

在 attend三態產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【單身挑戰】學會獨處的藝術 ⭐獨自和自己相處原來都需要練習 ⭐孤獨不一定是承受而是享受 #星期二提升正能量 獨處不可怕 一個人生活大挑戰 單身生活可怕嗎?有人因為單身而感到空虛寂寞凍,所以找個對象但求「脫單」,但這樣的關係未必能長久,因為兩個人一起的寂寞,比一個人的孤單更可怕。近年有一個新興...

attend三態 在 Lingo鈴果 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-22 11:39:30

Thanks to all the happy souls who attended my online female dancehall classes. I really miss y’all. Can’t wait to meet y’all and dance “face to face” ...

attend三態 在 娜姐 Foodelicious- 台北美食 & Bistro Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-10-08 02:30:31

題外話: 最近信義區很熱鬧, 已去過統一時代十年週年慶預購會, 9/25 要去很多人的信義誠品卡友之夜. 為何要去? 因為明年可能只有所謂的“誠品黑卡”才能去信義誠品之夜, 我這輩子是不可能在誠品買 Dyson 那種上萬電器, 也就是不會有黑卡囉 😂. Anyway, 我明天限時動態再跟你們分...

attend三態 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 20:25:12

: 有點浮誇的花癡系早餐。 今天的烏魚子飯糰是屁孩們都上學後補拍的,因為太陽出來啦!正當我在哀悼蘭花一日掉六朵時,院子裡的酢醬草、九層塔都開花了,叫我如何不欣喜呢?不把她們的可愛身影留下紀錄實在太對不起春天。 心情超好,當然不只是因為春日爛漫,好喜歡的感覺要趁現在說出來:政赫西,撒拉嘿唷。 說...

  • attend三態 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-16 10:37:02
    有 643 人按讚



    單身生活可怕嗎?有人因為單身而感到空虛寂寞凍,所以找個對象但求「脫單」,但這樣的關係未必能長久,因為兩個人一起的寂寞,比一個人的孤單更可怕。近年有一個新興詞語叫「單身力」,是指我們獨處的能力,單身人士要學會享受獨處的時光,就算有伴侶生活的人,總不能一日24小時如「連體嬰」般生活,學會獨處能幫助個人成長,不會當對方缺席時便方寸大亂、失去自我。以下的「獨處成長挑戰表」,一般人去到Level 7已經相當厲害,如果你能挑戰更高Level,小編看到的不是孤獨,而是堅強而獨立的身影。

    Level 1 一個人買餸
    Level 2 一個人逛街
    Level 3 一個人去Cafe
    Level 4 一個人入戲院睇戲
    Level 5 一個人唱K
    Level 6 一個人吃韓燒
    Level 7 一個人打邊爐
    Level 8 一個人去酒店歎下午茶
    Level 9 一個人吃米芝蓮三星法國菜
    Level 10 一個人吃自助餐
    Level 11 一個人行山
    Level 12 一個人聽演唱會
    Level 13 一個人去主題樂園
    Level 14 一個人去郊野公園燒烤
    Level 15 一個人去Staycation
    Level 16 一個人去本地遊
    Level 17 一個人打Overcooked
    Level 18 一個人出埠旅行
    Level 19 一個人搬屋
    Level 20 一個人去做手術


    ✔️CheckCheckCin 紙包茶療推介:火龍果玫瑰茶


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Living alone is not scary
    Are you up for the challenge?

    Is being single scary? Some people feel lonely from being single and find a partner just to fill the gap. But this type of relationship typically will not last as the combination of two people’s loneliness is worst than that of a single person. Recently, there is a popular term in Chinese that refer to someone’s ability to be alone, and single people learn to enjoy alone time. Even if you are in a relationship, you should not be joint at the hip 24 hours a day. Learning to be alone can help a person grow so that you will not be lost when your significant other is not around. Here is a list of challenges to test your ability to be on your own. It would be an achievement for individuals who have made it to Level 7. If you can attain a higher level, no one would dare to say you are lonely because you are one strong and independent person!

