

在 current水流產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Northwest's Salmon Population May Be Running Out of Time A Washington state report put it bluntly ( ): Because of the devastating ( ...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅Xiaofei小飛,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我們把重量級獨角獸帶到雙溪,打算向福隆海灘方向漂流5公里。 在途中我們發現這是一條潮汐河,一天裏會有兩次水流方向不一樣,迫使我們大部分時間拉船。 We took the fat unicorn boat to the Shuang River with the intention of float...

current水流 在 Chet Lam ☀️ 林一峰 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-23 23:33:46

One Song a Day - Time’s River 時間河. Translation below, song link in bio @chetlam. • This is a heavy one. Have you ever thought of wishing to talk to so...

current水流 在 Chia Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 23:24:29

其實我還是會怕海的 . 這是我第一次在海中freedive,之前在韋島是從岸邊出發,雖然也是有10幾米,但是往旁一看就是陸地了,而且水清無流,我真的就覺得像在玩一樣,超享受。 但這次在平台下,我其實在海面上就開始緊張,因為我往下看不見底,水流強,不緊緊抓著繩子就會被流越衝越遠⋯開始下潛後,果然無法直...

  • current水流 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-12 22:06:20
    有 2 人按讚

    Northwest's Salmon Population May Be Running Out of Time

    A Washington state report put it bluntly ( ): Because of the devastating ( ) effects of climate change and deteriorating ( ) habitats ( ), several species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest are “on the brink of ( ) extinction ( ).”

    Of the 14 species of salmon and steelhead trout in Washington state that have been deemed ( ) endangered ( ) and are protected under the Endangered Species Act, 10 are lagging ( ) recovery goals, and five are considered “in crisis,” according to the 2020 State of Salmon in Watersheds report.

    “Time is running out,” said the report, which is produced every other year ( ) by the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “The climate is changing, rivers are warming, habitat is diminishing ( ), and the natural systems that support salmon in the Pacific Northwest need help now more than ever.”

    Researchers say recovery efforts — involving state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, local conservation groups and others — have helped slow the decline of some salmon populations. The report found that two species — the Hood Canal summer chum and Snake River fall chinook — were approaching ( ) their recovery goals. It also noted that no new salmon species had been added to the endangered list since 2007.

    “We are at least treading water,” said Kaleen Cottingham, director of the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “We have not, however, seen the kind of progress ( ) that we had hoped for.”

    With the effects of climate change expected to accelerate ( ), researchers said that more must be done to prevent further population decline and the possible extinction of some species.

    Salmon play a vital ( ) role in the environment, economy and culture of the Pacific Northwest. At least 138 species depend on salmon for their food in some way. Salmon support an estimated ( ) 16,000 jobs in the fishing industry, and they are a draw ( ) for tourists.

    Before the 20th century, an estimated 10 million to 16 million adult salmon and steelhead trout returned annually to the Columbia River system. The current return of wild fish is 2% of that.
    One of the largest factors inhibiting salmon recovery is habitat loss. A growing human population has led to development along the shoreline and the addition of bulkheads, or sea walls, that encroach ( ) on beaches where salmon generally find insects and other food. More pavement ( ) and hard surfaces have contributed to an increase in toxic stormwater runoff ( ) that pollutes Puget Sound.

    美國西北部鮭魚 陷瀕臨絕種危機

    華盛頓州一篇報告直截了當指出,由於氣候變遷跟棲地劣化的毀滅性影響, 美國西北部有數種鮭魚「瀕臨滅絕」。




    華盛頓州休閒與保育辦公室主任Kaleen Cottingham說:「我們至少勉強穩住了情況,但我們沒有看到我們所期望的進展。」




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  • current水流 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-06 11:24:38
    有 74 人按讚


    北太平洋環流North Atlantic Gyre 分為4部份:
    i. 北赤道海流North Equatorial Current t- 北緯10度至20度之間由東向西的水流。
    ii. 灣流Gulf Stream– 由墨西哥灣開始沿著美國東岸海線向北流動,一直去到紐芬蘭。灣流減弱的話,美國東岸北部地區,例如紐約,和西歐地區,例如英國,會受到寒流襲擊。這也是電影明日之後的主要故事題材。
    iii. 北大西洋海流North Atlantic Current –灣流的延續海流,向東北流動,直達愛爾蘭及歐洲大陸西北海岸線。
    iv. 康拉尼水流 Canary Current – 向西南流動,去到非洲的賽內加爾Senegal。
    英國在缺乏來自赤道地帶的溫暖海水,很快就會回到冰河時期。這並非杞人憂天。英國財經時報於2005年12月1日報導謂令到英倫三島及北歐溫暖的北大西洋環流正在減弱。位於英國修咸頓的英國國立海洋學中心(UK National Oceanography Centre)進行的綜合水流研究結果顯示自1992年至2004年,由熱帶流向北面的暖水減少30%,以體積計算。在1992年之前的40年,由熱帶流向北面的水量保持穩定。這項研究結果同日刊登在國際著名的《自然》雜誌(Nature)。(詳情請參閱Nature 2005, 438, 655)


    1.5.1. 灣流停下來
    2005年,英國劍橋大學的海洋物理學教授彼德韋咸斯(Peter Wadhams)乘坐英國皇家海軍的核動力潛艇在北極冰冠下面走過,以潛艇的精密聲納系統研究北極冰冠在過去20年薄了46%的原因。

