

在 dispose丟棄產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 英模班本週教到登革熱, 俐媽趕快整理相關單字。 因為COVID-19, 各校考題介紹常見疾病的頻率增加了, 大家趕快一起學單字! —————————————————— 🩸 俐媽英文教室—登革熱篇: 🦟 Dengue Fever 登革熱 🦟 hemorrhagic (a.) 出血的(hemo-: b...

dispose丟棄 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-07 21:34:25

英模班本週教到登革熱, 俐媽趕快整理相關單字。 因為COVID-19, 各校考題介紹常見疾病的頻率增加了, 大家趕快一起學單字! —————————————————— 🩸 俐媽英文教室—登革熱篇: 🦟 Dengue Fever 登革熱 🦟 hemorrhagic (a.) 出血的(hemo-: b...

dispose丟棄 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-23 21:15:17

/ 又係拆字時間啦! 明顯呢堆字都有 pose 呢個字根,表示 to put「放」,咁就會易記好多字啦: . 1️⃣ oppose 反對 呢個字你一定識,其實字首 op 係相反嘅意思,同人哋企相反方向,當然係反對 . 2️⃣ propose 建議、提出 pro 指前面,所謂建議、提出,都係向前放下一...

dispose丟棄 在 逍遙山野-暫離人為造作空間 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 11:51:15

現實故事總是殘酷且令人難過及憤怒 地點 : 中央金礦山屋 隨意傾倒垃圾位置 : 山屋左前方下切溪谷處 時間 : 農曆初三 能夠走訪八大秀、南二、馬博、日治八通關等的山友 我相信其山齡及經驗都不算是菜鳥的程度 試問無痕山林真的有這麼難做到嗎? 有能力背上山但沒能力帶下來,這素質是有多低落? 多數撿...

  • dispose丟棄 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-04 19:53:12
    有 73 人按讚


    🩸 俐媽英文教室—登革熱篇:
    🦟 Dengue Fever 登革熱
    🦟 hemorrhagic (a.) 出血的(hemo-: blood)
    🦟 acute (a.) 急性的
    🦟 infectious (a.) 傳染的
    🦟 Aedes Aegypti mosquito 埃及斑蚊
    🦟 Aedes Albopictus mosquito 白線斑紋
    🦟 mosquito-borne (a.) 蚊子傳染/播的
    🦟 transmit (v.) 傳播
    🦟 circulate (v.) 循環
    🦟 acquire (v.) 獲得
    🦟 feed on N 靠⋯為食
    🦟 incubation (n.) 潛伏期;孵化
    🦟 symptom (n.) 症狀
    🦟 myalgia (n.). 肌肉痛
    🦟 arthralgia (n.) 關節痛
    🦟 rash (n.) 紅疹
    🦟 hematuria (n.) 血尿
    🦟 mucous (a.). 黏液的
    🦟 membrane (n.) 膜
    🦟 digestive organ 消化器官
    🦟 complications (n.) 併發症
    🦟 fatality rate (n.) 致死率
    🦟 effusion (n.) 滲出
    🦟 severe (a.) 嚴重的—> severity (n.) 嚴重性
    🦟 shock (n.) 休克
    🦟 therapy (n.) 療法
    🦟 replenish (v.) 補充;重新裝滿
    🦟 onset (n.) (疾病)開始
    🦟 repellent (n.) 驅蟲劑—> repel (v.) 驅趕
    🦟 mosquito-repellent incense (n.) 蚊香
    🦟 bed-net (n.) 蚊帳
    🦟 insecticide/ pesticide (n.) 殺蟲劑
    🦟 spray (v.) 噴灑
    🦟 residence (n.) 居住地/所
    🦟 precaution (n.) 預防措施—> take precautions 採取預防措施
    🦟 hygiene (n.) 衛生
    🦟 container (n.) 容器
    🦟 vector (n.) 傳染媒介
    🦟 larva (n.) 昆蟲幼蟲
    🦟 wiggler (n.) 孑孓
    🦟 dispose of N 處理丟棄⋯
    🦟 canopy (n.) 雨遮;遮雨篷
    🦟 eliminate (v.) 滅絕
    🦟 scrub (v.) 用力擦/刷洗
    🦟 lid (n.) 蓋子
    🦟 tyre (n.) 輪胎
    🦟 upside down 上下顛倒
    🦟 cavern (n.) 洞窟
    🦟 detergent (n.) 清潔劑
    🦟 stagnant water 死水;靜止不動的水
    🦟 screen (n.) 紗窗
    🦟 grass cluster (n.) 叢生的雜草
    🦟 epidemic (n.) 傳染病
    🦟 long-sleeved (a.) 長袖的
    🦟 exposed (a.) 裸露的
    🦟 instructions (n.) 指示說明
    🦟 guideline (n.) 指南
    🦟 prevention (n.) 避免;預防
    #mosquito #denguefever #mosquitobite

