3 天前 — altruistic翻譯:利他的,無私心的。了解更多。 ... altruistic 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. altruistic. adjective.
#3altruist是什么意思? altruist翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
altruist 的解释是:利他主义者, 爱他主义者… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:altruist的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#4利他主义- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
利他主义(英語:altruism,也可譯為利他行為)源自於法文altruisme,字源可溯自義大利文及更早拉丁文alter,即其他、別人的意思。利他主义是一种无私的为他人福利着想 ...
#6altruist翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
altruist中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 愛他主義者;利他主義者。英漢詞典提供【altruist】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#7altruist - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"altruist" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Sentimental, moral and altruistic considerations [...].
#9Altruism 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Altruism 释义: Altruism is unselfish concern for other people's happiness and ... 美式英语: altruism /ˈæltruɪzəm/; 巴西葡萄牙语: altruísmo; 简体中文: 利他 ...
#10利他主义者-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of ...
#11altruist — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書 - 中文- 英语技术字典
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“altruist” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#12altruist - 从英语翻译成中文 | PONS - 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找altruist的英语中文对照翻译。 ... This may possibly be used as derogatory tactic against altruists, especially by those who are ...
#13Altruist的中文解释和发音 - 德语助手
#14altruist 的中文意思
Org) found not all do-gooders fared so well, with fellow adoptive mother madonna voted the least respected celebrity altruist of 2007 despite raising ...
#15altruist 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释altruist这个英文词呢? altruist这个英文词,中文意思如下:利他主义者。 Meaning of altruist for the defined word.
altruist 的翻譯結果。 ... 結果(中文) 1: [復制]. 復制成功! 利他主义者. 正在翻譯中.. 結果(中文) 2:[復制]. 復制成功! 利他主义者. 正在翻譯中.
#17altruistic - WordReference.com 英汉词典
altruistic - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. altruistic adjadjective: Describes a noun or ... The act was generous but not entirely altruistic.
#18單字altruist的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
altruist中文 意思: altruist [æltruist] n.利他主義者,愛他主義者..., 學習altruist發音, altruist例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#19altruist是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋 - 可可英語館
altruist 是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋內容:altruist詞語:altruist解釋:受他主義者詞性:名詞詞典:醫學專業英漢詞典...
#21德文Altruist中文翻譯 - 字典
德中字典>> L開頭詞條>>德文Altruist是什麼意思Altruist Altruist的英文解釋Altruist漢語翻譯(m) -en 利他主義者,無私的人猜你喜歡:Wagner的中文翻譯einblies的中文 ...
#22altruist单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 背单词
单词/词组检索 ; altruist ; 级别, 附加级 ; 音标, [ 'æltrʊɪst ] ; 解释, n.利他主义者,爱他主义者 ; 英英释义.
#23Famed Altruist Retires (2018/04/06) - 民視英語新聞
Famed Altruist Retires (2018/04/06) Taitung vegetable stall owner Chen Shu-chu, who shot to fame when she was named one of Time magazine's 100 most ...
#25【太空狼人殺Among Us】 玩法規則教學,中文化與好人內鬼對 ...
Yahoo 行動版 · 【太空狼人殺Among Us】 玩法規則教學,中文化與好人內鬼對局技巧!中文英文用詞| Among Us - 敗家達人推薦.
#26進邦滙理Altruist - 今日中午我地為《中文大學理學院網上職業 ...
今日中午我地為《中文大學理學院網上職業博覽》主講咗一場招聘講座,由培訓部經理Alex為準畢業生講述名為「No Free Lunch;Yes!Free Career」嘅主題,輕鬆道出做理財 ...
#28Altruist | LinkedIn
Altruist | 6296 followers on LinkedIn. The way money should feel. | Altruist is on a mission to make independent financial advice better, more affordable, ...
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歡迎瀏覽Shutterstock 收錄的高畫質altruism庫存圖片和其他百萬張免版稅庫存照片、插圖和向量圖。 每天收錄數千張高水準圖片。
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ALTRUIST. **防发红和色素沉着霜SPF 50 ... 页面含机器翻译,中文仅供参考,以原文为准. Altruist ... 2019 年,Altruist 向非洲白化**捐赠了价值65,000 英镑的*霜。
altruist. 每天有数百万人使用DeepL翻译. 热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰 ...
#32Solving Your Personal Problems While Visiting the Missions ...
書名:California Saints: Solving Your Personal Problems While Visiting the Missions Also Includes: The Altruist Manifesto,語言:英文,ISBN:0972752803, ...
#33altruist是什么意思中文翻译- 英语单词- 优选网
altruist 是什么意思中文翻译. 2020-01-20 07:53:35. 音标:英['æltrʊɪst]美['æltrʊˌɪst] n.利他主义者,爱他主义者 网络利他个体;利他主义者;爱他主义者;无私的人.
