

在 although句首產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 👍 俐媽英文教室:倒裝句 EEC孩子最近學完了所有的倒裝句,可別以為這文法高階又少見,它可是很常出現在寫作之中。光在Wild(那時候我只剩下勇敢)這本書裡,俐媽就找出好多倒裝佳句喔! 🚧 There, it would be easy to reach, should I need it. ...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過643的網紅Dickson Chai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[ 10年感情的道别 | Goodbye My 10 Years Relationship ] 10年真的不短,很遗憾无法一起走到最后。 求婚了,却早已错过应该发生的时间点。 面对瓶颈考验的爱情在挽救期中感性被理性打败了,写下句号。 我们分了。我们都很不舍,但确实分了。 很抱歉,令所有期待的家人...

although句首 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-31 12:36:51

高二三民版孩子反應, 上回俐媽post的倒裝句文法解釋, 救了他們的第一、三課。 有些孩子則請俐媽再多解釋第二課的倒裝句構, Here we go~~ ——————————————————————- 🎡 俐媽英文教室—倒裝句篇part 2: 3️⃣ 「雖然」的倒裝句: ❗️Adj./ Adv....

although句首 在 陪學生一起變得更好的英文老師 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-25 16:36:26

學錯文法 - 答案是B,你們答對了嗎? - 從以前背到現在的 Although 這組同意字,居然有 bug?今天就來帶大家看看 although、though 及 even though 的差別! - Although和though有50%的機會可以互換,就是都當「雖然」的時候。例如(A)中Alth...

  • although句首 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-06-17 21:56:31
    有 415 人按讚

    👍 俐媽英文教室:倒裝句
    🚧 There, it would be easy to reach, should I need it.
    ⚠️ 原句為There, it would be easy to reach, if I should need it. "可能性極低"的假設語氣中以should表示"萬一",又假設語氣中有三個字(had, should, were)可以形成倒裝--去掉連接詞if,再將had/should/were與主詞對倒。因而if I should need it變成了should I need it.
    🚧 Seldom did anyone manage to get it right, and even I stumbled over it a good portion of the time.
    ⚠️ Seldom表"不常",為否定字,置於句首時後面形成"be/aux. + S"的倒裝句形式。其它常見否定字有never, rarely, barely, scarcely, hardly, in no time, only, not until, not only...but also..., nowhere, little等等。
    🚧 I realized that under no circumstances while on my date tomorrow could I take off my pants.
    ⚠️ under no circumstances表"決不"(= never = in no way = by no means = on no condition = on no account)為否定字,故後面形成could I take off my pants的倒裝句構。
    🚧 As omnipresent as the snow was, I also sensed its waning, melting imperceptibly by the minute all around me.
    ⚠️ 原句為Although the snow was omnipresent,...,為強調形容詞omnipresent而將其置於句首,although the snow was順勢向後移,但although不能放在句中,因此改成though或as(較常見)。此句中的as即表"雖然"。omnipresent (a.) 無所不在的,字首omni- = all,而present為形容詞表"出席的;出現的"。
    🚧 Much as I wanted to open it that night on the trail, I wasn't willing to lug the empty bottle all the way to Timberline Lodge.
    ⚠️ 原句為Although I wanted to open it that night on the trail,...,表"雖然"的倒裝句只可強調adj./ adv./ N,因此要強調動詞時,要額外在句首加上副詞much。故Although I wanted to open it that night on the trail,... = Much as I wanted to open it that night on the trail, ...
    🚧 Into the box went the foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use.
    ⚠️ Here/ There/ 地方副詞/ 介副詞(i.e. into, away, off, in, out, up, down...)置於句首時,後面的主詞和動詞要對置形成倒裝句。The bus comes here. = Here comes the bus.,而The foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use went into the box. = Into the box (地方副詞) + went (動詞) + the foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use (主詞)。
    ⛽️ 注意:若主詞為代名詞時,則不倒裝,如He comes here. = Here (副詞) + he (主詞) + comes (動詞).
    🚧 As soon as I got my pack off, I lay on the tree as if it were a couch--a sweet respite from the ground.
    ⚠️ as soon as為連接詞表"一...就..."。本句亦可以寫成No sooner had I got my pack off than I lay on the tree as if... = Hardly/Scarcely had I got my pack off when/before I lay on the tree as if...
    ⛽️ "No sooner + had S Vpp + than + S + Ved"及"Hardly/Scarcely + had S Vpp + when/before + S + Ved"均為表"一...就..."的倒裝句構。
    👀 打完這些重點,俐媽的兩隻眼睛也倒裝啦~

  • although句首 在 Dickson Chai Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-12-19 15:45:13

    [ 10年感情的道别 | Goodbye My 10 Years Relationship ]





    在这里,至这位10年前为我化妆而邂逅的,10年来风雨不改以我为先的,让我在爱情里一夜长大的她 – Mey ,谢谢你一切付出、包容、体谅及信任,完整了我生活许多的缺失区块,也为我生命彩出了鲜艳的色彩。谢谢你总无条件地支持我每个决定,即使以世界为敌你还是站在我身旁。谢谢你无限的精神鼓励,让我即使在烂透的状态下也努力撑过去,因为我知道至少还有你这位铁粉的守候。万语千言在心中说不尽,我想你知道的。谢谢你,真心真心地谢谢你。正如我十年前为你写的歌 – “美丽意外“里的歌词,至今,我仍觉得遇见你是个美丽的意外,真的。

    容我忍泪再次公开说,Mey, 我爱你。


    最后,公开这首十年前写给她的歌,也是十年后我重新录制十周年版本向她求婚的作品。MV里记录了过去十年的精选画面,婚没求得成,但我们都认为这首歌是纪念这10年的最初;10年的最终,最佳的礼物,也要谢谢歌曲的幕后团队 :佳旺 (金马旺) 的 编曲 / 制作 / 录音 /配唱 ,沁嘉 的 合音编写 / 合音 , 文浩 的混音。他们是少数知道我求婚计划也期待着好消息的朋友。。。可惜让你们失望了,谢谢你们的一切付出与耐心,我都真心感激。


    是很意外,连我俩都为这样的今天感到意外,如果是注定意外,至少让它是个 [美丽意外],好吗?


    10 years, regret that we couldn’t make it till the end.

    I proposed, but had missed the right timing to do it right.
    After went through the consideration period, rational beat sentimental, it ended.
    Yes, we broke up. It’s really hard to accept, but yes, we broke up.

    Truly regret to all friends and families’ members who had expectation on us.For the past 10 years, she’s perfect. For all the wrong which I made, I’ll take all the blame. I’m truly sorry, for the relationship which I care so much.

    To all friends who care about both of us throughout these 10 years, thanks for witnessing us.
    To those who didn’t expect good ending, sorry for the long waiting.

    I would like to specially thank both of our family’s members. I can understand all the worries and dissatisfactions throughout the years. Really shouldn’t allow those to happen. I Sincerely apologize. Sorry.

    Hereby, I would like to thank her, the girl I crushed into when she did make up for me 10 years ago, the girl who always put me as priority for the past 10 years, the girl who used 10 years’ time to grew me up in the world of love – Mey , Thank you for everything, you completed a lot of my missing part in life and had brighten up my days with different colours. Thanks for always standing by my side although when the world disagree on me. Thanks for your bottomless mental support which let me went through lots of down time as I always know there’ll at least be a super fans forever, it’s you. As of now, I still feel like knowing you is 1 of the most beautiful accident in life, and you able to calmed me down whenever and wherever you were around. It’s more than words, I’m sure you knew it, thank you so much, sincerely.

    Allow me to hold my tears and say this 1 more time openly, Mey, I love you, as always.

    10 years long run coming to an end, for sure it’s really hurt and sad.
    But we’ll promise to bring along all happy memories and place each other at a special point in our heart. You will always be a person that I care about.

    Lastly, sharing out the song I wrote for her 10 years ago, and it’s being re-produced again into a 10th year anniversary version for my proposal purpose. The MV are made by all key moments we been through together. Although my proposal failed, but we do think it’s a best way to conclude and remember those 10 years, from the beginning to the end. Thanks to the song production team : Keon Chia (Golden Horse Award Winner 2020) for Music Arrangement, Produce, Recording, Vocal Guide. Thanks to Isabell Jia Jia for the background Vocal & Background Vocal Arrangement. Thanks to Haw Vee for the Mixing. They were the few who knew my proposal plan and awaiting the good news …. However, sorry to let you all down. Thanks to all the effort, it’s my honor to have you guys in this important journey and I deeply appreciate it in heart.

    Love actually is just you & me, but we decided to explain about this to avoid any assumptions as we got too many mutual friends. Thanks to all lovely wishes for the past 10 years. When you see this post, I believe our relationship status on FB had changed.

    Yes it’s really an accident to our relationship, even to ourselves. If it’s meant to be an accident, at least let it be a “Beautiful Accident”.

    Always express your LOVE before too late and appreciate he/her who still together with you. Best wishes to everyone.

    With Love, Sorry and Thanks.

    #美丽意外 #BeautifulAccident #ThanksForEverything #LOVE

    Music Production Team
    美丽意外 (2020十周年版)
    OP :Musictoxin Productions
    SP: Universal Music Publishing Sdn. Bhd.
    词Lyrics : Dickson蔡迪伸
    曲Composer : Dickson蔡迪伸
    编Arranged by : Keon Chia谢佳旺 @Burger Music Studio
    制作Produced by : Keon Chia谢佳旺 / Dickson蔡迪伸
    混音 Mixed by : Haw Vee魏文浩 @musicHaws Production
    和音编写Back up vocal arranged by : Isabell潘沁珈
    和音Back up vocal by : Isabell潘沁珈
    录音室Recording Studio : Tutti Studio

  • although句首 在 Natayi Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-04 15:00:03

    ♡ 支持 IU!支持廣東歌!♡

    ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NatayiK
    ► Instagram: NatayiK
    ► Snapchat: natayi
    ► Weibo: http://t.cn/Rt7o3Kw
    ► Inquiries: natayi@gmail.com

    ♥ Producer: Shihang Liu ♥
    ♥ Special thanks to my brother for helping me filming it! ♥

    夜信/Through the Night/밤편지 (Cover) 廣東話 | IU (아이유)

    支持 IU!支持廣東歌!

