命C抗氧化精華素
    美白 淡班 保濕 抗氧化 去皺
    30ml HKD 680 including overseas shipping
    50ml HKD 990 Including overseas shipping

    有助減淡細紋 皺紋

    成份:L Asorbic酸(維生素C),酯化C,維生素A,維生素E,透明質酸,縮氨酸,脯氨酸,馬尾草,菊花,綠茶,金盞花,薑黃,南瓜籽

    用法: 每天早晚使用,或者根據需要, 臉部清潔後, 取出適量精華液於手掌心,輕輕按壓於臉部, 允許滲透到皮膚一分鐘,建議同時使用Hylunia的面霜效果更佳。

    BeautyKoKo's Tips: 維他命C最緊要是新鮮及穩定。Hylunia 採用真空包裝處理,確保維他命C每次用的時侯非常新鮮及穩定,同時提供10培抗氧化能力。

    Thank you for watching again!! ^^

