

在 assistance例句產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,582的網紅通勤學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 079】救援全民醫療外的無國界醫生 文章摘要: The article highlights how COVID-19 is impacting the world as we see it as well as the world that we don’t see...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,送你 email 範例、逐字稿、例句翻譯: · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔! · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷 傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual 1【Happy Holidays! 佳節愉快】2【o...

  • assistance例句 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-21 10:00:55
    有 5 人按讚

    【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 079】救援全民醫療外的無國界醫生

    The article highlights how COVID-19 is impacting the world as we see it as well as the world that we don’t see. People who are excluded from society, like those without identification, without access to water and electricity, without access to healthcare because of geographical location, poverty, not to mention displaced by regional conflict are the worst hit. Those who were struggling before COVID 19, will be the hardest hit in this pandemic. This is why universal healthcare plays such an important role. MSF, aka Doctors without Borders, is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemic, disaster, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF has been providing assistance since 1971 around the world. In 2016, MSF established a branch office in Taiwan, and as of last year (2019) they have formally established themselves as the MSF /Doctors without Borders Taiwan Foundation.

    更多無國界醫生資訊: https://www.msf.org.tw

    原文章討論: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-984-msf-what-the-coronavirus-pandemic-can-teach-us-about

    This episode is sponsored by Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders Taiwan Foundation

    利用15分鐘跟讀精選詞彙單元,即刻加深記憶, 文章例句朗朗上口!


    官網: www.15mins.today
    更多跟讀單元: https://pse.is/E8BNC
    Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK

  • assistance例句 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-09 20:45:14
    有 50 人按讚




  • assistance例句 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-04-22 08:30:00
    有 12 人按讚

    How may I be of assistance? 有什麼我可以效勞的地方嗎?

    電影 #Rampage, 毁滅大作戰 精彩例句:
    Claire Wyden. How may I be of assistance?
    Claire Wyden. 有什麼我可以效勞的地方嗎?


  • assistance例句 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-23 12:00:07

    送你 email 範例、逐字稿、例句翻譯:

    · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔!
    · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷

    傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual

    1【Happy Holidays! 佳節愉快】2【out of the office 休假中,不在辦公室】- 形容詞片語
    I’m currently out of the office.

    3 【access 使用某事物的途徑或是機會】- 名詞
    During this period of time, I will have no access to emails.

    4 【assistance 協助】- 名詞
    If you need immediate assistance, please contact me on my cell phone.

    5【urgent matters 緊急事項】- 名詞
    For all urgent matters, please contact Leo.

    1 Happy Holidays! 佳節愉快
    2 out of the office 休假中,不在辦公室
    3 access 使用某事物的途徑或是機會
    4 assistance 協助
    5 urgent matters 緊急事項