  • dispose丟棄 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-16 21:00:01
    有 2,397 人按讚





















    這也是為什麼當我看到像是「殺風景!苦花潭遍地遊客垃圾 部落擬封閉」這樣的標題時,總會不由自主地翻個大白眼。沒錯,遊客不應該留下任何垃圾,但在不到百米之外,就有個在森林深處的家庭垃圾集散地。幾乎到哪兒都有垃圾。

    (大型): 24.035258, 121.170819
    (大型): 24.6080971,121.2830025
    (小型): 22.705481, 120.669413




    One of the most common criticisms I see raised against nature goers and people who post 秘境 online is that visitors bring a lot of trash with them. If these areas have a lot of visitors, the result will be that there is a lot of trash. Nature-lovers are the problem. We can’t open up the wilderness to the general public, because they are irresponsible, and will trash the place. But is that really true? Are tourists the main driver of plastic waste in rivers and mountains? Let’s examine this issue a bit further and try to determine why some waste ends up in the rivers instead of landfills and public waste processing centers.

    Unfortunately, some of immature tourists go into nature and leave their trash there. If you visit any popular waterfall or hot spring, chances are you will see some trash there too.

    Tourists tend to make two false assumptions. One is that camping trash is burnable. It’s not. Your trash should be separated into waste and recyclables, just like you do at home, and taken out with you. None of your trash should go in the campfire.

    The other is that food degrades quickly. It doesn’t. Vegetables and processed foods can months, orange peels, egg shells, bones can take years. If you toss noodles or cabbage into the river, it won’t be eaten by fish. It will stay there for weeks and months and rot and smell. Even if fish and animals did eat your garbage, it’s not your job to feed the wildlife. Viable food seeds end up as invasive species and strange foods make animals sick or die. All excess food should be taken out with you. No exceptions.

    Even worse are cigarette butts. Why do smokers not think these toxic bits of plastic and chemicals are trash? This is unacceptable.

    As infuriating as this is though, it’s not the biggest source of mountain garbage. There are serious systemic problems relating to garbage collection and disposal that need to be addressed.

    This video shows a large trash pile at Hulugu Waterfall in Kaohsiung City, Liugui District. The terrain here is very steep. Any trash thrown into the forest will roll down the hill. When it rains, the lighter plastic products will be washed into the river and flow downstream, into the waterfalls you play at, and eventually to the ocean, and eventually onto a remote beach somewhere.

    However, a closer look at the piles shows that this can be misleading: at first glance, it looks like a few styrofoam tea cups and items that people might bring on an outing with them. But as we look closer at the waste, we can see there are buckets, plastic farm sheeting, pesticide bottles, furniture, and general household waste. Items that no hiker would ever bring with them. This waste originated in the mountains, by people who live in the mountains. It was not brought by outsiders.

    Neither is this a rare or isolated incident. If you stop at literally any section of mountain road and look over the edge you will see entire trash bags down below you. These are household trash bags that were packed and tied shut at home, then thrown out of the window of moving vehicles. It’s household trash, from houses, not campers, and critical examination of this waste would reveal the source through mail and other documents inside.

    Even if it’s only a small percentage of the mountain population, they still have a big impact. Illegal trash dumps in the mountains have an even bigger impact. For whatever reason it is, some mountain dwellers prefer to throw their household waste into the river than dispose of it properly. This is not a stray bag here and there. The average 4 person household generates 1600KG of trash per year in Taiwan. That’s a lot of trash.

    Because a single family can generate so much garbage, it’s difficult to tell how widespread this practice is. I’ve seen hundreds of trash bags in the forest by the side of the road. Possibly thousands. But if this is by dozens of families or hundreds of families I can’t say. Plastic lasts for generations.

    If you visit rural communities and dispose of your trash in their trash can, there is a possibility that the private trucks they hired to pick up those waste from the restaurant or minsu aren’t taking it to an EPA landfill. Instead of delivering the trash to the final destination, they find an isolated spot nearby and just dump the garbage there. It may end up in one of these dumping sites instead. The mountains are full of them. Some of what you will see in a river is washed down from these illegal landfills.

    In many places, entire truckloads of trash are dumped over the side of the roads and into the river below. This isn’t just household waste and furniture, but also construction, farming, and industrial waste too. This type of waste is not something that tourists bring into the mountains. Whoever was in charge of disposing of this waste properly decided to dump it into the forest instead. The government needs to develop a method of confirming that mountain waste reaches its intended destination.

    Every year typhoons carry tons of this trash away to the ocean, but the trash piles never go away, because new trucks arrive to refill them.

    I used to make videos about them before I became desensitized, but now I just pretend I didn’t see them.

    I do understand why some rural household waste doesn’t make it to the correct locations though. I’m from a rural area myself. I didn’t have a trash service where I grew up. We composted food waste. It was dumped into piles far away from the house. We covered them with leaves and let them sit for two years before using it for soil in the garden. Trash and recyclables were separated into different bags. Once a week my dad drove these bags 20 minutes into town to the county dump and recycling center. It was a lot of effort, but recycling and proper waste disposal were very important to my dad, and we also had the resources to do it.

