

在 beyond用法產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅VoiceTube 看影片學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【感恩節要到了!如何用英文表達感謝?】 今天小 V 來分享各種表達感謝的說法! 🙏 I appreciate it. 除了 thank 之外,表達感謝的動詞還有 appreciate。名詞 appreciation 的用法如 My appreciation is beyond expression....

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Isadora Cheng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,http://makeupsecret.com.hk/ Blogspot: http://isadoracheng.blogspot.hk/ - Products Mentioned - Cinema Secrets Concealer Kit 5 色遮瑕膏/粉底霜 Kit #2 Availabl...

beyond用法 在 時間教會我的事(日言) Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-28 17:38:40

這是美國著名政治家 Benjamin Franklin 的名言。  面對今時今日的社會環境,實在沒有心情寫其他文章,今天只想借這個平台,談一下「法治 」(Rule of Law) 這個題目。  不少曾經訓斥示威衝突的人,最常聽見的反應就是:「不管之前的行為怎麼樣,總之違法就不對,要遵守法...

beyond用法 在 ?????????(????? ????) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-10 00:15:11

【Clean Beauty】春天轉用新護膚~天然清爽王牌Beauty Box 〰〰〰〰〰 3月天氣開始回暖,香港天氣潮濕,冬天護膚已經唔適合係春天用,因為滋潤帶來的厚重感令到成塊面會好唔舒服,所以Clean Beauty x Harvey Nichols 精選出春日Beauty Box,每一支都係e...

  • beyond用法 在 VoiceTube 看影片學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-26 22:00:01
    有 238 人按讚

    今天小 V 來分享各種表達感謝的說法!
    🙏 I appreciate it.
    除了 thank 之外,表達感謝的動詞還有 appreciate。名詞 appreciation 的用法如 My appreciation is beyond expression. (我的感激溢於言表。)beyond expression 是「無法表達」的意思,可以用來表達難以形容的感激,是非常正式的說法。
    🙏 I owe you one.
    這句話的中文是「我欠你一次」,owe 除了「欠債」,還有「對…心懷感激」的意思。
    🙏 Thanks a bunch.
    這句為非正式用法,a bunch 表示「ㄧ堆」,就是非常感謝的意思。
    🙏 I’m very grateful.
    這句話也是較為正式的說法,grateful 是形容詞,意思是「感激的」、「感謝的」。後面接 for + 名詞,表示所感激的人事物。
    🙏 You’re a life-saver.
    save 的中文是「拯救」,所以 life saver 有「救命恩人」的意思。遇到困難或是在緊急時刻被人拯救時,可以跟他說 You’ve saved my life. 以示感激。

  • beyond用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-01 19:00:18
    有 36 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #FoodIdiom #bread
    🍞美國生活用語:食物篇又來了──與麵包🥖 bread有關的諺語

    還記得乳製品的英文怎麼說嗎😏 可以在文章裡面找找看喔!

    1⃣ Bread is the staff of life.
    2⃣ Man does not live by bread alone.
    3⃣ earn one’s daily bread
    4⃣ take the bread out of sb.’s mouth
    5⃣ break bread


    After covering dairy products, it’s time to move on to another kind of food—bread. Bread has long been a staple of the Western diet since ancient times, so of course it has made its way into all kinds of proverbs and idioms.

    Let’s start with a proverb that has its origins in the Bible: 1⃣ Bread is the staff of life. If you’re picturing someone using a baguette as a staff to walk with, it may give you a sense of the proverb’s meaning: bread is what supports us in our lives, or provides us with sustenance. But bread here is also a symbol of all food, so the real meaning is that one must eat in order to survive. Ex: I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.
    先來看一個源自《聖經》的諺語:Bread is the staff of life.(麵包是生命的拐杖。)想像一下用法國麵包當做拐杖走路的樣子,大概就能理解這句諺語的意思:麵包是支持生活的必需品,供給我們營養。不過麵包在這裡也是象徵所有食物之意,所以真正的意思是「民以食為天」。如:I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.(我知道你很忙,但別忘了吃飯啊,民以食為天。)

    Another proverb with Biblical origins: 2⃣Man does not live by bread alone. Here, bread means “food and shelter.” So the proverb means that beyond their physical needs, people also need mental or spiritual sustenance. Ex: He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.
    另一個諺語也是出自《聖經》:Man does not live by bread alone.(人活著不只是為了溫飽。)bread在這句話中指的是「食物與住所」。因此,這個諺語要人們超越生理需求、滋養心靈。如:He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.(他或許很富有,但是人活著不是只為了溫飽。)

