

在 buddhist中文產品中有32篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #從五月尾開始 #一點一滴 尼泊爾僧侶學校的Newsletter終於跟大家見面了✨😄 讓散落世界各地 supporters 可以 download : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pwpvlWwKQ4l7-Mb4NH2F0HAD9qGG-tsS/view?...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過373萬的網紅Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Today we went to Flushing, New York City’s biggest Chinatown, to chat with Chinese locals in Mandarin! We bargained throughout the marketplaces and su...

buddhist中文 在 雷克 布 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-12-04 14:47:01

[ 達摩樂隊 七佛滅罪真言單曲發行台中專場]主視覺設計 達摩樂隊可能是全球首支以歌頌佛學經文為主的金屬樂隊,以推廣佛學文化為宗旨宣揚良善本性為依歸。 樂隊成員來自台灣與加拿大,歌曲創作使用之經文以梵文為主、中文為輔,樂隊創作過程ㄧ切如法並均為歸依三寶的佛弟子。 達摩樂隊用極速的節拍表佛的悲...

buddhist中文 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-09 17:07:04

🔊 點擊聽發音 ❤️ 喜歡按愛心  【plant-based diet 蔬食】
I switched to a mainly plant-based diet after watching the documentary The Game Changer. (在看完《茹素的力量》一片後,我的飲...

buddhist中文 在 雷克 布 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-21 14:34:06

Dharma Logo design 達摩樂隊Logo設計 達摩樂隊可能是全球首支以歌頌佛學經文為主的金屬樂隊,以推廣佛學文化為宗旨宣揚良善本性為依歸。 樂隊成員來自台灣與加拿大,歌曲創作使用之經文以梵文為主、中文為輔,樂隊創作過程ㄧ切如法並均為歸依三寶的佛弟子。 達摩樂隊用極速的節拍表佛的悲...

  • buddhist中文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-10 14:09:39
    有 60 人按讚

    #從五月尾開始 #一點一滴 尼泊爾僧侶學校的Newsletter終於跟大家見面了✨😄 讓散落世界各地 supporters 可以 download :


    🏫 Nyingma Palyul Buddhist Monastery

    #英文的 #因為學校主要對外溝通語言是英文
    #有詢問中文版 #誰樂意翻譯中文 #我樂意再做一份中文的


    /// 謝謝這份工作,很樂意 /// 半年一次還是有能力給它做好的 ❤️


    #姨母志工 #姨母笑 #我好像有一所學校要照顧一樣 #Volunteer

  • buddhist中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-05 00:51:13
    有 3,529 人按讚

    【你從不知道的靈異世界 竟然如此不可思議!】
    Books recommendation: The Inexplicable World of Spirits That You Are Clueless About








    祝 開卷有益。

    This midnight, let's talk about the incredible world of spirits that you do not know about.

    We live in a world of spirits, yet most of us are largely ignorant about the vast expanse of this world. We become blinded by our very limited sensory perceptions and arrogantly presumed that only science is the real deal.

    Problem is, only a rare few can transverse the world of Yin and Yang, ghosts and gods. Even fewer are willing to reveal the truth through writings. Why so?

    I am just an insignificant person. Yet since my debut a few years ago, I have had my fair share of oppression, cyberbullying, smearing and insults. Any person, who puts him/herself in the public eye yet walks against the general direction of the masses, is bound to be an easy target for personal attacks by people with vile intentions. Uninformed bystanders are also likely to follow the crowd.

    Such pain and hardship can only be understood by those who went through it. Ever since this, I grew more respect for my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng. He is my role model. The faith, tenacity and courage He demonstrated in delivering sentient beings for the past 40 years are worthy of applause.

    Despite facing vicious forces again and again, He boldly chose to reveal the mysterious truth behind the world of spirits, for us to have the right knowledge, and no longer be lost. Only then we can eventually cease all evil and cultivate all good.

    This is why when we seek Buddhist teachings, we should have utmost respect and be thankful to our virtuous teachers who impart the teachings to us. Many a time, these teachers exchanged their lives to receive such precious Dharma empowerment and risked their personal safety to propagate Buddhsim and deliver sentient beings.

    Yet all we have to do is to ask and we can receive the teachings effortlessly. If we behave improperly and have impure intentions, we will plant the seed of being reborn into the Three Evil Paths, banished into a world of darkness, never to hear a single word of authentic Dharma for life or be liberated from sufferings.

    While these 4 books are written by Grandmaster Lu some 24 years ago, to read them in the year 2021 can still be shocking to some of us. Our society may have progressed but this is a false appearance, as our spiritual self are still lacking and in turmoil. I recommend these four books for your spiritual pursuit:

    1) The Incredible Paranormal Stories (in Chinese)
    2) Experiences of Spiritual Manifestations (in Chinese)
    3) Revelation of the Spiritual World (in Chinese)
    4) Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm (in Chinese and English)

    May you benefit from the readings.


