

在 appreciate翻譯產品中有68篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 〈Pecado É Lhe Deixar de Molho 你沈溺在這罪惡世界〉 ——Tribalistas 部落人 【關於這首歌 About the song】 我去年無意中在Spotify上面發現了一首來自巴西團 Tribalistas(部落人)的一首歌。當時覺得:「天阿,這個曲名怎麼那麼長...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,550的網紅lilKrake小章章,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*ZERO COST* Official Music Video by lilKrake performing "Wake It". (CC English w/ Translation / 中文字幕含翻譯) 0 COST ON EVERYTHING & Follow @lilkrake @l...

  • appreciate翻譯 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-30 19:02:50
    有 48 人按讚

    〈Pecado É Lhe Deixar de Molho 你沈溺在這罪惡世界〉
    ——Tribalistas 部落人

    【關於這首歌 About the song】

    我去年無意中在Spotify上面發現了一首來自巴西團 Tribalistas(部落人)的一首歌。當時覺得:「天阿,這個曲名怎麼那麼長?到底是什麼意思?」,所以去查了歌詞來了解意境。

    I came across this song by the Brazilian group Tribalistas last year, and when faced with such a song title, I asked: "WHY so many words and what do they all mean?" So I promptly looked it up.


    Upon research, my thoughts were: "Okay this song is gorgeous and - huh, these things rhyme if I translate the lyrics into Mandarin." So I wrote Mandarin lyrics to it, and it has since become one of my most cherished songs.

    【關於這支影片 About this video】


    After my last endeavor, I've started to sort of figure out what works and doesn't work for me, so I pushed myself on this one to work with more complicated stuff, both in music and video production.


    Musically, I added more "instruments" (The slow brushes were my curtains and the cowbell was my water bottle) as well as effects. Visually, I tied the videos together more stylistically and put more effort into neater handwritten lyrics as well as animating more ethereal things from scratch.



    I hope you all enjoy. Please feel free to comment with any questions, and would appreciate likes and shares if you enjoy!

  • appreciate翻譯 在 Sabrina 英文小教室 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-16 17:09:12
    有 14 人按讚

    1️⃣ process progress possess
    📎 process (n.) 過程 (v.) 加工
    📎 progress (n.) 進步 (v.) 進步;緩慢進行
    📚 make progress 有進展/進步
    📎 possess (v.) 擁有;具有
    📚 possessions (n.) 財產 <常用複數形>
    2️⃣ appreciate associate appropriate
    📎 appreciate (v.) 欣賞;感謝
    📎 associate (v.) 把…聯繫在一起
    📚 associate A with B :把A和B聯想在一起
    appropriate (adj.) 適當的
    3️⃣ reserve preserve conserve deserve observe 
    📎 reserve (v.) 保留;預定(n.) 自然保留區
    📎 preserve (v.) 保護;保存
    📎 conserve (v.) 保護;保存
    📎 conservative 保守的
    📎 deserve (v.) 應得;值得
    📎 observe (v.) 觀察
    此款包包由 @gastonluga 提供
    這款來自Sweden 的品牌包包容量真的好大~包包超級適合常去圖書館和裝一堆小東西的我,品牌設計理念著重於包包的簡單卻又不簡單的設計,而且扣子很特別,不論是日常生活、工作、旅行都非常合適欸~
    #anywherewithGL #GastonLuga
    #英文 #學英文 #翻譯 #多益 #學測 #指考 #taiwan #台灣 #english #英文教學 #學測戰士 #讀書帳 #筆記 #時事 #英文筆記 #單字

  • appreciate翻譯 在 榮忠豪 Stephen Rong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-30 11:34:25
    有 310 人按讚

    大家都是有自己的特色而這些的 「不一樣」都是讓我們獨特而發光。

    蔡依林 Jolin Tsai 這首歌真的太棒了。我有一天聽完想到了這個cover MV裡面的劇情。有的時候,不了解我們的人都是有他們自己的恐懼與害怕。只是要懂得如何達成一個橋樑,讓別人去了解,那才是有機會讓我們互相成長。謝謝所有幫我一起完成次作品的朋友們。我真的很感謝你們!(請往下滑來認識這些talented people)

    來慶祝 Pride Month。 Be proud of who you are

    Our society is beautiful.
    We have so many different people living together; each person with his or her own uniqueness.
    Our differences is what gives us "color" and what makes each and every one of us special in our own ways.
    We should learn to embrace these colors, rather than use our differences to separate us and categorize into "normal" and "abnormal."
    I sincerely hope that in time, people in our society start to accept each other for who they are, and appreciate the differences rather than fear them. Our differences are make us individually unique and beautiful.