  • current水流 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-26 11:59:00
    有 2,895 人按讚

    這個標誌是危險的宣傳,它提升了瀑布暗流的神話。 如圖所示,在此瀑布中,任何其他瀑布中,甚至在海灘上都不會出現暗流。 除少數極端情況外,唯一會在大壩和水力發電廠的排水管附近找到類似水流的地方。 由於在池底沒有出口流出,因此自然界中不容易發生這種現象。 在瀑布底部或附近漂浮的困難是由於與水中混合的空氣有關的浮力的變化,而不是向下的水流。

    實際上,該瀑布的流入和流出都在水池的表面。 這意味著最強的水流在水面上,最弱的水流在底部。 在一年中的大部分時間裡,幾乎沒有地下暗流。 如果您沒有在頂部看到它們,它們就不會隱藏在底部。

    當河流中有大量的水流過時,瀑布的力量會在水池表面形成一個小的凹陷,導致水向該方向流動。 多數反彈並產生從池中流出的水流。 有些也從瀑布流回到瀑布下的凹陷處。 這些僅表面水流。 由於水只能從較高的高度(例如,地面)向下流動,因此它們不會在池中深處延伸。

    因此,要逃開這些水流的正確方法是在它們下面游泳。 表面水流將您反覆拉出來,而不是暗流。 因此,要逃脫,您需要向水底下游泳。 這是應該在標誌上顯示的消息。 逃脫離岸流方法相同,在這裡也適用。卡住在垂直的水流中游泳,不要跟它對抗。但要在瀑布前游泳,是有悖常理的。中心的水流將帶您離開瀑布跟水池。這些訊息應該要標示在告牌上。就像在海灘告示牌上一樣,有標示如何逃開離岸流,所以這裡也應該有標示如何逃開瀑布中的水流。 但相反地,這個標誌沒有提供任何有用的訊息,實際上還具有誤導性。 這是進行水安全教育的尷尬方式。

    附註1:這僅適用於一個水池範圍。 在河流中,整個橫截面都在流動,由於摩擦因素使其底部水流動仍然較慢。 而表面的水流動得更快。

    附註2:颱風過後,當河流太大而超過水池的承載能力時,以上這些規則將失效。 這並不重要,因為對於任何理智的人來說,顯然無論如何在颱風過後是不要進入溪河裡。

    This sign is dangerous propaganda which promotes the myth of the waterfall undercurrent. Currents as depicted in this picture do not occur in this waterfall, any other waterfall, or even at the beach for that matter. With a few extreme exceptions, the only place you will find currents like that are near drainage pipes for dams and hydroelectric power plants. It's not a phenomenon that can occur easily in nature because there is no outflow at the bottom of the pool. Difficulties with staying afloat at or around the base of the waterfall is due to changes in buoyancy related to air mixed in the water... not downward currents.
    In fact, the inflow and drainage for this waterfall are both on the surface of the pool. This means that the strongest currents on the surface of the water, and the weakest currents are on the bottom. For most of the year there are barely any subsurface currents at all. If you don't see them on top... they aren't hiding on the bottom.

    When there is a lot of water flowing in the river, the force of the waterfall creates a small depression in the surface of the pool, causing water to flow in that direction. The majority bounces out and creates a current flowing out of the pool. While some also flows back to the depression under the waterfall, typically from the side. These surface-only currents. They do not extend deep in the pool as water can only flow downward from a higher elevation (eg, the surface).

    Therefore, the proper way to escape these currents is to swim under them. Surface currents are pulling you out, not undercurrents. So to escape you need to swim down. The same method for escaping a ripcurrent will also work here. Swim perpendicular to the current you are stuck in, not against it. It's counterintuitive, but swim in front of the waterfall. The current in the center will take you away from the waterfall and out of the pool. This is the message that should be on the sign. Just like at the beach there are signs explaining how to escape a rip current, there can be signs explaining how to escape a back current in a waterfall. Instead this sign provides no useful information, and is in fact misleading. It’s an embarrassing way to conduct water safety.

    Note: This only applies to pools. In a river the entire cross sectional area is flowing, although it's still slower at the bottom due to friction. Surface water moves faster.

    Note 2: After a typhoon when the river is so large as to exceed the carrying capacity of the pool, these rules breakdown. It's not important because to any sane person, it's obvious not to go into the river after a typhoon anyway.

  • current水流 在 Xiaofei小飛 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-08-19 20:30:00

    我們把重量級獨角獸帶到雙溪,打算向福隆海灘方向漂流5公里。 在途中我們發現這是一條潮汐河,一天裏會有兩次水流方向不一樣,迫使我們大部分時間拉船。

    We took the fat unicorn boat to the Shuang River with the intention of floating down 5km to Fulong Beach. On the way we discovered that this is a tidal river, and the current reverses direction twice a day, forcing us to pull the boat most of the way.

    入雙溪 Start:25.012223, 121.922117
    福隆海灘 Beach:25.020827, 121.945254
    詳細地圖 Detailed Map:

  • current水流 在 kormaruR Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2011-01-11 06:22:33

    Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
    村★3: Key Quest
    水獣 ロアルドロス Royal Ludroth

    Same old, Same old


