[TriP Triathlon Coaching]
Link: https://m.facebook.com/trip.triathlon/
[TriP Triathlon Coaching]
Link: https://m.facebook.com/trip.triathlon/
相信很多朋友都會對"TriP"這個名字的源流有所疑惑,按字面解釋"TriP"就是旅程,同時這個旅程背後的真正意思就是"Tri-P",,既代表着"Triathlon Pink",也肩負着在我三鐵旅程一直相信的粉紅力量。
Many people curious about the origin of the name “TriP”. In plain explanation, “TRIP” refers to a journey. In fact, the true meaning behind this journey refers to “Tri-P” representing “Triathlon-Pink” and the pink-power I have always believed during my triathlon journey.
The spirit of TriP is to lead the journey of continuous improvement and never give up. Our logo is seen as a sailboat, it carries the meaning of a sailboat breaking waves at the ocean and entering a whole new world.
TriP is not a training platform that only provide professional and cordial training but also a place like home that welcome any gender of “heroes” at all age to grow with us.