
為什麼這篇assistance用法鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在assistance用法這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者habodaha (零食)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [文法] can be of xxx...

assistance用法 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-10 00:28:10

/ 🤓Kenneth : Mayday Mayday Mayday 緊急求救‼️‼️ 👩🏻‍💻Kenjoy : 咩呀 ?!😰 Mayday 唔係五月天咩,求咩救呀? 🤓:......(快啲睇下面篇文👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻) . 踏入五月,作為「五迷」的 Kenneth 必定會看台灣天團五月天的演唱會,投入地又...

: ※ 引述《sean72 (.)》之銘言:
: : 標題: [文法] can be of xxxx
: : the directory can be of variable size.
: : 請問這個of是什麼意思
: : 感覺這是一個倒裝過之後的句子
: : 請問還原之後應該怎麼寫才對呢
: : --
: : → pierse:這不是倒裝 就是of+名詞=形容詞的用法 04/11 14:39
: : → sean72:意思是說: directory是一個大小可變的東西 對嗎? 04/11 15:34
: : → alixia:應該是說size有大有小 04/14 01:16
: 那為什麼不直接寫
: the directory can be variable size 就好了呢?

"to be of" 有兩種用法,屬較正式的句型。

"to be of" 有 have (the characteristic of) 的意思,後面接的是抽象名詞。

1.) This research project is of great worth.
= This research project has great worth.

2.) Many scholars are of different ideas.
= Many scholars have different ideas.

3.) We are not just selling cheap food but we also make sure the food is of
good quality.
= We are not just selling cheap food but we also make sure the food has
good quality.

worth 與 quality (level of excellence) 皆為不可數名詞,故不用加冠詞。
所以不能說 "Jame is of a car." 或 "He is of a lot of money."


"to be of" 接抽象名詞 = "to be" 接形容詞。
1.) to be of importance = to be important
2.) to be of significance = to be significant
3.) to be of consequence = to be consequential
4.) to be of interest = to be interesting
5.) to be of assistance = to be helpful

1.) The SDNPA may consider not to be of significance to National Park
= The SDNPA may consider not to be significant to National Park

2.) This is of interest to all classic car enthusiasts.
= This is interesting to all classic car enthusiasts.

3.) Please let me know if I can be of any help in this process.
= Please let me know if I can be helpful in this process.


The directory can be of variable size.
= The directory can have variable size.
= The directory can be variable-sized.


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※ 編輯: habodaha 來自: (04/18 09:08)
hollowable:推 長知識 04/18 17:46