    Not everyone on my street did though. Some families did not have the time and resources for proper waste disposal, and so they had piles of trash, appliances, broken down cars, broken toys, etc around their property. It was a very common sight.

    In many ways, country living isn’t as easy and convenient as living in the city. Sometimes real life, family, and financial problems take up all your time. Not all families can spend an hour each time they want to take out the trash. Some people can, but just don’t want to. When trash trucks are not available, they will take the most convenient option. The government needs to increase trash pickup options for mountain communities.

    What I’ve written here is well known, but not often talked about. Most of the roadside and riverside trash in the mountains isn’t from hikers and waterfall goers. It’s from normal human consumption that never makes it to a landfill. People who live in the mountains don’t like it either. But that’s what it’s like.

    That’s why when I see headlines like (殺風景!苦花潭遍地遊客垃圾 部落擬封閉), I can’t help but roll my eyes. Tourists shouldn’t be leaving trash there, but there is also a household forest trash dump less than 100 meters away. There’s trash almost everywhere.

    Here are a few examples if you wanna go check em out yourself:
    (big): 24.035258, 121.170819
    (big): 24.6080971,121.2830025
    (small): 22.705481, 120.669413

    Fines to individuals won’t help. People have enough problems, otherwise they wouldn’t act this way. Just make it easier to take the trash away. Trash disposal needs to be easy and convenient for mountain communities, just like it is for urban communities.

    Finally, I still want to appeal to everyone. Because of the impact of the epidemic, the people have changed to domestic tourism. This is a good thing. There are more opportunities to get close to the mountains and rivers. It also increases the fun of camping and picnic barbecues, so that friends and family can feel more harmonious! But everyone is visiting nature At the same time, it is more necessary to set an example, and please don’t leave any food waste with you. Wild animals do not need to be fed by humans. They like to support themselves, so there is no need to worry that the animals will be hungry and intentionally leave leftover food residue. Flick your sleeves, please take away all the garbage, including the barbecue grill, wild animals don’t need to barbecue by themselves~

    It’s clear that Taiwan’s beautiful scenery, green mountains and green waters are countless, remember to disperse the flow of people, and the new life of epidemic prevention still needs to be implemented. Do you really know where to go? Welcome everyone to visit me In my blog, I have made maps of more than 300 scenic spots in Taiwan. You can choose remote and unpopular scenic spots to go to

  • dispose丟棄 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-14 10:05:12
    有 416 人按讚



    我學習PADI 潛水課程的原因,因為淺層海水生態系在滅絕。珊瑚白化,魚兒都被捕撈走了,表層海水了無生氣不像過去那般值得探索,想看看海中生態,需要進入更深的水中,這是全世界都面臨的問題,在台灣,同樣的危機也在發生。




    我這次去了小琉球學水肺潛水。小琉球除了很簡單容易到之外,因地理位置關係,水溫及浪況整年都適合潛水。我的教練是NEMO,他很專業也很注重安全細節,而且中文、英文都沒問題。如果你有興趣想知道更多資訊或是安排來一趟體驗潛水,我非常建議與他聯絡,臉書連結在下面這邊:島氮潛水社 Playful Dive Club


    The oceans are a vast and amazing wonderland. They hold uncountable wonders and support not only marine life, but all all life on land as well. Our oceans regulate the weather, oxygen, temperature. We need our oceans to survive.

    Unfortunately, due to our negligence, the oceans need us to survive now as well. They are under threat from plastic pollution, rising temperatures, over fishing, and acidification from atmospheric CO2 absorption, and chemical runoff from industry and agriculture. Almost all marine species are under threat. That's not an exaggeration. That is the reality.

    I studied for my PADI SCUBA diving license because the ocean life on the surface is disappearing. The reefs are bleaching, the fish have all been fished, and there isn't as much to see as there used to be. To see healthy ocean life now, we need to go deeper. This is the case all over the world, but it's also the case here in Taiwan.

    It's not too late. Life is tenacious. The ocean is hanging on. But for how much longer? I recommend that everyone takes a trip underwater now. For two important reasons.

    1) Time is running out. The oceans are changing. This is the best it will it be in the near future. Go now while you still can.

    2) To see the oceans how they really are. It may change your opinion about how we consume and dispose of products. It may change your opinion about how we run our society, and economy. What is it we really value? The world would be a very different place is every CEO and every politician was required to go SCUBA diving.

    I studied on Xiaoliuqiu, which is a convenient place to SCUBA dive because the water temperature is good, and the island is protected from waves, so you can go diving all year round. My instructors name was Nemo, he's very safe and professional, and can teach in both English and Chinese. If you would like to know more, or go on a discovery dive, I highly recommend contacting him. You can find his FB above.:

