

在 cultivate英文產品中有28篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅國發會,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 快開學了! 🧐大家知道嗎 ? 根據研究顯示,親子共讀有益於提升親子關係,對孩子的腦部發育、語言發展也大有幫助喔! 特別是在學英文的過程中,家長也可透過共讀的方式,用英語童書或兒歌練唱等方式,除了增加孩子的興趣外,也能培養英文語感和表達能力。 有鑒於此,#衛福部國民健康署 特別推出親子共讀推廣影片...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For the year 2020, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed” as its annual theme, inviting people to explore their ...

cultivate英文 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 13:05:01

. 【2021閱讀計畫7/50】 #烏托邦的日常 by Gretchen Rubin . 推薦給對養成好習慣、戒除壞習慣有興趣的你 (話說這個中文書名真妙) (我今年的選書裡面好像有很多跟習慣有關的書欸) (一定是因為我自己壞習慣太多ㄌ) . “Better Than Before” would b...

cultivate英文 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-11-02 11:29:34

《推介Netflix紀錄片 Social Dilemma》 之前有喺newsletter嗰度講過呢套戲(未subscribe to我newsletter嘅可以dm我免費訂閱) 我覺得呢套戲對於好多用得多社交媒體同以社交媒體維生嘅人黎講,都係一啲常識(common sense) 節奏(pace)...

  • cultivate英文 在 國發會 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-29 10:00:20
    有 52 人按讚

    🧐大家知道嗎 ? 根據研究顯示,親子共讀有益於提升親子關係,對孩子的腦部發育、語言發展也大有幫助喔!


    有鑒於此,#衛福部國民健康署 特別推出親子共讀推廣影片,鼓勵父母多陪伴孩子共讀,想知道更多共讀小技巧,一起來看影片了解吧😊

    ➡ 影片傳送門🔗 https://youtu.be/Gj57fXpstVo


    Studies have shown that parent-child shared reading is beneficial to enhance the parent-child relationship, and it is also very helpful for children's brain development and language development.

    In the process of promoting the bilingual nation policy,
    we encourage parents to gradually increase English story books or nursery rhymes time. And that will help to cultivate children’s sense of the English language and expression.

    The Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare has specially launched a "Parent-Child Shared Reading science educational" video which includes Chinese-English bilingual content.

    It is hoped that this video will inspire more parents to read with their children and to start as soon as possible.

    Click below to see more tips about parent-child shared reading.

    > Parent-Child Shared Reading science educational video🔗 https://youtu.be/Gj57fXpstVo


  • cultivate英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-30 10:16:22
    有 19 人按讚

    innovate 改革、創新 (v.)​
    E.g. We are always desperate to innovate and create new things.​

    begin / start / commence 開始(v.)​
    E.g. The meeting is scheduled to commence in an hour.​

    innovative / imaginative / inventive 有創意的、創新的 (adj.) ​
    E.g. The curriculum goal of this course is to cultivate the innovative spirit of college students.​

    generative / productive / prolific 有創造力的、多產的 (adj.)​
    E.g. Harry is a productive novelist, he has written six novels in the past four years.​

    adept / cunning / deft / ​ skillful / resourceful 敏捷多智的、機智的 (a.)​
    E.g. Tim is a resourceful man that he is able to attend to each aspect of a matter.​
    Tim 是個足智多謀的人且事情能做到面面俱到。

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  • cultivate英文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-05 00:51:13
    有 3,529 人按讚

    【你從不知道的靈異世界 竟然如此不可思議!】
    Books recommendation: The Inexplicable World of Spirits That You Are Clueless About








    祝 開卷有益。

    This midnight, let's talk about the incredible world of spirits that you do not know about.

    We live in a world of spirits, yet most of us are largely ignorant about the vast expanse of this world. We become blinded by our very limited sensory perceptions and arrogantly presumed that only science is the real deal.

    Problem is, only a rare few can transverse the world of Yin and Yang, ghosts and gods. Even fewer are willing to reveal the truth through writings. Why so?

    I am just an insignificant person. Yet since my debut a few years ago, I have had my fair share of oppression, cyberbullying, smearing and insults. Any person, who puts him/herself in the public eye yet walks against the general direction of the masses, is bound to be an easy target for personal attacks by people with vile intentions. Uninformed bystanders are also likely to follow the crowd.

    Such pain and hardship can only be understood by those who went through it. Ever since this, I grew more respect for my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng. He is my role model. The faith, tenacity and courage He demonstrated in delivering sentient beings for the past 40 years are worthy of applause.

    Despite facing vicious forces again and again, He boldly chose to reveal the mysterious truth behind the world of spirits, for us to have the right knowledge, and no longer be lost. Only then we can eventually cease all evil and cultivate all good.

    This is why when we seek Buddhist teachings, we should have utmost respect and be thankful to our virtuous teachers who impart the teachings to us. Many a time, these teachers exchanged their lives to receive such precious Dharma empowerment and risked their personal safety to propagate Buddhsim and deliver sentient beings.

    Yet all we have to do is to ask and we can receive the teachings effortlessly. If we behave improperly and have impure intentions, we will plant the seed of being reborn into the Three Evil Paths, banished into a world of darkness, never to hear a single word of authentic Dharma for life or be liberated from sufferings.

    While these 4 books are written by Grandmaster Lu some 24 years ago, to read them in the year 2021 can still be shocking to some of us. Our society may have progressed but this is a false appearance, as our spiritual self are still lacking and in turmoil. I recommend these four books for your spiritual pursuit:

    1) The Incredible Paranormal Stories (in Chinese)
    2) Experiences of Spiritual Manifestations (in Chinese)
    3) Revelation of the Spiritual World (in Chinese)
    4) Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm (in Chinese and English)

    May you benefit from the readings.


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    125《 不可思議的靈異 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551193
    126《 神變的遊歷 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551209
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551216
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》

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    126《 神變的遊歷 》https://bit.ly/33NomUU
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/33SnZbD
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/3olHvag

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    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3dEOwz2
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3ndAXtI
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/32G3MVS
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/32Dqb6w

    博客來 Books.com.tw
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/2Qljh32
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xdM22r
    127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/2QljoeY
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3dFrzfd

    三民書局 Sanmin
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3tGyMRR
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xaX8Fv
    127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/3eiidVI
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3elUqnZ

    129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm

  • cultivate英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-17 13:31:52

    For the year 2020, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed” as its annual theme, inviting people to explore their inner treasure mountains and cultivate their merit-fields.

    DDM abbot president Ven. Guo Huei urges the public to develop a grateful mind that knows to be content, thereby bringing peace to self and others, as a way to nurture blessings for ourselves. At the same time we should make good wishes and happily practice the action of giving, to cultivate good relations with others, for the benefit of all.

    For the new year, let us all vow to change ourselves by starting with the mind, counting our blessings while acting for the benefit of others, thereby creating happiness and well-being for all people in the world. That way, we will truly be blessed.


  • cultivate英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-01-31 11:07:01

    2018方丈和尚果東法師新春祝福 平安無事(英文)
    For 2018 Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “peace and freedom from troubles” as the theme of the year. The abbot president of DDM urges people to cultivate a harmonious heart at peace, with happiness in mind free from troubles. In hoping for a peaceful and happy new year, let us all learn to fulfill our duties and take responsibility, then all tasks, big or small, are good tasks; if we can cultivate merit and wisdom, then all practices, major or minor, are Buddhist practices; if we can take up and let go freely, then all happenings, serious or insignificant, are essentially nothing at all. We should again start from the mind to practice the Dharma, in order to gradually realize the true meaning of peace and freedom from troubles.

