

在 brides中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Joman Wedding,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, JOMAN DESTINATION WEDDING Joey and Eric's wedding video is now up on Bride and Breakfast HK blog. Beautiful southern highland wedding in Bowral, Au...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,更多英國皇室特輯: https://reurl.cc/0zrQDx 00:00 薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根馬克爾Meghan Markle「麻雀變鳳凰」時尚之路演變史|Vogue Taiwan 00:55 8個梅根馬克爾(Meghan Markle)訂婚後打破的皇室傳統|Brides|Vogue...

brides中文 在 大秦 DaCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:33:06

《過著聖誕節的異教徒》 「你們原住民也過清明節喔?」 前幾天,有朋友突然被問了這種問題,一時之下覺得這種問題很無聊,但又不知該如何回應,於是跑來問我 「原住民也講中文、包粽子、吃月餅,還包紅包勒」 「那漢人他們怎麼也過聖誕節、穿西裝、婚紗就不覺得奇怪」 當下我只想到這種嘲諷式的回應,雖然邏輯上來講...

  • brides中文 在 Joman Wedding Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-01-06 14:08:13
    有 2 人按讚

    Joey and Eric's wedding video is now up on Bride and Breakfast HK blog.
    Beautiful southern highland wedding in Bowral, Australia
    Makeup and hair by Joman Wedding
    Gown by Noel Chu Atelier
    Hairpiece by Lane's Bridal

    www.joman.co #jomanwedding #destinationwedding

    Still swooning over this morning's photos? Here we've got the WOODY STORYTELLING's video to show you more the emotions and details!!!
    還在留戀今早的照片嗎?現在還有Woody Storytelling的婚禮影片讓你看到更多情感和細節!
    中文: http://wp.me/p5E4LF-b99

    Brides' Dress: Noel Chu Atelier / Groom's Attire: HUGO BOSS / Shoes: Roger Vivier / Makeup Artist and Hairstylist: Joman Wedding / Accessories: Lane's Bridal / Florist: Clementine Posy / Bridesmaids' Bouquets: Mol Flower / Event Stylist: Ashdown & Bee / Invitations and Menu Cards: L'ATELIER 21 / Rings: Piaget

  • brides中文 在 Joman Wedding Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-12-19 16:59:35
    有 11 人按讚

    Our founder Joey's beautiful wedding in Bowral Australia is now featured on Bride and Breakfast HK
    Although it was one of the coldest days but our hearts were warmed up by the love and sparkles between the lovely couple.

    Makeup and hair by Charmaine , assist by Carrie

    For trial enquiries, please email info@joman.co or whatsapp 92227992
    #jomanwedding #destinationwedding #bridalmakeupartist #hongkongmakeupartist

    ON THE BLOG TODAY, this stunning wedding in Australia!
    中文: http://wp.me/p5E4LF-b92

    Photography: Lara Hotz Photography / Brides' Dress: Noel Chu Atelier / Groom's Attire: HUGO BOSS / Shoes: Roger Vivier / Makeup Artist and Hairstylist: Joman Wedding / Accessories: Lane's Bridal / Florist: Clementine Posy / Bridesmaids' Bouquets: Mol Flower / Event Stylist: Ashdown & Bee / Invitations and Menu Cards: L'ATELIER 21 / Rings: Piaget

  • brides中文 在 約克在哪裡?Where is York? Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-02-26 22:12:18
    有 27 人按讚

    #Fiji #StrongerThanWinston
    過去四天,我在Ba、Tavua、Raki Raki(斐濟主島北部)一帶,投入不同的救援工作、接觸許多受到溫斯頓氣旋影響的災民。
    最後,我想分享一件讓我無比感慨且感動的事。我在Raki Raki拜訪了一對房屋全毀的夫婦,他們的屋頂及牆面皆被摧殘至碎片狀,並吹到數哩之外,完全沒有任何可直接再利用的建材,勢必要完全重建。男主人在多年前不幸中風而癱瘓,現在又遇上天災毀壞家園,然而,女主人眼神堅定,似乎無懼眼前這些駭人考驗,說:「我必須重建我的房子、必須去克服困難,我仍然必須對未來抱持希望。」
    Over the last 4 days I have involved myself in various relief work for the affected victims of Cyclone Winston in the Ba, Tavua and Raki Raki areas.
    The situation is shocking and I cannot imagine as to how some of the people survived and despite houses blown away from the foundation – what remains is the floor of buildings.
    We have in the last 4 days has distributed basic food items and water to many of the affected people.
    When I visited families on Monday I found children and elderly persons who had no meals for two nights and nothing in hand for the next few nights so the first thought was to provide these as soon as possible.
    From what I am also seeing is that all of Fiji has joined in with the government to lend a hand to support during these very difficult times in people’s lives affected by the cyclone .

    Tour Managers, Yatule Resort and the Paradise Brides Team have organised another relief work this Saturday and we will distribute food packs to another 300 families in the Ba- Raki Raki region.
    Our staff team have volunteered their time and the company is funding all expenses including the food packs for this relief assistance.

    The above is information to all my friends and to advise that as your partners in Fiji we are involved heavily in trying to make life better for the affected people.
    I got a lot of inspiration when I visited a couple in the outskirts of Rki Raki who had their home totally demolished. The roof and the side walls were broken into pieces and blown hundreds of metres away. Not a single piece seemed reusable and the lady whose husband is paralysed due to a stroke some years ago despite all these in front of her said to me and the team
    " I have to rebuild, I have to overcome and I have to have hope in the future "
    Fiji Transfers & Tours with Tour Managers

  • brides中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-23 08:00:00

    更多英國皇室特輯: https://reurl.cc/0zrQDx
    00:00 薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根馬克爾Meghan Markle「麻雀變鳳凰」時尚之路演變史|Vogue Taiwan
    00:55 8個梅根馬克爾(Meghan Markle)訂婚後打破的皇室傳統|Brides|Vogue Taiwan
    02:47 薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根馬克爾(Meghan Markle)結婚禮服的七件事|Vogue Taiwan
    04:21 一場皇室婚禮究竟花費多少?|Brides|Vogue Taiwan
    06:31 英國皇室婚禮的歷史:英國女王、黛安娜王妃、凱特王妃、梅根(British Royal Weddings Through The Years)|Vogue Taiwan
    08:12 8個哈利王子與梅根·馬克爾皇家婚禮的獨特之處|Vogue Taiwan
    10:36 8 個梅根馬克爾與黛安娜王妃的相似之處|Brides|Vogue Taiwan
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  • brides中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-02-01 22:00:03


    Couples Married for 0-65 Years Answer: What Are Afraid to Say to Your Partner?
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  • brides中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-01-25 22:00:11


    Couples Married for 0-65 Years Answer: When Was Your First Kiss?
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    ※台灣VOGUE 隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆是由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE 秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片和中文字幕,所以在此頻道上傳推薦給大家,也請喜歡我們頻道的各位可以訂閱我們的頻道,我們會繼續努力帶來更多的內容給大家