#34《Among Us》Mod追加4名角色玩法:警官、醫生、工程師
中文 ; Tiếng Việt; ภาษาไทย. avatar; 發表話題. 新聞 · 話題 · 投票 · 會員福利 · 紳士 · 就肆專訪 · 影音 · 元素圖騰.
利他主义者是一个伦理学名词,即持利他主义(Altruism)理念和思想的人,通常是指那些把 ... 中文名: 利他主义者; 外文名: altruist; 定 义: 持利他主义理念和思想的人.
#36altruist的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
#37Make Decisions with an Altruistic Mind | Kazuo Inamori
Our mind seems to have two sides. One side appears to be concerned only with our own interests, while the other side is altruistic and will sacrifice to ...
#38英語字典- altruist音标,怎么读 - 极简词典
altruist 的音标和发音| 返回altruist ... altruist的中文意思,altruist汉语解释| 返回altruist ... 英汉例句. altruist的一般用法和常见例句| 返回altruist ...
#39ALTRUISM 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - TR-Ex
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“ALTRUISM” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。 ... Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual ...
#40Altruist Financial Group Limited - CTgoodjobs
In addition to our base in Hong Kong, Altruist has obtained the first joint-venture insurance agency license in Shenzhen as well. Altruist is also one of the ...
#41Bargaining Game with Altruistic and Spiteful Preferences ...
Bargaining Game with Altruistic and Spiteful Preferences ... Then, a comparative statics analysis with respect to players' altruism and spite ... 中文翻译: ...
#42Altruistic behavior: mapping responses in the brain | NAN
The tendency to engage in altruistic behaviors is associated with ... Here, we review existing theoretical models of altruism as well as ...
#44Altruist Client - Google Play 應用程式
Altruist helps you stay connected with your investments and your financial advisor. Download the app to view and track the progress of your financial life ...
#45altruistic中文,大家都在找解答。第3頁 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
altruistic中文 ,大家都在找解答第3頁。5 天前- altruism的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. willingness to do things that bring advantages to others, even if it results in ...
#46【攻略】Town of Us 模組角色簡介(繁中翻譯) - 哈啦區
倘若於復活期間無受到中斷,則被復活玩家復活成功,反之捐軀者將會白死而復活失敗。 遊戲設定:. 名稱. 敘述. 初始設定. Altruist Revive Duration.
#47altruist-薛習英文單字記憶法創意字根分解生動圖像聯想中文 ...
2013年10月31日星期四 · altruist · 單字解釋 · 英字分解 · 列根成形 · 創義薛說.
#48Altruistic Personality and Contingency Factors Influence ...
Abstract: Charitable donation is a typical prosocial behavior of human′s altruism. This study′s purposes are to examine the impact of altruistic personality ...
#49altruistic meaning 中文altruistic - Charlie W
selfishness, this word 「altruistic」 is an adjective. ALTRUISM | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary 翻譯API; 關于MyMemory; ...
#50A - altruistic 中文 - EN166
adj. 利他的,利他主義的。 -tically 副詞“altruistic adaptation“ 中文翻譯: 舍己適應“altruistic aggression“ 中文翻譯: 利他性攻擊“altruistic behavior“ 中文 ...
#51altruistic是什么意思- 利他的
altruistic 的中文意思:利他的,无私心的,点击查看详细解释:altruistic的中文翻译、altruistic的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握altruistic这个单词。
#52Altruist (@altruistcorp) • Instagram photos and videos
Altruist. Financial service. We're making great independent financial advice more affordable and accessible. Altruist Financial LLC, Member FINRA/ ...
#53Altruism can be good for business, as these companies show
Despite all the benefits that capitalism has brought to society, we have reached the moment when its downsides – social and environmental ...
#54Altruism on Steam
Altruism is the debut adventure game from Adam Bond Games. The player finds themselves in a mysterious place and is given the task of ...
altruist 文章包括altruist的英語章節、關於altruist的英語章節、描寫altruist的英語 ... altruist是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋: altruist詞語:altruist解釋:受他 ...
#57Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar Games Customer Support
The Altruist Cult support the Epsilon Cult as if you dress in the robes and greet them they will peacefully chant and or greet Kifflom.
#58Death of an Altruist - Tim Jackson
Death of an Altruist. BBC Radio 3; November 2003. Producer: Janet Whitaker 1h 08 min. Winter 1974. A policeman, a scientist, and a clergyman meet in a ...
#59altruistic moral theory 中文倫理利己主義 - Awzn
“altruistic moral theory”中文翻譯利他主義倫理學說“optional altruistic suicide”中文翻譯非強制利他性自殺“altruist”中文翻譯n. The basic problem is that it is ...
