唔知點解Saharah有咁多人問Integrated Tasks點喺Language, Coherence & Organization仲有Appropriacy攞高分啲,明明要求冇paper 2咁高㗎...Anyway今日盡量講吓有咩要求啦。😂
唔知點解Saharah有咁多人問Integrated Tasks點喺Language, Coherence & Organization仲有Appropriacy攞高分啲,明明要求冇paper 2咁高㗎...Anyway今日盡量講吓有咩要求啦。😂
🍻Manipulation of phrases from the Data File: 其實呢個如果唔係太過唔啱formality我都傾向唔會大改,好似2018要將Skype messages—>工作書信,又或者brochures—>report咁呢啲一定要轉字眼,但其他如果係Point嘅重點字眼我都傾向keep返個字嘅原形,最多轉吓個form, 例如verb+ing變gerund咁,都要方便marker睇到你個point同覺得你表達嘅意思同Data file一樣。始終point係一分一個,language只係impression marking,我個人覺得唔好呢個位take risk轉咁多嘢較好。
🍻Grammar Accuracy: Paper 3嚟講,考評局講得最多就係tenses,我諗最重要同基本係consistency,唔好寫寫吓past tense變曬present tense, 亦唔好曲解人哋意思,present tense變future tense (2018 考評報告)。因為Integrated Tasks多講實用文體,一啲expect politeness同fomality嘅書信成日都會出現,點用適當嘅modal verb都係一個計分位。
🍻Excellent grasp of more complex structures: 都係Paper 2嗰堆structures, 一篇抽到兩三句已經昇華不少,因為Paoer 3每個task都唔係太長。
🍻Spelling & Punctuation: 基本嘢唔解釋
‼️Coherence & Organization
🍻Strong cohesive ties: Conjunction, Connectives, Signpost各樣嘢要做返啦,都係Paper 2嗰類。
🍻Paragraphing: 大致上係一要求一段,當然會有exceptional cases, 但避免正文一段落,寫部分文體嗰時,適當地方用sub-heading幫自己分段都會更好。
🍻On topic: 避免抄多咗,成篇文盡量保留main points同supporting points就好了,最多加入一啲可以令main points同supporting points又或者main points同main points連接更好嘅過渡句。舉個例,2018 task 9,公司幫客人俾錢,想攞discount其實可以連埋,”Our company is going to pay the fee for our customers. As the budget is tight, we would like to see if you could offer us a 50% off discount.”,淨係加咗個”as the budget is tight”已經可以將兩句本身冇乜關係嘅句子連埋咗,記住,考評局成日用concise呢個字分weaker candidates同stronger dandidates,唔好諗住大包圍,更加唔好為咗連埋啲句子而寫好多唔關事嘅嘢,諗清楚嗰樣嘢人哋有冇問過/人哋需唔需要知呢?highlight好曬啲points先好落筆。
🍻格式方面,基本嘢如果email咁,就要有subject line; article就有要heading; report有sub-heading等等。
🍻Tone consistency: 一篇文只會有一種tone, 避免對外信件夾雜informal用字,寫俾同事嘅信就避免太過formal。
襯住Valentine’s Day送上一忽仔我最鍾意嘅情詩😆💕祝大家都過一個充滿愛嘅節日🥰
“Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.”
concise意思 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
concise 意思是「簡潔的;簡明扼要的」。
Be concise when sending e-mails.
concise意思 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
concise 意思是「簡潔的;簡明扼要的」。
Be concise when sending e-mails.
concise意思 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
我是一個精力熱情爆表的人。講好聽是有話直說、真誠坦白;不好聽就是講話不經大腦、話太多讓別人抓不到重點、白目。最近美國很潮的用字是TMI(Too Much Information)意思就是給太多資訊,讓別人模糊重點。
1. 分類。比如說你要說這台車很好,有安全氣囊、天窗、音響、鮮豔顏色、省油⋯等等二十樣事情。你就說這台車安全(氣囊、自動煞車⋯)、舒適(天窗、皮椅⋯)、漂亮(顏色、造型⋯)。
2. So what (那又怎樣?)。不斷提醒自己只講最重要的事,因為如果對方想知道更多,他/她會問。而最重要的事是「我知道,所以,我可以因此改變什麼?」對方的決定或行為會因為這個資訊而有所改變。如果對方不管知不知道這件事,行為也不會有什麼改變,那就是不重要的事。
3. 分眾。一樣的資訊在傳達的時候先想想對方是誰,關心的事情是什麼,為什麼關係這件事。然後刪減要傳遞的訊息,只講對方在意的事。
I am a person who has lots of energy and passion. Say it in a positive way: I am a straight shooter and very transparent; say it in a negative way: I share too much information, not in an organized way, no focus and not always in appropriate situations.
Given this is my weakness, I am not in a position to teach you about this. However, I want to share what my career coach taught me. I am hoping you will learn it and can teach me later on. 😉
1. Categorization. For example, you want to say this car is awesome because it has pretty color, air bag, sun roof etc 20 things. You say, the car is (1) safe (air bag etc), is (2) comfortable (leather chair, sun roof etc) and is (3) pretty (color, shape etc).
2. So what? Remind yourselves that only talk about what’s most important because if they need more information, they would ask! So, what’s most important? That’s something that the audience would do something different based on the information. Different decision, different action. If no matter the person know about the information or not, will not change their behavior, then most likely the info is not important.
3. Adjust for your audience. Who are you talking to? What do they want to know? Why do they want to know that? Select the information that only relevant to them.
I am sharing my weakness. Hopefully you will guide me, teach me and we can learn from each other in this journey of learning eliminate TMI!
#TMI #資訊氾濫 #講重點 #簡潔扼要 #Concise #Focus #TooMuchInformation #領導力 #Leadership