    久違的 cover 又來啦
    剛好又是 IU 的了 哈哈哈
    下次來 cover 唱點別的!

    但是在知道 IU 唱了這首
    夜信 Through the Night 的廣東話版的時候

    IU 都有唱廣東歌

    IU 竟然會讓人為自己的歌填上廣東話版的詞
    感動哭 T.T
    愛她 嘿嘿

    感謝 IU 的用心
    加上填詞人 陳詠謙 填上那麼好廣東話的歌詞
    想要把這首 夜信 Through the Night 唱給你們聽

    P.S. 特地跑去找了個很有香港特色的鐵閘來拍 XD

    【About this Video】
    夜信/Through the Night/밤편지 (Cover) Cantonese Version | IU (아이유)

    Love IU! Love Cantopop!

    Haven’t posted covers for a while
    So here is one~
    Well it’s IU’s songs again but I’ll definitely try something else next time!

    I was so excited to hearing IU singing Through the Night 밤편지 with canto lyrics in her concert!
    Although I didn’t have a chance to see her concert in Hong Kong
    I still screamed when I saw this video at home XD

    I kind of expected IU to sing some cantonese songs since she did it last time as well
    But I couldn’t believe that she asked someone to fill in its own canto lyrics for Through the Night!!
    I bet she really love Cantonese haha
    I love IU so much

    Thanks IU for putting so much heart in this
    The lyricist Chan Yong Him did a really great job in this
    (The lyrics are beautiful)
    So I wanted to bring to you all a cover of 夜信 Through the Night (Canto ver)
    Hope you guys like it!

    夜信 translates to “Letter at Night”

    作曲:김제휘, 김희원
    歌詞 Lyrics:

    長夜 一扇窗
    帶愛的心 藏心裡
    像 歡笑聲 仍然清脆
    螢火的光芒飛 遠去

    默 不作聲
    再吻你千遍 遐想裡
    乘著 著晚風 魂遊太虛
    尋找多溫柔的 愛侶

    海 翻了浪淹沒誰
    仍然很想你 徘徊夜空 穿過雨水
    我 為你寫 為你追

    可不可以躺下來 寄居
    螢火飛不回的 過去

    怎相遇 怎相隨
    多想念 和你一起安睡
    在那些天 美好的花蕾
    難敵世界 雨打風吹

    海 翻了浪淹沒誰
    仍然很想你 如何道出 一句千句
    我 為你寫 為你追

    可不可以躺下來 寄居

    長夜 一扇窗
    帶愛的信 回憶裡
    夢 的美好 仍然心醉
    螢火的光芒飛 遠去

    【Related Videos】
    IU (아이유) - 長夜 Through The Night (夜信) 廣東話版 中文字幕 [官方]

    Kayee Tam - IU - Through the night 夜信- 廣東話 (長夜) cover 譚嘉儀

    小背心 - IU - 夜信 (長夜 Through the night 아이유 ) Acoustic Cover

    Instrumental Music Track:

  • although句首 在 許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-06-27 21:35:57

    挑戰下先 ~

    A.I.N.Y. (愛你)

    作曲:Lupo Groing, G.E.M.
    編曲:Lupo Groing
    監製:Lupo Groing

    分開以後每個夜晚 格外的寂靜
    滴答滴答 剩大鐘在陪着我回憶
    現在只有空氣 冷漠地回應

    OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
    一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 能否再也不分離
    OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
    就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 可能你也不想聼

    你的擁抱曾經是 最溫暖最熟悉
    現在一劃一筆 刺在我心裡

    OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
    (I gave you everything, Never Asked for anything)
    一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 能否再也不分離
    (I wish that you could stay, Ha! It's just my wishful thinking)
    OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
    (I gave you everything, But all I got is pain)
    就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 可能你也不想聼 你不想聼
    (Although my heart is bleeding, You still don't feel a thing)
    更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網

    回憶 對你最後的回憶
    (回憶 最後的回憶)
    是你 慢慢走遠的身影
    然後你 離開了沒有痕跡
    (然後你 離開)
    然後我 崩潰了放縱哭泣
    (然後我 哭泣)
    恨你恨你 每當我想起曾經
    (恨你 每當我想起你 每當我想起曾經)


    OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
    (I gave you everything, Never Asked for anything)
    一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 難道你也不想聽
    (I wish that you could stay, Ha! It's just my wishful thinking)
    OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
    (I gave you everything, But all I got is pain)
    就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 不值得為你傷心 傷心
    (Although my heart is bleeding, You still don't feel a thing)

