

在 beyond中文產品中有215篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Stryd Coach's View 】https://reurl.cc/xE9R7E Stryd 今天推出新的更新:讓教練能夠監控學員使用 Stryd 跑步功率計訓練所獲得的數據資料。 原本要看到學員的 Stryd 跑步功率資料只能透過第三方平台 (例如:TrainingPeaks、RQ、上...

 同時也有247部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE》 凛として咲く花の如く / Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku / 宛如凜風中綻放的花 / Like a flower that blooms bravely 作詞 / Lyricist:あさき 作曲 / Compos...

beyond中文 在 4Gamers編輯部 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 17:51:58

萬代南夢宮於 Gamescom 期間,與歐洲開發商 LIMBIC Entertainment 合作,首次宣布了一款兼具經營與創造的全新遊樂園遊戲《PARK BEYOND》。創意總監 Johannes Reithmann 也接受中文媒體專訪,來解釋了這款遊戲究竟在玩什麼。⁣ ⁣ 💬關於 LIMBIC ...

beyond中文 在 ??? ????? ?? 牛佬 ? #23 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 10:01:07

今次分享呢個痛症,根本上好多運動員都會有,💥𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧💥 中文叫髕骨肌腱炎,亦都有啲人會叫跳躍膝,我喺功課都有做過呢個 Topic😆 好多時有啲人覺得膝頭哥痛,都係因為佢地臏筋發炎,我有好多學生客都有呢個痛症。 第一個原因:佢地練波時間好密,一星期練6日波,而且強度高,休息...

beyond中文 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:19

我一直好喜歡 be all ears 這個片語,覺得它長得好可愛,不只我自己寫的書裏有收錄,也經常使用在日常。剛才居然在 The Economist 的文章中看到可愛的它!趕忙為了它花了三十分鐘做一個貼文(大家有發現最近貼文有美感了嗎?哈哈,我在學Canva)! 以往人們跟創投的董事們說要做 cl...

  • beyond中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 14:45:35
    有 14 人按讚

    【Stryd Coach's View 】https://reurl.cc/xE9R7E

    Stryd 今天推出新的更新:讓教練能夠監控學員使用 Stryd 跑步功率計訓練所獲得的數據資料。

    原本要看到學員的 Stryd 跑步功率資料只能透過第三方平台 (例如:TrainingPeaks、RQ、上週增加了 Strava),這次推出使用官方平台 (Stryd PowerCenter) 監控的 Coach's View 服務 (但必須通過 Stryd 教練認證)。

    使用 Coach's View 服務步驟:

    Step 1. 成為認證教練
    (Stryd Level 1 中文版認證已經上線!! https://stryd.teachable.com/p/level-1)

    Step 2. 教練向學員送出邀請,去得觀看資料的權限
    進入 Athlete Management,輸入學員 Stryd 帳戶名 (username),傳送邀請。
    學員將在 Stryd PowerCenter (以及 Email) 收到教練的邀請,接受邀請後,教練就能觀看學員在 Stryd PowerCenter 的資料。

    Stryd 跑步跑步功率教練認證 Level 1 (中文版):https://stryd.teachable.com/p/level-1
    Stryd 跑步功率計 TW

  • beyond中文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-28 23:13:20
    有 1 人按讚

    Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia: Veteran educator Doris M. Brougham

    “Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia,” U.S. educator and the founder ( ) of “Studio Classroom,” Doris M. Brougham, said on Wednesday.

    “The Diamond is very small, but diamonds shine all around,” she added.

    Doris M. Brougham, who has been working in Taiwan for more than 70 years, gave a speech at the opening event of the exhibition ( ) “Foreigners Love Taiwan” organized ( ) by the Taipei City Archives on Wednesday at the West Benevent Square ( ).

    Echoing ( ) the theme of the exhibition, Brougham, 95, said she has stayed in Taiwan for more than 70 years and recalled ( ) that when she first came to Taiwan, the land was still developing and many people were facing illnesses.

    The veteran educator explained that “the great thing about Taiwan is that people are very willing ( ) to change and to learn.”

