

在 betrayal黃昏產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 之前就看過Tenet 「天能」, 真的很燒腦,需要反覆思量~ 今天抓到機會二刷+三刷(二刷為了重新審視所有線索,三刷為了幫你們整理英文單字), 還是覺得很好看! 覺得Christopher Nolan真的是鬼才, John David Washington很有個人魅力, 至於Robert Patt...

betrayal黃昏 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 12:32:11

之前就看過Tenet 「天能」, 真的很燒腦,需要反覆思量~ 今天抓到機會二刷+三刷(二刷為了重新審視所有線索,三刷為了幫你們整理英文單字), 還是覺得很好看! 覺得Christopher Nolan真的是鬼才, John David Washington很有個人魅力, 至於Robert Patt...

  • betrayal黃昏 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-11 21:58:59
    有 80 人按讚

    之前就看過Tenet 「天能」,

    覺得Christopher Nolan真的是鬼才,
    John David Washington很有個人魅力,
    至於Robert Pattinson,明顯看得出來他比在Twilight暮光之城裡更快樂、更得心應手!

    也是Christopher Nolan的作品:Inception 「全面啟動」,
    🎞 俐媽英文電影—天能篇part 1️⃣:
    🧩 tenet (n.) 教條;原則(電影順它的音,翻譯成「天能」)
    🧩 twilight (n.) 暮光
    🧩 dusk (n.) 黃昏
    🧩 cloakroom (n.) 衣帽間
    🧩 grab (v.) 抓
    🧩 sewer (n.) 污水道
    🧩 synchronize (v.) 同步發生
    🧩 detonate (v.) 引爆;觸發💣
    🧩 risky (a.) 有風險的
    🧩 spare (v.) 省下;留下
    🧩 afterlife (n.) 來生
    🧩 coma (n.) 昏迷
    🧩 squad (n.) (特警/攻堅)小隊
    🧩 mercenary (n.) 傭兵
    🧩 resign (v.) 辭職
    🧩 transcend (v.) 超越
    🧩 interest (n.) 利益💰
    🧩 gesture (n.) 手勢
    🧩 threat (n.) 威脅
    🧩 nuclear war (n.) 核戰
    🧩 magazine (n.) 彈匣(它不只是雜誌喔~)
    🧩 entropy (n.) 熵(⚠️俐媽還特別叫念理工科的師丈解釋給我聽)
    🧩 reverse (v.) 逆轉
    🧩 cause-and-effect relationship 因果關係
    🧩 free will (n.) 自由意志
    🧩 intuition (n.) 直覺
    🧩 ammunition (n.) 彈藥🔫
    🧩 alloy (n.) 合金
    🧩 Armageddon (n.) 世界末日
    🧩 ally (n.) 盟友
    🧩 yacht (n.) 遊艇🛥️
    🧩 hostage (n.) 人質
    🧩 parachute (n.)(v.) (乘)降落傘🪂
    🧩 intrude (v.) 入侵
    🧩 assumption (n.) 假定
    🧩 reduction (n.) 歸納
    🧩 negotiate (v.) 協商;談判
    🧩 client (n.) 客戶
    🧩 tycoon (n.) 大亨
    🧩 Plutonium (n.) 鈽
    🧩 broker (n.) 掮客
    🧩 protagonist (n.) 主人翁
    🧩 intelligence (n.) 情報
    🧩 abandon (v.) 拋棄
    🧩 ace (n.) 王牌
    🧩 auction(n.)(v.) 拍賣(會)
    🧩 forgery (n.) 假造
    🧩 budget (n.) 預算
    🧩 evaluation (n.) 估價
    🧩 fraud (n.) 詐騙
    🧩 jealous (a.) 嫉妒的
    🧩 betrayal (n.) 背叛
    🧩 accusation (n.) 控訴
    🧩 atonement (n.) 贖罪
    🧩 lava (n.) 熔岩🌋
    🧩 investment (n.) 投資
    🧩 antique (n.) 古董
    🧩 warehouse (n.) 倉庫
    🧩 opaque (a.) 不透明的;暗的
    🧩 vault (n.) 金庫
    🧩 terminal (n.) 航廈
    🧩 customs (n.) 海關🛃


  • betrayal黃昏 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-17 19:48:47
    有 15 人按讚

