So, not only you the fans at home that have been asking about the new work by me. 😂 Thanks for the continuous supports. The international publisher to...
So, not only you the fans at home that have been asking about the new work by me. 😂 Thanks for the continuous supports. The international publisher today also asked me for the third time in the month why I have been so inactive with publishing the new books. 🤔 I want to share some facts here. 1. I have been very busy with school. Yes, lifelong education is fun and useful especially when you learn about things that you’re good at and into. Some of you might know that I kind of migrated myself from the Mainland China education system to Taiwan’s. They speak the same language, but there is a big difference. For example, the letters they write. In Mainland China they use Simplified Chinese Characters because the government wanted to increase literacy about 60 years ago. So they invented a new set of the easier Chinese letters. (But still not very easy huh) 😌 Here in Taiwan, we use Traditional Chinese Characters, which means they are more complicated to write, but luckily more comprehensive to deeply learn the culture. Also, even though they call it Mandarin Chinese, the word use, word selections are sometimes different. There are times when I speak Chinese and the 老師 says “We can understand what you say, but that’s how mainland China says. We Taiwanese don’t say that. 不好意思 🙂” Yes. So, most of my times are devoted to education. 2. Copyrights issue. We fellow photographers know that if we produce a not-that-interesting book, the readers will find excuse to complain, curse, or convince others not to support the work. But, if the book is impressively good, they just violate the copyrights and share it on social media. 😑 Either way the feedbacks turn out is quite upsetting. Sad but true. 3. I have got some (small) dividend from the supplements that I am endorsing. There are many repeating customers because the products are really effectively good. This way, no one can duplicate. You pay, you take the supplements, you get the good. So this is quite fair. 👍🏼 So I don’t really feel I need to do something to earn more. All in all, thanks for the supports and the emails inquiring about becoming the model. Will get back to you! 😘 #HARUEHUN_AIRRY
convince意思 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
namely 的意思是「即,也就是說」。
If you want to survive in the startup game, you've got to be willing to take risks.
And you've got to be able to convince others -- namely investors -- to do the same.
convince意思 在 馬力歐陪你喝一杯 Facebook 的最讚貼文
中間我聽到一集節目很有感覺。節目是紐約時報的The Daily,但是不是原本固定的集數也不是固定的主持人Michael Barbaro,而是一集談疫情中,美國網民如何透過網路來Alone Together(一起一個人),主持人是紐約時報的科技、商業和文化記者Kevin Roose。
先不談內容,光是該集名稱Alone Together,我看了就覺得很有意思。
我回想起2011年,當時我是在寫一篇關於智慧手機開始到處普及(甚至還沒人提成癮)的文章時,看到一篇報導引述MIT教授Sherry Turkle寫的書《Alone Together》中覺得很有感觸的一段話:
“ We're using inanimate objects to convince ourselves that even when we're alone, we feel together. And then when we're with each other, we put ourselves in situations where we feel alone—constantly on our mobile devices. “
但當現在疫情在歐美大爆發,實體聚會和活動不是取消就是延期,多數人都好好待在家中,突然間大家用網路開始線上品酒/happy hour、畫畫課程、做菜課程、生日派對、一起唱歌、線上玩桌遊等等......
The Daily的show note寫著:
The internet has become kinder.
大人的Small Talk 大人學
星箭廣播 三創育成: Star Rocket
鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音
之後還可以去我們的老朋友 23 Public 兌換啤酒。當然你也可以自己先買一手跟我們一邊喝一邊看直播和聊天留言。
convince意思 在 城邦讀書花園 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【城邦讀書花園 X 徐薇英文】EP2
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