    Jolin Tsai's song "Womxnly" is one of my favorite songs. Not only was her original composition amazing, but also the lyrics. I came up with this storyline for my cover music video one day while listening to this song, and I am grateful for all of those who made it possible to create. Please take the time to look at the credits at the bottom of the description.
    Hope you like the video.

    In celebration of the pride month~ Be proud of who you are.

    「玫瑰少年 Womxnly」
    原唱:蔡依林 Jolin
    作詞:蔡依林、五月天阿信、歌詞協力: 陳怡茹
    編曲:劉傑洛 Ziro Liu / IG: ziroliu

    主演 Actors:
    郭濬瑋(女王)/ IG:queen0214queen0214
    樊小蕓 Sharon Landon / IG: thesharonlandon
    田雨璇 Anna Tian / IG: annatian0408

    導演/攝影 Director/Videographer:
    Tom Chen / IG: tom.tom.yjc

    後製 Post-Production:
    Tom Chen

    編劇 Storyboard: 榮忠豪 Stephen Rong / IG: therongone

    妝髮 Make-up/Hair:
    田雨璇 Anna Tian / IG: annatianmakeup

    Charlie Rong 榮忠誠 / IG: chenchenrong

    Special Thanks:
    Ming-Ming Chang
    永吉路的水果攤 妹妹們 (謝謝你們臨時當我們臨時演員)

  • appreciate翻譯 在 lilKrake小章章 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-05 17:00:14

    *ZERO COST* Official Music Video by lilKrake performing "Wake It".
    (CC English w/ Translation / 中文字幕含翻譯)

    0 COST ON EVERYTHING & Follow @lilkrake @lilKrake小章章

    Alien Brain Chapter. 7
    - 外星腦 第七章 -

    【Music Production】
    Lyrics & Composed by @lilkrake
    Beat produced by Scorpio Prodz @scorpio_prodz
    Recorded by @lilkrake
    Mixed by lilKrake @lilkrake

    【Video Production】
    Filmed by 立頓 @lipton_0502
    Directed by @lilkrake
    Video Edited & Affected by @lilkrake
    Title designed by @lilkrake
    Translation by @lilkrake

    【Special Thanks】
    @niasproduction77 尼亞斯攝影 & @sital_0708 石頭 協助部分拍攝
    馬修 @marshall867722 與其公司舉辦的車展
    2020 TSDR 高雄港都Car & coffee @speedom_life 讓我去拍一些畫面
    大俠 @sces206 提供的一些跑車素材​

    .Asia Taiwan.
    #WakeIt #0COST #lilKrake小章章

    Instagram: @lilkrake
    Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW
    Youtube: lilKrake小章章
    Sound Cloud: lilKrake
    Street Voice: lilKrake小章章
    Spotify: Lil Krake
    iTunes: Lil Krake
    KKBox: Lil Krake


    中國信託 代碼 : 822 - 613540629011 (章和穎 先生)

    lilkrake227@gmail.com (章和穎 | lilKrake)

  • appreciate翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-09 12:09:20

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【precipitation 降水】-- 名詞
    Rain and snow are types of precipitation.
    No precipitation is expected this week.

    Heavy rainfall ruined the picnic.
    annual rainfall 年降雨量

    2【pour 下大雨】-- 動詞
    It’s about to pour.

    Take your umbrella. It’s about to pour.

    bucket down
    raining cats and dogs

    torrential rain

    3 【drizzle 毛毛雨】-- 名詞
    It's just a drizzle.

    It’s sprinkling.

    4 【dark cloud 烏雲】-- 名詞
    Look at those dark clouds. It looks like we’re going to get some rain.

    black cloud
    heavy cloud

    5【rain 大量掉下】-- 動詞
    It’s raining men.

    Set fire to the rain
    Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

    1 precipitation 降水
    2 pour 下大雨
    3 drizzle 毛毛雨
    4 dark cloud 烏雲
    5 rain 大量掉下

  • appreciate翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-08 21:00:30

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【contract 染病】— 動詞(正式)
    A White House aide confirmed he had contracted coronavirus on Tuesday.

    2 【Kyrgyzstan 吉爾吉斯】— 名詞(國家)
    Kyrgyzstan's prime minister has resigned after strong post-election protests.

    3 【opt 選擇】— 動詞
    Many countries opted to keep border restrictions in place.

    4 【abnormal 異常的】— 形容詞
    The large ozone hole is caused by abnormal Antarctic weather.

    5 【battle cry 戰鬥時的吶喊】— 名詞
    Kiai is the battle cry of Karate.

    1)contract 染病
    2)Kyrgyzstan 吉爾吉斯
    3)opt 選擇
    4) abnormal 異常的
    5)battle cry 戰鬥時的吶喊