

在 thirst產品中有851篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【秋日養生】秋天水果不只得梨子 ⭐吃水果前分清自己寒熱底 ⭐平性水果寒熱體質皆宜 #星期四食材 秋日常見水果多偏涼 秋日常見水果如梨、柚子、楊桃、柿子等屬性都偏涼適合秋天天氣乾燥時候適量食用。梨子有生津潤燥的功效,有助紓緩秋燥帶來的不適,但體質偏寒、脾胃虛弱不宜多吃。而「寒底人」宜選擇屬性平和或...

 同時也有150部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2021/09/02生命療癒紀實 #病毒與意識 #太陽黑子與病毒 #太陽黑子與人體意識的變化 400年、 太陽黑子變化, 與意識的重組。 400Years、 Sunspot changes and reorganization of consciousness. /.療癒紀實 王大喜(Rasta...

thirst 在 ᴵᴿᴵˢ? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 08:59:37

日本名水13℃#popyummy 炎炎的夏天,最需要喝水來解身體所需要的水份,來自日本熊本阿蘇火山天然水,含豐富的礦物質,水份無雜質,用來烹煮飲用我都使用的很安心。 本身住在南部地區的我,對於平常飲用水我一直都很謹慎,第一次喝到來自日本熊本的礦泉水,真的跟台灣水質喝起來口感完全不一樣。6000m...

thirst 在 韋羅莎 Rosa Maria Velasco Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 10:38:00

🌜just sharing, not selling🌛 Stuff I’ve recently used and really like~ 1. 🛁Neom Body Wash . . . . . Love the scent of black pepper with lime and ros...

  • thirst 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 18:01:39
    有 64 人按讚





    梨 — 性寒,有生津潤燥、清熱止咳化痰的功效,適合口乾、喉嚨痛、便秘、暗瘡等偏熱症狀人士食用。

    柚子 — 性寒,有清熱消滯、下氣化痰、醒酒的作用,適合消化不良、胃脹、噯氣人士、宿醉未解人士食用。

    楊桃 — 性寒,有清熱生津、止咳、解酒的功效,適合因為煙酒過多、經常熬夜而出現的肺熱咳嗽、黃痰。

    柿子 — 性寒,有清熱潤肺、生津止渴的功效,適合痔瘡出血、大便乾結人士食用。


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Autumn fruits are usually cool in nature
    Fruits we see during autumn such as pear, pomelo, starfruit, and persimmon are cool in nature. Hence, they are suitable to be eaten during the dry autumn season.

    Pear can relieve the discomfort caused by autumn dryness, as it can induce salivation and quench thirst, but individuals with a cold body and a weak spleen and stomach should not consume it excessively.

    Those with a cold body should opt for fruits that are warm or mild in nature. For instance, grapes (induces salivation and strengthens the spleen), fig (strengthens the stomach and moistens the intestines), and guava (induces salivation and quench thirst).

    🔥 Common symptoms of people with heat-related body condition: reddish complexion, dry eyes, enjoy cold beverages, prone to dry mouth, yellowish urine, dry stool
    ❄️ Common symptoms of people with cold-related body condition: pale complexion, aversion to cold, enjoy hot beverages, partial body pain when encountering wind and cold, loose stool

    Pear – cold in nature; can induce saliva secretion, moisten the body, clear heat and phlegm; is suitable for individuals with heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, constipation and acne.

    Pomelo – cold in nature; can clear heat and relieve stagnation, clear the qi and phlegm, aid digestion and relieve hang over. It is suitable for those with digestion, bloating and belching problems, as well as those with a hangover.

    Starfruit – cold in nature; can clear heat and induce saliva secretion, induce diuresis, relieve a cough and a hangover; suitable to relieve heaty lungs and coughs as well as the secretion of yellow phlegm that normally happen to frequent smokers and night owls.

    Persimmon – cold in nature; can clear heat and moisten the lungs, induce saliva secretion and quench one’s thirst; suitable for individuals with bleeding hemorrhoids and dry stools.

    *Those with cold-related body condition, as well as those with a weak and cold spleen and stomach should avoid eating.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #我畏冷 #水果 #寒底人 #熱底人

  • thirst 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-15 18:02:04
    有 86 人按讚



    ✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻



    番茄 — 性涼,有生津止渴、健胃消食、涼血平肝功效,適合發熱口乾、食慾不振者食用,它亦有護膚美白的功效。惟注意番茄性涼,胃寒人士不宜食用,寒性痛經女士在月經期間勿吃,胃酸過多者不宜空腹食用。

    1. 所有材料洗淨,番茄切件;薯仔去皮切塊;椰菜及西芹切塊備用。
    2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Making soup in a foreign country
    Tomato mung bean soup can combat summer-heat

    ✈️ Hong Kong citizens are used to drinking soup to maintain our health, but how do we make soup when we have immigrated to another country? It might not be easy to get our hands on the ingredients, but as long as we pay attention to the nature of the ingredients, we will still be able to make healthy and tasty soups! 💪🏻

    ”I recently moved to Los Angeles, which has sunny weather that makes me feel hot all the time. Do you have any soup to recommend?”

    CheckCheckCin: People often regard the sunny sky as good weather, but it could be a problem when heat accumulates and becomes a pathogenic factor. According to Chinese Medicine theories, the pathogenic factor can invade the body and exhaust the yin, and this is why we experience dry mouth and sore throat easily.

    When the body cannot dissipate heat on time, yin-yang balance is disrupted, causing us to develop a heatstroke. Therefore, individuals who live in dry and warm areas should consume soups and vegetables that are cool in nature such as tomato, celery, green/white radish, Chinese cabbage, not forgetting mung beans, which can relieve the summer-heat and clear toxins from the body.

    Tomato - cool in nature, has the effects of promoting fluid promotion, quenching thirst, strengthening the stomach, aiding digestion, cooling blood and calming the liver. Suitable for fever, dry mouth, those with poor appetite. It can nourish and whiten skin. But it is cool in nature making it not suitable for those with cold stomachs. Women with cold type menstrual pain should not eat tomatoes during menstruation. Those with gastric hyperacidity should not consume it with an empty stomach.

    Tomato and potato soup with mung bean
    Effects: Clears heat and strengthens the spleen, relieves dry mouth, sore throat, stuffiness and other symptoms caused by hot weather.
    Ingredients: 3 tomatoes, 2 potatoes, 1/2 cabbage, 2 stalks of celery, 20g mung bean
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut the tomato into pieces. Peel the potato and cut into pieces. Cut the cabbage and celery into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #喉嚨痛

  • thirst 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-13 14:06:49
    有 16 人按讚

    🌜just sharing, not selling🌛
    Stuff I’ve recently used and really like~

    1. 🛁Neom Body Wash
    . . . . .
    Love the scent of black pepper with lime and rose!!!!

    2. 🛀Kiehl’s Calendula Foaming Face Wash
    🛀Brightening & Exfoliating Daily Cleanser
    . . . . .
    I like to alternate face cleaners to keep my face “awake” and these two are my favorite, leaving my skin smooth, clean and soft.

    3. 🦠Erbaviva Hand Sanitizer
    . . . . .
    Kills germs, doesn’t dry out my hands and I love the compliments everytime time I use it, people be like “ooohh what’s that nice smell?”😎
    (My second 235ml already, finished again!)

    4. 🚿Lesse Refining Cleanser
    . . . . .
    Once a week I use this micro exfoliating cleanser for a good pore cleansing.

    5. 💦Caudalie Thirst Quenching Serum
    . . . . .
    Quickly absorbed by skin, no sticky-icky feeling, no more thirsty skin✌🏻

    6. 🧼Slowood Cinnamon Swirl Bar Soap
    . . . . .
    I was never a bar soap fan, but now that I have to wash my hands 200 times a day, I’m up for something new, plus I love cinnamon in anything so cinnamon soap? Yes please.
    I’m a strong believer of not sticking to one product for a long time, constant change keeps skin alert to what’s new and adapts, I came up with that “philosophy”, and so far, results are not too shabby😎

