

在 decline名詞產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,820的網紅鳥科學先生-泌尿科顧芳瑜醫師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 男生們,不要意外🧐 其實有許多女性都不知道 #何謂高潮 哦! #性高潮差距 就是真實地存在地體現出某種 #男女不平等 🥺 據統計,男性能在一般性行為中達到高潮的比例有95%之高。 而對於女性,在較為頻繁的性生活中,也僅有65%能達到性高潮。以" #初體驗 “來看,比例更是極為懸殊,女性僅...

  • decline名詞 在 鳥科學先生-泌尿科顧芳瑜醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-06 21:07:05
    有 42 人按讚

    其實有許多女性都不知道 #何謂高潮 哦!
    #性高潮差距 就是真實地存在地體現出某種 #男女不平等 🥺

    而對於女性,在較為頻繁的性生活中,也僅有65%能達到性高潮。以" #初體驗 “來看,比例更是極為懸殊,女性僅有40%能獲取高潮 😭
    前陣子,國外知名 #老司機 網站 #Pornhub 與著名#廣告代理商 Ogilvy 合作“ #終結性高潮 “的行銷活動 。為了讓更多人了解到性高潮差距的這現象存在,因此,Pornhub會在影片播到40%時自動暫停來強調40%的異性戀女性在與伴侶性交時沒有獲得性高潮的這件事QQ
    ✨Pornhub Presents: #EndTheOrgasmGap
    影片連結🔗 https://youtu.be/8jtzKucdaUo
    本次 #跟著鳥科大學英文 
    除了一貫利用三個 #單字 了解意思+造句外,後面還有補充關於 #高潮 的相關資訊哦
    1️⃣Climax(n.) 高潮
    2️⃣Clinic (n.) 診所
    3️⃣Decline(v) 拒絕、衰退、下降

    Many female patients decline to go to GYN clinics despite that they are unable to reach sexual climax.
    #有人也想挑戰看看造句嗎 🙌🏻
    是不是覺得關於 #性愛 真的是非常多學問呢?
    除了民間習俗(?)的建議或是#性愛技巧 可以運用看看練習外,

    可以來 #泌尿科 / #婦產科 / #身心科 掛號問診喔!
    #北醫 #顧芳瑜 #早洩 #射精障礙 #性病 #HPV疫苗 #MarketingCampaign #ogilvyonadvertising

  • decline名詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-25 08:00:00
    有 249 人按讚




    🔥 Coronavirus Ravages China’s Economy—and It’s Just Getting Started
    病毒重創中國經濟 但災難才正要開始?

    -ravage 嚴重破壞

    🧐 Since the Cultural Revolution ended in the mid-1970s, China’s economy, fueled by market reforms, has notched up more than four decades of unbroken gains, enlarging the domestic economy by roughly a hundredfold and transforming the world.

    -fuel 當名詞時是燃料,這裡則是動詞的「為⋯所刺激、推動」之意
    -notch up 取得、獲得
    -enlarge 使⋯增大/擴大
    -hundredfold 一百倍的

    😯That winning streak is over. China on Friday reported a 6.8% year-over-year contraction in its economy for the first three months of the year—the first quarterly decline in gross domestic product since official record-keeping began in 1992 and likely the first since Mao Zedong’s death in 1976, economists said.

    -streak 一陣好運,在這指的是經濟的不斷增長
    -contraction 收縮
    -gross domestic product 國內生產總值 (GDP)

    🙈The fall was even steeper compared with the previous quarter: a 9.8% pullback as the coronavirus that first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan spread across the country and around the world, delivering an economic blow unprecedented in modern times.

    -emerge 出現,浮現
    -blow 重擊
    -unprecedented 史無前例、前所未有的


    ❓Quiz: Allen Luo, an exporter of floor tiles in southern Guangdong province, said he wasn’t too affected by the __ domestic shutdown, but the global spread of the coronavirus “is a death __ to us.”
    廣東省的地磚出口商Allen Luo表示,國內前所未有的停工並沒有讓他受到太大影響,但疫情的全球傳播卻帶來致命打擊。

    A. unprepared/block
    B. uber/ bubble tea
    C. unprecedented/ blow
    #獨家 華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 Line 群組,浩爾 #每日語音導讀

  • decline名詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-24 19:00:54
    有 28 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    Is Kim Jong-un Critically Ill? 👀
    💬 金正恩病危❓


    1. critically ill「病危的」:critically 常用來形容「病情危急地」。
    2. absent「缺席的」
    3. speculation「猜測,推斷」:當名詞,動詞為 speculate。
    4. credible「可信的」
    5. severity「嚴重性,嚴重程度」:當名詞,形容詞 severe。
    6. North Korean defector「脫北者」:defector「叛逃者」,指脫離原本國家、逃到對立政治立場的另一個國家者。
    7. obesity「過胖」
    8. decline「拒絕,謝絕」:比 reject 跟 refuse 要婉轉一些。
    9. in light of「有鑑於」


    On April 15, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was absent from the celebration of his grandfather Kim Il-sung’s birthday. Kim Il-sung was the founder of North Korea, and the anniversary of his birth is the nation’s most important holiday. Ever since then, there has been speculation about Kim Jong-un’s health. Kim’s last known appearance was at a Politburo meeting on April 11.
    4 月 15 日,北韓領導人金正恩缺席祖父金日成的誕辰。金日成是北韓國父,所以他的誕辰可說是北韓全國上下最重要的國定節日。自此之後,有關金正恩健康堪慮的傳言四起。而金正恩最後一次現身,是參加 4 月 11 日勞動黨中央政局會議。

    According to a U.S. official, Kim is in grave danger after undergoing surgery. And another U.S. official told American media that the concerns about Kim’s health are credible, but the severity of his condition is hard to access. What kind of surgery? Daily NK, a newspaper run by North Korean defectors, reports that Kim received heart surgery because of “excessive smoking, obesity and overwork.” On the other hand, two separate South Korean government sources have said that the reports about Kim’s health aren’t true, and that there have been no unusual signs coming from North Korea.
    一名美國官員指出,金正恩術後病危,而另一名美國官員告訴媒體,有關金正恩健康的揣測是可信的,不過嚴重程度還不得而知。那麼,金正恩做的是什麼手術?由脫北者經營的韓國媒體《Daily NK》指出,金正恩所接受的手術是心血管手術,因為他有「嚴重煙癮、過重而且過勞」。不過另一方面,兩個不同的南韓政府消息來源指出,有關金正恩的健康傳聞並非屬實,北韓看起來並沒有任何不正常的徵兆。

    When asked about Kim’s health condition, the U.S. National Security Council and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. The State Department and the CIA have also made no public statements. But in light of the military exercises carried out by North Korea on April 14, which included the launch of several missiles, U.S. intelligence agencies are continuing to closely monitor the situation.

    1. the U.S. National Security Council「美國國家安全會議」:簡稱國安會,是由美國總統主持的最高級別國家安全及外交事務決策委員會,處理外交與安全事務。
    2. the Office of the Director of National Intelligence「國家情報總監」:處理有關國家安全的情報事務時的主要諮詢對象,統領 16 個美國情報體系。在建立國家情報總監之前,美國情報體系龍頭是中央情報局(CIA)總監。
    3. the State of Department「美國國務院」:美國政府負責外交事務的行政部門。

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