    Challenge to test your ability to be on your own:
    Level 1 Buy ingredients for cooking on your own
    Level 2 Go shopping on your own
    Level 3 Visit cafés on your own
    Level 4 Watch movies in cinema on your own
    Level 5 Go karaoke on your own
    Level 6 Eat Korean BBQ on your own
    Level 7 Eat hotpot on your own
    Level 8 Enjoy afternoon tea in a hotel on your own
    Level 9 Savour three-star French cuisine on your own
    Level 10 Enjoy buffet on your own
    Level 11 Go hiking on your own
    Level 12 Attend concerts on your own
    Level 13 Have fun in a theme park on your own
    Level 14 Enjoy BBQ in a countryside recreational park on your own
    Level 15 Go on a staycation on your own
    Level 16 Travel locally on your own
    Level 17 Play the ‘Overcooked’ video game on your own
    Level 18 Travel out of city on your own
    Level 19 Move to a new home on your own
    Level 20 Go for surgery on your own

    In life, we have to deal with a lot of things by ourselves. Sometimes it can be difficult at first, but when we gradually challenge ourselves, we will soon realize it might not be as tough as we imagined. It is important to de-stress appropriately when we are under a lot of pressure. Otherwise, the stress accumulated in our body can hurt the liver and will have an adverse impact on our health.

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Paper Pack Drink Recommendation : Dragon fruit rose tea
    Ingredients: water, dragon fruit juice, rock sugar, honey, rose, lemon juice concentrate, oolong tea
    Effects: Loosens bowel to relieve constipation, relieves stress, aids digestion and burns fat. Suitable for those with difficult passing stool, stress, frequent sigh and dull complexion.
    Note: Not suitable for menstruating women, but can have this tea before period. Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #我有壓力

  • attend三態 在 希瑪x永續意識家園 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-24 21:05:00
    有 58 人按讚

    這個月GENOA邀請到了曾經在TED演講分享《生活很簡單,為何我們把它變得那麼複雜?》的Pun Pun創辦人 Jon來做與談人!

    (Pun Pun也是我心目中一直很喜歡的永續生活基地之一,不只土屋和菜園都超美、留種很多、自家產的水果奶昔也超好喝~ ❤ )





    時間: 1/30 (六)下午2-4點


    Join Pi Jo (Jon) in his 'easiness' to create the new normal!

    Jon, whose famous TEDx talk "Life is easy, why do we make it so hard?" that has over 10 million views , will be one of the speakers in our latest webinar "Designing Circular and Local Economies for Regenerative Ecosystems", to share how he made the decision to go back to the country and re-embrace the lifestyle living on regenerative local economics.

    ► Webinar date/time: Saturday, 30/1/2021 – 4-6 pm AEST

    ► more information & sign up http://bit.ly/Eco4Eco
    (For those who can't attend live, you will receive a recording after the event, so please do sign up if you're interested! )


    photo courtesy: GENOA/Jon Jandai

  • attend三態 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-19 12:10:00
    有 39 人按讚

    【創業大冒險】🚀趕不上參與〈 2020創業生態論壇〉嗎?別急!還有機會一鍵掌握關鍵重點~趕緊往下看👇

    從「企業創新」、「創業投資」「新創培育」三大角度,揭示臺灣創育產業的全貌,更以「數位轉型」與「企業參與新創(Corporate Startup Engagement, CSE)」的成功趨勢,做為臺灣產業找尋創新的參考與指引。

    👍感謝 #資策會、#IAPS交大產業加速器、#SparkLabsTaipei、#普萊德科技、#TaiwanStartupInstitute、#台灣微軟新創加速器 等各界專家共襄盛舉,為活動帶來精彩的產業觀點。
    👍也特別感謝 #佳世達、#研華科技、#惠友電子、#行動貝果、#益欣資訊、#耐能科技 等品牌業者將合作經驗無私分享給現場的與會者。



    【Startup Adventure】🚀 Can't you participate in the "2020 Taiwan’s Corporate Innovation and Startup Forum "? Don't worry! There is a chance to get the key points!👇
    Last month, we debuted the release of MIC’s latest report titled “2020 The State of Taiwan’s Corporate and Startup Ecosystem.” This report focuses on uncovering the trends of Taiwanese enterprises’ pursuit of digital transformation and their Corporate Startup Engagement practices, highlighting successful cases of corporate-startup collaboration, and analyzing startup investments in Taiwan in 2020.

    👍 Thanks to #III、#IAPS、#SparkLabsTaipei、#PLANETTechnology、#TaiwanStartupInstitute、#Microsoft for your participation in our forum and sharing your industry insights.
    👍 Special thanks to #Qisda、#Advantech、#EverFocus、#MoBagel、#Lafresh、#Kneron for sharing your experiences in Corporate Startup Engagement.

    Didn’t get a chance to attend in person? Catch the livestream broadcast:
    🎬 Morning Session: https://reurl.cc/OqRXN9
    🎬 Afternoon Session: https://reurl.cc/avM5KG

    Interested in learning about Taiwan’s Innovation Industry? Download your copy of the report today:
