

在 stipulate產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📰 Maskless Taiwanese will be 'persuaded' before being punished 🀄針對未戴口罩的台灣人,先勸說後罰款 TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) ...


stipulate 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-08 03:16:18

Negotiating (2)- Distancing yourself from a situation 有啲時候想講一啲general beliefs而唔係自己一個咁諗, 從而令件事聽落較為客觀,你可以考慮將自己同個人意見嘅距離拉遠,用reporting verb嘅passive form同it...

  • stipulate 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-22 21:44:07
    有 484 人按讚

    📰 Maskless Taiwanese will be 'persuaded' before being punished


    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced Friday (May 21) that city and county governments agree that people not wearing masks in public should first be "persuaded" before being fined.

    📌 台北(台灣新聞)—中央流行病控制中心(CECC) 週五宣布,市縣政府同意,在公共場所未戴口罩者,應先被“勸說”,然後再被罰款。

    As the country continues to report triple-digit coronavirus cases on a daily basis, the CECC declared Wednesday (May 19) that Level 3 restrictions would go into effect the following day. One of the main regulations for this alert is, "All people must wear masks at all times when going out."

    📌 隨著台灣繼續每天報告三位數的冠狀病毒病例,CECC於週三宣布,第三級限制將於第二天生效。此警報的主要規定之一是:“所有人外出時必須全程戴口罩。”

    On Thursday, controversy erupted over whether people driving alone are required to wear a mask, according to Level 3 restrictions, with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) personnel stating that while the provisions do not clearly stipulate that people must wear a mask while driving, the definition of "going out" is the moment someone leaves their residence. They pointed out, however, that enforcement of regulations and penalties would vary with the local government.

    📌 根據第3級限制,週四爆發了關於是否獨自駕駛的人,必需佩戴口罩的爭議,疾病控制中心 (CDC) 的工作人員指出,儘管相關規定並未明確規定人們在駕駛時必須戴口罩, “走出去”的定義是某人離開住所的那一刻。他們指出,但是,法規和處罰的執行會因地方政府而異。

    CECC Spokesman Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) on Thursday evening said that the issue is up to the discretion of local governments. Given that different counties and cities have different interpretations of the mask rules, Chuang said a meeting on Friday would establish a consistent standard.


    At a Friday press conference, CECC deputy chief Chen Tsung-yen (陳宗彥) put official policy into reverse by proclaiming that if a motorist is driving alone, they are separated from others and therefore do not need to wear a mask. However, if two or more people occupy a vehicle, each occupant must wear one.

    📌 在周五的新聞發布會上,CECC副局長陳宗彥宣布官方政策轉向,宣佈如果駕車者獨自駕駛,他們會與他人分開,因此不需要戴口罩。但是,如果兩個或兩個以上的人在車輛內,則每個乘員都必須佩戴一個。

    Regarding the penalties for not wearing a mask, Chen said a standard fine of between NT$3,000 (US$100) and NT$15,000 for violating the Communicable Disease Control Act (傳染病防治法) had been agreed upon. However, Chen emphasized that those caught not wearing a mask in public should first be "persuaded" to wear their mask properly.

    📌 關於不戴口罩的罰款,陳說,對於違反《傳染病防治法》的標準罰款為3,000新台幣至15,000新台幣。但是,陳強調,在公共場所未佩戴口罩的被捕者,應先“說服”他們正確佩戴口罩。

    If a person fails to heed the directive to wear a mask, the fine will then be imposed, said Chen. In response to media reports of unruly passengers and pedestrians refusing to wear a mask, Chen said that a strategy of "rational persuasion" should be adopted and, "There is no need to become confrontational with the few people who shirk the rules."

    📌 陳說,如果一個人不聽指令戴口罩,將處以罰款。對於媒體關於不守規矩的乘客和行人拒絕戴口罩的報導,陳說,應該採取“理性勸說”的策略,“沒有必要與少數違反規則的人對抗。”

    When asked by a member of the media if people can eat in parks, Chen said that masks are now required at all times in parks. He suggested that if a person wants to have a meal, they should order it to go and can eat it at home or their office.

    📌 當被媒體問到人們是否可以在公園裡吃飯時,陳說,現在公園裡一直都需要戴口罩。他建議,如果一個人想吃飯,就應該點餐帶回家中或辦公室裡用餐。

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/mqWA71

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    Taiwan plans to extend the quarantine time for arriving flight crews to seven days and stipulate that they must be housed in designated facilities during that time, Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai (王國材) said Monday.

  • stipulate 在 張雅琴主播 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-19 21:00:02
    有 3,894 人按讚


    derecognised 終止承認
    imminent 即將來臨
    rhetorical 修辭的
    norm 規範
    ammunition 彈藥
    stipulate 規定
    bilateral trade agreement 雙邊貿易協定

    雅琴英語教室,#Cathy Abc

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