    She added that Taiwan is a beautiful place and that although “there are many beautiful places around the world, the place is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the people.”

    The 95-year-old who has dedicated ( ) several decades to English education in Taiwan amusingly ( ) shared that buffaloes ( ) could even be seen on Zhongshan Road when she first arrived in Taiwan.

    She recalled that she learned to speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, and even some indigenous ( ) languages. Yet, she stressed ( ) that the most important thing is to be able to communicate no matter what language we speak.

    And we all communicate with each other based on the connection that we are all part of this beautiful island, she remarked ( ).

    Brougham ended her speech by stressing that Taiwanese people are very tolerant ( ), and those who have been here all agree that Taiwanese people are very friendly.

    “No matter what languages we speak, we are all people living in Taiwan and we are all Taiwanese.”

    The “Foreigners Love Taiwan’ exhibition will open from March 10 to April 8, between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    ‘The exhibition features three major sections ( ): “Foreigners Who Love Taiwan,” “Sentiments Beyond 100 Years,” and “High-Five Love Taiwan,” featuring ( ) the stories of foreigners who have made selfless ( ) contributions to Taiwan, such as Mackay, Marjorie Ingeleiv, Robert Swinhoe, Sidney Barton and Marjorie Landsborough, Yoichi Hatta and more.

    資深教育家彭蒙惠女士 讚許台灣如鑽石般瑰麗









    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • beyond中文 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-04 16:48:18
    有 23 人按讚

    講題 Title:預設醫療指示與預設照顧計劃 Advance Directive and Advance Care Planning

    報名鏈接Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3tE9RgE

    日期 Date:12/6/2021(Sat)
    時間 Time:3:00-4:30pm
    地點 Venue:沙田澤祥街12號香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓地下演講廳1A (LT1A)
    Lecture Theatre 1A, Level 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, N.T.

    講者 Speaker:陳裕麗教授 Prof Helen Chan / 鍾一諾教授 Prof Roger Chung
    主持 Moderator:伍桂麟先生 Mr Pasu Ng

    講座內容 Synopsis:
    現今醫療科技發達,很多疾病均可治癒或受控制。當疾病到了末期,醫療科技有時只能提供維持生命治療,但延長死亡過程對病人可能沒有意義,甚至增加痛楚。面對這情況,病人、家屬和醫護人員可以商討是否中止對生活質素沒有幫助的維持生命治療,讓病人安詳離世。香港中文大學醫學院那打素護理學院副教授陳裕麗博士和香港中文大學公共衛生及基層醫療學院助理教授鍾一諾博士會在由中大公共衞生及基層醫療學院主辦的公眾「生死教育」四講系列的第三講和大家分享『預設醫療指示』 (Advance Directive)和『預設照顧計劃』(Advance Care Planning)的概念與應用。這兩種健康護理選擇不但可以免卻家屬決定病者死時所受到的困難和壓力,減少作出決定後感到矛盾和內疚的機會,亦體現對病者生命和意願的尊重。

    Thanks to the advancement of medical technology, most diseases can be cured or subsided. However, there are times that medical technology could only prolong one’s life but could not cure the terminal illness. Facing such situation, patients, family members, and medical staff can discuss whether to withhold or withdraw from life-sustaining treatments that may not help improve patients’ quality of life so that they can die peacefully. Professor Helen Chan, Associate Professor from The Nethersole School of Nursing and Professor Roger Chung, Assistant Professor of the School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will share with us the concepts and values behind Advance Directive and Advance Care Planning in the third public seminar of the four-lecture series on life and death education organized by the School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK. These two health care options aim not only to reduce the pressure faced by patients’ family when making end-of-life healthcare decision, but also show respect to patients’ will.

    Professor Helen Chan’s research interests focus on end-of-life care, gerontology as well as care ethics. She has conducted a number of research projects on promoting palliative and end-of-life care, especially advance care planning, among older adults and people with advanced progressive diseases.

    Professor Roger Chung’s research aims to empirically inquire into the social determinants of health inequalities, as well as aging‐related issues on multimorbidity and long‐term/end‐of‐life care, and to utilize such evidence to inform health services and policy, domestically and beyond.

