在 thirst中文產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅讀書e誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 從夜店推廣者,成為慈善創業家 從促銷酒精,到為貧者的乾淨飲用水奮戰 “一個人就足以讓希望存在,而那個人可以是你。然後就有下一個你,再下一個你,直到這一切集結成為一個“我們”...當有了"我們"-- 就會形成一股翻轉的力量” --教宗 方濟各,2017 TED talk “A single in...
thirst中文 在 CHE?頡 Design | Travel | 旅遊|景點 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-07-11 08:52:18
✨文末有中文✨ 🤍🤍😻White Sands National Park 😻🤍🤍 the world’s largest gypsum dune field. It’s so mesmerizing & surreal 😭💖 I thought place like this only exist ...
thirst中文 在 ₱Ɇ₳₵Ɇ靖 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2020-06-17 11:13:57
我們非常開心的報告PEACE靖的第13首作品發行、「LIAR」 上架了! We are very excited to announce the release of PEACE靖's new single, "LIAR"! PEACE靖の新シングル「LIAR」がリリースされました!! . ××...
thirst中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-05-07 04:47:10
【宜蘭美食】【宜蘭市】 💁🏼♂️冷白粉圓 ⠀ ⠀ 📍宜蘭縣 / Yilan Country 📌宜蘭市/Yilan City. ⠀ ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 看似不起眼的古早味路邊攤 有著大紅字招牌「粉圓20元」 內用位置偏少空間偏小🙇🏼 (外帶客人居多,內用碗裝外帶杯子) ⠀ 路過順腳停下來買一杯解渴...
thirst中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
“一個人就足以讓希望存在,而那個人可以是你。然後就有下一個你,再下一個你,直到這一切集結成為一個“我們”...當有了"我們"-- 就會形成一股翻轉的力量” --教宗 方濟各,2017 TED talk
“A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you, and then there will be another you, and another you, until it turns into an us... and when there is an us there begins a revolution" -- Pope Francis, TED
這應該是全世界最大的貧民區乾淨飲用水慈善機構之一。創辦者Scott Harrison 戲如人生的故事。在保守基督教家庭中長大的他,因著媽媽一氧化碳中毒產生的後遺症,讓他和爸爸不斷的為媽媽的健康奮戰。原本是懂事的孩子到了青少年時期,突然厭惡自己的生活。之後逃離家庭,做盡各種之前被禁止的事,成為父母眼中的浪子(但父母並沒有放棄他,一直為他祈禱著)。他因緣際會在紐約成為一名還算成功的夜店推廣者(nightclub promoter),每晚在各大夜店想辦法邀請名人來想辦法製造令人羨慕的金錢/狂歡/美女的派對。歷經了接近10年他表面光鮮亮麗內心卻極度的貧乏,也被酒精、香菸、毒品所捆綁,有幾次想要逃離卻發現自己無法離開。直到有一天,發生一件讓他極度驚嚇的事情,他拼命地找尋躲避的地點,竟然意外的上了一艘前往西非的醫療輪船,成為義診團的攝影師。而這個經驗也徹底的改變了他的一生。
當他發現不乾淨的水是許多疾病以及孩童死亡的源頭時,他追根究底的決定要幫助當地人挖井。但回到紐約了他毫無這方面的技巧或是人脈,於是他就善用自己最棒的一項專長 --舉辦一場派對,在這當中他分享所見,他募款,他用強而有力的說故事,感動許多人,成功的募集第一筆款項,也讓他決定,這就是他人生的使命。
書中有很多感人的故事,也講到他作為領袖學習的經過,還有經營一個慈善團體會碰到的矛盾和指責(例如被捐款者控告),以及作為夜店派對推廣者,他種種令人驚喜的創意 (讓人們捐贈自己的生日已募款,還有用VR讓捐款者即時見證鑿井成功的那一刻,等等),寫的還蠻有誠意的。其中有兩個女孩的故事,對比格外的鮮明:
一名9歲的美國女孩 Rachael 原本希望在生日之前,募得一定的善款,提供乾淨的水給需要的人,她後來的目標數字沒有達到,而且不幸的在不久之後車禍身亡。她的母親把他這項遺願放到網路上。結果網路驚人的力量竟然募得了一百二十萬美金的善款。當母親被邀請親自去一個村莊觀看鑿井成功的過程。當地的媽媽抱著她,感謝的說 “我們都曾經歷經失去孩子的痛。但你女兒的死,卻為我們的孩子帶來生命的盼望”
相信大部分的人都很願意成為別人的幫助,但面對這些巨大的問題,常常有一種渺小的無力感-- 我真的能帶來什麼不同嗎?作者在西非那艘輪船上的醫生跟他講過一個故事,或許可以給我們一點點啟發:
曾經有一個女孩臉上的腫瘤發出惡臭以至於被村民驅逐。當她聽說有這麼一艘醫療船,她鼓起勇氣這輩子第一次離開熟悉的地方想要尋求幫助。在排隊等候當中,她極度的害怕,一度想要轉身回去。但就在那一刻,有一名義工看到她,輕拍著她的肩膀說 “我們想要幫助你!”,這是她過去十多年來第一次有人觸碰她,於是她就決定留下來尋求醫治。沒有人知道那一名義工是誰,但他的小小舉動卻改變了另一個人的生命。
thirst中文 在 買動漫 Facebook 的精選貼文
《Sword Art Online 刀劍神域 (23) Unital ring Ⅱ》
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「Thirst Point」也僅剩下一點點的絕境當中,
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thirst中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答
#到底我地係咪行緊雨傘條舊路【#AntiELAB Movement vs #UmbrellaMovement: are #HKers walking on the old path?】
5/ Global reach for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.t 11 pm on 30 June 2020:
1/ HK's protests have indeed reduced due to the COVID19 and the National Security Law. Hong Kong Government mass arrests protestors, and crackdown on the education, mass media, medical and judicial industries. But, NO, we're not walking the old path of division between different sides in the pro-democracy bloc. In fact, we're winning. Here's why:
2/ In 2014,
- 70% of polls call for the occupation to stop
- Division within Pro-democracy bloc
- Average results in the District Council Election
- Pro-Beijing bloc gained 57% seats in Legislative Council
- CCP's economic diplomacy is doing well
- Few countries support HK
3/ From 2019 till now,
- Pro-democracy bloc swept 85% of the seats in the District Council Election
- it's likely for the pro-democracy bloc to gain more than half of the seats in the Legislative Council Election, which forced the #CCP to cancel the election
Polls did by 香港民意研究計劃 HKPOP request by Reuters showed that
- 70% support an independent investigation committee
- 63% support universal suffrage of the Legislative Council and Chief Executive
- 58% support Carrie Lam to step down
- 56% oppose the riot characterization of the antiELAB Movement
- 49% support the release of the arrested people
- 60% oppose the NationalSecurityLaw
- 31% support the NationalSecurityLaw
- 57% vote for pro-democracy candidates
- 25% vote for pro-government candidates
4/ Normally, public opinion of social movements will reverse after a while, like the #UmbrellaMovement, #BlackLivesMatter and the #YellowVests. But after a year, the majority of public opinion is still on the protestors' side ...
5/ Global reac for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.t 11 pm on 30 June 2020:
- Jul 1: over 100k people took to the streets
- Jul 11-12: over 610k people vote in the democratic preliminary election
- Aug 12: 530k copies of 香港蘋果日報 Apple Daily were sold & 282 tocks are sold after Jimmy Lai was arrested
- Aug 27: all HKers dressed in black to say no to the Police rewriting what happened on 21 Jul 2019
- Aug 31: hundreds mourned for the #831PrinceEdwardAttack
6/ Gobal reactions
🇺🇸: Sanctioning HK and CCP officials and change "made in HK" to "made in China"
🇬🇧: Banned the buying of Huawei and offering HKers "lifeboats"
🇦🇺: US-Japan South China Sea military exercise took place in Australia. CCP intimidated journalists in Beijing
🇪🇺: Stop exporting sensitive tech and treat HK the same way as China
🇩🇪: Wang Yi intimidated Czech Senate speaker
Miloš Vystrčil for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.
🇫🇷: Forced telcos to ditch @Huawei and announced of won't treat China naively
🇨🇦: Showed no sign of thawing with China. Hostage diplomacy continues to deadlock.
🇯🇵: partnered closely with the Five Eyes and acted tougher after 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting was arrested
🇮🇳: border clashes continued and ditched Chinese mobile apps like WeChat, Alipay and Tik Tok.
🇹🇼: international reputation continued to rise after having the least COVID19 confirmed cases in the world with its anti-pandemic policy
🇭🇰: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany ended extradition agreements
7/ #HongKongers have achieved remarkable results fighting against the second-largest, evilest country in the world in just one year. The idea of phoenixism is that we know the chance of winning is low, so we try to increase the costs beard by the #CCP to achieve what we demand.
8/ Everyday we are guided by our thirst for freedom and a sense of duty to bring democracy to our children and grandchildren. So long as we follow that path, we will always be on the right side of history. The island of HK may be small the resolve of its people is anything but.
╞#存亡號召 #絕處逢生