    Since bread is a symbol for sustenance, there are also idioms like 3⃣ “earn one’s daily bread,” which means “make a living.” Ex: The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver. 4⃣ And “take the bread out of sb.’s mouth” means to deprive them of their means of living. Ex: Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.
    因為麵包是食物的象徵,所以也有如earn one’s daily bread這樣的片語,指「維持生計」。如:The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver.(這個男人當計程車司機維持生計。)而take the bread out of sb.’s mouth則是指「搶某人飯碗」,如:Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.(減薪對員工而言是剝奪了他們的飯碗。)

    5⃣ And finally there’s “break bread.” Can you guess what it means? It means to have a meal. In the old days, a family would share a loaf of bread at each meal, and everyone would break off pieces to eat. Ex: It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.
    最後來看看break bread這個短語。猜猜看,這是什麼意思?答案是「吃飯」。古時候的家庭,每餐都有一條麵包分給全家人,每個人會掰一塊麵包來吃。如:It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.(我已經很久沒跟麥可吃頓飯了。)

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • beyond用法 在 廚房旅行日記‧my Kitchen/my Travel/my Diary Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-09 08:11:23
    有 49 人按讚

    Yun。CUAC橄欖油。無事生活 Letterpress Tea House


    月初收到來自 Bêata Studio 的 #西班牙皇家初榨橄欖油聖誕禮盒,收到的時候真的超開心,第一當然是因為知道這來自西班牙的好油真的很好吃,第二是知道他們會推出限量版本的 #聖誕花圈禮盒組。

    發露我比較久的人應該會知道,我就是個愛吃和愛手做主婦,所以這個禮盒完全是我的菜阿! 由於植物不能寄送至英國,所以我自己也在英國用一樣的禮盒設計了屬於我自己的一款。(還手癢的自己又組了一盆蠟燭花盆)
    在臺灣則是由@無事生活 設計了這次的橄欖油+聖誕花圈的手作禮盒,非常非常美~不是那種很熱鬧的聖誕花圈,而是有個獼猴藤圈圈,搭配著小巧的松柏業和乾燥果實,真的很有質感!

    因為覺得太可愛了,我特地請廠商擠了30組出來讓我開個快閃團。現貨真的只有這樣的量。預計 2019/12/16 依已付款+訂單順序出貨。讓大家可以在聖誕節之前收到,送禮自用都非常有耶誕氣氛喔~ (收到禮盒後,可以把橄欖油拿起來,像我一樣中間放上香氛蠟燭就很美。或是自己動手,紮一個有自己個性的手作花圈,真的會超有成就感的喔!

    這次聖誕禮盒的主角 #CUAC 原裝進口西班牙皇家初榨橄欖油,不僅油酸低(發煙點高),最讓我驚豔的是入口的味道是嫩草香味! 就是很乾淨的青草甜香味! 老實說,因為我才剛拿到兩周,所以還沒有機會試作很多料理。但光是我僅用法棍+濃縮義大利黑醋+CUAU初榨橄欖油 這種超級簡單的吃法,就足以收服我們一家三口的胃。


    至於橄欖油的好處,我在這邊就先不多提。不過,有一點到是想特別說一下,我們都誤解橄欖油不適合油炸,其實品質越好的橄欖油,游離脂肪酸含量越少,發煙點也就越高。 而一般常用的油炸溫度為攝氏180度,因此只要不是長時間油炸,特級初榨橄欖油確實可做一般家庭油炸之用。只是對我來說,這是可以直接生飲的優質橄欖油,用來油炸真的成本太高了啦!!

    #CUAC 的橄欖樹種植於西班牙的山脈生態自然生態保護區中,小鴨的商標設計也是源自於此。(橄欖樹區四周的水庫有需多小鴨,是不是很可愛的概念!)


    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    🎄西班牙皇家初榨橄欖油聖誕禮盒 #限量30組
    🎄皇家組合(原裝進口西班牙皇家初榨橄欖油+小小午餐盒-Bento 3 微笑滿滿)

    另外也有單購橄欖油的選項,以及廠商有特別上架了新款的隨壓即噴,不需加壓的Evo Sprayer噴油瓶和Beyond Gourmet無漂白烘焙料理紙。有需要的人可以自行選購喔!

    ▍團購網址 ▍ https://gbf.tw/c2mfp
    ▍團購時間 ▍即日起-2019/12/11(現貨)
    ▍付款期限 ▍

    ▍聯絡窗口▍ Bêata Studio
    • 官方網站
    • 臉書粉絲團
    • 客服信箱 (hello@beatastudio.net)

  • beyond用法 在 Isadora Cheng Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-01-08 03:20:04

    Blogspot: http://isadoracheng.blogspot.hk/

    - Products Mentioned -
    Cinema Secrets Concealer Kit 5 色遮瑕膏/粉底霜 Kit #2
    Available @ Makeup Secret (http://makeupsecret.com.hk/)

    Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation + Concealer SPF 19/PA++ 完美極緻遮瑕粉底 SPF 19 PA++
    Review: http://isadoracheng.blogspot.hk/2015/11/clinique-beyond-perfecting-foundation-2.html