    生死教育 X 伍桂麟

  • beyond中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-20 16:08:42

    《pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE》
    凛として咲く花の如く / Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku / 宛如凜風中綻放的花 / Like a flower that blooms bravely
    作詞 / Lyricist:あさき
    作曲 / Composer:紅色リトマス(TOMOSUKE)
    編曲 / Arranger:紅色リトマス(TOMOSUKE)
    歌 / Singer:オカマチコ
    翻譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: from the wiki

    背景 / Background - 灯篭 - カット:

    上傳你的字幕吧!/ Submit your subtitles here!


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    英文翻譯 / English Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    春深く夢の輪郭を ぼかして 行き過ぎて 舞い戻る 
    花びらは仕草を追いかけ 薄明かりの下で 密やか

    星の間を飛び回る 口笛吹き

    飛沫 あがる わたし 掛ける
    追いかける星は まわる まわる ちいさなつぼみ

    さいて さいて 月にお願い おだやかな影に薄化粧
    しらず しらず えいや!と投げた つぼみは行方知れず のまま

    芽を出した線香花火 つぶらな夢

    飛沫 あがる 火花 翔る
    問いかけた星は かわる がわる 顔を変えた

    さいて さいて くるりとまわる 舞姫の如く たまゆらに
    思い思いに動く影と 背中を合わせて ああ 走る!

    弧を描き 影は延びる 陽炎の先に
    さいた あった! まあるい花が

    さいた さいた 星の欠片が 月の裏側で泣いていた
    気付かぬうちに 隠れていた兎も また弧 描く

    さいて さいて 月にお願い おだやかな影に薄化粧
    しらず しらず えいや!と投げた つぼみは 行方知れず

    さいて さいた 風に揺られて おだやかな坂は薄化粧
    下駄鳴らして口笛合わせ 凛として はんなりの こころ

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :











    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    The outline of spring's deep dream
    That had blurred way too much returns to me
    When the flower petals chased after my moves,
    Quiet under the dim twilight

    Balancing on tiptoe, moon rabbits dance,
    Whistling and flying through the stars

    In a splash of color,
    I begin chasing
    A star spinning round,
    Spinning round, a small flower bud

    "Bloom, bloom!" I begged of the moon,
    "And dress the gentle shadows in your light makeup."
    But I never knew, never knew, augh! I give up!
    I still don't know where this little flower bud will end up.

    Looking down through the shrinking clouds of smoke,
    A sparkler suddenly blossomed to life
    In a blinding dream.

    In a splash of color,
    Sparks begin
    And the strange stars
    One after another, changed their faces

    Bloom, bloom! Twirl right around
    Like a ballerina for a fleeting moment
    But I think, I think something's moving in the shadows
    From behind my back, ah, run away!

    The arc of shadow drawn
    On the moon extends beyond the heat haze
    And, it bloomed already! Into a round flower,

    It bloomed, it bloomed! Fragments of stars
    Cried on the other side of the moon and unnoticed to me,
    The hidden rabbits continued
    To draw an arc

    "Bloom, bloom!" I begged of the moon
    "And dress the gentle shadows in your light makeup."
    But I never knew, never knew, augh! I give up!
    I don't know these little flower buds,

    But they bloom, they bloomed!
    Blowing in the wind, dressing the gentle hill in light makeup
    Their footsteps ring, whistling to one another
    From their dignified, quietly beautiful hearts.

  • beyond中文 在 R. Y. Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-01 03:22:38


    (”+1”は、妖精竜 エンシェントの効果で1枚ドローすることです)


    BGM:Ys Origin - Genesis Beyond The Beginning
    English version: https://youtu.be/ZH8XOgwTgbc

  • beyond中文 在 R. Y. Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-01 03:22:33

    Summoning Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth using Double Summon, Vylon Cube, Goblin Zombie, and Shien's Spy in the hand.

    I used Ancient Pixie Dragon's effect to draw Sophia, so it's technically a 5-card combo.

    Duel Replay:

    Music: Ys Origin - Genesis Beyond The Beginning