    [177571] 44371. 史上最強弟子兼一:梁山泊!豪傑齊聚的場所"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Ryōzanpaku: Where the Powerful Gather! (2006)★★
    [177572] 44372. 史上最強弟子兼一:邁向下一步!戰鬥的開端"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Beginning of the Fight! (2006)★★∿
    [177573] 44373. 史上最強弟子兼一:力量與勇氣!為貫徹正義而用吧"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Strength and Courage! For the Sake of Justice! (2006)★★
    [177574] 44374. 史上最強弟子兼一:打架地獄!肯做與不肯做"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Fight to Survive! It's Whether You Do It or You Don't! (2006)★★✚
    [177575] 44375. 史上最強弟子兼一:約會?決定清楚吧!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" A Date?! You'd Better Score! (2006)★★
    [177576] 44376. 史上最強弟子兼一:在梁山泊的一天!在屋頂上的夢"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" A Day at Ryōzanpaku! The Rooftop Dream! (2006)★★
    [177577] 44377. 史上最強弟子兼一:熱鬥園藝社 敗部復活戰"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Hot Battle at the Gardening Club! A Return Match! (2006)★★
    [177578] 44378. 史上最強弟子兼一:驚人的肉體 神秘的師傅們"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Amazing Bodies! The Mysterious Masters! (2006)★★
    [177579] 44379. 史上最強弟子兼一:阿帕帕帕~!阿帕查的修行"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Apapapa! Apachai's Training! (2006)★★
    [177580] 44380. 史上最強弟子兼一:奔跑吧,兼一!拳擊手的弱點"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Go, Kenichi! A Boxer's Weakness! (2006)★★

    [177581] 44381. 史上最強弟子兼一:背叛之拳 武田哀傷的過去"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Fists of Betrayal! Takeda's Sorrowful Past! (2006)★★
    [177582] 44382. 史上最強弟子兼一:新敵人!辻新之助"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" A New Enemy! Shinnosuke Tsuji! (2006)★★
    [177583] 44383. 史上最強弟子兼一:打架殺法!實戰的鐵則"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Way of the Fight! The Rules of the Real Fight! (2007)★★
    [177584] 44384. 史上最強弟子兼一:賭命的修行!還附帶混浴"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Dedicated Training! And a Nearby Hot Spring Bath! (2007)★★
    [177585] 44385. 史上最強弟子兼一:穗香潛入!這就是梁山泊哦"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Honoka Infiltrates Ryōzanpaku! (2007)★★
    [177586] 44386. 史上最強弟子兼一:梁山泊的最大危機!!?"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Ryōzanpaku Faces the Greatest Crisis?! (2007)★★★
    [177587] 44387. 史上最強弟子兼一:守住看板!踢館者來犯!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Protect the Name! Attack of the Dojo Challengers! (2007)★★
    [177588] 44388. 史上最強弟子兼一:樂園???前往秘境·風林寺島!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Paradise? To the Mysterious Furinji Island! (2007)★★★
    [177589] 44389. 史上最強弟子兼一:諸神黃昏的最強者 八拳豪參見!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Strongest of the Ragnarok! Here Come the Eight Greatest Fists! (2007)★★
    [177590] 44390. 史上最強弟子兼一:武田的危機!報復的鐵則!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Takeda's Crisis! The Law of Retribution! (2007)★★

    [177591] 44391. 史上最強弟子兼一:無法饒恕!兼一的憤怒之拳!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Unforgivable! Kenichi's Fists of Fury! (2007)★★
    [177592] 44392. 史上最強弟子兼一:齊聚吧,年輕人!新白聯手結成!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Gather, Young Men! The New Shinpaku Alliance! (2007)★★
    [177593] 44393. 史上最強弟子兼一:突擊!鄰家的梁山泊!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Assault! The Next Door Ryōzanpaku! (2007)★★
    [177594] 44394. 史上最強弟子兼一:被奪走的心!美羽的茱麗葉"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Captured Heart! Miu's Juliet! (2007)★★
    [177595] 44395. 史上最強弟子兼一:兼一,死守住啊!美羽的雙唇"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Stand Strong, Kenichi! Miu's Kiss! (2007)★★
    [177596] 44396. 史上最強弟子兼一:被揭穿的面具!隱者的真面目!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Stripped Mask! Hermit's True Identity! (2007)★★
    [177597] 44397. 史上最強弟子兼一:剛VS柔!空前絕後的兄弟吵架!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Hard vs. Soft! Once-in-a-Lifetime Quarrel Between Brothers! (2007)★★
    [177598] 44398. 史上最強弟子兼一:衝鋒隊長參見!亂鬥餐廳"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Here Comes the Shock Troop Commander! Battle Royal at the Restaurant! (2007)★★
    [177599] 44399. 史上最強弟子兼一:可怕的齊格!通往毀滅的前奏"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Fearsome Siegfried! Prelude to Destruction! (2007)★★
    [177600] 44400. 史上最強弟子兼一:鍛鍊的成果!小小的手向前邁進"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Results of Training! Align Forward Half! (2007)★★