    Mizuho Brush CMP560 Concealer Brush 眼部遮瑕掃
    Available @ Makeup Secret (http://makeupsecret.com.hk/)

    Mizuho Brush MB120 Eye-shadow Brush / Setting Brush 重點定妝掃
    Available @ Makeup Secret (http://makeupsecret.com.hk/)

    Mizuho Brush MB103 Face Powder Brush 碎粉掃
    Available @ Makeup Secret (http://makeupsecret.com.hk/)
    Makeup Secret : http://makeupsecret.com.hk/
    專業化妝及髮型課程 | 新娘造型服務 | 化妝品零售服務
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/makeupsecret.hk

    潮流化妝師入門課程 (STEP 1)

    更多我的化妝|美容|生活分享, 請瀏覽:
    Blogspot: http://isadoracheng.blogspot.hk/
    Offical Blog: http://makeupsecret.com.hk/blog/
    Instagram: @makeupsecret_isa (https://www.instagram.com/makeupsecret_isa)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/isadoracheng

  • beyond用法 在 GreenBeautyKoKo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2014-02-20 04:41:20

    This video is about how Plant Stem Cell make your skin rejuvenation.

    Moisture Infusion 喚膚精華乳霜





    成份:透明質酸*,Padina Pavonica*,金盞花*,石榴*,甘油*,OLUS油,綠茶,葡萄幹細胞, 菊花,棕櫚酰寡肽,棕櫚四肽-7,燕麥,橄欖

    用法: 早晚使用, 建議早上同時使用 Beyond Complex C 精華

    Please come to visit my Facebook Page and web site ^.^. They are beauty updated daily!! There a lot of different kinds of skincare tips and make up sharing!!

    ♥ check my web site
    ♥ Like me on Facebook page
    ♥ Follow my blog
    ♥ Write email to me
    ♥ Follow my instagram, twitter and Pinterest

    Thank you for watching again!!

  • beyond用法 在 GreenBeautyKoKo Youtube 的最佳解答

    2012-11-07 03:19:25

    For those like organic, pure and safe skincare products fairies,

    BeautyKoKo shopping web site: http://beautykoko.gostorego.com/
    BeautyKoKo Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmallsimpleBeauty
    BeautyKoKo email: smallsimplebeautie@gmail.com

    Congratulations to me!!I finished all my written and practical esthetic examinations last week. I am a licensed Aesthetician in USA.

    As your request, you want to have more organic and safe skincare products.I found a all in one serum - Hylunia Beyond Complex C.

    Let me talk about Hylunia's background. It was formed in 1988. The founder is Dr Link. He could not find any organic and safe skin care products for his daughter who broke out in hives and rashes. Thus he formed his company with dermatologists, physicians and scientists to provide top quality, organic, safe and pure skincare line. Their products are free of Parabens, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (these three ingredients are always related to cancers), Phthalates, Propylene Glycol and Fragrance (these three ingredients are strong skin irritants that are linked to sensitivities and allergic reactions.

    Hylunia Complex C can help you to hydrate, whitening, brightening your skin, minimize the fine lines and wrinkles, retard free radical damage. I have used this Beyond Complex C for three months. I found that my wrinkles in forehead and few freckles were gone. Also, my skin tone was more even. You can apply it around your eyes for removing the fine lines around your eyes.

    Since Hylunia Beyond Complex C is a safe products, it is highly recommend for you to use every night especially those who are received Laser, IPL and micro needle treatment. And it is safe for those who have sensitive skin and even for pregnant women. Use only one pump for each time.

    Since their products are free of those chemical bad ingredients, those products can also improve your body's immune system.

    If you are interested this products, please go to my facebook page to see more details:
    https://www.facebook.com/SmallsimpleBeauty or send us email smallsimplebeautie@gmail.com

    ♥Hylunia Beyond Complex C♥維他命C抗氧化精華素
    美白 淡班 保濕 抗氧化 去皺
    30ml HKD 680 including overseas shipping
    50ml HKD 990 Including overseas shipping

    有助減淡細紋 皺紋

    成份:L Asorbic酸(維生素C),酯化C,維生素A,維生素E,透明質酸,縮氨酸,脯氨酸,馬尾草,菊花,綠茶,金盞花,薑黃,南瓜籽

    用法: 每天早晚使用,或者根據需要, 臉部清潔後, 取出適量精華液於手掌心,輕輕按壓於臉部, 允許滲透到皮膚一分鐘,建議同時使用Hylunia的面霜效果更佳。

    BeautyKoKo's Tips: 維他命C最緊要是新鮮及穩定。Hylunia 採用真空包裝處理,確保維他命C每次用的時侯非常新鮮及穩定,同時提供10培抗氧化能力。

    Thank you for watching again!! ^^