  • thirst 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-03 23:11:12

    #病毒與意識 #太陽黑子與病毒 #太陽黑子與人體意識的變化

    Sunspot changes
    and reorganization of consciousness.
    /.療癒紀實 王大喜(Rasta Wang)

    (Apple Music)

    *今日章節;Daily chapter:
    「不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。 正如我們一個身子上有好些肢體,肢體也不都是一樣的用處。 我們這許多人,在基督裏成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此。 按我們所得的恩賜,各有不同。或說預言,就當照着信心的程度說預言; 或作執事,就當專一執事;或作教導的,就當專一教導; 愛人不可虛假。惡,要厭惡;善,要親近。 不要以惡報惡;眾人以為美的事要留心去做。 親愛的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,寧可讓步,聽憑主怒;因為經上記着:「主說:『伸冤在我,我必報應。』」 所以,「你的仇敵若餓了,就給他吃,若渴了,就給他喝;因為你這樣行就是把炭火堆在他的頭上。」 你不可為惡所勝,反要以善勝惡。」
    ‭‭羅馬書‬ ‭12:2, 4-7, 9, 17, 19-21‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬
    「And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. For even as we have many members in one body, and all the members have not the same office: so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and severally members one of another. And having gifts differing according to the grace that was given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of our faith; or ministry, let us give ourselves to our ministry; or he that teacheth, to his teaching; Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Render to no man evil for evil. Take thought for things honorable in the sight of all men. Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath of God: for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord. But if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him to drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.」
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2, 4-7, 9, 17, 19-21‬ ‭ASV‬‬


    Donation for us as below(樂捐):
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    Dream Walker: RastaWang.com

  • thirst 在 Tess Chung Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-21 00:00:25

    Please don't forget to subscribe :)
    follow me on insta too
    tiktok @tesschung

    Products used
    fourth ray beauty thirst aid priming moisturizer
    colourpop pretty fresh hydrating setting mist
    colourpop brow styling wax - clear
    got2b glue
    mmmmitchel x beautybay palette
    morphe 2 hint hint skintint - hint of creme
    elf hydrating camo conealer - fair warm
    colourpop blush stix - invite only
    nabla skin bronzing - soft revenge
    charlotte tilbury Instant Eyeshadow Palette - Pillow Talk Collection

    age 35
    skin type : dry sensitive
    skin tone: fair-light neutral leaning warm undertone

    The Millennial Club - girls that ain't u - https://thmatc.co/?l=5AB6F276
    Middle Eastern Soda - French Skies - https://thmatc.co/?l=60E5A03D
    andreas owens - speaking with my chest - https://thmatc.co/?l=7F77FCF6
    andreas owens - bad4you - https://thmatc.co/?l=7A4786BE

    FTC: this video is not sponsored. i purchased everything.

  • thirst 在 Tess Chung Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-25 00:30:02

    Please don't forget to subscribe :)

    follow me on insta too
    tiktok @tesschung

    Product tried on
    Melt Cosmetics
    Brunet Eyeshadow Palette $48
    Ariel x Morphe Eye brush set

    look 1
    colourpop creme gel pencil - lattice

    look 2
    colourpop creme gel pencil - macrame

    look 3
    rimmel scandal eyeliner - green
    colourpop creme gel liner - extra frosting
    essence lash princess

    What's on my face
    colourpop thirst aid priming moisturizer
    Colourpop tinted moisturizer - light 6w
    revlon candid concealer 05 fair
    one size turn up the base powder - 3N
    artist couture powder - cream puff
    patrick ta double take powder and creme blush - do we know her?
    em cosmetics heavens glow - fade clementine
    patrick ta silky lip creme - she's secure

    age 35
    skin type : dry sensitive
    skin tone: fair-light neutral leaning warm undertone

    FTC: This video is not sponsored. I purchased everything.

    VirgoZilla Beatz - Ruby - https://thmatc.co/?l=3C85E327
    Coodysan - Solarium - https://thmatc.co/?l=21E8CD9A
    Naomi - Individualism - https://thmatc.co/?l=6473352B

    The Millennial Club - MI - https://thmatc.co/?l=909C81E7

    #meltbrunetpalette #asianhoodedeyes #3look1palette #hoodedeyestutorial