    [177601] 44401. 史上最強弟子兼一:穗香,要來幫忙囉!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Honoka Will Help You! (2007)★★
    [177602] 44402. 史上最強弟子兼一:穗香的危機!洛基的謀略"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Honoka's in Danger! Loki's Plot! (2007)★★
    [177603] 44403. 史上最強弟子兼一:擊出吧,兼一!拳頭就是語言!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Strike, Kenichi! Fists do the Talking! (2007)★★
    [177604] 44404. 史上最強弟子兼一:不要輸!所愛的人的遺言"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Don't Give In! The Words Left by a Loved One! (2007)★★
    [177605] 44405. 史上最強弟子兼一:絆腳石不在!現在才是一決勝負的時候"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" There's No One in Our Way! Now is the Time to Settle the Fight! (2007)★★
    [177606] 44406. 史上最強弟子兼一:美羽vs連華!!呼風喚雨的三角鈴"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Miu vs. Renka! The Love Triangle Creates a Storm! (2007)★★
    [177607] 44407. 史上最強弟子兼一:危險的誘惑 一起吃相撲火鍋吧!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Dangerous Trap! Let’s Have Sumo Chanko Stew Together! (2007)★★
    [177608] 44408. 史上最強弟子兼一:可愛的小貓 女人們的肉搏戰!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Cute Kitten! Hand-to-Hand Battle Among Women! (2007)★★
    [177609] 44409. 史上最強弟子兼一:時雨的個人教…學♥"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Shigure's Personal...Lesson! (2007)★★
    [177610] 44410. 史上最強弟子兼一:約束之地!一切從這裹開始"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Place the Promise was Made! Everything Started Here! (2007)★★

    [177611] 44411. 史上最強弟子兼一:制空圈的恐怖!龍騰舞躍降臨!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Terror of the Sphere of Control! A Dragon Descends! (2007)★★
    [177612] 44412. 史上最強弟子兼一:長老特快!決死的深山之旅"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Elder 's Super Express! Do-or-Die Secluded Tour in the Mountains! (2007)★★
    [177613] 44413. 史上最強弟子兼一:限幅器!通向修羅之路的邀請"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Limiter! Invitation to the World of Bloodshed! (2007)★★
    [177614] 44414. 史上最強弟子兼一:新白連合崩潰!悄悄接近之拳"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Collapse of the Shinpaku Federation! The Crazy Fist Stealthily Approaches! (2007)★★
    [177615] 44415. 史上最強弟子兼一:決別一擊!紀沙羅飛舞吧!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Decisive Attack! Kisara Dances! (2007)★★
    [177616] 44416. 史上最強弟子兼一:再見!!新島、決意出陣"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Farewell! A Determined Niijima Joins the Fray! (2007)★★
    [177617] 44417. 史上最強弟子兼一:天才的弱點!努力能凌駕才能之上!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Weakness of the Genius! Effort Surpasses Talent! (2007)★★
    [177618] 44418. 史上最強弟子兼一:主將對決!手持傳說之矛的男人!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" Showdown between the Leaders! The Man with the Legendary Spear! (2007)★★
    [177619] 44419. 史上最強弟子兼一:最強變身!梁山泊節奏!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Mightiest Transformation! The Ryōzanpaku Rhythm! (2007)★★
    [177620] 44420. 史上最強弟子兼一:史上最強弟子兼一!!"Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple" The Mightiest Disciple, Kenichi! (2007)★★

  • betrayal黃昏 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-16 21:58:53
    有 21 人按讚

    [133451] 2251. 聖誕之吻SS:森島遙篇——憧憬"Amagami SS" Admiration (2010)★★
    [133452] 2252. 聖誕之吻SS:森島遙篇——接近"Amagami SS" Approach (2010)★★
    [133453] 2253. 聖誕之吻SS:森島遙篇——吃醋"Amagami SS" Jealousy (2010)★★∿
    [133454] 2254. 聖誕之吻SS:森島遙篇——戀愛"Amagami SS" Romance (2010)★★
    [133455] 2255. 聖誕之吻SS:棚町薰篇——損友"Amagami SS" Buddies (2010)★★
    [133456] 2256. 聖誕之吻SS:棚町薰篇——迷惑"Amagami SS" Hesitation (2010)★★∿
    [133457] 2257. 聖誕之吻SS:棚町薰篇——背叛"Amagami SS" Betrayal (2010)★★
    [133458] 2258. 聖誕之吻SS:棚町薰篇——進展"Amagami SS" Progress (2010)★★★
    [133459] 2259. 聖誕之吻SS:中多紗江篇——學妹"Amagami SS" Underclassman (2010)★★
    [133460] 2260. 聖誕之吻SS:中多紗江篇——特訓"Amagami SS" Training (2010)★★

    [133461] 2261. 聖誕之吻SS:中多紗江篇——變革"Amagami SS" Changes (2010)★★
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    [133464] 2264. 聖誕之吻SS:七咲逢篇——心跳"Amagami SS" Heartthrob (2010)★★
    [133465] 2265. 聖誕之吻SS:七咲逢篇——變身"Amagami SS" Transformation (2010)★★
    [133466] 2266. 聖誕之吻SS:七咲逢篇——告白"Amagami SS" Confessions (2010)★★
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