    🇸🇬 新加坡 Singapore
    翔晴Siang Ching Trading
    149 Rochor Road, Fu Lu Shou Complex, 02-01, Singapore 188425
    T: 62542213

    125+126+127+129 一套四本
    125《 不可思議的靈異 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551193
    126《 神變的遊歷 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551209
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551216
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》

    🇲🇾 馬來西亞 Malaysia
    125+126+127+129 一套四本 https://bit.ly/3huZFmJ
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》https://bit.ly/3uM0SeO
    126《 神變的遊歷 》https://bit.ly/33NomUU
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/33SnZbD
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/3olHvag

    🌏 台灣/香港/全球觀眾 International Audience
    金石堂 Kingstone:
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3dEOwz2
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3ndAXtI
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/32G3MVS
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/32Dqb6w

    博客來 Books.com.tw
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/2Qljh32
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xdM22r
    127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/2QljoeY
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3dFrzfd

    三民書局 Sanmin
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3tGyMRR
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xaX8Fv
    127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/3eiidVI
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3elUqnZ

    129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm

  • buddhist中文 在 榮格心理學星座塔羅 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-20 19:13:54
    有 22 人按讚

    [#命運之輪 :大足六道輪迴圖]

    此六道輪迴圖為四川省大足縣寶頂鎮寶頂山摩崖造像群之一,此六道輪迴圖規模之大居中國同類造像之冠,六道輪迴圖總結了因果報應的佛教學說:根據過去的作為,無盡的轉世轉世進入更高或更低的生活形式,在這個雕塑中, 人格化的存在,大轉輪王在他的下巴和手臂上抱著輪子. 車輪由貪(官方), 嗔(士兵), 癡(猴)和欲(女人)的人格化人物拖著,六佛光源自車輪, 這意味著開悟, 就是一切佛教實踐的目標, 使尋求者能夠從生死的永恆迴圈中逃脫. 這座8米(25英尺)高的佛教徒從中國大足石雕刻中脫出, 建於1177年到1249年之間。


    · ·
    Dazu Wheel of Creation : The Great Wheel of Rebirth summarizes the Buddhist doctrine of karma: an endless cycle of reincarnation into higher or lower forms of life according to one's past deeds. In this sculpture the demon Mara, personifying existence, holds the wheel in his jaws and arms. The wheel is supported from below by personifications of greed (an official), evil (a soldier), foolishness (a monkey), and lust (a woman). Six Buddha-rays emanate from the wheel, signifying that enlightenment, the goal of all Buddhist practice, enables the seeker to escape from the eternal cycle of birth and death. This 8-meter (25-foot) tall Buddhist relief from the Dazu Rock Carvings in China, built sometime between the years 1177 and 1249.

  • buddhist中文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-22 03:21:20

    Today we went to Flushing, New York City’s biggest Chinatown, to chat with Chinese locals in Mandarin! We bargained throughout the marketplaces and supermarket. Then we ran into a legit Buddhist priest and his friends who were all totally surprised that we spoke Mandarin and Fuzhounese. We bought plenty of fruit from vendors and groceries from the supermarket using our Chinese, and lots of amazing conversations were had. Really interesting social experiment that surprised us all!

    Make sure you check out my friend Philip’s channel — he’s a Hasidic Jewish guy who speaks totally fluent Mandarin from a stint in China, and he's traveled all over the world as well! https://www.youtube.com/user/chayal304

    Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
    Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc

    Check out my Chinese course:

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    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

  • buddhist中文 在 Dd tai Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-06-20 03:18:53

    吳哥窟Angkor Wat位於柬埔寨西北部,在暹粒市北5.5公里。原始名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思為「毗濕奴的神殿」。中國元代古籍《島夷志略》稱之為「桑香佛舍」。吳哥王朝的歷史始於9世紀,第一位國王闍耶跋摩二世帶領國家脫離爪哇的統治,恢復了柬埔寨的獨立。公元802年,他自立為王,建都於庫楞山。經過幾代國王的努力,到12世紀初,吳哥王朝的版圖擴張到今日泰國的大半疆域。12世紀初葉蘇利耶跋摩二世弒叔君陀羅尼因陀羅跋摩一世奪得真臘國王位,新王遷都吳哥。因為蘇利耶跋摩二世靠非正統方法獲取王位,為了鞏固威望,必須大興土木,營造比前任所有國王建造的七百多座廟宇規模更為宏大的廟宇,作為國廟和他自己的將來升天的太廟。為國王加冕的婆羅門主祭司地婆訶羅(Divakara)為國王設計了這座太廟,供奉毗濕奴,名之為「毗濕奴神殿」。建造時間歷時30年,趕在他升天之時完成。吳哥窟是吳哥古跡群中,保存得最完好的的廟宇,以建築宏偉與浮雕細緻聞名於世,是世界上最大的廟宇,也是一座巨大的水上都市。十二世紀的吳哥王朝國王蘇利耶跋摩二世希望在平地興建一座規模宏偉的石窟廟山,作為吳哥王朝的太廟。因此舉全國之力,花了大約35年建造。吳哥窟建成於14世紀前半。吳哥窟絕非供大群信徒朝拜的西式教堂或東方寺院,而是一座宏偉的太廟,供奉化身為印度教之神的國王。吳哥窟結合了高棉歷代廟宇建築兩個基本的元素:立體廟山的多層方壇和平地廟宇的迴廊。吳哥窟的廟山由三層長方形有迴廊環繞的平台組成,層層高疊,形如金字塔,象徵印度神話中位於世界中心的須彌山。廟山頂部矗立著按五點梅花式排列的五座寶塔,象徵須彌山的五座山峰。三道迴廊象徵須彌山所在地的土、水、風;廟山周邊環繞一道護城河,象徵環繞須彌山的鹹海。多年從事吳哥窟維修工作的法國遠東學院古跡維修專家莫里斯•格萊斯(Maurice Glaize)認為「吳哥窟是吳哥古跡中以造型之雄偉、布局之平衡、比例之協調、線條之優美,威風赫赫,可比美世界上任何最傑出的建築成就,而毫不遜色」。1992年,聯合國教科文組織將吳哥古跡列入世界文化遺產,世界各地來吳哥窟觀光的遊客一持續增加,從1993年不到一萬人次,迄至2007年已達二百萬人次,吳哥窟已成為旅遊勝地。一百多年來,世界各國投入大量資金在吳哥窟的維護工程上,以保護這份世界文化遺產。吳哥窟的造型,從1863年開始就已經成為柬埔寨國家的標誌,展現在柬埔寨國旗上。