#60altruistic behavior中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
如果这个页面的内容能够帮你解决问题,请帮忙宣传我比你强问答社区。 回答. altruistic behavior中文意思是利他行为.
#62Campus Life Sophia dormitories—place for learning
Altruist Leadership Training Program. In addition to a variety of events, Sophia dormitory offers a leadership education program throughout the semester, ...
#63Altruist - The Free Dictionary
Define altruist. altruist synonyms, altruist pronunciation, altruist translation, English dictionary definition of altruist. n. 1. Unselfish concern for the ...
#64altruist - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典
英語編輯. 詞源編輯. 參見altruism。 名詞編輯. altruist(複數altruists). 利他主義者. This event couldn't have been possible without the efforts of the ...
#65The altruistic consumer isn't who you think it is | WARC
... consumers are increasingly aware – so goes the story. But Wasserman's Tom Lovegrove wasn't so sure. Here, he profiles the ethical altruists.
#66altruism 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
Free online talking dictionary with handwriting recognition, fuzzy pinyin matches, word decomposition, stroke order, character etymology, etc.
#67altruist - Collection - Broken English Jewelry
Altruist. Shop our collection from designer altruist. Our curated collections feature only the best in fine jewelry and luxury decor for the modern woman.
#68Altruistic House / Massive Order | ArchDaily
Completed in 2013 in Nuzha, Kuwait. Images by Nelson Garrido. The main design feature for Altruistic Residence centres on the fact that the ...
#69Altruist Daffodil | Breck's
Also adds interest to cut-flower bouquets. Plant these beauties with late-flowering tulips and early roses. Or combine them with bleeding hearts, euphorbia or ...
#70What is Altruistic Surrogacy? | Surrogate.com
However, most intended parents in altruistic surrogacy arrangements work with surrogates they already know. Because of the incredible selflessness required of ...
#71Altruist on Behance
Altruist is an LA fintech startup that's making investing fair for everyone, allowing real people to make more while paying less.
#72IVF Treatment | Altruistic Egg Donation - Salisbury Fertility ...
Altruistic donors give eggs to a clinic for a recipient they don't know, to be mixed with a partner's sperm, or donor sperm, and used in IVF/ICSI treatment.
#73Among Us职业小镇V2.0(30合1)食用手册 - BiliBili
然而,当他们只剩下一个任务时,狼人会得到一个指向告密者的箭头。 殉道者Altruist (即用自己的命换别人的命). 小队:船员. 利他主义 ...
#74The Psychopath, the Altruist and the Rest of Us - WSJ
Studies of psychopaths and extreme altruists suggest that their behavior could be linked to the amygdala, part of the brain.
#75altruism - Sesli Sözlük
altruism çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... altruism. listen to the pronunciation of altruism. İngilizce - Türkçe ...
#77Squawks & Headlines - FlightAware
... an effort to confuse the missile's tracking of the aircraft's heat. (www.nbcnews.com) More... Brent Bahler · Maxed Out · Promoter · Altruist · Announcer ...
#78altruist的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
altruist 的中文意思翻譯:n. 利他主義者,愛他主義者。altruist的中文翻譯、altruist的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、altruist的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
#80altruist - 用法_同义词_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选altruist是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、altruist的用法、altruist是什么意思 ...
#81Best Bistand Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
... اردو, العربية, فارسی, हिन्दी, বাংলা, ไทย, ქართული, 中文, 日本語, 한국어. show episodes ... Hva vil det si å være en effektiv altruist?
#82Why overly kind and moral people can rub you up the wrong ...
'Do-gooders' are often judged harshly. Why do we resent their acts of altruism or question their motives?
#83Altruism and Benevolence - Blum - - Major Reference Works
But such satisfaction is seldom the motive for engaging in beneficent action, and when it is, it is not a case of altruism at all. An altruist ...
#84全球正義與普世價值 - 第 84 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 惠於全球不公義 18 佛瑞・蓋特曼著:〈貴金屬的代價〉,《國家地理雜誌》中文網,2013 ... 應避免單從利他(altruist)的角度出發,同時亦不能不正視貧窮往往源自不公。
#85altruism | ethics | Britannica
altruism, in ethics, a theory of conduct that regards the good of others as the end of moral action. The term (French altruisme, derived from Latin alter, ...
#86Coupling and Deviating of Altruism-Voluntariness ...
altruism ; voluntariness; organ transplantation ... How should the organ donation decision based on their altruistic approach be evaluated within the scope ...
#87The 'Hedonistic Altruism' of Plant-Based Meat - The New York ...
Ethan Brown, the founder and C.E.O. of Beyond Meat, on his moral and environmental priorities.
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